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Topics - Rev.WillWilliams


March 22, 2009

The headline of Sunday's LA Times screamed "Oakland mourns 3 slain officers" (online version). Immediately I constructed a mental model that the murderer was a low-life black man between the ages of 18 and 30.

And of course, I was right. His name was Lovelle Mixon, age 27. Mixon, who was killed in the gun battle, was wanted on a no-bail warrant for violating his parole on a conviction for assault with deadly weapon. A fourth officer is near death.

My mental model was based partly on the reputation of Oakland as famous for black crime. This is an excerpt from the Wikipedia article on Oakland:
Despite comprising only 30–35% of the population, African-Americans are over-represented in crime statistics, with the majority of crimes occurring in heavily African-American neighborhoods. Earl Ofari Hutchinson mentions crime in Oakland as an example of a rising problem of "black-on-black" crime, which Oakland shares with other major cities in the US. Bill Cosby mentions Oakland as one of the many American cities where crime is "endemic" and young African-American men are being murdered and incarcerated in disproportionate numbers. Cosby alleges that the parents of such youths and young men, and the Black community in general, have failed to inculcate proper standards of moral behavior.

In a November, 2008 Congressional Quarterly Press publication, the city of Oakland has the dubious distinction of ranking fifth worst in a nationwide ranking of violent crime. The ranking takes into account six crime categories: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft.
In other words, Oakland has a reputation— a reputation that I was well aware of and that fed into the way I processed a headline like "Oakland mourns 3 slain officers." In my brain there was an automatic connection between this headline and the thought that the perpetrator was black. Of course, the hardcopy LA Times article did not mention that he was black, and there were no photos. But with the link to Oakland, there was little doubt in my mind, and finding out that his first name was Lovelle clinched it. Online newspaper articles did not mention his race, but did include photos. Here is a photo of Mr. Mixon:

The photos also showed that the victims were white:

The race of the victims was not an automatic thought. There certainly are large numbers of non-white policemen. But I was quite curious to find out the race of the victims, and I rather doubt that I was alone in that. Whereas the vast majority of black-on-white crime is kept out of the newspapers, crimes against police are an exception. And because I am concerned about the ongoing disaster of white displacement, I was particularly saddened when I saw the faces of these victims who had been murdered by a black man.

The publicity given to this crime will doubtless sharpen the attitudes of whites that they are often the victims of black criminality — at least in California where the story has been given a great deal of play. Even though black on white crime is not typically publicized, exceptions such as this feed into negative stereotypes that whites have of blacks. And there is no question that in fact blacks are far more likely to commit violent crimes against whites than the reverse.

Because they are typically part of the academic culture of the left, many psychologists have agonized about the fact that whites have unconscious negative stereotypes of blacks lurking down deep in their brains. These stereotypes are "implicit" in the sense that they are automatic, "knee-jerk" responses to images associated with blacks. For example, in most studies, about 80% of whites are quick to associate blacks with negative traits like criminality and low intelligence — traits that indeed are more common among blacks.

These implicit associations are difficult to change, but they may be influenced by media images. A recent study showed a dramatic drop in implicit negative attitudes of whites toward blacks since the presidential campaign of Barack Obama — from the usual 80% down to 51%. The 49% of whites without implicit negative associations with blacks is higher than the percentage of whites who voted for Obama, presumably because the subjects were college students — the only white group of whites to vote for Obama.

The researchers claim that the long-term effects will depend on whether Obama is viewed as a success: "If his presidency is highly successful, he would activate positive traits, thoughts and feelings for most people. However, the result may be less positive should his presidency prove to be less successful."

This may be so, but images like the Oakland police murders will also feed into the implicit attitudes of whites. It would be interesting to do a study of implicit attitudes of whites toward blacks in the San Francisco Bay Area in the aftermath of the murders of the policemen. I suspect that whites' unconscious associations with blacks may have returned to the baseline rate of 80% negative or even higher.

Despite the slobbering love affair between Obama and the media, reality has a way of intruding on the constant propaganda emanating from the liberal media. Already there are images of a less-than-competent Obama in conservative-oriented media. Lou Dobbs, Rush Limbaugh, and The Washington Times among others have hammered away on the theme that Obama seems lost without a teleprompter. Instead of saying "Obama announced that ...," Limbaugh routinely says "Obama's teleprompter announced that ...." (Here's a particularly stumbling performance sans teleprompter.)

It's one thing to routinely make fun of former President Bush. (Jay Leno has led the way on this for the last eight years. Recently, his monologues feature a segment titled "What's George Bush doing today?" in which an actor playing Bush does something completely mindless. For example, in one episode Bush lies face down on a swivel chair and propels himself in circles with a leaf blower.) Imagine the hysteria if Leno did the same with an Obama look-alike.

Such images may be considered anti-white, and Leno often does his best to portray whites negatively. But the liberal media have a very long way to go to make people think that whites in general are unintelligent.

But in the case of blacks, the association of blacks with low intelligence continues to be part of whites' implicit associations with blacks. And this association is solidly grounded in reality: Dozens of research studies show that whether in Africa or America or Brazil, on average blacks are indeed substantially less intelligent than whites. Moreover, there is good evidence that intelligence and racial differences in intelligence are strongly genetically influenced.

What this means is that the image of a stumbling Obama as an automaton who can only speak coherently when he is reading others' words very easily feeds into the negative images that most whites already have of blacks: Blacks are less intelligent, and blacks in America are achieving far more than is justified by their ability — Barack Obama as the affirmative action president.

And it means that the long-term effects of the Obama presidency on how whites think of blacks may depend not only on how successful Obama is. It will also depend on whether whites believe that Obama is anything more than an image created by the mainstream media desperately in search of a black man who could act the part of president.

In recent years, it became fashionable to talk about how Karl Rove was George W. Bush's brain. Suggestions that David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel are Obama's brain have a whole different connotation. And a very significant effect on how whites view blacks.
I'd put Defendant Covington in the Soap Opera Section, but he's a better fit here in Scum.

Though he ridicules Xianity privately, he has been an enemy of Creativity for more than two decades, siding always with the Xian Identity nutcases against Nature-based, biological racists. He hounded Ben Klassen into the grave with malicious defamations that the Founder of the COTC was a Jew pederast, among other lies.

Here is an interesting endorsement of Covington by the eccentric CI nutcase Pastor

Quote from: Pastor Lindstedt (CI Nutjob)Originally Posted by Harold Covington
A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement (Conclusion)
The Present Status of The White Nationalist Movement

The present status of the White Nationalist Movement may be simply stated: there isn't any.

The Movement as it has been known for the past fifty years has in essence ceased to exist. There are one or two Hollywood Nazi groups who still put on quasi Third-Reich costumes and stage 'rallies' of ten or fifteen weirdly-garbed dysfunctionals, who are pelted with garbage and missiles by hundreds of 'anti-racists' and assorted scum, and who must be protected from serious bodily harm by the bored and hostile police. These groups, however, are more of a psychiatric phenomenon than a political one. They have no relevance to anything in the real world.

What White Nationalist Movement there is exists 95% on the internet; physical activity of any kind has virtually ceased. The internet satisfies the need for White males (and a few females) to believe that they are accomplishing something, when in fact they are simply squabbling in a small playpen where the Jew allows them to shout and scream and eat bugs and make mud pies.

The latest fad appears to be playing on vBulletin boards, the largest and oldest of which is Stormfront, run by David Duke flunky Don Black. Probably the second largest vBulletin board is Vanguard News Networks, run by two alcoholics, Alex Linder and the Federal informer and miscegenator Frazier Glenn Miller (q.v..) There are about half a dozen smaller imitators such as White Nationalist Info run by the bizarre and dysfunctional 'Francis Playfair,' but basically they are all the same. The group owner and a small group of his butt buddies whom he appoints as moderators play 'King of the Hill,' amusing themselves by conducting endless, pointless flame wars with one another over nothing, and banning people who dare to disagree with them or criticize them. The White internet at this point really serves no purpose other than a cautionary tale as to how so-called White Nationalists would behave if ever they really did gain power anywhere.

Harold Covington is still soldiering on up in Washington state, trying to get people interested in Northwest Migration. He is a lone voice trying to make himself heard in the middle of a cackling, gibbering insane asylum, where the raving and cursing and babbling of the inmates to themselves drowns out any attempt to speak or think coherently. Covington is the last of his kind, he is in poor health, and no one is paying him any mind. When he goes, there will be nothing left of the old Movement.

The question is, can a new one arise?

What The Hell Is Wrong With White Nationalists?

Despite the fifty-year record of madness, criminal incompetence, deceit and perversion, the barest tip of which iceberg we have just barely touched on in the past 100 pages, the astonishing fact remains that millions of White people, probably the majority of them, actually agree with most of the central tenets of the White Nationalist belief system, when those tenets are presented calmly, coherently, articulately, and devoid of symbols and language which Americans have been conditioned from birth to reject.

So why does White Nationalism not have millions of adherents? Why is there no Movement to save God's most beautiful and noble creation from extinction? Here again, this is a subject so complex that we can only skim the high points:

1. CRIMINAL AND INCOMPETENT leadership of the kind we have just spent 100 pages describing;

2. WHITE TRASH MEMBERSHIP. No normal person wants to associate with the kind of weirdos, dysfunctionals, borderline (and not so borderline) psychotics, petty criminals, homosexual perverts, snake oil salesmen, and emotionally disturbed children of all ages who congregate in the White Nationalist movement;

3. THE BAD DRIVES OUT THE GOOD. White Nationalism will never attract the kind of solid, mature, dedicated, and committed people needed to stage a revolution in this country until the Movement as a whole cleans up its act and refuses any longer to tolerate the kind of pathological behaviors that we have just described in this report. Nor should decent and real people be asked to associate themselves with a freak show like the present White Nationalist movement. For every Harold Covington, Richard Butler, Louis Beam and Kirk Lyons, there are a hundred David Dukes, Buford Furrows, Greg Withrows, Kirsten Kaisers, Matt Koehls, Andrew Greenbaums, Frank Collins, Benny Klassens, Kevin Alfred Stroms, Bill Whites, Hardy Caroll Lloyds, 'Francis Playfairs' and other just plain kooks. It is possible to change the world with a small and dedicated and disciplined minority. It is not possible to accomplish anything with kooks.

4. THERE MUST BE A PLAN. Right now, the only actual plan or strategy which exists in the White Nationalist movement is Northwest Migration, advocated by Harold Covington but also by many others. The Movement as a whole has responded, not with support for the Northwest or by producing an alternate plan or plans, but by intensifying the already unspeakably vicious personal smear campaign directed against Covington. This behavior will either change, or the White race will perish from the face of the earth within the lifetime of infants now born. It is time for serious people in White Nationalism, what few such people there are, to either A) Quit talking * about Covington and get behind Northwest Migration, or B) Produce a viable and realistic alternate plan.

5. DYSFUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR MUST BE DEALT WITH. The White Nationalist gene pool needs a massive dose of chlorine. Since we lack the physical courage or the competence to deal with this legion of kooks and assholes who claim to speak for us, they must be dealt with verbally and morally and however else can be done within our limited means. The kooks and creeps must be exposed, subjected to massive ridicule, shouted down and slapped down whenever they show their faces on the internet. We must stop looking the other way and stop tolerating their lies, their bull*, their smears, their public hissy fits, their weird psycho-political head games on the internet. They must be confronted even if only in cyber-space, and later on when the White man mans up a little they must be confronted physically and driven from our ranks. The future of our race and the existence of our kind depends on this. We must stop trying to get mileage out of creeps.

IF the decks can be cleared, then it may be that even at the eleventh hour, the fifty-ninth minute, and the last second, it is possible that some genuine leadership may step forth and save our race from extinction, so long as they are allowed to proceed on the basis of real-world politics and not be forced to wallow in a cesspool with kooks, weirdos, pathological liars, thieves, and middle-aged emotionally crippled children. But no serious person in his right mind will become involved with the White Nationalist movement as it is today. Before a new tenant can move into the premises, the house must be cleaned and the trash must be taken out. It's a matter of life and death.

Hey, hey! Ho ho!
Movement dysfunctionals have to go!

That's what I like about Harold Covington -- he states the obvious so well. What I especially liked, and around which I tailored this thread, is [bowel] Movement v-bulletin forums, which have overtaken e-mail trees and jewhoogruppen forums as the places which the Movement communicated from 1995 to 2003 or so. Essentially the Movement feebenfuerher and his feeb friends form a forum for a few hundred dollars per year and try to make for theysselfs a little kingdom from which dissent is first jewlagged, then banned. What is accomplished? Little or nothing. What is forgotten? That this forum medium can be used for propaganda and communication, and that the effective communicator can use it accordingly. (And whigger and mamzer flaming is fun. Verbal combat teaches you how to deal with hecklers and feebs.)

This phenomenon arose with $permFront and then VNNF. Their forums essentially destroyed their web pages, as $permFront's is essentially dust and Alex Linder has farmed it out to some feeb named 'Socrates' who often has links to VNNForum or to old William Pierce re-runs. The thing about these forums is that the web page invariably dies or never exists on the same domain name as the V-Bulletin Forum.

The former home of Internut activism used to be the yahoo groups. But jewhoo censored out Nazi or WN content and so they had to go secret and non-public. That ended up with smaller jewhoogroups filled with spies and feds keeping an eye on these net nutzis and any complaint ended up with the removal by jewhoo of the offending jewhoo gruppen.

