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The W.I.T. Program - Whites In Togetherness

Started by Rev.JohnBarletta, Fri 07 Oct 2022

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This is something different. It's an idea meant for in prisons, but it's also a lesson for those on the outside ...

Whites In Togetherness
A Church of Creativity Prison Outreach Program

In understanding the W.I.T. program, let us first define the meaning of the word WIT.

In the dictionary, "Wit" is defined as:
1) Reasoning Power: Intelligence.
2) Mental Soundness.
3) Resourcefulness, Ingenuity: Especially quickness, and Cleverness in handling words, and ideas.   
4) A talent for making clever remarks: And or witty remarks.

The reason why W.I.T. has been chosen for the name of this program is, the meaning of the word W.I.T. is what we want for our White Race.

A) We want reasoning power in order to control what goes on amongst our race for the betterment of our race, the reasoning power to protect and defend the safety of each member of our race, to uphold the integrity of our race ...

B) To bring our people to a higher social and intellectual level of awareness ...

C) In order for this to work, we must have: A Sound Mind, In a Sound Body, In a Sound Society, and a Sound Environment ...

D) With Whites in Togetherness, we can have more resourcefulness amongst our people, because we'll be working together as one ...

E) We must be quick and clever in handling all things that's may occur.  Or the handling of any ideas that are beneficial to our race ...

F) We all have our own talent in which we excel at, these individual talents will play a roll in this program ... these talents are not only in our remarks, but our actions, and overall being ...

G) To attempt to continue without this program, our race will be doomed. Engulfed by a sea of colored muds, life would be a living hell, which we don't want.

That's why we bring fourth this program to strive ever upwards to better our race, to secure the existing and future survival of our race by any and all means - in order to live in peace among our own kind.

We realize that there will be some who may already have their own belief system; being a Religion, Member of a club, or social or political organization et cetera .... We do not wish to interfere with these beliefs at all.

What we are asking is that we unite together as one for our race and our culture that we all love, to do all we can to preserve, and protect it together.

Simply put, the name of this program: "WHITES IN TOGETHERNESS"

Respectfully, yours in this Struggle, 

Rev. John Barletta.

Wit | Etymology, Origin & Meaning

wit (noun)
"mental capacity," Old English wit, witt, more commonly gewit "understanding, intellect, sense; knowledge, consciousness, conscience," from Proto-Germanic *wit- (source also of Old Saxon wit, Old Norse vit, Danish vid, Swedish vett, Old Frisian wit, Old High German wizzi "knowledge, understanding, intelligence, mind," German Witz "wit, witticism, joke," Gothic unwiti "ignorance"), from PIE root *weid- "to see," metaphorically "to know." Related to Old English witan "to know" (source of wit (v.)).

Meaning "ability to connect ideas and express them in an amusing way" is first recorded 1540s; that of "person of wit or learning" is from late 15c. For nuances of usage, see humor (n.). Witjar was old slang (18c.) for "head, skull." Witling (1690s) was "a pretender to wit."

A witty saying proves nothing. [Voltaire, Diner du Comte de Boulainvilliers]
Wit ought to be five or six degrees above the ideas that form the intelligence of an audience. [Stendhal, "Life of Henry Brulard"]

wit (verb)
"to know" (archaic), Old English witan (past tense wast, past participle witen) "to know, beware of or conscious of, understand, observe, ascertain, learn," from Proto-Germanic *witanan "to have seen," hence "to know" (source also of Old Saxon witan, Old Norse vita, Old Frisian wita, Middle Dutch, Dutch weten, Old High German wizzan, German wissen, Gothic witan "to know"), from PIE root *weid- "to see." The phrase to wit, almost the only surviving use of the verb, is first recorded 1570s, from earlier that is to wit (mid-14c.), probably a loan-translation of Anglo-French cestasavoir, used to render Latin videlicet (see viz.).
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
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