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MOSSAD Terrorists Use False Australian Passports

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 25 Feb 2010

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AUSTRALIA has formally warned Israel that if it was involved in using Australian passports in an assassination, the move would not be seen "as the act of a friend".

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Three of the suspects in the murder of a senior Hamas figure in Dubai in January travelled on fraudulent Australian passports.

Dubai authorities are almost certain that Israeli spy agency Mossad was behind the murder.

Foreign Minister Stephen Smith summoned the Israeli ambassador to a meeting in Canberra this morning to warn him of the consequences if Israel was involved.

The Australian Federal Police, Australian Passport Office and spy agency ASIO have launched an investigation into the matter and Mr Smith demanded Israel's co-operation.

"If we didn't receive that co-operation, then we would potentially draw adverse conclusions from that," Mr Smith told reporters of his conversation with the ambassador.

"I made it crystal clear to the ambassador that if the results of that investigation cause us to come to the conclusion that the abuse of Australian passports was in any way sponsored or condoned by Israeli officials, then Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend."

Earlier, Mr Smith told the House of Representatives the government condemned "in the strongest possible terms" the misuse and the abuse of Australian passports.

The diplomatic exchange relates to the assassination of senior Hamas figure Mahmud al-Mabhuh in a hotel room in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He was found dead on January 20.

The three Australian passports used by some of the murder suspects were in the names of Joshua Bruce, Adam Korman and Nicole McCabe, who all live in Israel.

Mr Smith said it was believed the three were not involved in the murder and that their passports had been abused through fraud, forgery, cloning or identity theft.

Australian officials have contacted the three Australians involved, or their families, and offered consular assistance.

Mr Smith said he expected no long-term adverse consequences for them.

The three passports had been issued in 2003 and since then extra measures had been taken to make passports more secure.

But Mr Smith warned no system was foolproof.

"No one can guarantee that a passport can't be forged or abused," he told reporters.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said the matter was very serious.

"This is a matter of the deepest concern to Australia," he told ABC Radio.

"We will not let the matter rest."

Mr Rudd said authorities had worked through Wednesday night on the issue.

Australia has told the UAE authorities that it will fully co-operate with their investigation.

The Australian passports were among 15 new names suspected of killing Mahmud al-Mabhuh in a luxury Dubai hotel in January.

Dubai police, who had initially been hunting nine assassins, said all suspects in the hit used Western passports.

It is not known whether the Australian identities were forged or stolen.

"The new list of suspects includes people who offered prior logistical support and preparations to facilitate the crime, and others who played a central role,'' Dubai police said.

Dubai police said that they were not ruling out that other people were involved in the murder, as they were "still conducting a wide search and reviewing other links to the case''.

"We are going to get to the bottom of this," Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told ABC Radio this morning.

"Our intelligence and law enforcement agencies are now working through the absolute final detail of this and have been working through the night," Mr Rudd said.

"This is a matter of the deepest concern to Australia."

"Our job is to confirm the facts," Mr Rudd said.

"But we will not be silent on this matter... it really goes to the integrity and fabric of the use of state documents, which passports are, for other purposes.

"That's why we will not leave a single stone unturned."

Mr Rudd said the government would be looking at ways to restore the integrity of the three Australians involved if it was established their passports had been forged.

Australia had prided itself on having one of the most "efficient, effective and secure" passport systems in the world.

"Australian travel documents generally are held in the highest regard ... that's what really worries me as well.

"It's not just the good name of Australia, it's not just our adherence to the principles of international law, it is also the safety of the Australian travelling public."

Mr Korman, 34, is Australian-born but lives in Tel Aviv, where he sells musical instruments, the ABC has reported.

He has told Israel's biggest newspaper Yediot Aharonot he is shocked over what has happened.

"It's identity theft, simply unbelievable," he is quoted as saying.

"I have travelled all over the world but never visited Dubai or the United Arab Emirates."

Mr Rudd said he had disccussed the situation "at length" with Mr Smith during a meeting last night of the national security committee of cabinet.

Britain, Ireland and Germany already have called Israeli ambassadors in for explanations about the forged passports, but Israel has not accepted responsibility.

Al-Mabhouh was murdered in his hotel room on January 20.

CCTV cameras picked up 18 members of a hit squad disguised as tourists following al-Mabhouh to his room.

Some of the squad was seen going to his room while a surveillance team, including a blonde woman, kept lookout.

After just ten minutes, they were were seen walking out of the hotel.

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Australian passports among easiest to forge, says former Mossad officer


A FORMER Mossad officer says he has no doubt Israel's spy agency has forged Australian passports for use regularly in intelligence operations.

"Very few people know very much about Australia," Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, told ABC Radio today.

The agency had obtained blank passports in the past from Canada and the UK.

"If not, they just manufacture them," Mr Ostrovsky said, adding there was a company inside Mossad headquarters which was dedicated to forging passports.

Using an Australian passport was an easy cover to take, he said.

