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2003-03-00 Montana: Over 4000 Creator Books Destroyed & Desecrated

Started by Br.Grimm, Tue 12 Jan 2010

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Be sure to write to PM Joe and tell him what you think ...

Quote from: Reverend P.Reverend,

Please review the articles I sent you that originally appeared in the MHRN (Montana Human Rights Network) Newsletter. The MHRN "outs" JR AKA "Karl" as John Haase, the HP of the splinter group headed up by Dane Hall. You might ask Mr. Metzger if he knows Dane. Dane would know far more than any of us. He would probably be the last of the leadership of that group that was once our Northwest chapter before their falling out with Matt Hale. Dan Hassett would probably have information as well. Fred Polson and Slim Deardorff are now deceased.

The books @ 4000 of them, ended up in the possession of the Montana Human Rights Network. There they were given away to college and university libraries, law enforcement agencies, and "artists" who used them for "artistic media". The rest were shredded and turned into compost for use in worm farms.

There were other undisclosed items as well. Again Dane or Dan would have the best idea of what was lost and where any items are now.

Book Patrol: A Haven for Book Culture

  Fine Art Of Book Destruction On Display At Library

Books Destroyed In The Name Of Art.

The University of Montana's Mansfield Library will play host to a controversial art exhibit beginning January 7, 2010. "Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate" is an exhibit based on the deliberate destruction of books. A feature article on the exhibit in the January 3 Missoulian Online generated a firestorm of heated comments, pro and con. Roughly 4,000 books were rendered unreadable by over 100 artists to create the art works represented in the library's gallery. All of the books were donated by one man--known only by the initials "J.R.", aka "Karl" but real name is John Haase--in exchange for nothing more than a one-way ticket out of Montana.

The mysterious benefactor of this piece is--not unlike Abel Magwitch in Great Expectations--a convict and gang member. (Magwitch was part of a chain gang; J.R. AKA "Karl" as John Haase a member of a biker gang.) J.R.'s ,aka "Karl", but real name is John Haase, affiliation with another group brings the books into the story. While working as a mechanic for a mining company in 1973, he "Karl" who is John Haase came into contact with members of The Church of the Creator. (The name "Church of the Creator" has since been awarded to the fomer TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation in a trademark litigation ruling against the "Church of the Creator" discussed here.) He "Karl" but real name is John Haase soon became a fervent convert, and eventually worked his way up to a leadership role in a local branch of the church.

The Primary Text Of The Church Of The Creator.

The Church of the Creator may sound like a benign religious organization, but is revealed to be something very different with one look at the group's core publication: The White Man's Bible. This bible dismisses those who follow all major religions stating that "Christianity is a hoax created by the Jews" and following up with: "In between the low end of the ladder and the White Race at the top are various other races, such as the redskin Indians, the mongrelized Hindus of India, the yellow Asiatics, the yellow Semitic Jews, the Polynesians, the Semitic Arabs and a host of others. We classify them all simply as the mud races as distinguished from the White Race, only the latter occupying the very top pinnacle of the human ladder." The "creator" here is the supposedly superior "white race." No God involved.

In addition to The White Man's Bible, The Church of the Creator's founder, Ben Klassen, self-published 13 other books before he committed suicide in 1993. All espouse white supremacy and white separatism, neo-Nazism, and the inevitability of a "racial holy war". These books sold for $10.00 each, and were the primary source of the Church's income, aside from member donations. (Book sales were apparently sluggish, as J.R. reported the average monthly sales income at a paltry $100.) As "Hasta Primas" (Second In Command) of his branch of the church, J.R. was given the key to a storage locker containing over 4,200 copies of Klassen's books.

In December 2003, J.R. became disillusioned with "The Church of the Creator," and contacted their primary opposition in Montana, The Montana Human Rights Network. He agreed to sell his inventory of Klassen's works in exchange for enough cash to make a quick exit from "The Treasure State." Fearing reprisals from the group, he asked that the Human Rights Network keep his donation anonymous. Upon learning of the books falling into enemy hands, The Church of the Creator reported them as stolen. But the Human Rights Network not only had a legitimate bill of sale, (although the price paid per book was less than 15 cents.), but also pointed out that The Church of the Creator's assets had been garnished upon loss of a $1 million lawsuit to the Southern Poverty Law Center in 1994. The Law Center had never attempted to claim the books as a part of the settlement, believing the cost of moving them would be prohibitive. They were, however, happy that the Human Rights Network had taken them out of circulation.

A Mixed Media Work Created By Lee Child For Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate.

