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Messages - Rev.WillWilliams


From Page 4, Issue No. 55 of Racial Loyalty tabloid, October 1989

About Filthy Harold

To Racial Loyalty:


In an official communique, Harold Covington, mini-fuehrer of the Confederacy, announced that 33 Northern States are eligible for membership in his newly independent "country".

As the self-appointed representative of 16 Confederate states that never existed. Harold Hare-brain has come under criticism: what is to happen to us-all up Nawth, y'all?

No problem! No provision of the Confederate Constitution prohibits admission of additional states; thus, northern states are free to vote to join. All 50 states will be admitted, says Harold President-for-Life, except Hawaii, which will remain a simple military garrison (Why Hawaii? what makes Hawaii worse than Texas?).

Thus, changing the name of the country is the solution to everything: when we triumph completely, we will be right back where we started! (which is typical of Harold; but no matter.)

In any case, the basic legal document for us is the Constitution of the Confederate States; haven't we forgotten something?

According to the Confederate Constitution,  slavery is legal; the Confederate government has no power to interfere with slavery. This constitution has never been rescinded, since Jefferson Davis never surrendered; this Constitution is still in force. Is Harold going to bring back slavery?

Is this Harold's solution to the race problem? Are the citizens of 33 Northern States going to vote for this? How will it be enforced?

What are the blacks worth to you? I wouldn't give a nickle for 10 of them (although I would accept their record royalties if you twist my arm.)

(Associates of Horrid Harold, the Weched Wabbi of the Confederacy, says that his brainstorm by Harold no. 1; Harold no. 2 is wearing his Napoleon hat, since Napoleon never surrendered either and refused to claim prisoner of war status; vive l'Empereur!)

It's like I said before, Harold should retire to a quiet rest home where he can play with blocks.

I'm still waiting to see if I can get a full set of your papers going back to the beginning. Please put me on your list of subscribers.

Carlos M. Porter

ED. NOTE [by Ben Klassen]: This isn't all Filthy Harold has been yakking about. Evidently, either the ADL, the FBI or the CIA, or all three, are paying Filthy Harold to do a full-time smear on me personally. Although he has not the slightest evidence or grounds for doing this hatchet job, he has now engaged in a full-time campaign, writing personal letters to anybody and everybody, using the filthiest of all possible language, accusing me of the vilest of a whole laundry list of abhorrent sex aberrations, the kind of slime that could only ooze from out of a sorely diseased and demented brain. If you have received one of those letters, send it on to us and add to our collection, so we can nail the hide of this filthy scoundrel to the wall.
From Racial Loyalty tabloid Issue No. 75, November 1991

About Skunks and the Big Lie Technique

Imagine the following scenario. You and your family are having a pleasant barbecue lunch in your backyard with your neighbors and an uninvited skunk intrudes upon the scene. You hope it will leave but the filthy varmint persists in remaining to stink up the place. What can you do? About the only way to end it would be to get your gun and blast it into oblivion. But even that doesn't solve the problem. The stench lingers on. Such is the case with a skunk called Harold Covington.

Hitler, in his book Mein Kampf, described the "big lie" technique used by the Jews, which in essence says that if you tell a big enough li, at least some people will believe it. Evidently Harold is following the big lie technique and using the sleaziest form of slander possible. He is making a major campaign out of it and no doubt somebody is paying him good money to do it. Who would be so treacherous as to pay this miserable race traitor to do such a vicious smear job? The Jewish ADL immediately comes to mind.

Harold is making it a full time slander campaign to compose the filthiest, sleaziest accusations against me that are so vile, so vicious I couldn't imagine anyone being able to invent such filthy episodes. However, Harold did support a convicted sex pervert and child molester by the name of Frank Collin in Chicago. For five years he funded him, ate with him and slept with him. Strangely, Hemorrhoid Harold seems to be obsessed about anal sex, and revels in endlessly recycling such filth. The only conclusion I can come to is that he is vicariously reliving his own sexual fantasies. As Carlos Porter, who knows Hemorrhoid Harold, has testified, Harold Covington used the same type of sexual smear and slander campaign for 10 years against Commander Matt Koehl of the N.S. White Peoples' Party, trying to besmirch his reputation by means of the big lie technique. This swine of a Covington has now invented an alter ego by the name of Charles Williams who supposedly visited me for a few minutes at some specified date. This too is a vicious lie. I have never met any Charles Williams and doubt that he exists.