"I know people had been under Australian cover not once (but) quite a few times.

"It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter."

The Federal Government has warned Israel it will not be considered "a friend" if it is found to have being involved in passport fraud targeting three Australians.

The passports were carried by three other people suspected of being involved in the assassination of senior Hamas operative Mahmud al-Mabhuh in Dubai on January 20.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Sydney Morning Herald: Editorial

Mossad has a well-documented history of kidnapping and sometimes eliminating perceived enemies of Israel, in the name of national survival.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany, the other countries whose citizens' passports were used or abused, have protested loudly to Israel. Australia must now hold to account a country that has reaped the benefit of our diplomatic support since its foundation 62 years ago. If, indeed, Israel is found to be involved in what Kevin Rudd calls the using or forging of Australian passports for the purposes of assassination, Australians are entitled to expect more than diplomatic bluster in our response.

Betrayed PM should not be taken for granted by Israel

When officials told Kevin Rudd on Wednesday afternoon that three suspected Mossad assassins had travelled on forged Australian passports, he was shocked.

''He was stunned and outraged,'' said a colleague. He considered it a personal affront as well as a national insult.

Rudd has been such a strong supporter of Israel that a former chairman of the World Jewish Congress, Isi Leibler, last year described him as ''a Christian Zionist - he understands and has some sympathy for us''.

This only intensified his sense of betrayal. The Prime Minister said on radio 3AW yesterday that ''any state that chooses to do this in relation to Australian passports, frankly, is treating the Australian people, the Australian government and the Australian nation with contempt.''

But an Australian official said the Israeli secret service had probably calculated that, even if it were caught using forged Australian passports, Canberra would not retaliate.

''It wouldn't matter whether it was John Howard or Kevin Rudd or Tony Abbott in the prime minister's chair, they know we wouldn't sever relations. They know they've got us by the balls,'' partly because of the strength of the Israel lobby, he said.

Some, like the British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, have pointed the finger at Israel. Others, like the EU, have launched an investigation but declined to name Israel.

In 2004 when New Zealand found that two Israeli spies had tried to obtain false NZ passports, it cut diplomatic ties for a year.

This is what we thought diplomat was up to, says official

THE apparent use of Australian passports in a Mossad execution in Dubai came as little surprise to Australian security officials, who advised on the expulsion in 2004 of an Israeli diplomat, Amir Lati, amid suggestions he was involved in passport fraud.

Lati, a second secretary at Israel's embassy in Canberra, was recalled in December 2004 after the Howard government gave him a week to leave.

The government's refusal to explain his expulsion led to speculation that it was linked to passport fraud, espionage, Lati's friendship with Caitlin Ruddock, daughter of then attorney-general Philip Ruddock, or to the diplomat's friendships with a number of women working in Defence or the Prime Minister's Department.

A source told the Herald yesterday that Australian security officials had been concerned about Lati's links to the theft in 2004 of New Zealand passports, though this was not the ultimate reason for his expulsion.

It is understood security agencies were concerned about Lati's relationship with two suspected Mossad agents, Eli Cara and Uriel Zoshe Kelman, who were imprisoned in New Zealand after attempting to fraudulently obtain a passport. But Australian officials did not have evidence that Lati aided the fraud.

The former Palestinian ambassador Ali Kazak, who raised concerns in 2004 that Mossad had forged ''tens'' of Australian passports, said yesterday the government ''has let Israel get away with murder''.

''The government has closed its eyes to Israel's endangering Australia's sovereignty and security,'' he told the Herald. ''What Mossad is doing is endangering every single Australian.''

Mossad has a long record of seeking and using foreign passports. A former agent, Victor Ostrovsky, said the agency frequently targeted Western passports of dual Israeli citizens to create false covers.

''Most of the time they get permission,'' he told the Los Angeles Times. ''I believe at some point, they stopped asking permission.''
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


The Australian JOG has put on its tough act for the cameras and completely dropped the subject. The UK JOG however has at least done something - even if it is not much more than a gesture.

Britain has expelled Mossad's chief agent in London over the Israeli spy agency's "intolerable" use of British passports in the assassination of a senior Hamas operative in Dubai.


QuoteThe British inquiry found that suspected members of the assassination squad travelled on passports cloned from documents belonging to Britons living in Israel. Other passports had been copied from those of Australian, Irish, German and French citizens.

Mr Milliband told Parliament that the British Serious and Organised Crime Agency (Soca) had sent officers to Dubai and Israel and had shown that the passport's owners had been victims of an identity fraud.

"Given that this was a very sophisticated operation, in which high-quality forgeries were made, the government judges it is highly likely that the forgeries were made by a state intelligence service," he said.

"Taking this together with other inquiries, and the link with Israel established by Soca, we have concluded that there are compelling reasons to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports.''

The British believe the passports were copied when the British travellers passed through Israel and were detained for checks lasting up to 20 minutes. The Britons involved, like the Australians, all had dual citizenship with Israel.