At the same time, the rise of phpbb, but especially V-Bulletin Forums like $permFront and VNNF meant the Movement migrated from censorship by jews to . . . . censorship by bowel Movement feebs. $permFront actually provided a modest living for Don Black and funneled traffic towards David Duke's web pages. Alex Linder and his VNN, never paying for its own upkeep, was actually run by Billy Roper and Roper's White Revolution group until TraitorGlenn Miller provided federal funding. The very cheapness of the v-bulletin software and web hosting led to where rich kids like Fade the Butcher with a bit of money could set up their own private forum, and claim to be sympathetic to White Nationalism, and pretty much set up a toy for himself and his college buddies to play with. Never mind that dissent was often jewlagged -- placed into a confinement sub-forum like a zoo for the posting animal -- it allowed White Nationalists to post as they did please before a bigger audience than the jewhoogruppen allowed and without the immanent threat of censorship by jews.

As web hosting got cheaper, essentially anyone in the Movement who had time and allowed some degree of freedom of speech brought up his own forum. Upon getting a core audience, the Movement forum feebenfuerher could then afford to jewlag, then ban his opposition or dissent under the very same excuse used by jewhoogruppen -- a terms of service violation. As Covington points out, bowel Movement forums teaches anyone who looks how these whigger nutsionalist feebs will treat their own people each and every time they have power.

Christian Identity forums invariably use phpbb forums because they are free software, often on free hosting, but because they are more austere than v-bulletin forums and thus attract a more serious poster. But v-bulletin with its light strength and power and beauty, is the Movement choice for forums.

Covington doesn't have any v-bulletin forums, not because of his poverty alone, but because Covington himself doesn't take criticism well. Covington has been in the Movement for over 30 years, but is utterly incompetent at leadership and administration. Covington's forte is attacking other Movement leaders -- who need attacking -- but one always gets the impression that Covington would make the same mistakes if in a position to abuse his power. Covington cannot control a v-bulletin forum -- not with his 666 sock-puppets and 6 followers. And thus Covington sticks to his blogs and his jewhoogruppen where he can control it through censorship and logging on yet another sock-puppet to worship Tubby, saying, "jew're the greatest, HAC." I myself was banned from one of Covington's jewhoogruppen and then got to watch while Covington created a 'Martin Lindstedt' sock-puppet which posted "George, George, George of the Jungle" posts and Covington pretended it was me doing the deranged posting.

Additionally Covington loved to post how crazy I am, while Covington's family tells the SPLC that Covington suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. But both our families have turned out to be disappointments to us. And it is far better to be deemed crazy in a whigger world than to be typical -- something Covington should keep in mind.

The [bowel] Movement is full of whiggers and muds and jews playing at Revolution. It is also full of whigger feebs who make their own claim, while anonymous, as to how their rivals and those who are actually do something need to be kicked out of the Movement.

This is idiotic. There is no licensing boards for White racists. Every little feebenfuerher has his own little following. Otherwise Covington would have been purged from it long ago.

US to boycott world racism conference

Al-Jazeera  Sunday, 1 March 2009

WASHINGTON — The United States has decided to boycott an
upcoming UN conference on racism unless its final document is
changed to drop all references to Israel.

SIAMESE TWINS—US conjoined with Israel under banner
of Zion in opposing international anti-racism conference. 

The Conference Against Racism, to be held in Geneva in April,
is a follow-up to the conference held in the South African town
of Durban in 2001.

On Friday, a US delegation taking part in the preparatory talks
in Geneva, said the draft resolution was unacceptable.

The US and Israeli delegations walked out of the 2001 meeting
in protest against the resolution which likened Zionism — the
movement to establish and maintain a Jewish [political structure]
— to racism.

Israel and Canada have already announced they will boycott
the conference, which is known as Durban II.

According to Robert Wood, the US state department spokesman,
the "document being negotiated has gone from bad to worse,
and the current text of the draft outcome document is not

"A conference based on this text would be a missed opportunity
to speak clearly about the persistent problem of racism."


Wood said the US would not participate in the conference unless
its final statement does not criticize any one country or conflict.

Tzipi Livni, the foreign minister, welcomed the decision.

"Under the fig leaf of combating racism, this conference is blatantly
anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli," Livni said in a statement on Saturday.

"The decision of the United States should be an example to other
countries that share our values."

Pro-Israeli groups also hailed the US move.

"President [Barack] Obama's decision not to send US representation
to the April event is the right thing to do and underscores America's
unstinting commitment to combating intolerance and racism in all
its forms and in all settings," the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee said.

European client states urged to join boycott

The Conference of Presidents, an umbrella group of more than
50 Jewish organizations, said: "It was clear from the preparatory
meetings that this conference was again being hijacked by those
who want to have a repetition of the first Durban conference,
which focused almost singularly on Israel and was the occasion
for vile and bigoted declarations and manifestations.

"It is our hope that the European countries will follow suit and
announce that they will not participate."

US officials said they are pressing European nations to boycott the
conference unless there are revisions to the final statement.

The Netherlands and France have already expressed concern about
the contents.
I was going to post this article in "People are going to hate Obama," but this particular Obama-hater, James G. Cummings, deserves his own thread. Though murdered by his "temporarily insane" wife, Amber, three months ago, yesterday was the first mention of this I'd seen. I believe it was a FOX News report that claimed an NSM membership application, among other "hate literature," was found in the Cummings residence, along with the depleted uranium and other lovely items.

We can only hope that this toxic fellow, with his $10,000,000 trust fund, didn't hike up on this forum as Rahowa1488, or whatever, and buy Creator stuff that was also found w. Creativity is already associated in America's mass mind with these clowns in the

Report: Slain US Nazi hated Obama, had parts for 'dirty bomb'
Stephen C. Webster
Published: Monday March 9, 2009

Claim: Depleted uranium purchased over the Internet from an American company

Trust fund millionaire James G. Cummings, an American Nazi sympathizer from Maine who was slain by his wife Amber in December, allegedly had the radioactive components necessary to construct a "dirty bomb," a newly released threat analysis report states.

The man, allegedly furious over the election of President Obama, purchased depleted uranium over the Internet from an American company.

"According to an FBI field intelligence report from the Washington Regional Threat and Analysis Center posted online by WikiLeaks, an organization that posts leaked documents, an investigation into the case revealed that radioactive materials were removed from Cummings' home after his shooting death on Dec. 9," reported the Bangor Daily News.

"Amber (Cummings) indicated James was very upset with Barack Obama being elected President," reported the Washington Regional Threat and Analysis Center (PDF link). "She indicated James had been in contact with 'white supremacist group(s).' Amber also indicated James mixed chemicals in the kitchen sink at their residence and had mentioned 'dirty bombs.'"

"Also found was literature on how to build 'dirty bombs' and information about cesium-137, strontium-90 and cobalt-60, radioactive materials," said the Bangor Daily. "The FBI report also stated there was evidence linking James Cummings to white supremacist groups. This would seem to confirm observations by local tradesmen who worked at the Cummings home that he was an ardent admirer of Adolf Hitler and had a collection of Nazi memorabilia around the house, including a prominently displayed flag with swastika. Cummings claimed to have pieces of Hitler's personal silverware and place settings, painter Mike Robbins said a few days after the shooting."

After Amber Cummings admitted to the murder and entered an insanity plea, Belfast, Maine police felt it necessary to bring the FBI on the scene. Bangor Daily reporter Eric Russell followed up in a filmed interview with Belfast Police Chief Jeffrey Trafton:

The paper also reported that Cummings had a long history of violence.

Public safety officials were quick to claim there was no threat.

The story of the first attempt at constructing a "dirty bomb" in the United States was not carried by any mainstream press outside of Maine.

"Conservatives apparently didn't want to draw attention to a radioactive, wealthy version of Timothy McVeigh coming from their own sphere, although nearly every day during Bush's reign saw "dirty bombs" hyped as the ultimate threat," summarized Wikileaks.

"The left didn't want to repeat another 'dirty bomb' story, the likes of which Republicans had used to drive hundreds of billions of dollars into Republican dominated military and security contractors."

In the report, an unnamed source noted, "state authorities detected radiation emissions in four small jars in the residence labeled 'uranium metal', as well as one jar labeled 'thorium.' The four jars of uranium carried the label of an identified US company."

"Further preliminary analysis on 30 December 2008 indicated an unlabeled jar to be a second jar of thorium. Each bottle of uranium contained depleted uranium 238. Analysis also indicated the two jars of thorium held thorium 232."

"An Internet search of the James B. Cummings Trust indicated that it has an annual income of $10 million," noted a report republished by Wikileaks.

I can't attest for the above source with it's "Nazi terrorist" angle to the story, but two months ago the story was in the Bangor, ME, paper, with no mention of the "violent Nazi" angle:


I'm interested in secessionist movements, and will henceforth push hard for one in Southern Appalachia for Whites ONLY!  Times have ripened for Whites to summarily withdraw their consent to be governed by racial aliens and secede en masse to our own living space. WV is in this region that's made up primarily of parts of eight southern states, but reaches up into western PA and a few others, like southern Ohio, etc. We Southern Appalachians know who we are by looking in one anothers' faces. There are many issues that will unite Whites in Southern Appalachia, including the double standard used in determining so-called "environmental racism" against our people.

This White man's letter caught my eye today:

    Dear Mr. President,

    As I write this letter, I brace myself for another round of nerve-wracking explosives being detonated above my home in the mountains of West Virginia. Outside my door, pulverized rock dust, laden with diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate explosives hovers in the air, along with the residual of heavy metals that once lay dormant underground.

    The mountain above me, once a thriving forest, has been blasted into a pile of rock and mud rubble. Two years ago, it was covered with rich black topsoil and abounded with hardwood trees, rhododendrons, ferns and flowers. The understory thrived with herbs such as ginseng, black cohosh, yellow root and many other medicinal plants. Black bears, deer, wild turkey, hawks, owls and thousands of [other] birds lived here. The mountain contained sparkling streams teeming with aquatic life and fish.

    Now it is all gone. It is all dead. I live at the bottom of a mountain-top-removal coal-mining operation in the Peachtree community.

    Mr. President Obama, I am writing you because we have simply run out of options. Last week, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court in Richmond, Va., overturned a federal court ruling for greater environmental restrictions on mountaintop-removal permits. Dozens of permits now stand to be rushed through. As you know, in December, the EPA under George W. Bush allowed an 11th-hour change to the stream buffer zone rule, further unleashing the coal companies to do as they please.

    During your presidential campaign, you declared: "We have to find more environmentally sound ways of mining coal than simply blowing the tops off mountains."

    That time is now. Or never.

    Every day, more than 3 million pounds of explosives are detonated in our state to remove our mountains and expose the thin seams of coal. Over 470 mountains in Appalachia have been destroyed in this process, the coal scooped up and hauled away to be burned at coal-fired power plants across our country and abroad. This includes the Potomac River Plant, which generates the electricity for the White House.

    Mountaintop removal is the dirty secret in our nation's energy supply. If coal can't be mined clean, it can't be called clean. Here, at the point of extraction, coal passes through a preparation plant that manages to remove some, but not all, of the metals and toxins. Those separated impurities are stored in mammoth toxic sludge dams above our communities throughout Appalachia.

    There are three sludge dams within 10 miles of my home. Coal companies are now blasting directly above and next to a dam above my home that contains over 2 billion gallons of toxic waste. That is the same seeping dam that hovers just 400 yards above the Marsh Fork Elementary School. As you know, coal sludge dams have failed before, and lives have been lost.

    My family and I, like many American citizens in Appalachia, are living in a state of terror. Like sitting ducks waiting to be buried in an avalanche of mountain waste, or crushed by a falling boulder, we are trapped in a war zone within our own country.

    In 1968, I served my country in Vietnam as part of the 1st Battalion 12th Marines, 3rd Marine Division. As you know, Appalachians have never failed to serve our country; our mountain riflemen stood with George Washington at the surrender of the British in Yorktown. West Virginia provided more per capita soldiers for the Union during the Civil War than any other state; we have given our blood for every war since.

    We have also given our blood for the burden of coal in these mountains. My uncle died in the underground mines at the age of 17; another uncle was paralyzed from an accident. My dad worked in an underground mine. Many in my family have suffered from black-lung disease.

    These mountains are our home. My family roots are deep in these mountains. We homesteaded this area in the 1820s. This is where I was born. This is where I will die.

    On Jan. 15, 1972, U.S. Sen. John D. Rockefeller made a speech at Morris Harvey College. He declared: "The government has turned its back on the many West Virginians who have borne out of their property and out of their pocketbook the destructive impact of strip-mining. We hear that the governor once claimed to have wept as he flew over the strip mine devastation of our state. Now it's the people who weep."

    Our state government has turned its back on us in 2009.

    Peachtree is but one of hundreds of Appalachian communities that are being bombed. Our property has been devalued to worthlessness. Our neighbors put their kids to bed at night with the fear of being crushed or swept away in toxic sludge. And the outside coal industries continue their criminal activity through misleading and false ads.

    Mr. President, when I heard you talk during your campaign stops, it made me feel like there was hope for Peachtree and the Coal River Valley of West Virginia. Hope for me and my family.

    Abraham Lincoln wrote that we cannot escape history: "The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation."

    I beg you to re-light our flame of hope and honor and immediately stop the coal companies from blasting so near our homes and endangering our lives. As you have said, we must find another way than blowing off the tops of our mountains. We must end mountaintop removal.

    I also ask you to please put an end to these dangerous toxic-sludge dams.

    With utmost respect, yours truly,

    Bo Webb
    Naoma, W.V.