The Montana Human Rights Network was now faced with the thorny question of how to dispose of the books and still come out smelling like a rose. They feared if they pulped or burned the books outright they would appear to be violating the church's freedom of speech. The Network instead opted to send boxed sets of all 13 titles to Holocaust museums, human rights groups, law enforcement organizations, and academic libraries. But this still left them with thousands of books. A member of the Network contacted Helena-area artist Tim Holmes about creating an art exhibit with the books to provoke discussion about racism, anti-Semitism, and intolerance. Holmes contacted the Holter Musuem of Art, and, by January 2008, 60 artworks created from the white supremacist books were displayed in the first showing of what became Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate.

Works created for the exhibit include a re-edit of one book's text by Charles Gute, which reverses the original message; a short story--which completely ignored the books-- about racism written and illustrated by children's book author Faith Ringgold; a book with every word individually cut out, leaving only a lacy, white series of spider-webbed pages by Ariana Boussard-Reifel; and "Hate Begins At Home," a 10-by-10-foot house constructed from the books--nearly 3,000 of them-- by Dana Boussard.

Dana Boussard and Ariana Boussard-Reifel Completing Work On Hate Begins At Home.

This year's debut of the expanded exhibit has drawn fire from those on both ends of the political spectrum. An article praising the exhibit as a positive transformation of hate into art, akin to making lemons into lemonade, has drawn 18 online comments so far. Here is a sampling--with the original grammar, spelling, and punctuation-- of some of the reactions:

"The 'Creativity Movement' is a religion and this destruction of books is nothing more than discrimination. how would a jew act if you did this to the Torah? so what makes you think that your 'art form' is nothing more than your own 'expression of hate'."

"Isn't this just book burning for the Twenty First Century? The Nazis have been quite rightly criticised for book burning and censorship of works deemed 'Un Germanic' . I see no difference in this fluffy middle class art and a literary pyre in '30s Berlin."

"Destroying literature is something that in my opinion is a fascist thing to do. i for one would have liked to enlighten myself with the reading of those books."

"No compromise with the Nazis, now or ever."

"I find it unfortunate that, too often, hate is isolated in such a way as to be a 'white only' thing when, in reality, many of the fiercest and most unrelenting racists amongst us are not white. Hate is a human condition, not a 'white' human condition."

Dana Boussard's Performance Art Piece Based On The Text Of The Books, Like Mother Like Daughter.

"What a wonderful way to start the new decade. May civility return to America. Montanans, we can lead the way."

"Clip this article and site it next time someone says that the arts are a luxury and not needed in the schools. You have to be able to dream past the impasses in our lives; the arts help do that."

"The next time you work to keep literature off public shelves, expect indignation. The next time you use hate to oppose hate, expect disgust. The next time you call someone "infamous," expect to be disparaged. The next time you steal books, expect someone to daydream about reprisal. The next time you put up a newspaper article to badmouth and restrict others, expect your victims to go underground and amplify their concerns."

Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate will continue to push people's buttons at the Mansfield Library until March 6, 2010. Censorship is always a tricky topic. Most of us find it very easy to be against it, until we are confronted with something we find completely unacceptable. Then the conversation changes, and freedom of the press no longer applies to whatever it is we've decided is simply intolerable. Too bad that what is objectionable to one person might be the gospel of another.

Here is my reply, you can see it now below the article in the comments section:

QuoteAllow me to introduce myself, I am Rev. R. ********, Hasta Primus of the Creativity Alliance, Reverend of the Smoky Mountain Church of Creativity.

I find it rather ironic that a group that pretends to uphold the human rights, which includes the freedom of religion and the right to one's conscience, is the very organization which seeks to deny me and others who follow Creativity that very fundamental Constitutional right here in the United States.

Yes, these books were stolen. As the current Hasta Primas, I can vouch with certainty that "J.R." had no such right to sell the books in the manner in which he did. He could have walked away, Creativity is not a cult. "J.R." used you for easy cash.

I do not know what else to say. It hurts to see my Holy Books desecrated in such a manner.

Rev. R., Hasta Primas
Creativity Alliance

Post your comments, be professional! 
My Avatar:UK TV's Poldark:- "I would need to be desperate"

The Survival Of The White Race Is Here!


Comment Posted at Supplied Link

Who are the book burners? Who are the destroyers of culture and heritage? Who are you to decide what is and what is not a valid religion? Why is the racial and religious vilification that emanates from non-Whites, Judaism, Islam and Christianity totally overlooked in favour of protecting said communities from any backlash. Well, this is one account of religious and racial vilification by that kind that will not be taken lying down, and it will never be forgiven.

Rev. Cailen Cambeul,
Pontifex Maximus of the Church of Creativity
(Creativity Alliance).

Who, What, Where and When.

