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CA Founder Dead

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 01 Jul 2010

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Your eulogy to @Rev.Billy was quite appropriate; eloquent, even. Thanks for filling in those details for us. As a CA Founder he'll always have a spot in our Hall of Heroes. I'm surprised to hear that Randolph made fun of Rev. Billy. You know him better than I do.

About using aliases or 'noms de guerre,' I don't discourage the use of them if there is a good reason to for security purposes. But I want to know who I'm dealing with when someone becomes a member or Reverend, or even posts, I suppose. I also encourage folks who use names like "BurnJewBurn1488" to choose new usernames, if they must use an alias -- normal ones that are more suitable for a Church. Names of people who are heroes of our race are excellent. We honor them this way.

McCarty was a Dr.? Doctor of what? PM Klassen pinned the Church's hopes on a pig that turned out to be much worse than those who were savaged by BK in TT&T. I noted that PM Mark Wilson aka Brandon O'Rourke wasn't named in the history of Creativity as one of the PMs before McCarty; nor was Charles Altvater, but I believe they are mentioned in TT&T also. We're going to have to write our own Church history, an accurate one. I have a 13-page history that Rev. James Finckbone wrote for Rev. Rudy Stanko (who BK had first tapped to replace him as PM) just before PM Klassen gave him the boot and smear treatment. Have any of y'all seen that? It covers the period when I was there through 1992. It's an objective analysis.

For a Whiter & Brighter World
Rev. Dr. Williams
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


McCarty had a doctorate in psychology. Can't verify it or say where I got the info from. It's just something I remember.

Stanko stole the membership list back then. That's enough reason to leave him out of our history as anything else.
EDIT: Stanko attempted to screw with the CA, and now he's dead. His son offered to give us "a trailer load of books" ... but it never happened. No Stanko will ever have a good name with Creativity.

"Mark Wilson aka Brandon O'Roarke wasn't named in the history of Creativity as one of the PMs before McCarty" because according to Founder Klassen, he did not acknowledge receipt of the position (Pontifex Maximus), which forced Founder Klassen to retract his offer and choose another successor (McCarty). Everything that was written about him in TTT, is known only to those from that period, but I have been told by reliable sources that the accuracy of the text is on about the same level as that written about you, Will. Sister Michelle Wilson in this forum who was a friend of Brian Kozel's was also a friend of Mark Wilson's. If you are interested, you can get the real information from her. I do know that Founder Klassen had a bias for the professional, educated types like McCarty that made him overlook the academically uneducated, common man such as Wilson. It's therefore understandable that Founder Klassen's natural bias for McCarty would force him to find fault with Wilson where there was none in an effort to protect both the Church and his personal reputation following his planned death. A conversation with Sister Michelle will either confirm or disprove what I've said re Wilson's side of the argument; I of course expect the former, but do look into it.


Post Script | December 7, 40 AC:

Pontifex Maximus Brandon O'Roarke (the Nom de Guerre of Reverend Mark Wilson) served as PM for approximately six months. In those long gone pre-internet days, Founder Klassen had many basis for his judgements, one of which was how successful you were putting out the Church newspaper, Racial Loyalty. We do have a copy here from PM O'Roarke:

And we also know that Wilson/ORoarke was arrested by the FBI for conspiracy to murder P.M. McCarty. According to the FBI report, he and his compatriots had arranged to meet McCarty at a hotel, and before they met up with McCarty, the FBI arrested Wilson and his group armed with pistols. - It's just a single paragraph. That's as much as the FOI outlet gives on that matter. We know the FBI lie, but we also know what skinheads get up to. You be the judge.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


We can leave Mark Wilson out of the Church history, but the fact is that he was one of the four young men who attended that one session of the School for Gifted White Boys, then was appointed PM and given $90,000 -- the entire proceeds of the sale of the Church property to Dr. Pierce. That's hard to overlook. It's that $$ that Eric Hawthorne aka George Burdi started Resistance Records, the vehicle that promoted his Skinhead band RAHOWA.

What impressed Ben Klassen was money. That was his measure of "success" in a man. Those who weren't rich were seen by him as failures somehow, though most pro-White activists are idealists, not driven by materialism. The main reason he hired Victor Wolf was that he donated several thousand dollars and a $5,000 computer. That's why he hired McCarty, who drove up at their first meeting in a Lincoln Continental. That's why he wanted STANKO, who had run a multi-million dollar beef operation. That's why he courted Prescott Rathborne, who drove a new Cadillac and owned thousands of acres of wetlands in Louisiana, etc., etc. One millionaire could launch CA to new heights, but we can't be bought by him.
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


I would like to see a decent picture of Reverend Jackley so we can get a decent portrait of him painted for posterity. I am still friends with Mark Wilson, he never left the church or Creativity and remained on formal terms with Ben Klassen. My own view of Ben Klassen in his last year that he was "non compos mentis" not of sound mind - this following the death of his beloved wife - his judgements were compromised as was his handing the church to McCarty.

What Mark Wilson did do  was of significance because he did build the largest contingent grouping of Creators of about 200 people.

My own view on leadership is that it has to be earned and not bought. As in the Catholic Church, a person must be judged by their deeds and works for Creativity. If Cailen relinquishes his title which he has earned then it must go to the Creator who has built the biggest contingent of Creators. I would prefer he not relinquish the title since the church needs authority and stability above all things. This  does not preclude him ever suspending his own leadership temporarily or a  decade interregnum without a formal Pontifex so that Creators can build without hindrance, schism or persecution.
Formerly with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.


At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


With Reverend Billy gone, I receive his email. ~ @Cailen.

QuoteYour friends at Racial Loyalty News would like to take a moment of your time to wish you a happy birthday,  @Rev.Billy. If you have not done so recently, please visit our community in order for others to have the opportunity to pass along their warm regards.

Even though today is your birthday, Rev.Billy, we would like to remind you that your membership in our community has been the best gift to us thus far.

Best Wishes,
The Staff of Racial Loyalty News

Here's to a good friend and a loyal brother. You will not be forgotten.

Rev.Cailen's promise on my deathbed was to build the CA into the world wide organisation that CREATIVITY was meant to be, and never allow Hale or his retarded Chosen to ever take it.

Update: We beat Hale. Hale is only alive because the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE allows it.

Diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour & given 2 months to live, already suffering from MS and in intense pain, Reverend Billy took his own life on July 12, 37 AC.

His funerals in Utah & Florida were well attended. The Patriot Guard Riders & the F.A.I.T.H. Riders did an outstanding job. Around 50 motorcycles escorted his body to the cemetery. The DAV did the honour ceremony with a 3 volley salute.

For more information or to leave condolences, click on the link to his profile here.

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