The Australian Federal Police is also investigating the use of the Australian passports, but it is understood its inquiries are not as well advanced as Britain's.

An Israeli official last night questioned the British findings, saying citizens with dual nationality were required to use Israeli passports when entering or leaving the country. This would make it difficult for officials to get access to their other passports, the official told The Age.

But a security source said it was not uncommon for passport control officers to ask arriving citizens where they were coming from. ''In those circumstances they are entitled to take your other passport away while they conduct a security check. It's possible that such a situation could enable a passport to be copied,'' the source said.

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Time to stop handling Israel with kid gloves

by Ben Saul - Jew

Britain's expulsion of an Israeli diplomat is a lesson for Australia to stop handling Israel with kid gloves.

Australia, stop whispering sweet nothings in Israel's ear. Picture AFP.

Israel has made clear that it does not respond to gentle persuasion or constructive criticism from its friends, nor does it listen to the quiet language of international law.

Israel is willing to abuse the trust of its friends by defrauding their passports, assassinating people on foreign territory, and approving new settlements on Palestinian land on the eve of peace talks.

Strangely, Australian politicians from both major parties have often fallen over themselves to defend Israel. In doing so, Australia has often been indifferent to shocking violations of international law by Israel. Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, as elsewhere in the occupied West Bank, amount to war crimes under the Geneva Conventions of 1949, yet Australia has seldom protested.

The colonial plunder of Palestinian resources by Israeli settlers is forbidden by the law of war, yet Australia does not prohibit the import of settler products to Australia.

When a credible, impartial investigation by an eminent international judge, Richard Goldstone, uncovered possible Israeli war crimes in the Gaza conflict last year, Australia howled that the report was biased and unfair. Australia provided few reasons, preferring instead to smear a complex and lengthy report and to allow Israel to blame Hamas and to evade accountability for its own crimes.

If proved, the summary execution of a Hamas suspect in Dubai would be a serious violation of international human rights law and the United Nations Charter. Australia has objected only that our passports were misused. There was not a peep of protest by Australia when the assassination itself occurred, as if document fraud matters more than one of our supposed 'friends' assassinating a civilian in a peaceful foreign country.

One Liberal Senator, Julian McGauran, even announced support for extrajudicial killings, by claiming that 'The tracking down of terrorist leaders is an acceptable act in the context of the war on terror'. That, indeed, is the policy of groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda, who show little concern for human rights are all too ready to execute their opponents.

Australia bowed to unreasonable Israeli pressure to boycott the United Nations' 'Durban II' anti-racism conference last year, on the basis of crystal-ball gazing about possible anti-semitism, instead of engaging in a crucial multilateral diplomatic process to combat racism.

Israel's security barrier on Palestinian lands, which has impoverished Palestinian communities, was declared illegal by the International Court of Justice some years ago, yet Australia actively opposed the case from even being argued before that Court.

Australian policy towards Israel has served neither the interests of Australia nor Israel, and has been singularly unhelpful in securing the rights of Palestinians. For Australia, being a best friend and ally to Israel has too often meant remaining silent while Israel does what it wants, including thwarting the peace process or violating international law.

Australia's often unqualified support for Israel panders to the worst, rather than the best, side of Israeli politics. Lack of criticism from its friends has encouraged Israeli lawlessness, since Israel knows that its allies will seldom complain and if they do, few consequences will follow. 

The puzzling thing about Australian policy towards Israel is that it is usually contrary to Australia's own strategic interests. It alienates Australia from large blocs of countries, including the Arab, Islamic, African and non-aligned movements, at a time when Australia is seeking a seat on the UN Security Council. It fuels radicalisation against the west, at a time when Australia is struggling to defuse terrorist threats against it. 

If Australia's stance were rooted in deep conviction and high moral principle, the price might be worth it. But there is nothing principled about turning a blind eye to serious and often criminal violations of international law by any country, let alone by one's 'friends'.

Australian policy is rightly founded on a commitment to Israeli democracy and security, amidst a cruel sea of despotic Arab States. Yet, it is perfectly possible for Australia to support those interests while insisting that Israel complies with international law. Doing so would align our friendship with Israel with our broader foreign policy goals of building an international community based on the rule of law and human rights.

It cannot be taken for granted that Israel knows what's best for its own security. Decades of hawkish, militant Israel governments have not brought Israelis closer to peace. Israeli domestic policy has often been warped by extreme politics and a lack of respect for Palestinian rights, and many Israelis are exhausted by the pointless violence of occupation.

If Australia were serious about peace in the Middle East, serious about international law, and serious about its friendship with Israel, it would stop handling Israel with kid gloves.

It is increasingly clear that the only language Israel responds to is the language of force. It is time that Australia stopped whispering sweet nothings in Israel's ear, and instead staked out more principled and vocal opposition to Israeli transgressions, including in the United Nations.

Australia must stop fiddling with its votes on peripheral aspects of UN resolutions and instead drawn lines in the sand about what we expect from our friends.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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