There is a "comments" section at this linked article. I posted the following remark there, along with a link to

Doesn't this story qualify Bo Webb by all rights as a victim of environmental racism? Or does Bo's being White disqualify him? We're told that Whites will be an ethnic minority in the U.S. in 2042. Will Bo's grandchildren and great-grandchildren be eligible for victim status then?

Wikipedia: Environmental racism refers to intentional or unintentional racial discrimination in the enforcement of environmental rules and regulations, the intentional or unintentional targeting of minority communities for the siting of polluting industries... The term was coined and defined by the former Reverend Dr. [and arson terrorist] Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr.
What's with this blog I just stumbled onto:

There's a good collection of articles on changing racial demographics, with relevance for Creators, but it appears to be run by an Indian (dothead, not Pahoo).  :-\

The non-White world seems to think it's a fait accomplis that the White race is not going to be around much longer, and that there is nothing that Whites can do to reverse this trend toward extinction of Nature's Finest creation: White people. These non-White speculators must not be aware of Creativity nor the resolve of its adherents to pee on their non-White parade

I got hold of a copy of the January/February 2009 issue of Atlantic monthly while waiting my turn in the dentist's office the other day. It's the one with Obongo's mug on the cover. The feature article: The End of White America? by some Chinaman. This should be required reading for Creators in order to see just how far this perception has taken hold.


The Election of Barack Obama is just the most startling manifestation of a larger trend: the gradual erosion of "whiteness" as the touchstone of what it means to be American. If the end of white America is a cultural and demographic inevitability, what will the new mainstream look like—and how will white Americans fit into it? What will it mean to be white when whiteness is no longer the norm? And will a post-white America be less racially divided—or more so?

by Hua Hsu
The End of White America?

"Civilization's going to pieces," he remarks. He is in polite company, gathered with friends around a bottle of wine in the late-afternoon sun, chatting and gossiping. "I've gotten to be a terrible pessimist about things. Have you read The Rise of the Colored Empires by this man Goddard?" They hadn't. "Well, it's a fine book, and everybody ought to read it. The idea is if we don't look out the white race will be—will be utterly submerged. It's all scientific stuff; it's been proved."

He is Tom Buchanan, a character in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, a book that nearly everyone who passes through the American education system is compelled to read at least once. Although Gatsby doesn't gloss as a book on racial anxiety—it's too busy exploring a different set of anxieties entirely—Buchanan was hardly alone in feeling besieged. The book by "this man Goddard" had a real-world analogue: Lothrop Stoddard's The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy, published in 1920, five years before Gatsby. Nine decades later, Stoddard's polemic remains oddly engrossing. He refers to World War I as the "White Civil War" and laments the "cycle of ruin" that may result if the "white world" continues its infighting. The book features a series of foldout maps depicting the distribution of "color" throughout the world and warns, "Colored migration is a universal peril, menacing every part of the white world."

As briefs for racial supremacy go, The Rising Tide of Color is eerily serene. Its tone is scholarly and gentlemanly, its hatred rationalized and, in Buchanan's term, "scientific." And the book was hardly a fringe phenomenon. It was published by Scribner, also Fitzgerald's publisher, and Stoddard, who received a doctorate in history from Harvard, was a member of many professional academic associations. It was precisely the kind of book that a 1920s man of Buchanan's profile—wealthy, Ivy League–educated, at once pretentious and intellectually insecure—might have been expected to bring up in casual conversation.

As white men of comfort and privilege living in an age of limited social mobility, of course, Stoddard and the Buchanans in his audience had nothing literal to fear. Their sense of dread hovered somewhere above the concerns of everyday life. It was linked less to any immediate danger to their class's political and cultural power than to the perceived fraying of the fixed, monolithic identity of whiteness that sewed together the fortunes of the fair-skinned.

From the hysteria over Eastern European immigration to the vibrant cultural miscegenation of the Harlem Renaissance, it is easy to see how this imagined worldwide white kinship might have seemed imperiled in the 1920s. There's no better example of the era's insecurities than the 1923 Supreme Court case United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind, in which an Indian American veteran of World War I sought to become a naturalized citizen by proving that he was Caucasian. The Court considered new anthropological studies that expanded the definition of the Caucasian race to include Indians, and the justices even agreed that traces of "Aryan blood" coursed through Thind's body. But these technicalities availed him little. The Court determined that Thind was not white "in accordance with the understanding of the common man" and therefore could be excluded from the "statutory category" of whiteness. Put another way: Thind was white, in that he was Caucasian and even Aryan. But he was not white in the way Stoddard or Buchanan were white.

The '20s debate over the definition of whiteness—a legal category? a commonsense understanding? a worldwide civilization?—took place in a society gripped by an acute sense of racial paranoia, and it is easy to regard these episodes as evidence of how far we have come. But consider that these anxieties surfaced when whiteness was synonymous with the American mainstream, when threats to its status were largely imaginary. What happens once this is no longer the case—when the fears of Lothrop Stoddard and Tom Buchanan are realized, and white people actually become an American minority?

Whether you describe it as the dawning of a post-racial age or just the end of white America, we're approaching a profound demographic tipping point. According to an August 2008 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, those groups currently categorized as racial minorities—blacks and Hispanics, East Asians and South Asians—will account for a majority of the U.S. population by the year 2042. Among Americans under the age of 18, this shift is projected to take place in 2023, which means that every child born in the United States from here on out will belong to the first post-white generation.

Obviously, steadily ascending rates of interracial marriage complicate this picture, pointing toward what Michael Lind has described as the "beiging" of America. And it's possible that "beige Americans" will self-identify as "white" in sufficient numbers to push the tipping point further into the future than the Census Bureau projects. But even if they do, whiteness will be a label adopted out of convenience and even indifference, rather than aspiration and necessity. For an earlier generation of minorities and immigrants, to be recognized as a "white American," whether you were an Italian or a Pole or a Hungarian, was to enter the mainstream of American life; to be recognized as something else, as the Thind case suggests, was to be permanently excluded. As Bill Imada, head of the IW Group, a prominent Asian American communications and marketing company, puts it: "I think in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, [for] anyone who immigrated, the aspiration was to blend in and be as American as possible so that white America wouldn't be intimidated by them. They wanted to imitate white America as much as possible: learn English, go to church, go to the same schools."

Today, the picture is far more complex. To take the most obvious example, whiteness is no longer a precondition for entry into the highest levels of public office. The son of Indian immigrants doesn't have to become "white" in order to be elected governor of Louisiana. A half-Kenyan, half-Kansan politician can self-identify as black and be elected president of the United States.

As a purely demographic matter, then, the "white America" that Lothrop Stoddard believed in so fervently may cease to exist in 2040, 2050, or 2060, or later still. But where the culture is concerned, it's already all but finished. Instead of the long-standing model of assimilation toward a common center, the culture is being remade in the image of white America's multiethnic, multicolored heirs.

For some, the disappearance of this centrifugal core heralds a future rich with promise. In 1998, President Bill Clinton, in a now-famous address to students at Portland State University, remarked:

    Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within five years, there will be no majority race in our largest state, California. In a little more than 50 years, there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time ... [These immigrants] are energizing our culture and broadening our vision of the world. They are renewing our most basic values and reminding us all of what it truly means to be American.

Not everyone was so enthused. Clinton's remarks caught the attention of another anxious Buchanan—Pat Buchanan, the conservative thinker. Revisiting the president's speech in his 2001 book, The Death of the West, Buchanan wrote: "Mr. Clinton assured us that it will be a better America when we are all minorities and realize true 'diversity.' Well, those students [at Portland State] are going to find out, for they will spend their golden years in a Third World America."

Read the rest here:

The comment section following this article in the left-wing Huffington Post about the Jewing of Charles Freeman should encourage long-suffering Jew-fighters who are usually labelled "anti-Semites" for legitimate criticism of Jewish perfidy.

Please, every Creator read this article, and see that we have common ground with truth-seeking Leftists.

Here's just one comment by "veracity" that names the Jew like a good Creator would:

Once Again, Rahm Emanuel, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, & Israel Lobby _OWN_ the Obama administration.


Just as MICHAEL CHERTOFF - an open, avowed, & unrepentent AIPAC Likudnik - was the UnitedStates' SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY.

Not only did Chertoff head DHS, the organization that would (in national crisis) run America's modern CONCENTRATION CAMPS (as Japanese were intered in WWII), but Mr. Chefoff was also co-AUTHOR of the (despicable) un.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act - the one that passed ONLY after TWO ANTHRAX LETTERS were mailed to THE TWO SENATORS most able to obstruct that act, then Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and then (and current) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy.
(A law passed ONLY when the deadly and still unresolved ANTRHAX TERROR ATTACKS on Senator Leahy's and Daschle's office WIPED OUT their "obstruction" to the unPATRIOT Act).

Worst of all, AS IF _subordinating_ America's ENTIRE FOREIGN POLICY to the ancient hatreds of religious and tribal passions of the Mideast isn't bad enough, President Obama's ENTIRE _ECONOMIC_ TEAM is also defined by... THEIR GOLDMAN-SACHS "investment banking" roots!

While TreasurySecretary Geithner may not have _DIRECTLY_ worked for GoldmanSachs, his "job" at The USfedReserveBankNY was most certainly to keep his mentors - Robert Rubin & Lawrence Summers - happy. Which is to say - "GEITHNER'S JOB at the FedNY WAS TO KEEP GOLDMAN-SACHS & WALL St. HAPPY.

It's great to see a leader on our side address not just the " Two C's" (Communism and Capitalism), brought to us by Jewry, but the Third "C" -- Jew-spawned Christianity. Our Church featured just such a piece entitled The Three Cs, in our monthly tabloid Racial Loyalty 20 years ago.

Commander Koehl's New Order is one group that is compatible with Creativity and worth some bridge-building.

He gives good arguments in the following letter to Chris that every Creator should be armed with.

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your patience in awaiting this much-delayed response.

There are essentially two issues here.  One is about a constitutional
republic and how this relates to National Socialism. The other is about
the religion of the Jews and those who follow the Judaic tradition.

Concerning the US Constitution, it has become, for all intents and
purposes, nothing more than a meaningless scrap of paper, to which
lip service is paid but which in practice is ignored by those who hold
power, to the extent that it does not serve their criminal purposes.

The biggest flaw in the original document is that it focused on the
Individual, rather than the Race.  It failed to spell out explicitly the
white, European character of the newly formed United States.  That
singular omission has had the most dire and tragic consequences.
It led up to the Civil War and to all subsequent events in this country.

Had that conflict gone another way, perhaps this defect might have
been corrected and the country could have taken a different direction.
But we know that that was not the case.

There was, of course, the original Ku Klux Klan after the war and
the turning-back of Reconstruction.  But without a comprehensive,
Race-based worldview like National Socialism, it was unable to sustain
white rule in the South up to the present time.

The sad fact is that, while America was undeniably still a white nation
even up to the Second World War, by 1945 it had crossed the point
of no return.  By going to war against its white brothers in Germany,
it shot itself in the foot.  All of which is particularly tragic, since
Adolf Hitler was fighting for the very same racial values which most
Americans at the time—including, especially, Southerners—believed in.

That's why I find it is rather ironic that so many of the biggest
flagwaving, glory-Hallelujah, Yankee Doodle yahoos are to be found
today in the American South.  Apparently, they've forgotten completely
the meaning of the word "scalawag."  Is it any wonder, then, that this
part of the country is now seeing more and more black mayors and local
officials and experiencing another invasion, this time from south of the

Not only Southerners, but all American whites—and all whites
everywhere in the world—lost when they decided to go to war against
Hitler and his people.  Adolf Hitler was fighting for THEM, and they
didn't even realize it!

But you've got to see all this as part of a bigger picture, Chris.
Adolf Hitler was not just another ordinary man.  He was someone who
comes into the world but once in thousands of years to bring mankind
a special message.  Hitler's message and mission, in particular, was
to remind Aryankind of those Laws of Nature, which are the eternal
Laws of Life.

So what did we do?  We rejected this message and the one who brought
it.  That's why we're in the predicament in which we now find ourselves.
All the man-made ills in our world today can be traced directly back to
that act of rejection.  It's all a simple matter of cause and effect.

Just as things might have been a bit different if the South had won the
American civil war, even more so would things have been different for
white people everywhere had Germany and her allies emerged victorious
from World War II.

A few generations back, America—including the American South—had
the choice of joining with Hitler in fighting for a better world, or waging
war against him.  Unfortunately, we chose to go to war against him—
with all the dire consequences we are experiencing today.

                                        *    *    *

Now then, understand that as National Socialists we believe neither
in Capitalism nor Communism.  Both Communism and Capitalism have
failed.  If you need any proof in the case of the latter, all you have
to do is look and see what is happening with the stock market and
the loss of jobs these days.  As the name suggests, Capitalism is
based on Money and Capital—in other words, on pure Materialism.
Its political expression is called—Liberal Democracy.

Its ideological twin is Communism, based on something called "Dialectical
Materialism."  What it does is simply take the liberal-democratic notion
that "all men are created equal" and carry it to its logical absurdity.

Both Communism and Capitalism represent forms of economic
materialism, and as such they lack a spiritual foundation.  For each,
man is nothing more than an economic cipher.

By contrast, National Socialism of based on the principle of Race,
and more specifically, on that of racial idealism.  We see man as
a racial Person.  And here it is important to forget about all those
labels tossed around loosely by moss-back reactionaries, and not
behave in knee-jerk fashion.

When we use the word "national," we are talking about our racial
nation.  And when we talk about "social," we are referring to a white,
Aryan society, as well as to the social responsibility and social justice
that goes along with it.  The two words go together. You cannot have
one without the other.  As such, these terms join to form one single

As National Socialists we believe in the common good before selfish
interest.  We believe that the Whole is always greater than any of its
individual parts.  We reject Liberal Democracy and its fallacious notion
of the Individual standing apart from his people—his FOLK.

