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Started by Fortem, Fri 29 Mar 2024

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Lunik IX, Slovakia.

Want to guess the ethnicity of its population? 99.9% gypsies.


"Luník IX" je siromašna romska četvrt na periferiji drugog po veličini slovačkog grada, Košica. Većina ljudi u toj četvrti ne planira da glasa na predstojećim evropskim izborima. Jozef Fratel je jedan od njih. Taj nezaposleni 47-godišnjak živi u stanu s devojkom i sinom. Imaju struje, ali ne i tekuće vode. Poslednji put je glasao pre 20 godina. Kaže da za njega to nema baš nikakvog smisla jer Evropska unija nije promenila apsolutno ništa u njegovom životu. Ovaj daleki kutak Slovačke, 90 minuta vožnje od ukrajinske granice, u jednoj od najsiromašnijih regija EU, jako je daleko od briselske politike.


I lived in Košice in the late 90's. The Gypsies were spastics as they bred with family. They pinched non-ferrous metals, and dumpster diving was common to see.

One time a Gypsy tried pinching a purse from my mum in law at the time via her tote bag on the tram!
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The situation is similar in Serbia.
The only thing is that in Serbia political parties protect them and gypsies are an integral part of popular culture.
Gypsy singers are called "greats" of Serbian folk music.
They are not human. And I will never accept being part of that culture.


Abhor the worthless non-white scum.
Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]

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