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Invasion Europa: France Has Awoken! Britain Rolls Over for a Snooze

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sat 02 Mar 2024

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This imam had lived in France since he was 12. But after he called the French flag 'satanic', he was arrested and deported back to Tunisia within eight hours. He tells the Mail: It would never happen in Britain!

Excerpt: The swoop was made with ruthless speed and stealth. It came just as the Muslim preacher was settling down to read his newspaper after enjoying a family lunch.

Shuffling to the front door to see who was banging so loudly, Imam Mahjoub Mahjoubi found himself confronted by 15 plain-clothes police officers.

They had emerged from a convoy of cars and descended without warning on his home in Bagnols-sur-Ceze, a quaint, 13th-century town near Avignon where British tourists often stop off en route to the French Riviera.

After marching inside they ordered the imam (who had lived in France for all but 12 of his 52 years, never troubling to apply for citizenship) to hand over his Tunisian passport.

Then they thrust an official-looking document before him and told him to sign it.

After he had put his name to it they arrested him, giving him a few moments to collect his belongings before they took him away.

It was only that evening, after he had been flown to Paris and processed at a police station, Mahjoubi tells me, that he realised he had signed a governmental order bringing an abrupt end to his four decades of residency in France.

Issued by Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin — the equivalent of our Home Secretary — under powers bestowed by a tough new Immigration Act which came into force last month, it authorised the imam's immediate expulsion from his adopted country.

And at 8.30pm, on Thursday, February 22 — just eight hours after that first knock on the door — he was bundled under guard onto an Air France plane bound for Tunis.

I've been to London, I've been to France,
I've seen an Imam deported in his underpants!


So what had this bespectacled, scholarly-looking man done to warrant being exiled with guillotine-like swiftness and finality?

During his weekly sermon, three Fridays ago, Mahjoubi described this unassailable banner — an emblem of Republican democracy since the French Revolution — in terms that would shock and offend many proud Gauls.

Addressing 500 male congregants crammed into a nondescript breeze-block mosque in Bagnols-sur-Ceze (and 12,000 more Facebook followers who watch his weekly sermons, delivered in Arabic and French) he insulted the flag as a devilish symbol that causes division among Muslims.

To translate his exact words, he said that one day, when the world ends, all ruling authorities would fall, and then 'we will no longer have these Tricolore flags that gangrene us . . . the only value they have is a Satanic value, in the eyes of Allah'.

Coming to Britain from France!
400 in a single day is old news from 2020
Today it's more than ever & the numbers are growing

Given the huge obstacles the UK government must overcome before banishing even the most dangerous of resident non-citizens, many would doubtless like to see the British authorities handed similarly tough powers.

One thinks of the 12 years and millions of pounds in legal fees expended to send the poisonous hate-preacher Abu Qatada, whose videos were found in the 9/11 hijackers' lairs, back to his native Jordan.

Then there is the bureaucratic nightmare of trying to rid these shores of murderers, drug-dealers, robbers and rapists who inveigle their way into the UK and remain here with help of resourceful lawyers and generous legal aid.

But then, when it comes to handling these matters, our countries are not just separated by a Channel. They are oceans apart.

'The French authorities have a long-standing right to remove someone who is not a French citizen, provided it is to a country that is not unsafe,' says former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption. 'The right to remain in France is a police matter and regarded as discretionary. Britain has a completely different legal tradition.'
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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They invited them in and even accepted illegal aliens (all military age men) with cell phones and money.  They were "refugees" all right.  They left their countries in poverty in order to live elsewhere for free.  Who voted these ones in for office?

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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