Nobody really believes Harold's filthy lies. Furthermore, I have never met Harold, and he has not the slightest evidence or reason to launch his tirade of sleazy lies. However, for those prurient few who may have some lingering doubts and want me to make a forthright denial just for the record, I will reluctantly oblige, although it is extremely painful for me to do so. I categorically and vehemently deny associating with any homos or sex perverts in all of the 73 years of my life, nor have I ever had the slightest inclination toward any form of sexual perversion. I regard such creeps as an abomination against Nature and they are highly repugnant to me. In fact I hardly took note of their existence until about 15 years ago when singer Anita Bryant confronted the homosexual brigade. I was shocked when watching a television interview and saw one of those creeps sneak up and smash a lemon pie in her face -- in full view of the television cameras. Neither the cameraman nor the interviewer rushed to her aid, but calmly kept her on camera. That brought home to me the fact that these miscreants had not only escaped from the closet, but were now highly organized.

I also vehemently deny another vicious lie being spread by Covington, namely that I am a Jew. My Mennonite ancestry and geneology is fully chronicled, not only in my 500 page autobiography, but also by the Klassen family Geneology, compiled earlier by one of my uncles, and numerous other official records. Repugnant as these foul, vicious lies may be, we are not going to let filthy Hemorrhoid Harold and his Jewish promoters slow down the expansion of Creativity in the slightest. Delenda est Judaica! Delenda to the skunks!

B.K., P.M.

Note: A lot of good Anita's praying for the queers got her. The organized queer community ruined this talented, beautiful lady's career, her marriage and her life for standing up to them and their promotion of perverse lifestyles
Good comments there, Cailen, except where you say Cosmotheism is laid out in one audiotape, the three pamphlets, and an essay by Wayne McLeod. Here's a piece by Dr. Pierce that you've probably not seen before because it was just recently transcribed:

I've been arguing for months with this McLeod fellow that his Cosmos Theology is not the same as Cosmotheism, and that his criticisms of Cosmotheism shouldn't be cluttering up and dominating the Cosmotheism and Creativity subforum at Stormfront -- to no avail, however, since, for one thing, the moderator of the SF Cosmotheism and Creativity subforum is an Odinist, Lycia. One has to apply to join this Stormfront subforum in order to post: Mr. McLeod is not a Cosmotheist in the sense that we know the term. He says the following in post #111 of that thread in SF C&C:

Quote from: Wayne MacleodWill Williams Said: "That's all well and good, but it's not exclusively for Whites like both Creativity and Cosmotheism"

And how far have they gotten us along the road of White preservation? I might be dreaming but I now see a Black President in the White House. Perhaps a new strategy is needed other than just thinking about Whites. For example, a movement for World Government does not need to be multicultural. It's coming anyway, we all know that, so let's have a religion that recognizes the benefits of doing away with war, etc., only in its ideology it also recognizes the need for racial and cultural diversity. A religion like that would most probably be pantheist.

There you have it: Mr. McLeod cares not a whit for a religion exclusively for Whites, His tag team partner on that thread, "Unconditional Canuck," says Creativity and Cosmotheism are "complete psychopathic insanity" and what the White race really needs is Cosmos theology or Pantheism. It's a shame that C&C can't be discussed among adherents in its own forum without these naysaying buttinskis dominating the discussion with impunity.

The primacy of race is more subtle with Cosmotheism than with "in-your-face," militant Creativity, but no less valued, and the consistent Cosmotheist world view, or philosophy of life, is apparent in nearly every piece Dr. Pierce wrote from the late 1960s until his death. I wouldn't characterize Cosmotheism as being "dishonest" just because its approach is more subtle than Creativity's. The race-centered creeds, C&C, are entirely compatible but will appeal to different White subgroups, with a healthy overlap of dedicated followers of both. Scientists, atheists, Wodenists, National Socialists, etc., find appeal on one level or another in both Nature-based, biocentric creeds.

Creativity, already on the rocks by 1994, took a turn for the worse when Matt Hale, bless his heart, picked up Ben Klassen's teachings, with little authority, and used them to form what turned out to be little more than a militant Skinhead gang, posing as Creativity. I saw the email distribution header for a message from imprisoned Hale to his followers a few years back and was shocked to see mostly NSM and Hammerskin addresses, That alone told me that for the most part Hale's followers did not embrace or utilize Creativity as Ben Klassen had intended. Not to say Matt was insincere; he just went about things all wrong for the times.

