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Stop the Asian Invasion: Chinese Takeover of Australia - Politicians 4 Sale

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Sun 05 May 2013

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The Opposition leader  has been slammed by Labor as 'Double Standards Dutton' for quietly taking a trip to India while the Coalition was ripping into Anthony Albanese as 'Airbus Albo' for taking four trips overseas in a month

In parliament on Wednesday, assistant minister to the prime minister Patrick Gorman said Mr Dutton was joined on the trip by a delegation of 20 which included 'an unlicensed real estate agent, a disgraced Liberal candidate, unregistered migration agents and property developers'.

'I think you have a right to know about who was on his delegation, how are they selected? What did they do? Who footed the bill?' he said.

'And the only person actually promoting the Leader of the Opposition's trip was the Member for Latrobe, Jason Wood.

'He was out there showing on Facebook how great it was to be there with the Opposition Leader. At the same time, he was criticising the Prime Minister for the Prime Minister's travel.'

Look at who's with him drumming up business to turn us in to "Chindia". Yes, get rid of our industry and sell us out to be one big Petrol Station/7-11?! Can't trust Chinks for investment? Europeans complaining too much here and may not settle since they got an EU passport making residence in the EU easy?

Get Curry to buy his way in at your displeasure. They'll put a strain on infrastructure , be dirty in business, be a bugger to compete against and like... who wants to have a family with them?!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Because you mentioned "Politicians" in the title, I thought this meme might go well here.  And it's like other things such as 'gun control' when the U.S. founding fathers created the 2nd amendment.  The 2nd amendment was created to protect citizens from government and marauding politicians, not the other way around.  Seems everything has been reversed...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


I just post them as I get them.  Reminds me of the patriot saying: Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


A visa program allowing wealthy investors to buy their way into Australia has been dumped under a review of the nation's migration system

The Albanese government has paused applications for the significant investor visa, which fast-tracks the process for skilled migrants if they invest $5 million in Australia

It will be considered as part of a broader talent and innovation visa outlined in the migration strategy, released in December.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil said the troubled program - introduced by the Gillard government in 2012 - was part of a 'broken' system Labor had inherited.

'It has been obvious for years that this visa is not delivering what our country and economy needs from a migration system,' Ms O'Neil said on Monday.

'The investor visa is one of many aspects of the system which we are reforming to create a system which delivers for our country

The visa required a minimum investment of $5 million in Australia, in exchange for automatic permanent residency

Unlike other visas, holders of the investor one weren't required to learn or speak English and had no age limit.

The visa subclass was given the number 888 – which signifies �triple good luck in Chinese �numerology.

There are concerns golden visa schemes allow corrupt foreign officials and members of organised crime groups to safe-keep dirty money in developed countries such as Australia.

A major review of Australia's migration system found skilled migrants contribute $300,000 more to the economy over their lifetime than those who bought their way into the country.

A targeted talent and innovation visa would create a streamlined pathway to attract highly skilled migrants to Australia, including entrepreneurs, investors and �global researchers to drive growth in sectors considered of national importance, it found

The review by former public servant chief Martin Parkinson, found Australia's system failed to attract highly skilled migrants and allowed worker exploitation among lower-paid people

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Two tradesmen who ripped up the concrete driveway of a client who refused to pay have revealed new details about why they took such drastic action

Damian Hallett, 37, and business partner Jamie Sommerville, 39, from Clare Concreting, destroyed their hard work after a homeowner 'blatantly' told them he wouldn't pay the last $3,500 of his $13,500 bill.

In incredible footage captured outside the home, the tradies start digging up the driveway with a bulldozer, as Mr Hallett told the shocked homeowner: 'I'm ripping the whole f***ing lot out.'

It was previously reported the tradies took a hardline approach because they had been left $14,000 out-of-pocket after they completed a job for a big company last year who refused to pay up.

'We're still recovering from that. We're just hard-working Aussies. It's a hard trade, concreting,' Mr Somerville said.

But speaking to Daily Mail Australia on Friday, Mr Hallet said the amount they had been left out of pocket was actually much larger.

'It was $40,000 from that previous job that we didn't get paid.'

'I've got kids, Jamie's got kids we've got to take care of ... If you want someone to do work and you don't have the money, then don't agree to the bill.

'We ripped up the driveway because he blatantly said he wasn't going to pay,' Mr Somerville explained.

'The night before we were going to pour we spoke to him and he said he was going to settle the bill before the concrete set so we said alright and we went ahead on the Saturday morning.

'It was a 43C day so you shouldn't really be pouring concrete of that hot a day but we got there early and got it done.

'He stuffed us around after we'd poured the final bit of concrete, he agreed to the contract for $13,500 for the work and he put $10,000 in our account and then he goes ''What do I owe you the other $3,500 for?'',' he said.

Mr Somerville said he told the client he could either pay the amount of the full bill or he would 'collect my materials' for the remaining amount.

When the client chose the second option the tradies took to their tools to dig up their handiwork.

'We just knew he was difficult from the get-go!

The 45-year-old homeowner has since said he was cooking lunch for his two daughters, aged nine and four, when he heard a rumbling noise and went outside to find his driveway getting torn up.

'I went inside because my kids are crying, grabbed my phone and called the cops. He wouldn't stop and the cops said ''It's a civil matter, we can't do anything.'',' the homeowner told

The homeowner, who moved to Australia 14 years ago, claimed the tradies had not finished some extra work including levelling of the ground, plumbing and building a retaining wall.

He said the video has caused a flood of comments towards him and his family and that locals have even driven by his house to look at the large crater the tradies left in his driveway.

'[People are] sending me racial comments, Indian this, Indian that, when they have no idea what the story's about. All they know is a five-second TikTok thing. I'm getting messages from friends and family all over Australia, people are worried

These "New Jews" need to know that coming to a White man's land and thinking you own it by ripping us off will cause them big trouble!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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