By the same token, we recognize the value of the Person.  By this
we mean the individual integrated within the greater Whole, as part
of his Folk in true racial communion and as someone given every
opportunity to develop his or her highest potential.  Only then does
the individual life achieve real meaning, purpose and value.

Our Leader has taught us that this Person, whatever his or her
station in life, is to be honored and respected as a valued member
of the Community of the Folk—and not regarded as a disposable
political-economic unit—as is the crass, cavalier attitude under both
Communism and Liberal Capitalism.

But none of this can work under an Obama administration—or under
any other regime in a decadent, multiracial society.  It can only work
within the framework of a racial community, where everyone is on
the same wave-length.

This condition was met in Germany where, under Hitler, a successful
Aryan society was created.  It was so successful, in fact, that people
everywhere were beginning to look upon it as a model for their own

Is it any wonder, then, that those very Communist and Capitalist
states, which had failed, were worried and that they should decide
to join forces in a world war against National Socialist Germany?
What we see here is that when the chips were really down and real
interests were at stake, both Jewish-sponsored Capitalism and
Jewish-sponsored Communism came together to demonstrate their
true, incestuous affinity.

                                        *    *    *

As to our spiritual outlook, understand that we are Aryans—
not Semites, Hebrews, Israelites, Khazars, or whatever.  Our ancient
ancestors did not come from the Middle East.  They came from their
primordial home in Europe, where they had always lived since the
last Ice Age.

That's why we refuse to worship any alien tribal god created by
the Jews in their image.  And that's why we reject all Jewish holy
books, traditions and history, not to mention a Jewish ethnic identity.

A lot of good Christians say we should read the Jewish bible to
discover our "true" identity.  Well, that's just we have done—every
single word of it.  What we find is something so gross and repulsive
that we, like our Leader, want no part of it—including all those old,
familiar tales about "persecution" and "holocausting," a refrain that
hasn't changed a bit in 4,000 years!

If you want an X-rated manual for lying, deceit, cunning, conniving,
swindling, double-dealing, dishonesty, trickery, treachery, fakery,
anti-goy hate, nastiness, cruelty, sadism, pornography, pimping,
perversion and the performance of certain bodily functions, you
need look no further than these 66 texts (upon which that other
great Jewish "holy book," the Talmud, is merely commentary) for

Its leading characters reveal themselves as so dishonorable and
disgusting, that no decent Aryan parent would ever knowingly want
them to serve as role models for their children. Unfortunately, many
of them have not read their Jewish bible closely enough!

Our Aryan sensibility is offended by the depravity and perversity
we find in this moral cesspool.  As National Socialists, we look
elsewhere for spiritual direction and for those moral values—
such as loyalty, honor, courage, truthfulness and love of one's
kinsmen and the greater natural order—which are more compatible
with our racial soul.

I trust, Chris, that this will give you a little better picture of where
we're coming from and what we stand for.

All best wishes.  I remain—

In His service,

M. Koehl

Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 2:25 AM
To: "New Order" <>
Subject: Constitutional Republic

> Dear Mr. Koehl,
>                               I have read and re-read all the  information
> you have sent me and I have thought about everything a lot.  I must
> confess, I am a big fan of what the founding fathers tried to do for us
> by establishing a Constitutional Republic, that was then destroyed
> by Lincoln and his Marxist buddies.
> I am a big fan of Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee and Stonewall Jackson
> for trying to save, defend and preserve the Constitutional Republic that
> was
> established for us by these same founding fathers.
> I understand that Hitler had to take some drastic measures to deal with
> the threat from within to save Germany from it's enemy, but I'm concerned
> on how National Socialism relates to a Constitutional Republic.  I don't
> like Socialism, Fascism, Communism, Marxism, Zionism, Talmudic,
> Rabbinic Judaism, any kind of coercion, intimidation, slavery, tyranny in
> any shape or form etc. etc. etc.
> I agree 1000% that Talmudic, Rabbinical Judaism is a grave threat
> to the survival of the human race and that it is NOT the ancient Israelite
> religion of Yahweh, but the invention and fantasies of demented &
> diseased minds.  I feel that it is the duty of all mankind to eradicate this
> vile filth from the earth before it eradicates mankind.
> Especially those calling themselves Jews would do well to reject such
> nonsense and return to the religion of the Old Testament and stop
> harassing & persecuting the "goyim, or gentiles" as they call us.  So the
> term, National "Socialism"  makes me nervous, if you know what I mean.
> I'm a member of the League of the South and a member of the Confederate
> Society of America and Confederate Alliance with the goal of freeing the
> Southland from the tyranny of  the District of Corruption in Washington
> and
> their Zionist masters.  I am also German and I am sick and tired of people
> being harassed and persecuted for questioning the lie of the holocaust,
> or having people wallowing in guilt and shame because they believe the
> lies of the Pharisees and won't get off their butts to find out the truth!
> So could you fill me in on this very important matter?
> Thank You!!!
>                          Chris
Quote from: Sovereign on New SaxonMatt Hale Ordered Creators to Recite the Five Fundamental Beliefs of Creativity Five Times a Day on their Knees.

It's only common sense that one should reinforce their beliefs as often as possible. I don't think that is really asking a lot of people, especially if they truly believe that, again, which pretty much comes naturally.

I think some of these folk were associated with someone who was making a really big issue out of it and forcing people to stop what they were doing 5 times a day to do this at specific times facing a certain direction, I'm not kidding. That would have put me in mind of Muslim prayer rituals or whatever that horrible nonsense is they do. It ceases to be natural when you are being told you MUST do something I guess.

This is a question to the Creativity Alliance group on New Saxon, so I am told.   ::)

There should be no Creators who "believe" such nonessential, diversionary claptrap. If there are, they will soon be eclipsed by the more convicted, more militant, less compromising Creator soon enough.

On the other hand, a Church needs rituals to reinforce the passions and traditions of its congregants, and Founder Klassen had given much thought to celebrations of life's passages as Creators.

A profound difference between Nature-based, reality-based Creativity and the spook-chasing creeds is the unique factor of common sense and empirical, critical thinking. The Creator takes full advantage of his Creative intelligence, so would reject silly, thoughtless ritual like bowing and praying to the imaginary Jewish tribal god, and all that.

Whenever I find myself trapped in a group that for some reason or other is to be led in Xian prayer, my heart jumps a bit in anticipation. I can hardly wait to hold my head high and quickly scan all the others in the room to see if any are wide-eyed, like me, watching over the lambkins who have closed their eyes, bowed their heads, maybe even got on their knees to go along with the pretense of talking to Yahweh.  :'( It should always be a simple pleasure for a Creator to enjoy a smile and a nod from a kinsman during the group recitation by rote of the dreadful Lord's Prayer or the Apostles' Creed or of the 23rd Psalm. 
This from the monthly National Alliance Membership BULLETIN from nine years ago:

Losers, Hobbyists, and the "Movement"

Dr William L. Pierce | National Alliance | The Bulletin | March 2000

An interesting psychological phenomenon on which I have commented on in several issues of the BULLETIN is that displayed by people who send hostile letters to the National Office saying, in effect: "You people claim to be Christians, but you ignore the teachings of the Bible, which says that all races are the same. Don't you even know that Jesus was a Jew?" They have had the idea planted in their heads that the Alliance is some sort of Christian organization, presumably by Jewish propaganda linking us to Christian Identity and Catholic traditionalist groups, which also are o the Jews' hit list. Reading our material or listening to one of my broadcasts should persuade them otherwise, but it doesn't. It probably took quite a bit of effort by the Jews to pound the idea into their heads, and it'll take dynamite to get it out.

Unfortunately, one can observe a similar phenomenon in many people nominally on our side, even in some Alliance members. I have announced over and over again our policy toward other organizations, and I nevertheless continue to receive letters to the effect: "All of us in the 'movement' must stick together. We should unite with all of the other patriotic organizations, and then we'll be much stronger. Etc." To me this view indicates either hobbyism or a serious deficiency in the writer's powers of discrimination. If you don't remember what hobbyism is, re-read section 3.c.iii.2 of your copy of the Membership Handbook

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

The Internet has given many inadequate people the ability to pretend to be more than they are. Any troubled teenager or unemployed alcoholic can get a web site, set himself up as a phone-booth Fuhrer, and begin collecting "followers," and many do. They are the ones to whom the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Southern Poverty Law Center are referring when they announce that "the number of 'hate groups' on the Internet is now 457, up 23 per cent since 1999." Two outstanding examples are a teenaged Jew named Andy Greenbaum, who used the name "Bo Decker" and set up an "organization" he called "Knights of Freedom"; and a professional disseminator of disinformation named Harold Covington (a.k.a. "Winston Smith"). Greenbaum self-destructed last year, when he announced a giant march in Washington, and only two of his "followers" showed up for the march. Covington occasionally still makes Internet attacks on the Alliance, but he is far less prolific than he was a year or so ago.

Admin Edit: Harold Covington kicked the bucket on or about the 20th of July 2018.
For information on Weird Harold, HAC or Tubby as he was derisively known, see:

Harold Covington – Jackass!

There are dozens of others who are still active, however. One is a TV repairman in California named Tom Metzger, who publishes a tabloid addressed primarily to skinheads and prisoners called "White Aryan Resistance' ("WAR"). Metzger promotes an ideology that is a blend of racial nationalism and class resentment, commonly called "national bolshevism." Another, also in California, publishes a newsletter called "The Nationalist Observer." Both are proponents of an "strategy" known as "leaderless resistance," according to which, at the appropriate time, hundreds or even thousands of revolutionary cells, consisting of one to five patriots each, will materialize spontaneously and will overthrow the government by sabotaging or bombing government and media facilities and assassinating politicians, leading Jews, collaborators, and other enemies of our people. All of these cells will operate independently, without centralized organization or direction or infrastructure, so that it will be nearly impossible for the government to infiltrate them or spy on them, and the government never will know where or when they will strike next.

Actually, Metzger and other "leaderless resistance" advocates are not so much in favor of "leaderless resistance" as they are against any sort of organized activity. Their thesis is that any organized activity is certain to fail because it will be infiltrated by government informants and provocateurs, and that any racial patriot who joins an organization is a fool who is allowing the government to get his name on the blacklist for unspecified, but presumably severe, reprisals.

All of this theorizing takes place in the make-believe world of revolutionary hobbyism. In the real world, "leaderless resistance" is simply an excuse for losers, cowards, and shirkers to do nothing except talk to each other.
Building an effective organization of any sort is difficult work, and those who don't like work or who have tried to build an organization and failed often are resentful of any effort that shows signs of success. Their reasoning is, "I tried it and wasn't successful; therefore, it can't be done." And the reason that nearly every organizational effort has failed has not been government spies or provocateurs; it has been the low quality of the human material in the organization. Certainly, the Alliance has never had any damage done to it by government agents. Every major difficulty we have had has been the consequence of bad judgment or bad behavior on the part of a member. It's always difficult working with people. It must be a real nightmare trying to run an organization that has no quality standards for membership and that maintains a flamboyant and sensationalist public image attractive to hooligans, drunken brawlers, criminals, sociopaths, and other losers.

The latest issue of Resistance Magazine (of which I am the publisher) had an article written by a professional soldier who pointed out the unworkability of "leaderless resistance." Unfortunately, he mistakenly used the "Order" organized in 1984 by Robert Mathews as an example of why it doesn't work. In fact, the "Order," based on the fictional organization of the same name in The Turner Diaries, was a centralized organization with a strong leader. Because of the author's slip, a few of the phone-booth Fuhrers, who already were resentful of the Alliance's progress and were stung by the article's undiplomatic treatment of their favorite excuse for their own failure, saw an opportunity to criticize the Alliance and seized it. They Xeroxed dozens of copies of the offending article and mailed them to everyone on their mailing lists, including the imprisoned surviving members of the "Order." They wrote a letter to go with the Xeroxed article, and although Robert Mathews is not even named in the article, their letter said, in effect: "Look, look! Pierce is attacking Bob Mathews, our martyred hero! Isn't that shameful?"

Seeing the article described as an attack on Robert Mathews led some of the readers to look at it that way, and they duly registered their own indignation. The phone-booth Fuhrers then posted everything to the Internet, where it was the most titillating subject for gossip among the hobbyists for several weeks. The term "movement" was frequently used by the hobbyists, as in: "Pierce has shown disrespect for a martyr of the 'movement.' He should be expelled from the 'movement.'" Or: "No, no! We must have unity in the 'movement.'"

It's a little hard to say exactly what the term means to the Internet gossips. To most, it seems to be a clubby sort of concept which includes all of "us" and excludes everyone else. Although I have found the term useful in some contexts in the past, it probably should be abandoned because it has been so badly misused by the hobbyists. Really, what self-respecting racial nationalist wants to be considered part of a "movement' which includes all of the phone-booth Fuhrers, the Internet gossips, and an embarrassingly high quota of born losers?

It's easy enough to understand this club mentality. As our society disintegrates under the onslaught of Jew-instigated multiculturalism, people look for something to hold onto: a sense of belonging, of community. We feel more secure when we have a sense of solidarity with others of like mind. A comforting sense of security is not the primary thing that Alliance members should be seeking, however. We want strength. We want new capabilities. We want to gain an advantage over the enemies of our people. We want anything which brings us closer to victory, whether it is comfortable or not.

