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R.I.P. Ben Klassen: 25 Years

Started by Sturmkrieger, Mon 06 Aug 2018

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It was on this unfortunate day, twenty five years ago, that we lost our beloved founder, Bernhardt Klassen. Back on February 20 this year, I wrote an article on his 100th birthday, celebrating both the occasion and his life's accomplishments. Now, I want to take the time to remember the man that gave us all the higher calling in serving our race.

I do, however, wish to state that I am glad he did not prolong his suffering. His wife had died and he was suffering from cancer. His life was not dominated by some flimsy Jewish creed that encourages you to suffer and ache as long as you can before your body finally gives out. He was in pain and chose not to continue living on hundreds of pills and other Jewish medical procedures. He clearly outlined our position as Creators on this issue in Creative Credo #59 "Life, Death and Immortality" in The White Man's Bible.

There are few White men in history who lived such an amazing life as Ben Klassen. But as I said before back on February 20, Klassen stands above the rest for giving our race the one thing it needs in this dark time: a sound racial religion. It is, therefore, our holy duty to ensure this racial religion we call CREATIVITY spreads to all corners of the world, and White people in all our lands hear our creed.

If anyone wants to read more about Founder Klassen's life, read his 1991 autobiography "Against the Evil Tide." I'll link it here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Additionally, here's the article I wrote for the Klassen Day Centenary:

Rest easy, Ben Klassen. We Creators, the true loyalists of the White Race, will carry your creed to the end of time. RAHOWA!
Build a Whiter, Brighter World

Reverend Peter Sturm
N.C. U.S.A.


Good wright up brother

RIP B.Klassen you will never be forgotten


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Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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