In 2001, the Missoula, Montana chapter of the World Church of the Creator parted ways with the Illinois based World Church of the Creator to form the Northwest Church of the Creator. At their head were Reverends Slim Deardorff, Dan Hassett as HP and Dane Hall of California as Church Leader. Soon after, Hassett left and "Karl" John Haase took over as Hasta Primus.

As HP, Haase retained the keys to a storage facility which contained over four thousand of our Holy Books which were rightly the property of all Creators.

In December 2003, Haase illegally sold the contents of the storage facility to the Montana Human Rights Network for the sum of $300 and a bus ticket out of the state.

Quote from: the Montana Human Rights NetworkIn December 2003, J.R. [as they call him] became disillusioned with "The Church of the Creator," and contacted their primary opposition in Montana, The Montana Human Rights Network. He agreed to sell his inventory of Klassen's works in exchange for enough cash to make a quick exit from "The Treasure State." Fearing reprisals from the group, he asked that the Human Rights Network keep his donation anonymous. Upon learning of the books falling into enemy hands, The Church of the Creator reported them as stolen. But the Human Rights Network not only had a legitimate bill of sale, (although the price paid per book was less than 15 cents.), but also pointed out that The Church of the Creator's assets had been garnished upon loss of a $1 million lawsuit to the Southern Poverty Law Center in 1994. The Law Center had never attempted to claim the books as a part of the settlement, believing the cost of moving them would be prohibitive. They were, however, happy that the Human Rights Network had taken them out of circulation.

  • The books were not the personal property of J.R./"Karl" John Haase. Does a banker have the right to spend the money in his bank vault because he has the key? No, of course not. Same goes for the storage facility containing the Holy Books of Creativity.
  • It was P.M.E. Klassen's Church of the Creator's assets that had earlier been garnished after a lawsuit by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The law suit had nothing to do with Matt Hale's World Church of the Creator, just as it has nothing to do with the Creativity Alliance. Only the organisation was sued - NOT the religion!
  • There was no investigation into the circumstances surrounding the theft. The decision that no crime had taken place was a decision made at a small town Sheriff's Office.
  • Desecration of religious works has taken place in circumstances that are both illegal and immoral.

More information:

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Quote from: Rev.D
A big thank you goes to Br. Grimm.

Br.Grimm and books ;D Rep coming your way Bro ! ;)
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


 We need to save our Holy Books from desecration! Here are the first of two incredibly important articles surrounding this sacrilegious issue in Creativity.

  And here are the main sources, the main people involved and the main people dragging our lawfully protected religion through the mud! These people need to be contacted and asked to bring an end to this madness. We need to use every lawful means we have to legally bring about the respect our religion is guranteed. If there are more people, which doubtlessly higher up there are, lets find out who they are and make the same requests of them. We can not allow this to go on any longer.

Montana Museum
Phone: 406-243-2019
Director: Barbara Koostra, director, Montana Museum of Art and Culture,
Phone:  406-243-2019, (the same as the museum evidently)
Email: .

President / Dean of Montana University:
Presidents webpage:
George M. Dennison
Mailing Address:
Office of the President
University Hall 109
The University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812
Phone:  (406) 243-2311
Fax Number:  (406) 243-2797
Assistants to the President: (many, and their contact information)

Transforming Hate  ---  Curator : Katie Knight
Leading Artist --- Dana Boussard ( she called her desecration: 'Hate begins at Home' Hey! Sounds like a good article I know; activism begins in the home! )
Contact Info and mailing address and email address:
(406) 726-3357
24425 Doney Lane
Arlee, Montana, 59821
Leading Artist --- Lisa Jarrett

Leading Artist --- Ariana Boussard-Reifel (this one cut all the words out of our holy book and called her "artwork"  'Between the Lines'....

Gallery mailing address: 124 w. 79th st. New York, NY, 10024
Her email:

This may be a dumb question, but   is  Creativity  a  recognized  religion?   I  know that  Hale  in  one interview said  we were  acknowledged to be a   religion by the Federal government, but  does that still hold true?  If we are , then I would think we would have legal  recourse.

Thanks, Mark


The hard won recognition that Creativity is legally recognised as a religion still holds true:

Legal action requires funds for private suit as no part of the US legal (in)justice system will honour their own obligations and investigate the matter on behalf of Creativity regarding the theft of the books plus religious vilification. But that doesn't stop you as representatives of your local Churches making complaints to your local congressman, FBI office and so on. You might also be the lucky Creator that gets to deal with an honest representative of the US Government and thereby saves our Holy Books from further destruction.

Remember that no official complaint is wasted as you should receive a written response and all refusals to act on behalf of Creativity from US authorities will be considered further indictment that the US Government's undeclared war on Creativity as the standard bearer for the White Race, is ongoing and relentless.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
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Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
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