The truth of the matter is, there's not much advantage to be gained inside the "movement." It is too heavily freighted with chronic losers, incurable hobbyists, phone-booth Fuhrers, and other defectives. Perhaps the "movement" is no worse than the general public in this regard, but we're looking for the best and strongest people we can find, and we find them much more often outside the "movement" than inside it. It is time for all members who have been focused on the "movement" either to reorient themselves in an outward direction or to find another organization to devote themselves to. As our tempo and our work load increase, being in the Alliance will be less and less fun for those whose primary aim is to amuse themselves with "movement" gossip. And I will have less patience with hobbyists and with those who believe that the Alliance is part of the "movement." Our aim is not to be the biggest and best organization in the "movement"; it is to leave the "movement" to its clubby introspection while we get on with the job of building a revolutionary infrastructure.

We respect our martyrs, and all of those who have shown courage or made sacrifices for our people, but we'll build monuments to them after the revolution. Meanwhile, winning is all that we care about, not the fun of playing the game by "movement" rules.

This is the sort of stuff the long suffering White American responds to. I just posted what's below to a local forum as "Community Organizer." The usual suspects are trying to spam me off the little-used board, as usual, but I've got a few Creative "EXPAND & ADVANCE" tricks up my sleeve for them. Any readers here interested in helping and having some fun by putting up a couple of reinforcing posts? If so, just post as "guest," or as another local concerned about the loss of race and nation:

The New York Times smells blood. Unfortunately for them it's their own.  :shock:

Q: Am I the only reader of Pat's who is wondering how a half-Jew/half-asian named Marcus Epstein can be a "white supremacist?" That's a good one. :lol:

The Distemper of the Times[size=200][/size]
By Patrick J. Buchanan
February 06, 2009

With reports circulating of its imminent demise, The New York Times
announced in January that it had found a white knight.

Sort of. For the knight in question, who already owns 6 percent of
the sinking Times and was investing $250 million in notes carrying
14 percent interest, was Carlos Slim. Reputedly the richest man in
the world, taking the title from Bill Gates in 2007, Carlos is not
so highly regarded in his own country.

In Mexico, according to Forbes, "the media and the masses long have
held a sneaking suspicion that there is something shady about Slim.
He is described as a rapacious monopolist who built his empire on
cozy ties to Mexican presidents ... ."

For this column, however, the issue is not how Carlos bought up the
Mexican telephone monopoly, but whether this Big Enchilada has
bought up Andrew Rosenthal's editorial page.

For, two weeks after Carlos' bailout cash arrived, Rosenthal's page
launched a hysterical attack on the patriots' movement that seeks
to halt the invasion of the United States from Mexico.

Targets: my sister Bay; our American Cause foundation and its
executive director, Marcus Epstein; Peter Brimelow, the author of a
seminal work on U.S. immigration, "Alien Nation"; Jim Pinkerton of
Fox News, a White House aide to Bush I; Fox's Bill O'Reilly; and
this writer.

In the Times' editorial, "Return of the Nativists," Brimelow is
said to run an "extremist Website" ( where he and I post
"musings about racial dilution and the perils facing white people."
Pinkerton was behind the "racist Willie Horton ads." Epstein holds
"white-supremacist"views. And we all are into "racialist extremism" and
"Latino-bashing," which calls to mind "the days of the
Know-Nothings and the Klan."

Racism "is all around us," wails the Times. And the nation has a
"perpetual need for vigilance," even in this new "age of Obama."

What occasioned this wilding attack? A news conference at the
National Press Club, where the Times reporter failed to show, and
release of a dry report by Epstein that contends that GOP defeats
in 2008 had nothing to do with the strong stand most Republicans
took for border security.

The Times calls the report "nonsense." But the case is open and
shut. Of 26 House Republicans who lost, Epstein found only one who
was a strong border-control candidate defeated by a pro-amnesty
Democrat. In every other GOP defeat, either the Democrat was tough
on amnesty and border security or the Republican was wimpish.

That John McCain, who led the effort to put illegal aliens on a
path to citizenship, got less than a third of the Hispanic vote
shows that being pro-amnesty does not necessarily win the Hispanic
vote. And the 70 percent of New Yorkers who rejected Eliot
Spitzer's proposal to give driver's licenses to illegals, forcing
Hillary Clinton to abandon her own governor, should tell even the
obtuse Times which way the wind is blowing.

But rather than argue with us, the Times chose to slime us as
racists and white supremacists. This is of a piece with the Times'
sliming of the Californian electorate that voted against state
recognition of homosexual marriage. To the Times, that 52-48 vote
meant "right-wing forces, led by the Mormon Church," had "enshrined
bigotry in the state's Constitution."

Both diatribes reveal much about the fall of a great newspaper and
the degeneration of a political philosophy that was once hegemonic
in America. Liberalism has hardened into an ideology, a rabid
religion that anathematizes any and all heretics.

To the Times' editorial writers, dissent from orthodoxy on illegal
aliens or gay rights can only be explained by bigotry, hatred,
racism or xenophobia in the hearts of the dissidents. To oppose the
Times' agenda on social or moral issues is ascribed to mental illness or
moral sickness.
[size=150][/size] [another good one!  :lol: ]

Yet, as these negative views on homosexual marriage and illegal
immigration remain mainstream views, the Times comes off, as it did
in Sunday's sophomoric editorial, as loathing Middle America.

In its own mind, the Times is battling heroically the forces of
hatred. Can it not, by rereading its own words, see the hatred in
its own heart?

As Christ Himself said, Andrew, "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the
beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast
out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

Let it be said. There is nothing wrong about Americans fighting to
preserve the culture and country they grew up in. That is what
patriotic conservatism is all about. And if the Times can
understand and support the right of native tribes like the Navajo
and Apache to preserve their unique character and culture, why this
viral hatred of those of us who wish to preserve the Western and
Christian character of America?

Why does the Times want to see our America destroyed? From what
poisoned well comes this hatred of the America we love?

Duh! What's the most notable thing Rosenthal and all those others on the Times' masthead share in common, Pat?he New York Times smells blood. Unfortunately for them it's their own.  :shock:

...for a dose of "Black History":

Brainwashing Our Children
by Dr. William Pierce
January 1998

Last week a member of the organization I head, the National Alliance, sent me something his nine-year-old daughter had brought home from school. He lives in Macon, Georgia, and his daughter is a fourth grader at a private school there. Last week her class went on a field trip to visit a Black museum in Macon and learn a bit about Black history. The museum is the federally funded Tubman African American Museum. It's supported by our tax dollars.

It is named after Harriet Tubman, a Black slave who was employed by Abolitionist organizations in the North during the period just before the Civil War to induce other slaves in the South to leave their plantations and head north along the so-called "Underground Railroad." Sometimes she used a revolver to coax those who weren't sure they wanted to go. The White fourth graders visiting the museum got a little sermon about the wickedness of slavery and of White people for having imposed it on Blacks. They also had a lecture on the history and accomplishments of Negroes, and each was handed a sheet headed "African American Inventor's" (sic) listing 120 or so things supposedly invented by Blacks.

Here are the first six items on the list of Black inventions: the pyramids, paper, chess, the alphabet, medicine, and civilization.

After this start the rest of the list is a bit anticlimactic, with such items as the doorknob, the mop, the curtain rod, peanut butter, and the helicopter.

With the exception of peanut butter, which is generally credited to Black agricultural technician George Washington Carver, this list is so fantastic that most of us get a good chuckle when we read it.

But the really tragic part of this story is that, although these wild pipedreams about Blacks designing and architecting the pyramids, inventing the alphabet and the helicopter, and so on may be funny to us, they're not funny to White fourth graders. When a museum guide, even a Black guide, or their teacher tells them that Blacks invented paper, the alphabet, and civilization, they take it all very seriously. They believe it. My member's nine-year-old daughter believed it. She came home from school after the field trip and told her parents quite seriously that she had learned that Blacks had done just about everything worth doing in the development of our civilization, and she wondered why Whites hadn't done anything.

Now, that was not why my member was paying to send his daughter to a private school, and he was pretty steamed about this effort to brainwash her against her own race. And I'm steamed too. We all ought to be mad as hell. We all ought to be in the mood for getting out our rifles and beginning a general cleanup in America. Which, of course, is why the Jews, feminists, and liberals promoting this sort of brainwashing are so hot to get our guns away from us.

Before I talk further about the brainwashing campaign directed at our children, I want to make a few distinctions among the people involved in the campaign.

First, it should be noted that the Blacks are as much victims of this campaign as Whites are -- even though many Blacks are involved in it. The childishly naive list of supposed Black inventions distributed by the Tubman African American Museum in Macon, Georgia, for example, is obviously a Black creation. One can understand the fascination this sort of thing has for most Blacks. Since they never developed an alphabet or writing when they were in Africa (contrary to the claims of the Tubman Museum), they had no written history at all before being brought to the White world as slaves. And the history they have acquired since then is a rather inglorious one. Many Blacks feel this shortcoming. Despite all of the assurances of White liberals that they are "equal," they don't really believe it. Deep inside them there is a nagging certainty of their inferiority, and they have clutched at straws in an effort to quell that nagging. Their fictitious Black history, with all its imagined great Black intellectual accomplishments, is one of those straws. Such straws would not be necessary if they were living in a society of their own. It is only when they try to become the "equals" of Whites in a White society that they feel inferior.

Anyone who encourages them to clutch such straws only postpones their coming to grips with the fact that they need their own society as much as we need ours. Thus, these people do them a disservice. And of course, the White schoolteacher of my member's nine-year-old daughter who did nothing to refute the Tubman Museum's claims also is one who does such a disservice. I do not know this schoolteacher myself, but it's a pretty good bet that, like most of her colleagues, she is simply going with the flow of Political Correctness. She understands that Blacks didn't invent writing or the helicopter or even the doorknob, but she feels that it would not be polite to say so. It might even be considered -- heaven forbid -- racist, so she keeps her mouth shut and lets her students be brainwashed.

She is not consciously malevolent. She doesn't really want to misinform her students or rob them of their culture and racial pride. But she is so deficient in her understanding of her responsibility as a teacher that she would be better fitted to cleaning latrines for a living than teaching our children. And unfortunately that is true of most White teachers today. They go with the flow rather than teaching the truth. They fail to speak out against lies whenever the Politically Correct thing to do is keep their mouths shut instead. They are no worse than the average White American -- but also no better.

The people that we really ought to be looking for when we get our guns out are the people who consciously and deliberately promote the brainwashing, the people who want to make White schoolchildren feel guilty because their White ancestors enslaved the wonderfully inventive and creative Black race. These are people who consciously and deliberately aim at making Whites feel that they owe something to Blacks, people who aim at making Whites feel that they are bad if they identify with other Whites and don't want to associate with Blacks, intermarry with Blacks, or have their children go to school with Blacks.

One of the people with such aims is the current President of the United States, who is running around the country holding meetings and telling White people that they must overcome their natural racial instincts and mix more with Blacks and not object to the government giving special advantages to Blacks. I saw this piece of filth at a carefully staged "town meeting" in Akron, Ohio. White members of the audience were being encouraged to confess their racial sins in public. One young White man arose and confessed that he felt uneasy when he encountered a Black on the street who was "poorly dressed." Mr. Clinton congratulated the young White man for having the courage to make this confession and implied that all Whites needed to suppress their feelings of uneasiness around Blacks, that it is sinful of us to have such feelings, and that we ought to regard Blacks just the way we do our fellow Whites.

Another of these people who consciously wish to harm Whites is one of the richest Jews in Hollywood, Steven Spielberg.

Spielberg has just produced a new film, Amistad, which purports to tell the historical story of a group of Black slaves who managed to get the drop on the White crew of a ship which was transporting them from Havana, Cuba, in 1839. After the Blacks had taken over the ship they cut the throats of all but two of their White prisoners. Then they were captured by the U.S. Coast Guard and put on trial. Abolitionist groups hired some high-powered lawyers to defend the Blacks, and eventually they were freed after a New York trial in which North-South politics played a much larger role than law and justice.

Any historical incident, of course, may be a suitable subject for a movie. History, however, is not Mr. Spielberg's interest. His interest is in portraying Blacks as noble and heroic and unjustly treated by Whites. His aim is the same as that of the other media bosses in Hollywood and New York. It is to brainwash White people and undermine their resistance to racial mixing in America. It is to instill a subconscious feeling of guilt in White people who see his film, a feeling that they are evil if they resist giving Blacks whatever they want. Spielberg's Amistad is trying to do, in its glitzy, Jewish, Hollywood way what Mr. Clinton is doing in his phony-folksy way with his interracial town meetings and public confessions.

And while Mr. Spielberg and Mr. Clinton carry on their brainwashing campaign, many of Mr. Spielberg's kinsmen in the media are subtly pushing the idea that White America should issue a collective apology to Blacks and offer them monetary compensation because their ancestors were slaves. Mr. Clinton has said that he hasn't yet made up his mind about an apology. He may want to give the Jewish media bosses a little more time to brainwash his White constituents into going along with the idea.

If any apology is owed, it is an apology to White Americans today from the very small percentage of our ancestors who were in the business of running plantations in the pre-Civil War South and whose desire for slave labor inflicted the Black presence on us. It really is a shame that all of the original North American colonies didn't have the sort of geography and climate which existed in New England, where giant cotton, sugar cane, and tobacco plantations just weren't feasible, and the farms were worked by the families which owned them instead of by Black slaves.

