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Perth, WA: Charges Laid Over "Racist" Stickers

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sun 10 Nov 2013

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In Australia, the unlawful posting of stickers is a crime not unlike vandalism, graffiti or littering, but almost nobody is ever charged and few ever face the criminal court or are required to pay a civil fine. Usually, if the local council does not approve of the sticker, they send out a team to remove the offending sticker  or stickers - as they have done several times over the last decade as we Creators in Adelaide have put up hundreds of stickers overnight to find them gone by midday the next day. The truth is, wherever you go in Australia's capital cities, there are stickers everywhere promoting Black Power, Indigenous Land Rights and half a dozen other often hateful Aboriginal slogans, as well as pro Marxist, pro illegal alien/refugee, pro Muslim, pro women, pro homosexual and a plethora of outright anti-White slogans such as demands to deport the White man back to Europe - all perfectly Politically Correct by today's standards! These are common place and never mentioned by the police, media or government, and rarely are they taken down by the local council. Widespread public promotion of the PC and the denigration of the non-PC - i.e. White, heterosexual men - has become a fact of life, and if we point it out, we are deemed to be racist, misogynistic, homophobic, Islamophobic et al ad nauseam.

So what happens when a few proud White Racial Loyalists in Perth decide to put out a few stickers contrary to the Parliamentary approved PC agenda?

Quote from: Perth Now
Two WA men charged over racist stickers | August 15, 2013

Fresh charges laid over racist stickers | September 13, 2013

[Five] men have been charged with posting "racially motivated" stickers around Perth for months.

[They] will face court next month on 12 counts of criminal damage, after an investigation by officers from the State Security Investigation GroupSee Note 1.

It is understood the stickers bore slogans including "support your local skinheads"."

Search warrants were executed at houses in the metropolitan and the South West region resulting in the August arrests.

The community can be assured that criminal activity of this nature will not be tolerated and all matters will be investigated thoroughly," police said in a statement. ... officers will continue to investigate these matters.

Any person with any information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 WITCH-HUNT

Note 1 The WA Police State Security Investigation Group has responsibility for responding to racially motivated unlawful behaviour within the community or providing specialist support to the police districts when they respond to racially motivated unlawful behaviour.

The group comprises investigators with an understanding of community diversity issues and work to provide improved policing services to indigenous and multicultural groups. They have been working closely with the Equal Opportunities Commission and the WA Police Indigenous, Community Diversity & Corporate Research Unit.

Reporting racially motivated crime

If you are the victim of racially motivated unlawful behaviour or need help, call police on 131 444 (24 hours) or the State Security Investigation Group on (08) 9370 7394 (business hours). ... But don't bother calling if you are White.

Community Diversity and Substantive Equality Black Supremacy and the Eradication of the White Man Unit
3rd Floor
WA Police Headquarters
2 Adelaide Terrace, Perth
Tel: (08) 9222 1510, (08) 9222 1576
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
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Mark Twain.


Well if you are going to sticker and they try and be clever by sending a team to remove them, you have to be clever in where you put them!

Stick them high on public domain signs, even bring a step ladder with you so they stay up longer, go to the Library and find books like minded people (or even lemmings may read about certain topics)put your propaganda inside the books for others to find.

Places like ZOG trolley (bus stop) is good as people are bored waiting for the bus and tend to notice the stickers more, lamp posts, street signs,phone booths, pedestrian crossings where people have to push a button.

Working class areas where people are more vunerable with their money situation tends to work better as people with lotsa money tend not to be as affected by the system.

Let's not forget "the red shed" AKA University where they have poster collumns where people can legally put up anything. The reds love it when you come along and put your stuff over the top of their handiwork!

Just don't put the stickers on other people's property or on something like a bank ATM.. or go put a sticker about race mixing on a condom machine in the loo as some one may give you an ear bashing (not mentioning any names).
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BTW, this link actually works.
seems they put them all over a shopping centre and on their bins though.. not public domain!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


As someone who regularly goes stickering I avoid private property, I look out for CCTV & I wipe each & everyone before moving on  ;)
Reverend Gregg E. Imperium. Formerly WCOTC Northern Ireland.


May I ask how you produce your stickers? I'm keen to get a hold of a few myself. :)
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