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NYC: Elderly White Woman Murdered By Negroes Squatting In Her Mother's Apt

Started by G.L.R., Tue 26 Mar 2024

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March 21, 2024

Two squatters are being sought over the gruesome murder of a 52-year-old woman whose body was found stuffed in a duffel bag inside her late mother's upscale Manhattan apartment last week...  The victim, Nadia Vitel, was savagely beaten by the two perps when she discovered them holed up inside the 19th-floor apartment on East 31st Street last week, according to cops. Having just flown in from Spain, Vitel had gone to her late mom's apartment — which had been vacant for roughly three to four months — to start prepping it so a family friend could move in.  "We believe that some squatters took the apartment over and this woman came home ... and walked in on the squatters that were there," NYPD Chief of Detectives... The brutal beatdown left Vitel with blunt force trauma to the head, multiple facial fractures, a brain bleed and two broken ribs...

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