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Serbian Creators Have Received a Donation of Books

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 12 Mar 2020

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The Creators in Serbia have received a donation in books from (former) Rev. Rudy STANKO, Church of the Creator.


In reply to a lot of messages:
Come on ... You don't know Rudy STANKO?
He's the biggest conman Creativity's ever seen.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


As I saw, they did not translate White Man's Bible who is translated on Croatian (it is basically same language as Russian and Ukraine. Edit: now I see on your web that you accept Croatian translations).

What I would want to see is translation of the book "On the Brink of Bloody Racial War" it is in my opinion the best Creator book and Klassen's biography "Against the Evil Tide". 

What are laws in Serbia. Is it allowed to be a Creator without police repression? I know that Creators in Slovakia translated lot of Creator books, however I do not understand their language even if I am Slav. It is nice to see how is Creator books translated in Russian language because Russia and Eastern Europe will be only White areas where would be Whites majority in 2100.

It is time that Creator books must be translated to all white languages across the world especially in advanced states as Denmark, Scandinavian lands who are part of Nordic sub-race and have highest IQ.

In my opinion it is better be an independent because you can eliminate all infiltrators what mean that you are responsible for your own activity and nothing other.

The Little White Book - Serbian (Cyrillic)
<a href=";VictorWolf-(LWBSerb)MalaBelaKnjiga-Cirilica.pdf" target="_blank">;VictorWolf-(LWBSerb)MalaBelaKnjiga-Cirilica.pdf</a>
I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.


Promovisanje Kreativizma i izdavanje Klasenovih knjiga zabranjeno je zakonom za izazvivanje mržnje - rasna i druga diskriminacija. Zbog toga delujemo konspirativno i ne postoji ambicija za javno delovanje.
Za sada, barem sa moje strane, ne planiram prevođenje kniga jedino Male bele knjiga čiji je prevod na srpski veoma loš. Ne treba gubiti vreme i prevoditi knjige koje su već prevedene na hrvatski ali će novih prevoda u budućnosti svakako biti.


I don't know personally Mr Rudy Stanko.

I think I'm a suitable White Man who is good Creator.

Edit by Forum Admin: Brother, you are a Great Creator. RAHOWA!

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