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Your Favourite Chapters of Ben Klassen Books

Started by Br.Rebel, Sat 04 Feb 2023

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Please List Here:
The Top Chapters or Most Influential Chapters For You of the Following Books

* Against the Evil Tide

* Trials, Tribulations & Triumphs

* The Klassen Letters Volumes 1 & 2

I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.


You may have noticed that CREATIVITY has a personal connection to many a true CREATOR. And I am no different. I too have my personal connections ...

Against the Evil Tide - 50
Milestone Forty-Nine: The Genesis of a White Racial Religion 1971

Ben Klassen wakes up and puts it all together - The White Race needs its own religion!

Trials, Tribulations & Triumphs - Chapter 22
Harassment and Fireworks

Read it and you will learn what not to do with guns. Learn from the mistake of Carles Messick. Be prepared, but never shoot first unless you are threatened with immediate death. Even a fist fight is bad enough. Known Creators: The Jew, the JOG, the MSM, the Police, every damned non-White, every Race-Traitor - they are always watching and waiting. It is always THEIR WORD against ours, and they always have witnesses. The only way any Creator can prove self defence is by having his own surveillance equipment. It is because of this reason, and learning the lesson from Carl, that I have security fencing and security cameras surrounding my home. What's more, not all the security cameras are mine - but all are at my disposal.

On a side note, our current Pontifex Maximus @P.M.JoeEsposito was also there that night; also armed and also ready. So we have another written account of what occurred that night. Carl confirms everything with PM Joe, but has unfortunately rejected rejoining the Church.

Of Particular Interest - TTT Chapter 24 (at the very end of the chapter):
Wednesday 17th of September 1986

Checked with Carl at the Church. Had an interesting letter from K. Bolton from New Zealand.

In the early days of the Creativity Alliance - 2005/2006 - we had nation-wide news coverage in New Zealand. One of our detractors that denounced us in the NZ mainstream media was Kerry Bolton - a spook worshipping Odinist twat. That same man that had once written "an interesting letter" to Ben Klassen twenty years earlier, was now partnering with the JOG and the MSM to attack Creativity. What can I say other than, Creators do not turn the other cheek ~ @Cailen.

The Klassen Letters Volume 1: February 3rd 1975
Favourite Paragraph:

The cold hard facts of Nature are these: All species are unequal, and even creatures in the same species are unequal. Of all the human species, the White Race is by far the most intelligent, creative and productive race on the face of the earth. All you have to do is turn page after page of any encyclopedia and see which race has produced the overwhelming amount of scientists, inventors, physicists, mathematicians, artists, musicians, you name it! They are practically 100 per cent of the White Race. The fact that we have mongrelized fringes neither alters nor obliterates that fact. It is incomprehensible for an intelligent man of your calibre to claim that the African Hottentots or the Australian bushmen, or the American Indian, (unmixed with White blood) or the Eskimo, has proved equal in intelligence, creativity or productivity.

The Klassen Letters Volume 2: October 11 1976
Favourite Letter:

Dear Mr Keech (Attorney at Law),

Thank you for your letter of October 7, and the $14.00 enclosed.

I have been called by many names, some good and some bad, but never before a "master iconoclast". I can't disagree with you on that, and it ranks among the kinder descriptions. Actually, rather than an idol-smasher, I prefer to think of myself as a builder, giving the White Race a proud new creed, CREATIVITY, one that it can live with and build on for the next million years.


The two books, NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION, 25 plus copies of "Questions & Answers about CREATIVITY" and the record were shipped today (10-12-76). I hope reading NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION will make a meaningful Impact on your future philosophy, and will inspire you to dedicate your life to the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race, the highest pinnacle of Nature's Creation.

For a Whiter and Brighter World,
Creatively yours,
B. Klassen, P.M.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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