Most of the Southern plantation owners were decent people; they just weren't foresighted enough. They let immediate economic necessities dictate their behavior rather than long-range considerations of what was good for their people and for America. For their plantations to be prosperous, they needed slave labor. But if they could have looked two or three centuries into the future and seen the havoc wreaked on our cities and on American society by the descendants of their slaves, I think many of them would have sent their slaves back to Africa, given up the plantation business, and gone into another line of work.

I've said this before, but I'll say it again now: Whites didn't enslave Blacks -- ever. What Whites did was make the mistake buying Black slaves from other Blacks who had enslaved them and then bringing their merchandise to this country. That was a terrible mistake, and we should rectify it at once by sending back to Africa all of the descendants of those slaves we bought. We shouldn't even charge them for the time they spent here, which was a much more pleasant time than they would have spent in Africa, and which has been a very expensive time indeed for us.

And I think we should send Mr. Clinton and Mr. Spielberg with them. The Blacks voted for Mr. Clinton here; maybe they'd like to vote for him in Africa. He can run around making campaign speeches at the dedication of all sorts of new Harriet Tubman Museums, which will be able to do a lot less damage with their imaginative lists of Black inventions over there than over here.

And maybe they will appreciate Mr. Spielberg making propaganda films in Africa. He can make a film about the African invention of the doorknob, for example. He can depict brilliant Black scientists laboring in their laboratories to develop the doorknob while vicious, scheming Whites plot to steal this invention from them. That film ought to be a big hit in Senegal, Guinea, and the Ivory Coast.

Really, this is no joking matter. The brainwashing of our children is a fighting matter. White children in public and private schools all over America are being indoctrinated and lied to about racial matters. Most of the lies are not as naively concocted as those distributed by the Tubman African American Museum, but they are all the more dangerous for being more sophisticated. The lies come in many forms. Some of them are in the form of Politically Correct textbooks and Politically Correct history lessons. Others are in the form of popular entertainment, such as Steven Spielberg's Amistad, and just about any TV show you can name. Some are in the form of folksy posturing and pretended concern and compassion of the sort the whole country is being subjected to in Mr. Clinton's racial-togetherness program.

This is a fighting matter, because the aim of this brainwashing is nothing less than our physical destruction as a people, nothing less than our annihilation as a race. It is designed to sap our will to resist the racially destructive programs which have been imposed on us during the past 50 years. It is designed to make us feel guilty if we hesitate to go along with our own destruction. It is designed to rob us of our racial consciousness, our culture, our racial roots. It is designed to make racial suicide and racial treason trendy and fashionable.

And it is working. It is having the intended effect. Being anti-White is the Politically Correct attitude in most of our universities today. Welcoming the impending demise of Whites everywhere and the inheritance of the earth by the colored hordes of the Third World is fashionable among White students. Supporting this fashion are the sort of erroneous ideas being promoted in Black history courses and mass entertainment a la Spielberg: ideas that all races are essentially equal intellectually and morally, that they all have equal civilization building potential.

The fact that the Blacks have never built a civilization is only proof that they have been held down by White racism. The fact that the Black crime rate is about ten times the White rate and the fact that Blacks do so poorly on IQ tests are also due to White racism. When the Whites are gone -- or at least so outnumbered that they can't run the show -- all the races will get along fine, they all will be able to show their full potential, and everyone will live happily ever after.

This is the kind of muddled thinking that Mr. Clinton is encouraging with his current campaign for racial togetherness. And anyone who raises his voice against this brainwashing campaign or the lethally fashionable attitudes on race it has fostered is routinely denounced by Mr. Spielberg's Jewish media colleagues as a "hater." That's the way they talk about me. Mr. Clinton then calls for new legislation to outlaw hate. And the trendy airheads at our universities applaud.

"Yes, yes, let's outlaw the hate. Let's have love and brotherhood and peace. Peace between the races," they cry. But there is no peace. Look at our cities and our schools today. There is no peace. If there were peace Mr. Clinton would not have an excuse for his present campaign of chicanery and fraud about racial togetherness.

And is it my fault that there is no peace? I did not make the policies which have brought about the present situation. I have not sponsored the policies which have brought us the crime, disorder, fear, and hatred which characterize racial relations in the United States today. Those policies are the work of Mr. Spielberg's kinsmen and of the corrupt politicians like Mr. Clinton who have adopted those policies in return for media support. They are the ones who have brought so much hatred and unhappiness to our society.

The one thing that will quell that hatred and disorder and give people hope again is racial separation. And racial separation is what we will have. We will put an end to the brainwashing and the lies. We will have an America in which no little White girl is ever again taught the destructive lies my member's nine-year-old daughter was taught in Macon, Georgia. And Mr. Clinton and Mr. Spielberg be damned.
There's nothing Dr. Pierce taught that's not compatible with Creativity. Since there's no section on child rearing on this board, I'll post this here under "health." Living White should be inculcated in the child with mother's milk. A lot of good advice here for how parents must take control of their lives in order to Live White in an ever darkening world.

National Alliance BULLETIN - November 1994

In the June issue I wrote briefly about the importance of proper child-raising practices in the first few years of life. In summary:

1. The two most essential character elements an adult can have are self-discipline and a strong sense of identity. Both these elements are set very early in life, or they are not set at all. Thus, the environment during the earliest years of a child's life are the most important for determining his quality as an adult.

2. Self-discipline does not develop in a child without external discipline from parents or other adults.

3. A child's sense of identity is determined to a large degree by role models, who may be either real or imaginary adults. It is extremely important for parents to structure a child's environment so that he has proper role models. If the child is permitted to find his role models in Jew-inspired television characters, he may be seriously flawed for life.

From these basic requirements we can derive some practical guidelines for parental behavior.

A child must have structure and discipline, as well as proper role models, in his earliest years. The people best able to provide these things are his parents. Unfortunately, the ability to provide them is severely limited by the life-styles most modern parents have chosen. An urban environment, with both parents employed full time outside the home while the children are in the care of strangers, is almost the worst possible arrangement.

If we look back through our history for model life-styles better suited to raising children of high quality, almost any period will do. Personally, I favor the life-style which existed in most of Western Europe during the Middle Ages – in fact, from the decline of Roman power until the Industrial Revolution. The essential thing about this period is that children were close to their parents most of the time.

If a family lived on a farm, as most did, it was an economic unit of which the children were essential parts: the whole family, down to children only three to four years old, worked together to provide their food and shelter. The same was true for most families which lived in villages or small towns. The merchant's or cobbler's or silversmith's or weaver's or baker's or candle maker's family lived above his shop, and everyone had a role in the family economy. Even the smallest child could sweep out the shop in the evening.
Another important feature of this period was the extended family. Not just two, but usually three and sometimes four generations lived under the same roof, or at least within shouting distance. Children always had guidance by related adults, even when both parents were occupied elsewhere.

One could go back thousands of years further, even to the time when we were living in caves or in huts made of mud and animal skins, and still our people had lives suited to raising strong, psychically healthy children. Comfort and security often may have been lacking, but these are not essential elements.

The Industrial Revolution had many negative effects, but one of the worst was breaking apart the long-established family structure and family economy. The workplace of one or both parents was separated from a family's living place. The parents' labor became depersonalized, and the children no longer could participate.

Even so, until the Second World War conditions were usually tolerable, except for the lowest strata of the proletariat. In America, mothers almost never were employed outside the home. Except in the largest East Coast cities, most families with children lived in single-family houses with yards around them. Although most fathers worked outside the home, they were usually only a few minutes away. Many were able to eat lunch at home. Neighborhoods and schools were White, and there was no television.

Parents today usually will argue that they have no choice in such matters. Economic necessity, they believe, requires them to live in urban areas and requires both parents to work outside the home. It may be true that not all parents can move from the cities to small towns or rural areas and either subsist on the father's income alone or support themselves with a cottage industry which allows both to be at home. The small, racially-conscious minority which puts the proper raising of children high among its priorities can do these things, however; where there is a will there is a way.

Unfortunately, most parents today, even racially conscious ones, were themselves raised under modern conditions. Consequently, many simply lack the will and self-discipline to overcome their present economic circumstances and make a new environment for themselves which is better suited to raising children. Many mothers and fathers are themselves so strongly addicted to television that they do not have the will to ban it from their homes. Many have become so accustomed to spending money on all sorts of unnecessary things that they are unwilling to cut expenses and live on the father's income alone.

Certainly, a revolution followed by a forceful restructuring of the economic life of our people will be needed to bring back healthy child-raising conditions for most of our people. Prior to that, however, Alliance members who are parents or who anticipate becoming parents can do much to accomplish this for themselves.

I'll write more on this subject in a later BULLETIN.

-William L. Pierce
Learning About Nature And Nature's Laws From Squirrels

by H. Millard

As Whites become a smaller percentage of humans both in the U.S. and worldwide, some Whites sniff, incorrectly, that Whites should breed for quality instead of quantity and that's how, they say, we'll stave off our extinction.

Nature disagrees. It is so obvious that quantity is what is needed for the survival of a group, that one feels silly even having to argue the point. The simple truth is that Whites, no less than any other living things must breed or die.

Furthermore, this is not the right time for neo-eugenicism. How many stories do some people have to read about blonds dying out or blue eyes becoming rare to get it? How many once mostly white cities and countries, now full of non-whites, do some people need to visit to understand? You don't win life's game by being the few. You win by being the many.

Expansion is life, contraction is death. At present, Whites are on a death spiral caused by their contraction.

To get quality (no matter how you define that term), we need to have quantity. Breed like crazy and the best among us will automatically claw their way to the top and they'll produce more like themselves as a natural state of affairs once we strip our minds of false ideas about existence. By out breeding others we also breed our own people to fill every societal and workaday niche in society, and this acts as a bar against others coming to our lands. You can only stuff so much in a ten pound box. When it's full, it's full. Fill it with your own, or others will fill it with theirs.

We really do need to get out of this sleep-like state we're in as a people and understand about existence and survival and the purpose and meaning of life and how nature works.

As we seek understanding, we first need to know that all of existence is a struggle to be, to be more, and for dominance of your type. Or, to put this in other terms, all of existence is a fight for the best seat in the house. It is this way from subatomic particles to entire galaxies of millions of stars. And, it is no less so with us.

Even within our individual bodies there is a struggle between individual genes for expression. Everything is in conflict for existence and dominance. All of existence is a vast spinning, whirling battle to bring forth the best. The lion does not and never can lie down with the lamb. To think that is possible and desirable is to give way to neurotic thought processes. If the lion were to lie down with the lamb, it'd starve and cease to be. Lions eat lambs. That's part of the conflict. That's nature, and nature isn't something to be overcome, but it is something for us to understand so that we can find the path that will lead us to higher consciousness.

We also need to understand that the individual human being isn't important in the big picture. It is his or her internal code–the genotype that leads to the phenotype that is important, i.e. his or her collected genes that make the person what he or she is. In our case, this means we are coded for white skin, our particular bone structure, our head shape, our hair, our eyes, and all the rest of the things that make us a unique people.

Of course there are differences among our people in many of these things, but we know who is a White person and who isn't pretty much just by looking at them and their offspring. If they look white and if they produce White children they're probably White and that means they're part of our people. There's no need to over complicate the issue and split hairs about Nordics and Alpines and any of the various other divisions that some dwell on. We need to be able to understand who is us and who is not us, and it's all gene dependent. Those who are us, have similar genes and thus look like us. Those who are not us, don't. And, it doesn't matter if those who are not us share our political and social views and just about everything else. Genes and genes alone determine who is us and who is not us. That's nature's law.

It is our internal code that must survive. We are the finished beings "spun" by our internal code to be as we are. It is that internal code–the genotype that gives us our external appearance, our phenotype, that is important.

Of course, those who argue for quality over quantity usually mean that we should breed people just like them. Will they breed themselves? Not usually. Many of these quality-firsters are self-absorbed and lack true vitality. Many are childless or have limited the number of children they have. Shun them as if your continued existence depends on it, because it may.

You'll hear them saying things such as "Oh, taxes are too high so I can't have children," or "My wife and I have decided the Earth is too crowded so we're going to help save the environment by not having children," or "I haven't met the right person yet." Some will then say snide things about welfare mothers who have many children but who can't support them and how they're not going to do that.

Such people need to rethink their biases, because their way is the way of extinction. That welfare mother with many children, will have her children dance on the graves of these effete Whites who don't reproduce to their maximum. But, instead of getting blue in the face arguing finer points of why I know I'm right and why we must start having large, no, HUGE, White families again, I'll just switch to a recent news story about squirrels in England.

In brief, the red squirrels in England have almost been wiped out by the grey squirrels and now the grey squirrels are being wiped out by the black squirrels.

It's now been confirmed that the black squirrels in England are all the offspring of a single black squirrel from America that escaped into the wild in the 1880's and mated with grey squirrels. The offspring of the single black squirrel and the grey squirrels weren't grey squirrels–but more black squirrels.

If you don't understand why the offspring are black squirrels and not grey squirrels or why they're not half black and half grey, just look at Barack Obama for a clue. Want another clue? Dominant vs. recessive genes. Also, the black squirrels are now breeding more, they're more aggressive, and they're taking over squirrel land. It's no more complicated than that. Their black squirrel genes are becoming a larger percentage in the squirrel gene pool than other squirrel genes.

If the losing red and grey squirrels could talk, one imagines they'd be saying what we hear some Whites saying about how they represent quality. Ho hum. Bye bye deadender squirrels. You have not adapted, you have not been able to compete, you have not bred to your maximum. You are on your way to extinction with all your snooty "quality." If you produced more of yourselves, you'd take back your land. But, as it is, your genes are being replaced in the squirrel gene pool. Love your diversity while you can.

This is the way of nature. It is the same with squirrels as it is with all living things including all humans and, of course also, White people.

