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Klaus Schwab & WEF Has A New Logo - A Swastika!

Started by G.L.R., Sun 25 Dec 2022

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Klaus Schwab has a new logo: a swastika, and it fits him !

November 27, 2022

In fact, the logo for the meeting of the World Economic Forum in the luxury hotel "The Athenee" in Bangkok comes in two versions: one dense, with lots of flowers, and one more in the shape of a clear cross.

The second version of the symbol for the "APEC CEO Summit Thailand 2022" is now enraging WEF critics on the web: They see an "inverted swastika" in it and insult the founder of the WEF, the German Klaus Martin Schwab .The numerous conspiracy theories that now exist about the World Economic Forum could now be fired up again with this logo, which may have been used inconsiderately... In any case, the flower logo connected to the cross is causing an emotional debate about the World Economic Forum, whose founder also recently appeared at the G20 summit in Bali. In addition to the globally recognized achievements of the WEF, the criticism of this forum from numerous media should also be mentioned. The Süddeutsche Zeitung said that the WEF had "degenerated into a money-printing machine run like a family business". And the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that the WEF's financial reports were not very transparent.

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