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Messages - Sinn

I recently commented on a podcast in which a fellow by the name of 'Bill Rhyes' advocates the Lone Wolf idea, almost parroting Tom Metzger word for word.

'Listened to this show. Bill is clearly a disciple of Metzger. So basically a good man, but one who is taking a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and tossing it all together to hopefully make a palatable chop suey. It doesn't work for me, because too often it sounds contradictory and you find yourself wondering where exactly he stands on various issues.

For example, he keeps telling us that people are going wrong by demonising the 'blacks' and Jews, etc., too much, but doesn't tell us exactly what (in his view) the right balance should be. I think he's misrepresenting a lot of people anyway, because many have the right balance of criticising the 'blacks,' Jews, muds, traitors and even ourselves. I'm also very sceptical about the 'Lone Wolf' tactical concept, which, if followed, will only lead to isolation, demoralisation, wasted energy and talent.

You need some kind of organisational structure to keep people motivated. Somebody in a leadership position to urge activists to keep busy and to act as a spokesperson. True, we need to practice caution in order to live in this madhouse of a society, but to completely shun networking with others is just wrong and probably suicidal.

The idea that this 'Lone Wolf' concept keeps people safer doesn't work for me either. If, as Bill says, the government decided to come down strong on people like us (and I agree they eventually will), they would just as easily be able to locate those who are 'Lone Wolf' as those who are a bit more out there. All they (or the Mossad) would have to do is find out who is visiting a certain website (say or or doing activity in a certain area and come and pick them off.

And if the government goons or Mossad did that, because the 'Lone Wolf' is completely hiding their views and have no network of fellow Racial Loyalists, who is going to sound the alarm bell when you are 'disappeared'? Surely it would be better to have all your friends, family members and network of hundreds of Racial Comrades know that you have been 'disappeared' and let the world know about it? Surely this would help to radicalise all of your family and those 'fence sitters' in your community that become aware of this evil injustice.

Anyway, I would still argue that the best way to go forward - if we are to have a Revolution of Values, and people are to become true Racial Loyalists that imbue family members with this same zeal - is to adopt an uncompromising Racial Religion. For me it's a no brainer - CREATIVITY ticks all the boxes. It is a fully structured creed that is both comprehensive and consistent, so you always know where you stand. It even has a sound organisational structure that is more or less compatible with the idea of practicing caution, whilst still demanding adherents to proselytise (convert others that are suitable to the creed).'
Passed on from a British Creator ...

Quote from: The Anonymous CreatorI won't lie, I'm slightly annoyed that this journalist didn't mention my email to him in the piece, especially as I know it arrived before any other. Here is my comment in full:

Hello there Joe,

Thank you for your email. I regret that I was unable to respond sooner, as
it has been a hectic weekend. Long story. I haven't seen anything about
the (perfectly legal) Church of Creativity leaflet or public outcry that
you mention on the main page of your website, so I can only assume you
have yet to run with the story.

Creators (adherents to Creativity) are active throughout the British
Isles, and in fact the entire world, spreading the gospel of White Racial
Loyalty to all the decent White people of the globe.

Racial Loyalty is basically White people taking care of their own bests
interests. It is of course understandable that people would react strongly
to views that they have been programmed throughout their entire lives to
find repugnant. Even if those views are conducive to the well-being of
their own families and civilisation, which Creativity certainly is. These
are the effects of mass brain-pollution.

What is Creativity all about? Basically, Creativity is all about
straightening out the confused and befuddled thinking of White people and
have them look out for their own best interests. Creators believe in
having a religious dedication to doing just that. Adherents to Creativity
advocate Racial Separation - the very opposite of 'white supremacy,' in
which a group seeks to dominate another race - and that White people, both
locally and on a global scale, simply take care of their own. We call this
Racial Loyalty and Solidarity. It couldn't get any more simple.

Just like the bees practice Racial Loyalty when they look out for the best
interests of their own kind (even discriminating against various
subspecies of the bee family), the wolves look out for their own, and so
do the Chinese, the Japanese, the blacks of Africa, and every other sane
creature of Nature look out for the best interests of their own kind. This
is completely normal, in harmony with Nature and to do otherwise is
suicidal. Only White people deviate from this rule and it will inevitably
lead to the destruction of the entire White
Race through mongrelisation and finally extermination (genocide).