But there is one difference. We humans can use our brains to understand what's happening and we can consciously adapt and take proper steps so that we don't become extinct. In other words, our fate is not sealed as is the fate of the red and grey squirrels. They don't have a clue about what's going on. They can't count or think abstract thoughts. They just know there are newer squirrels who don't look like them and who seem to be more numerous with each passing year, while those who look like them are fewer and fewer.

Pretending still that the squirrels could talk, might we not hear some squirrels tell any reds and greys, who see the extinction that is looming, that it's racist for them to notice that they're being killed off by the blacks, and that all squirrels bleed red blood, and that under the fur all squirrels are the same, and that it is the content of the character of squirrels that is important, and that diversity is their strength?

We can learn many things from the plight of the red and grey squirrels, but one thing that must be drummed into us is the fact that if we White humans are to survive and not become extinct, we must mate only with others who also have our recessive genes. To do otherwise is to simply be incubators for those unlike us as was the case with the grey squirrels that originally mated with the black squirrels.

Remember, it takes two White people–a White male and a White female–to produce new White people, but it only takes one non-White mated with a White to produce a non-White.

It's the same principle with squirrels. It takes two grey squirrels to produce a grey squirrel and it takes two red squirrels to produce a red squirrel, but it only takes one black squirrel mated with red or grey squirrels to produce black squirrels.

Yes, I know it's more complicated than that and that Mendelian laws enter the picture, but this is still a good rule of thumb. If you doubt it, go look at the diminishing numbers of the soon to be extinct red and grey squirrels. Better yet, go look at the diminishing numbers of the soon to be extinct White humans (unless we start adapting and producing more of ourselves).
When I first learned that the "Stupid Party" tapped a nigger to lead the loyal opposition to the Obamanation, I realled that this nigger, Michael Steele, was the nigger who said Ron Paul shouldn't even be in the Republican Party, that Dr. Paul was "done." This after Dr. Paul had just won the FOX News presidential debate, garnering more online votes than all the other candidate combined.

White Revolution is the Only Solution!
Quote from: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 14 Dec 2018My message to Craig Cobb - should he read this - is: Your skinhead friends ridiculed you and revoked your Ministerial Status and you turned the other cheek like any CHRISTINSANE and wore it like a spineless coward. You even rewarded them with a house of their own from your own pocket. A gift which they spat at and issued further ridicule.

Well, I will go one step further and say to you Cobb that you are not a Creator.

If you should ever show your face at the World Center of the Creator in Texas, you and yours will be escorted from the property by our security. Do not contact us again - and do not send your friends or girlfriends either, as they too will be rejected, if only merely for their connection to you.


These "psychpathic, paranoid schizophrenic (according to his own mother)" misfits like Mr. Kieth Luke are fairly easy to spot for what they are, even on the Internet. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he is registered here since he's in the Vanguardnewsnetwork sandbox as well as at Cobb's Podblanc. What a loser! He raped his non-White victim.  :o Jaysus H. X!

Web of hate can fuel death, tragedy if unchecked


In the weeks and months before a murderous spree, accused killer Keith Luke told police he chatted on white supremacy Web sites that "spoke the truth about the demise of the white race."

The 22-year-old Brockton man is now accused of killing two people and wounding a third in a plot that was to end in a massacre during a synagogue bingo game last week. It was, he told police, part of his plan to kill as many "nonwhites" as possible.

Chat rooms and Web sites spewing racial, ethnic and religious hate — like those Luke claimed to police he visited — are drawing a number of people looking for validation of their extreme views , experts say.

"It is the dark, underside of the Internet," Raynham Police Chief Louis J. Pacheco, one of the founders of the High Tech Crime Consortium, said. "The Internet allows instant gratification and positive reinforcement to things outside the mainstream idea that you couldn't get prior."

The Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project, which monitors white supremacist and neo-Nazi activity, counted 630 "hate sites" on the Web last year — including the one Luke told authorities he regularly logged onto. LINK — founded by neo-Nazi Craig Cobb and one Luke claimed to view — posts videos detailing handgun tactics and promoting "lone wolf" killings, said Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project.

"When this kind of propaganda comes into the mind of someone who is mentally ill, we do see violence," Potok said. "The videos particularly, with certain kinds of mental illnesses, can have a galvanizing effect."

In an interview Friday with The Enterprise, his mother, Dara Luke, said Keith Luke was diagnosed as a teenager with psychopathic tendencies, major depression and paranoid schizophrenia, a condition that causes a person to become delusional and suffer hallucinations. Luke was hospitalized for four years as a result of the conditions, from age 15 to 19, his mother said.

From Web sites promoting white supremacy to pedophilia to claiming the world is flat, people can find someone to tell them their thinking — no matter how twisted or bizarre — is correct.
"You will get the feeling you are not the only one and your beliefs are right," said Elizabeth Englander, director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center at Bridgewater State College. "You can meet anybody from any point in the world with any point of view and you will get reinforcement."
That is not a good thing if those views promote hatred and killing.

"Traditionally in human society, if you had a very extreme view, you were not likely to get support, it wasn't reinforced," Englander said.

Getting reinforcement of certain extreme views can have dangerous results.

"I would say that individuals who are on the edge can be fueled by influences on the Internet, whether it is pedophilia or bizarre sexual interests or racial interest," said Toby M. Finnie, director of the High Tech Crime Consortium, a national organization of computer crime experts.

Visitors to one white supremacy site were posting messages last week about the murderous spree in Brockton.

"He loses points for the rape, losing more points for raping a nonwhite. That's a no-no," one wrote. Luke is charged with raping the shooting victim who survived the attack.

"He's got the right idea, but, Christ, could he have been a bit more subtle in going about it?" wrote another.

Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy J. Cruz, who called the hate sites "very disturbing," said investigators are now going through Luke's computer for evidence in the case.
Derrek L. Shulman, New England regional director for the Anti-Defamation League, said they may discover there are many others on Web sites who share the suspect's extreme views.

"It gives people the cover they need to be part of these organizations without others knowing," he said.

Maureen Boyle can be reached at
I fell asleep about half way through this long piece, but found the first half interesting since he's writing about many of the folks I've met and worked with over the years. He mentions the COTC and the National Alliance, among others, and how these organizations' leaders have inspired lone nuts, etc. He mentions the book Silent Brotherhood which is an objective overview of the Order. He then mentions that the Order was inspired by Dr. Pierce's Turner Diaries and led by the "gun nut" Bob Mathews, and that Mathews was a proponent of Xian Identity, which only demonstrates that Birdbrain never read The Silent Brotherhood.

I had it out with this self-styled intellectual Birdbrain character a couple of years ago when he defended Harold Covington for writing this phony "Associated Press" article about me in a lame attempt to discredit and defame me. The fact that Covington owes me $200,000 as a result of an adverse libel judgment didn't seem to sway the inkpot analyst of real revolutionary activists:

On Revolution 7: Lone Nuttism, Violence and

By John "Birdman" Bryant
This essay is the seventh in an ongoing examination of the subject of revolution. Earlier essays on this series will all be found in the forthcoming new edition of the author's Handbook of the Coming American Revolution: Vital Secrets of Nonviolent National and Personal Liberation the Establishment Doesn't Want You to Know.

Part 1: Will Freedom Be Saved by the Lone Nut Phenomenon?

In his book The Evolution of Cooperation, Robert Axelrod observed that violence in humans possesses a self-limiting character — a character that the German ethologist and Nobel prizewinner Konrad Lorenz (On Aggression) first described in the animal world. In particular, Lorenz discovered that many animals have developed 'inhibitions' which prevent fights from going to the death — a defeated wolf, for example, will turn his jugular toward his opponent, an act which would make it easy for the opposing wolf to kill him, but which Nature has programmed to inhibit further attack. In like manner, Axelrod described many behaviors in humans which act like the wolf's to inhibit aggression, "saying 'uncle'" being only the most familiar.

If, as federal police originally speculated, the killer of the family of the judge who oversaw pro-white activist Matt Hale's recent trademark- infringement case had been a pro-white advocate bent on revenge, then this could have been construed as a case of self-limiting violence which Axelrod described. That is, if this killing had been an assassination by pro-white elements, this could cause other judges to become more careful in their treatment of white activists who are charged with crimes in furtherance of their political aims, because treating such persons harshly raises the specter of the judges' own assassination, however remote that possibility may be. In fact, the effect may be much more general, depending on who or how many are assassinated; for such acts can (and probably will) be interpreted as a warning to tyrants that they must take a personal risk if they wish to tyrannize.

It is useful to point out that the dynamic of such situations is not quite the same as the inhibitions of one-on-one aggression, or even the limitations of war which involve competing groups, and which are reflected in such 'rules of war' as the Geneva Conventions. Instead, the dynamic here is a population (white men) which is not in physical combat, but which has a tendency toward violence depending on the provocations of its enemies, sometimes said to be ZOG, JOG or BOG, depending on the speaker's tendency to blame Zionists, Jews or Bankers for the 'Occupation Government'; at other times is said to be the NWO (New World Order), where the enemy is characterized more generally as 'the elite' — albeit an elite which seems largely under the thrall of the Hebraic element; but at all times is agreed to be the 'feral government', which is wildly out of control and desperately needs — in Jefferson's words — to be 'bound down by the chains of the Constitution', an entity which has unfortunately been turned by the Supremes into a 'living document' which of course means that it is very much dead letter. What these enemies are required to do is to 'keep under the radar' of white anger, lest they (the enemies) cause a breach of the 'white peace' and find themselves in the firing line. More specifically, what the feral government must do is to act in a manner in which the probability of violence breaking out is low, so that the few times when it does break out can be handled as if the events are merely random acts of 'lone nuts', and which serve as harmless but useful test results for the limits of white tolerance for government abuse.

But what, we may ask, is the nature of a 'lone nut'? The answer is that these are people who, by themselves or in small groups, are willing to strike out at the feral government for one or more of various reasons, perhaps because they feel they can change something important (as by assassinating a major government figure), perhaps because they hope to catalyze change (as by inspiring others to follow in their footsteps), or perhaps just because they are angry and want to vent. We are, of course, speaking of 'true' lone nuts, and not CIA mind-controlled zombies who seem to comprise most 'lone nuts' of recent vintage, including Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, Timothy McVeigh, John Hinkley, Jim Jones and probably also Squeaky Fromm and Arthur Bremer. We should add that, by using the terminology of 'lone nut' we do not necessarily intend to disparage such people, but only to make the point that they must be sufficiently mad to become maddened.

In the present context it is important to realize that there are two significantly different kinds of lone nuts: The one who acts from philosophical motives, and the one who acts out of personal desperation. The lone nuts that have been presented in the press are generally of the first variety — they seem to be out to change the world, and perhaps take some credit for doing so — but those of the second kind may actually be far more important in initiating political change. For example, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of The Gulag Archipelago, remarked that the Soviet police state could not have succeeded if the citizens had been armed, and every time the police came to take someone to the gulag, the person or his friends resisted them with force of arms.

But besides the two cases of lone nuttism we have just mentioned, there is a third and very important case which may be roughly described as that in which everyone becomes a lone nut. What I am referring to is populations with low boiling points like negroes, who will riot at the drop of an epithet, a fact which allows negro race-hustlers such as the Jesse Jackson- Al Sharpton 'axis/taxes of evil' to shake down white politicians for an unsavory mixture of black gravy and palm oil. In comparison with such uninhibited primitivism, whites are of course at a disadvantage, since the control of emotions which whites have developed as a part of becoming civilized, both genetically and socially, inhibits their reactivity to abuse, as of course does the ZOG/JOG/BOG-controlled mass media which cultivates and implants 'white guilt'. There is, of course, an irony here, that primitive people are in some sense able to secure and retain liberty more easily than those who once enslaved them, and this for the very reason — being primitive — that they are looked down on by their former masters. We have to wonder just a bit, then, as to whether liberty is consonant with civilization.

The essence of the lone nut is that he is, in the words of Howard Beale of Network fame, 'as mad as hell and not going to take it any more.' This could mean that, like negroes, he has a low boiling point, but it could just as well mean that he is sitting on a lot of heat. And it is heat with which the Internet is beginning to arouse somnolent whites, by demonstrating the pattern of abuse that whites and their magnificent Western civilization are undergoing from ZOG/JOG/BOG and its allies. Because many whites feel frightened or intimidated, it may not be apparent how much change is going on in whites' minds due to the Net. But this medium has unearthed a train of abuses so pervasive and so intolerable that whites who are exposed to it for any length of time have a significant probability of becoming radicalized. This then means that, from a probabilistic 'bell curve' standpoint, the threshold of reactivity of whites is decreasing, with the result that any given act of abuse is increasingly likely to set off white anger, and thus increasingly likely to flush from the woodwork someone who is as mad as hell and not going to take it any more without taking one or more of the bastards with him. Thus I predict that it will not be long before lone nuts will begin to appear in far greater numbers than the minuscule following of Matt Hale, Robert Mathews, Tom Metzger and their ilk would suggest. Furthermore, I think that, at some point in the future, the anger of whites is going to reach a critical mass, and then, as so often happens in history, there will be a sudden change or upheaval which will bring to the fore a whole mass of lone nuts that have cast aside their feelings of fear and intimidation, and are ready and eager to right the wrongs that we now see in such profusion. Whether this upheaval will be violent or not, I would not care to wager, but it will perhaps constitute Der Tag ('the day') that racial revolutionaries have been talking about ever since the time of George Lincoln Rockwell.