Cosmotheism had effectively been shelved by Dr. Pierce during the 1990s in favor of expanding publishing and multi-media, and in Alliance-building. His idea of Cosmotheist Church Communities, or "White Zion," however, was not dead at all. A certain percentage of Alliance members realized the spiritual aspects of holding the Cosmotheist world view and saw the Alliance as their Church just as surely as Creators did with Ben Klassen's COTC.

Creativity splintered from Hale's downfall, but is still chugging along, which is more than can be said for Cosmotheism currently. On 4/20/2002, and again on April 28, 2002, in Dr. Pierce's last recorded speech (please watch):

He lumped Hale's WCOTC in with Aryan Nations as being useful to draw certain undesirable elements away from the National Alliance, and that he was saddened by the demise of both. Dr. Pierce's stated desire to reach "outside of the Movement" for new followers was a profound move, and one I try to keep in mind. I resigned from the National Alliance at the end of that same month, April, 2002, because, among other things, I didn't like at all the direction the Alliance was headed, with all the Skinhead and hobbyist nonsense that Resistance Records had attracted. Billy Roper, who turned out to be an "Identist," was organizing public "Movement" spectacles in the Alliance's name, pitting his Hammerskin associates vs. Bill White's anti-racist counter-demonstrators. Dr. Pierce was losing control of things as the Alliance attracted more and more ideologically unsound followers. He was dead less than three months after making that speech at his last Leadership Conference ....

Reverend Will Williams.

Note: Posted by Reverend Cambeul from an email by Reverend Williams
Losers, Hobbyists, and the "Movement"
Editorial  by Dr. Pierce from National Alliance BULLETIN, March 2000

An interesting psychological phenomenon on which I have commented on in several issues of the BULLETIN is that displayed by people who send hostile letters to the National Office saying, in effect:  "You people claim to be Christians, but you ignore the teachings of the Bible, which says that all races are the same.  Don't you even know that Jesus was a Jew?"  They have had the idea planted in their heads that the Alliance is some sort of Christian organization, presumably by Jewish propaganda linking us to Christian Identity and Catholic traditionalist groups, which also are on the Jews' hit list. Reading our material or listening to one of my broadcasts should persuade them otherwise, but it doesn't.  It probably took quite a bit of effort by the Jews to pound the idea into their heads, and it'll take dynamite to get it out.

Unfortunately, one can observe a similar phenomenon in many people nominally on our side, even in some Alliance members.  I have announced over and over again our policy toward other organizations, and I nevertheless continue to receive letters to the effect:  "All of us in the 'movement' must stick together.  We should unite with all of the other patriotic organizations, and then we'll be much stronger. Etc." To me this view indicates either hobbyism or a serious deficiency in the writer's powers of discrimination.  If you don't remember what hobbyism is, re-read section 3.c.iii.2 of your copy of the Membership Handbook.

The Internet has given many inadequate people the ability to pretend to be more than they are. Any troubled teenager or unemployed alcoholic can get a web site, set himself up as a phone-booth Fuhrer, and begin collecting "followers," and many do.  They are the ones to whom the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Southern Poverty Law Center are referring when they announce that "the number of 'hate groups' on the Internet is now 457, up 23 per cent since 1999."  Two outstanding examples are a teenaged Jew named Andy Greenbaum, who used the name "Bo Decker" and set up an "organization" he called "Knights of Freedom"; and a professional disseminator of disinformation named Harold Covington (a.k.a. "Winston Smith"). Greenbaum self-destructed last year, when he announced a giant march in Washington and only two of his "followers" showed up for the march. Covington occasionally still makes Internet attacks on the Alliance, but he is far less prolific than he was a year or so ago.

There are dozens of others who are still active, however.  One is a TV repairman in California named Tom Metzger, who publishes a tabloid addressed primarily to skinheads and prisoners called "White Aryan Resistance' ("WAR").  Metzger promotes an ideology that is a blend of racial nationalism and class resentment, commonly called "national bolshevism."  Another, also in California, publishes a newsletter called "The Nationalist Observer."  Both are proponents of an "strategy" known as "leaderless resistance," according to which, at the appropriate time, hundreds or even thousands of revolutionary cells, consisting of one to five patriots each, will materialize spontaneously and will overthrow the government by sabotaging or bombing government and media facilities and assassinating politicians, leading Jews, collaborators, and other enemies of our people.  All of these cells will operate independently, without centralized organization or direction or infrastructure, so that it will be nearly impossible for the government to infiltrate them or spy on them, and the government never will know where or when they will strike next.

