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From the Holy Books of Creativity: The Holocaust

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sun 28 May 2023

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From Expanding Creativity, by Ben Klassen
Racial Loyalty Issue 7 - December 1983
Main Website Article

The Holocaust

This Jewish lie was spawned immediately after World War II. The Jews, having perpetrated the most horrible mass slaughter in history (an estimated 50 million people killed, with the principle victims being members of the White Race) instinctively knew that this heinous crime could rebound upon their bloody hands. What to do ? With their massive worldwide propaganda apparatus, they quickly turned the tables on a confused and gullible world. Not only were they not the culprits, but lo and behold, they were the poor, innocent victims. Six million of them had been run through the gas chambers, they claimed, by the wicked, wicked Germans.

The facts of history refute this Jewish lie in toto.

1) In the first place, there were only half a million Jews in Germany when Hitler came to power. When it became evident that their bloodsucking days in Germany were coming to an end, most of them migrated (unhindered) to Jew heaven, the good old U.S.A., there to continue their nefarious trade.

2) There were never more than 3 million Jews in all the territory Hitler's armies occupied even at their peak.

3) Whereas Germany had concentration camps (as did the United States and Canada) for its dangerous political enemies, most camps were utilized for labour and war production, and included all nationalities, of which the Jews were only a small minority.

4) There never was a Nazi programme of exterminating Jews, but there was a programme to re-settle them outside of Germany, such as Palestine and/or Madagascar. However, since most of the Jews were welcomed to the United States, and due to lack of time, these basic plans were only on paper.

5) The Jewish Almanac itself claimed (to its own crowd) that the Jewish population in 1938 on a worldwide basis was 16,588,259. In 1948, the Jew owned New York Times stated the Jewish population as being between 15,600,000 and 18,700,000 averaging out at approximately 17,100,000. Where are the supposedly six million missing ? They weren't. But, so effectively did the Jews promote this dastardly lie, and have continued to the present day, that the world weeps crocodile tears over 6 million that weren't, and the Germans to this very day are still condemned for a crime they did not commit, but were instead heroic leaders in a struggle to get the Jewish monster off their backs. Since the United States and other White nations helped thwart the Germans in this heroic struggle, the Jewish parasites still remain the world's most pressing problem an issue that we, the White Race, will either have to resolve, or perish.

(For further details read Creative Credo No. 37, "The Six Million Lie", in The White Man`s Bible.)'sBible.pdf
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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