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WRL & POW Cory Traxler Needs Your Help

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sun 23 Aug 2015

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Hi, I am a friend of Cory Traxler, an imprisoned White Nationalist whom you may know. In 2009 he was sent to federal prison for firearms violations.

Cory has been a devoted activist for our struggle for several years, organizing two state efforts, and working with numerous other national organizations including, NSM, American Renissance, National Alliance, Church of the Creator, and several Skinhead groups.

Cory is getting ready to be released from prison, and we have created a gofundme page to try and help him raise some money for his family to purchase a vehicle for him. There are more details at:

I understand that times are hard financially right now, but even a few dollars will help us reach our goal. Please feel free to share this link with anyone who you might feel would be interested. 

Thank you for your time.


QuoteSecond Chance at Life

Hey, thanks for visiting the gofundme page for Cory. Cory has been in federal prison since 2009 for simple possession of a firearm, and is finally reaching the end of his sentence and is trying to prepare for a new life outside of prison. We are trying to help him raise enough money to allow his family to purchase him a vehicle before he gets out so we might help to ensure his success upon release. Starting over with nothing is a difficult time for anyone, and if we can at least have a vehicle for him to get back and forth to work with, it will make things so much easier for him to find this success.

Cory has been taking classes and learning new skills that will help him secure a decent job when he comes home, and has even been working a job in the Federal Prison Industries factory where he works as an industrial sewer making uniforms for the U.S. Armed Services. His wages from this work are deposited into a pre-release savings account which he will also use towards the purchase of this vehicle, however, federal inmates are by law given very meager wages, and even working 50-60 hours per week, he only earns roughly $40.00 each month, and it would be great if we can help him reach his goal. He doesn't need anything fancy, just something to get him to work and back until he can get on his feet again. The great thing is, Cory and his family are mechanically inclined, so they will be able to get a working vehicle with virtually any amount raised. so, ANY amount will help and would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions please contact Cynthia at Thank you so much for helping Cory get a second chance at life.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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