Actually, Metzger and other "leaderless resistance" advocates are not so much in favor of "leaderless resistance" as they are against any sort of organized activity.  Their thesis is that any organized activity is certain to fail because it will be infiltrated by government informants and provocateurs, and that any racial patriot who joins an organization is a fool who is allowing the government to get his name on the blacklist for unspecified, but presumably severe, reprisals. 

All of this theorizing takes place in the make-believe world of revolutionary hobbyism.  In the real world, "leaderless resistance" is simply an excuse for losers, cowards, and shirkers to do nothing except talk to each other. Building an effective organization of any sort is difficult work, and those who don't like work or who have tried to build an organization and failed often are resentful of any effort that shows signs of success.  Their reasoning is, "I tried it and wasn't successful; therefore, it can't be done."  And the reason that nearly every organizational effort has failed has not been government spies or provocateurs; it has been the low quality of the human material in the organization.  Certainly, the Alliance has never had any damage done to it by government agents.  Every major difficulty we have had has been the consequence of bad judgment or bad behavior on the part of a member.

It's always difficult working with people.  It must be a real nightmare trying to run an organization that has no quality standards for membership and that maintains a flamboyant and sensationalist public image attractive to hooligans, drunken brawlers, criminals, sociopaths, and other losers.

The latest issue of Resistance Magazine (of which I am the publisher) had an article written by a professional soldier who pointed out the unworkability of "leaderless resistance."  Unfortunately, he mistakenly used the "Order" organized in 1984 by Robert Mathews as an example of why it doesn't work.  In fact, the "Order," based on the fictional organization of the same name in The Turner Diaries, was a centralized organization with a strong leader.  Because of the author's slip, a few of the phone-booth Fuhrers, who already were resentful of the Alliance's progress and were stung by the article's undiplomatic treatment of their favorite excuse for their own failure, saw an opportunity to criticize the Alliance and seized it.  They Xeroxed dozens of copies of the offending article and mailed them to everyone on their mailing lists, including the imprisoned surviving members of the "Order."  They wrote a letter to go with the Xeroxed article, and although Robert Mathews is not even named in the article, their letter said, in effect: "Look, look!  Pierce is attacking Bob Mathews, our martyred hero! Isn't that shameful?"

Seeing the article described as an attack on Robert Mathews led some of the readers to look at it that way, and they duly registered their own indignation.  The phone-booth Fuhrers then posted everything to the Internet, where it was the most titillating subject for gossip among the hobbyists for several weeks. The term "movement" was frequently used by the hobbyists, as in: "Pierce has shown disrespect for a martyr of the 'movement.'  He should be expelled from the 'movement.'"  Or: "No, no!  We must have unity in the 'movement.'"

It's a little hard to say exactly what the term means to the Internet gossips.  To most, it seems to be a clubby sort of concept which includes all of "us" and excludes everyone else.  Although I have found the term useful in some contexts in the past, it probably should be abandoned because it has been so badly misused by the hobbyists. Really, what self respecting racial nationalist wants to be considered part of a "movement' which includes all of the phone-booth Fuhrers, the Internet gossips, and an embarrassingly high quota of born losers?

It's easy enough to understand this club mentality.  As our society disintegrates under the onslaught of Jew-instigated multiculturalism, people look for something to hold onto:  a sense of belonging, of community.  We feel more secure when we have a sense of solidarity with others of like mind.  A comforting sense of security is not the primary thing that Alliance members should be seeking, however.  We want strength.  We want new capabilities.  We want to gain an advantage over the enemies of our people.  We want anything which brings us closer to victory, whether it is comfortable or not.

The truth of the matter is, there's not much advantage to be gained inside the "movement."  It is too heavily freighted with chronic losers, incurable hobbyists, phone-booth Fuhrers, and other defectives.  Perhaps the "movement" is no worse than the general public in this regard, but we're looking for the best and strongest people we can find, and we find them much more often outside the "movement" than inside it.  It is time for all members who have been focused on the "movement" either to reorient themselves in an outward direction or to find another organization to devote themselves to.  As our tempo and our work load increase, being in the Alliance will be less and less fun for those whose primary aim is to amuse themselves with "movement" gossip.  And I will have less patience with hobbyists and with those who believe that the Alliance is part of the "movement."  Our aim is not to be the biggest and best organization in the "movement"; it is to leave the "movement" to its clubby introspection while we get on with the job of building a revolutionary infrastructure.