Creators regard the White Race - with all of its wonderful achievements
throughout history - as Nature's Greatest Miracle, Nature's Finest - the
Pinnacle of Evolution. The destruction of the White Race through
race-mixing is the Ultimate Horror for Creators and White Racial Loyalists
in general.

Creativity is a legally recognised racial religion, based on the eternal
Laws of Nature (reality), the lessons and experience of history, on logic
and common sense. Adherents are dedicated to the Survival, Expansion and
Advancement of White people. Our goal is to build a Whiter and Brighter
world. If you have read our flyer, you will be aware that we do not
believe in the supernatural, which we derisively term 'spooks in the sky'.

The Holy Books of Creativity are Nature's Eternal Religion and the White
Man's Bible written by our Founder, Ben Klassen. In this increasingly
unstable world, in which the White people are threatened with extinction,
we believe that White people need the simple yet eloquent wisdom of these
books more than ever, for their own salvation.

If you would care to discuss Creativity in greater detail, please feel
free to contact me via this email address.

Thank you for your time and opportunity to comment.

The Anonymous Creator,
Church of Creativity Britain.
Quote from: A Scottish CreatorThe flag will be sorely missed! However it can be replaced and it was a good sacrifice to get us on several news websites and a newspaper! All of which will reach an audience far wider than a single flag that remains in one spot could! Id say we walked away with the better end of he bargain!
So after our Brother in Britain sent the journalist who published the article on the Mearns leader, the journalist has since then, went back and corrected his illiterate mistakes! For the time being this article remains on their website however the journalist hinted that it will be published to the local newspaper, and shall include our side of the story, explaining just who we are!

Since that article was published several more news companies have decided to take on the story!

We are given a brief mention on the White Genocide Project

Another local newspaper has also taken interest in the story and published it on their online website!

The courier that is a national scale Scottish newspaper has also distributed the story online and the police are calling for information regarding the activists!

Another national scale Scottish newspaper The Press and Journal has given us a personal spot on their website!
One of our Church Members emailed the following to the editor:

Quote from: The Anonymous CreatorDear Mearns Leader,

It was recently brought to my attention that some of our Church adherents
are active in Inverbervie and this had caused quite a stir. Having read
the piece written by Lee McCann titled 'Inverbervie targeted by radical
group', which is littered with schoolboy errors and inaccuracies, I would
like to clear one or two things up.

You state that The Church of Creativity is promoting 'white power' and
'white supremacy' in the area. This implies that adherents to our religion
are in favour of dominating and even enslaving members of other races,
which is completely wrong and absurd.

In all our literature, and in all our religious texts, never once do we
refer to our religion as a 'white power' or 'white supremacist' religion.
On the contrary. Adherents to Creativity advocate Racial Separation - the
very opposite of 'white supremacy' - and that White people, both locally
and on a global scale, simply look out for the best interests of their own
kind. We call this Racial Loyalty and Solidarity.

Just like the bees look out for the best interests of their own kind, the
wolves look out for their own, and so do the Chinese, the Japanese, the
blacks of Africa, and every other sane creature of Nature look out for the
best interests of their own kind. This is completely normal, in harmony
with Nature and that is what Creators and Creativity is all about. I would
appreciate it if you corrected these errors and referred to Creators as
'Racial Separatists' and 'Racial Loyalists'.

Creativity is a legally recognised racial religion, based on the eternal
Laws of Nature (reality), the lessons and experience of history, on logic
and common sense. Adherents are dedicated to the Survival, Expansion and
Advancement of White people. Our goal is to build and Whiter and Brighter
world. If you have read our flyer, you will be aware that we do not
believe in the supernatural, which we derisively term 'spooks in the sky'.

I would further like to note that the content of the stickers that appear
in the piece is perfectly legal. If you had contacted us before
publishing, we might have saved you from so many glaring errors.

If you would care to discuss Creativity in greater detail, please feel
free to contact me via this email address.

Thank you for your time,

The Anonymous Creator
Church of Creativity Britain.
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Legal Notices
Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
The Church of Creativity is a Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion. We promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity. [More ...]

Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
Links: The History of Creativity | The Creator Calendar Explained
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23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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