We respect our martyrs, and all of those who have shown courage or made sacrifices for our people, but we'll build monuments to them after the revolution.  Meanwhile, winning is all that we care about, not the fun of playing the game by "movement" rules.

Quote from: The Creativity Alliance
The Creativity Alliance Policy Statement - Adopted 2008

We the undersigned, recognise the failure of the current approach to spreading Creativity through public White Power forums. If Creativity is to survive and thrive as a religion for White people, it must be outside the infighting and riff-raff of the so-called White Power Movement, therefore as of today, 23 July 2008, it is our policy that all people associated with the Creativity Alliance incorporating the Church of Creativity, immediately cease advertising Creativity Alliance web sites and related materials within White Power forums. Furthermore, any current fighting in White Power forums on behalf of the Creativity Alliance will also cease.

In the case of old or ongoing arguments in support of Creativity Alliance web sites in White Power forums, the following statement is to be issued; or where modification of previous posts is possible, the following statement will be used to replace all arguments, advertisements and other text relating to the Creativity Alliance but not covered by this policy statement:

* * * *
Skipped Text at Source

It is hoped that the issuance of this policy statement will assist in the prevention of the infighting within White Power forums and allow Creativity to attain its ultimate destiny as the religion for all White European people, and a time when together, we can build a Whiter and brighter world.

Signed this 23rd day of July, 35 AC (2008 CE),

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.
Quote from: Hadding on Fri 11 Feb 2011
Within 12 hours after I posted my review of his podcast of 10 February 2011 Covington posted an erratum basically summarizing what I wrote above. This could be the first step on the road to sanity!

Let's hope that Covington will also admit now that there really were no Barry Edwards or Dennis Witherspoon murders with which he has been accusing Ben Klassen since the 1990s...

Let us Creators never forget who our enemies are. Harold Covington has done more to destroy Creativity over the past 22 years than any other man, including "hate group" watchdog Morris Seligman Dees and his Southern Poverty Law Center who obtained the one mllion-dollar default judgment against the COTC. Covington is on no road to sanity. He'll never admit that anything he has fabricated and repeated thousands of time about Founder Klassen, or Creativity, or all the other legitimate WN leaders he has smeared over the years, have been calculated, mendacious libels. He can't. Did he tip his hat to you in his corrected version of Hjalmar Schact's history, Hadding? Of course not, even though many people know that it was you who cried foul at his so-called history lesson. Instead, he simply tells his suckers this on his Facebook profile:

Harold Covington:
For years I have been followed around the internet by three or four
Covington-obsessed trolls, trying to spread confusion, discord, and
disinformation about myself and the Northwest Imperative.

The latest Facebook incidents involving the Induhvidual using the name
"Hadding Scott" prompted me to re-assess, and pull some stuff out of
my files for comparison and re-assessment, going as far back as 1999.
I now am of the opinion that it is ALL ONE GUY, using different
pseudonyms, the latest sock puppet being "Hadding Scott."

I even have an idea who it may be. It's not Willard; "Hadding's"
posts, though bird-brained, are at least coherently organized and free
of Willard's interminable rambling on the one subject that obsesses
him to the point of insanity. He's made a slip or two that have been
suggestive, although not conclusive. One day he'll inadvertently make
some definitive slip, and I will know for sure who he is and what his
sad, pathetic beef with me is.


'Williams v. Covington' libel lawsuit detailed the "beef" just fine. That's why defendant Covington, this arch enemy of Creativity,  owes Rev. Williams $200,000+ and is in hiding, avoiding execution of the court judgment.

Who's going to believe his nonsense about Hadding and "Willard?" The 'punters?' 

Rev. Cambeul, in America a punter is a football (not soccer) kicker who kicks (aka "punts") the ball to the opposing team on 3rd down and long yardage. What is a punter in Australia? Is that someone who believes unquestioningly Covington's claims for decades that Founder Klassen murdered his fictional characters, Witherspoon and Edwards -- not only murdered them, but anally raped them first, and that, after a Satanic goat dance ritual around a bonfire in back of the COTC headquarters?

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