If you Creators down under can somehow deprogram this Jesus * out of brother Backman's neck (bold, below), he'd make a fine Creator. Being a business writer, one wonders what Backman has written about all the Yids involved in the global economic mess, or about Bernie Madoff & all his ultra-Zionist swindling pals?,25197,24935537-5006785,00.html

Jews consider legal action over 'racist' article in The Age

Angus Hohenboken | January 20, 2009
Article from:  The Australian

THE Jewish community is considering legal action against The Age newspaper over "poisonous" anti-Semitic commentary published over the weekend.

The article, headed "Israelis are living high on US expense account" and written by Michael Backman, blames the 9/11 attacks and the London and Bali bombings on Israel's inability to "transform the Palestinians from enemies into friends".

Backman, a business writer for the Melbourne newspaper, wrote: "It is not true that these outrages have occurred because certain Islamic fundamentalists don't like Western lifestyles and so plant bombs in response. Rather, it is Israel or more correctly the treatment of the Palestinians that is at the nub of these events."

John Searle, president of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, said his community was considering legal action against the publication and predicted individuals would take action by boycotting the paper.

A joint statement from Mr Searle and Danny Lamm, president of the Zionist Council of Victoria, condemned the article, saying it encapsulated "centuries of hate speech against Jews in a few hundred words".

The article stated that the historical persecution of Jews constituted punishment for the death of Jesus and suggested Israelis and Jews were uninterested in the welfare of others and did not invest financially or socially in the broader community.

"It is inexplicable why The Age would publish such a pernicious article," the statement said.

"The Victorian Jewish community's experience is that such commentary rouses violence and hatred against local Jews."

Jewish MP Michael Danby, federal Labor member for Melbourne Ports, yesterday called on Backman to apologise for using "the blood of 80 Australians for his bigoted theories".

Mr Danby said stereotypes in the article about young Israelis not paying bills in Nepal fed into primitive prejudice about "penny-pinching" Jews.

"Backman's poisonous article in Saturday's business Age has no place in serious commentary, I call on Backman to apologise," Mr Danby said.

Jewish Board of Deputies chief executive Vic Alhadeff said while legitimate criticism of Israel was acceptable, the article reflected "the bigotry of rank anti-Semitism" and promoted appalling stereotypes.

The Age did not return The Australian's calls yesterday.
Now is the time to explain the economic crisis to our people, taking advantage of the fact that we've been saying the Jew was behind the mess long before Bernard Madoff swindled his first billion from gullible goyim. We've been proven right, again, as usual.

Our Biggest Mistake
by Dr. William Pierce
March 2002

Last week we talked about a number of especially egregious Jewish swindlers of the past decade. In every case they stole from Gentiles with the help of other Gentiles. I pointed out that the cases I discussed were illustrations of the general rule that the really big swindlers are nearly always Jews, and that they nearly always depend for their success upon the corruption of America's Gentile political and business elites. Corrupt Gentile businessmen help them steal, and corrupt Gentile politicians help them get away with it.

There's a brand new case of a hugely successful Jewish swindler that I didn't have time to talk about last week: that's the case of Gary Winnick and the bankruptcy of his fiber-optics telecommunications company, Global Crossing. Winnick started Global Crossing just five years ago with a $35 million loan from some Jewish friends in the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. The next year, in 1998, after issuing himself 100 million shares of stock in his new company, he sold $735 million in shares to the public. In June 1999, shares in Global Crossing were selling at 62 3/4-- $62.75 a share. That gave Winnick a personal fortune of more than 6 billion dollars--in just two years.

That's amazing, isn't it? He went from nothing to the richest man in Los Angeles in just two years. He did it by spinning a tale about linking the whole world with a 100,000-mile network of fiber-optic cable and selling that myth to the media and to the public. But of course, linking the world with fiber-optic cable was not what was really on Winnick's mind. Raking in as much money as possible as quickly as possible with a lot of fast patter and sleight of hand was what was on his mind. He had learned his trade not as a fiber-optic network builder but as a fast talker working with his buddy Michael Milken selling junk bonds.

Really, Winnick had worked in the same office with Milken in New York selling junk bonds. Even after Milken had been convicted and sent to prison, Winnick was able to scam the public and sell shares in his new company, Global Crossing. Of course, he didn't advertise his former association with Milken, and the media collaborated by not mentioning it either, even as Global Crossing became a high-profile, celebrity company in 1999.

Winnick began unloading his shares when the price peaked in 1999 above $60. And of course, as always with these Jewish scams built on fast talk instead of on creative work, the bubble eventually burst. Last month Winnick's company filed for bankruptcy, declaring more than $12 billion in debt that it cannot pay. That's like stealing $12 billion from the public, from all the people to whom Global Crossing owes money, and then asking the government for protection. That's the fifth largest bankruptcy ever declared in America. Shares in Global Crossing are now selling on the stock exchange for about a nickel each. Global Crossing's employees who had their shares in 401k retirement plans were prohibited from selling their shares for five years, and have lost everything. While Winnick was unloading his stock in the company at $60 a share, his 17,000 mostly Gentile employees were locked in and had to go down with the ship. Does that sound familiar?

Another characteristic Winnick has in common with Michael Milken and Andy Fastow is that he is a big contributor to Jewish charities--and especially to Israel. Two years ago, when Global Crossing still was flying high, Winnick gave $40 million to the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles so that it can open a branch in Jerusalem. A recent issue of the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles reports that despite the bankruptcy of Global Crossing, Winnick continues to give generously to Jewish institutions. From his sumptuous $90 million estate in Beverly Hills, a steady stream of multimillion-dollar gifts continues to flow to Hillel houses at various universities, to the Jewish Museum in New York, to the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, to the American Jewish Committee, to the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, and to a number of other Jewish groups and causes. But not to those 17,000 mostly Gentile former employees of Global Crossing who went down with the ship.

As I said, it's amazing. It just shows what can be done with a little greed, a complete lack of scruples, and the help of the media and the politicians--and when one has a Gentile population that has been so thoroughly brainwashed by the media that it simply lets itself be fleeced repeatedly by these avaricious Jews without even a peep of protest lest it be accused of "anti-Semitism." Do you believe that there's a court in this land that will hold Winnick accountable for what he has done? If you do, then you're even more gullible than the folks he fleeced to get his $6 billion. No, Winnick will get clean away with it and will continue enjoying life on his $90 million estate and giving to his fellow Jews the money he took from us. Do we deserve any better? I think not.

And I want to emphasize again, the super-swindlers we have discussed here--Winnick and Fastow and Rich and Milken and Boesky and Frankel and Weiss and the rest--are not crooks who just incidentally happened to be Jews and might just as well have been Gentiles: no, their criminal activity is an essential expression of their Jewishness. They did what they did because they are Jews. That's why nearly all of the really big swindlers, the most outrageously brazen swindlers, the super-swindlers, the ones who steal $6 billion in just two years--are Jews.

This is something for the egalitarians to think about. It's something to be pondered by those who believe that all featherless bipeds are essentially the same, except for superficial cultural differences, and that, in particular, the only difference between Jews and Gentiles is that Jews have a somewhat different religious tradition from the rest of us. They believe that if a Jew is raised from early childhood in a Gentile family he will grow up indistinguishable from a Gentile in his behavior and his thinking, and that a Gentile raised in a Jewish family will grow up to be indistinguishable from the Jews around him. Jews themselves don't believe that. That's contrary to what their religion teaches them and to what they themselves feel.

I don't believe it either.

Of course, egalitarians also believe that men and women are essentially the same--or that they would be the same, except for the fact that our old-fashioned, male chauvinist society artificially forces men and women into different stereotypical roles. I think that fewer people believe that than believe that Jews and Gentiles are the same--except for the lemmings, of course, who will believe whatever they're told to believe. Which is to say, more independent thinkers accept the fundamental and all-pervasive differences between men and women than accept the fact that there are very important inborn differences between Jews and Gentiles. Actually, I believe that even many lemmings, despite their dutiful affirmation of whatever TV tells them, deep down inside don't believe that men and women are the same.

Back to the differences between Jews and Gentiles: I mentioned inborn differences, but we shouldn't ignore the cultural differences, especially as expressed in religious differences. The Jews' religion is an expression of their racial character. It grew out of their character over a very long period of time. The Jews look back on nearly 6,000 years of history. To them this is the year 5762, and in fact, Jewish religious books actually are being printed now with this date in them. Of course, it's really their tribal history they trace back that far. It would be more accurate to say that their religion, in its present form, is about 3,000 years old. But the fact is that it is their tribal religion. They developed it themselves. It was never imposed on them from outside. And it is an intensely ethnocentric religion, a religion for Jews only.

Compare that with the two other Semitic religions, Islam and Christianity, both of which are universalist. Muslims and Christians believe that their religion is for everyone. Anyone, regardless of race, who professes belief, can be a Christian or a Muslim. Christians send out missionaries to convert the heathens--especially Black, Brown, and Yellow heathens. When Jews send out missionaries, it is only to bring strayed Jews back into the fold, never to convert those who are not already members of the "chosen" race. The Jewish religion reinforces character traits which already are embedded in the Jewish genotype. Neither Islam nor Christianity can do that to the same degree, because they didn't develop indigenously. They were imposed by fire and sword on non-Semitic peoples.

My point is that Judaism strengthens and reinforces the traits that led Michael Milken, Andy Fastow, and Gary Winnick to be so enormously successful at getting other people's money into their pockets, but the traits were already there. They were born with them. And I can think of no Gentile who has been as successful at that sort of thing: that is at fast patter and sleight of hand, at selling myths for hard cash. And the reason is not just because of a religious difference. As I said, Jews and Gentiles are different, just as men and women are different, just as Whites and Blacks and Asians are different.

In some cases, these differences are a good thing, and they work well together: as in the case of men and women, for example. As long as we have a properly structured society that takes account of these differences, a society that permits men and women to complement one another in a natural way rather than forcing them into unnatural competition, then the differences make us strong and healthy.

When we pretend that the differences don't exist, however, as between Gentiles and Jews or between Whites and Blacks, we leave ourselves open to very bad and unhealthy things. In the case of Jews we leave ourselves open to exploitation of the sort we have just discussed. We pretend that there is no difference between them and us, and so we aren't expecting to be exploited. Our guard is down. And then we are exploited. In the case of Blacks and Whites, pretending that the only difference is in the color of our skin has led us into an enormous disaster. It is destroying America and our people and our civilization. It has made wastelands of large sections of our cities. It has devastated our schools and robbed many of our young people of an education of the quality they need to make the most of themselves. It has exposed our people to the sort of criminal violence that is natural for Blacks but not for us. It has cost us many, many more billions of dollars in welfare programs and law enforcement than even Michael Milken and his fellow tribesmen have swindled from us.

Yesterday I was watching a television program that was mostly about my record company, Resistance Records, and the music we produce and distribute and the young people who compose and play the music and listen to it. The program came from VH1, which is a music channel owned by the same fellow who owns MTV. He uses the name Sumner Redstone but was born Murray Rothstein. Redstone/Rothstein is another of these billionaire Jews we've been talking about, and his program on VH1 gave the public the Jewish spin on me and Resistance Records and resistance music generally. He calls our music, "hate rock," because some of it expresses the anger and frustration of young White Americans who are forced to live with the real-world consequences of pretending that there is no difference between Blacks and Whites: the anger of young, White Americans who have experienced the reality of racially mixed neighborhoods and racially mixed schools.

The program pretends that I and these young Americans are hateful by nature, that there's really no reason for us to be angry, that everything would be rosy if we would just pretend, along with everyone else, that Blacks and Whites are the same, that there's no difference. Then we could all be happy and live together peacefully, and everything would be wonderful. It is just our perverse nature that makes us hateful and keeps us from pretending that we believe in racial equality and racial togetherness. That's the myth that Sumner Redstone has spun and is selling to the public through the mass media he owns: through his CBS television network and his MTV and VH1 channels, much like Michael Milken sold to the directors of America's savings-and-loan institutions the myth that they could become rich by investing in his junk bonds.

As I mentioned last week, Michael Milken's myth cost us $500 billion when the savings-and-loan industry went bankrupt 15 years ago. Sumner Redstone's myth of equality already has cost us vastly more than that and eventually will cost us our very existence if we continue to be deceived by it. And of course, it's not just Redstone's myth. It's a myth spun by and propagated by Redstone's whole tribe. The myth of diversity, equality, unity, and all of the other labels in which it's packaged is being peddled to the American public through every medium the Jews control: through television and radio, through newspapers, through magazine advertising, through Hollywood films, and all the rest. "Multiculturalism is a wonderful thing," they all proclaim. "Diversity is our strength." "Keep our borders open, because the Browns and Yellows that are pouring into America really are the same as Whites, and we are a nation of immigrants."

And of course, anyone who doesn't swallow the myth is a "hater." Any White person who stands up and says, "Hey! Multiculturalism is a bad idea. It's a nightmare. It's wrecking America," is attacked the way I and the other people involved in Resistance Records were attacked on Redstone's VH1 program. Pushing the idea that we ought to keep our borders open is a large-scale effort involving a very substantial portion of the Jewish community in America. Ramming multiculturalism down our throats is a joint effort involving virtually all of the mass media, and that means virtually all of the Jews in positions of control or ownership in the media, from Hollywood to Madison Avenue. Spinning and selling the poisonous myth of equality is an effort supported by nearly every Jew, not just a few evil master mythmakers.

To be sure, just as in the financial swindling of America, this ideological swindling of America has had plenty of Gentile collaborators and co-conspirators. And I'm not referring only to the lemmings who parrot back whatever nonsense about equality and the wonders of diversity they have absorbed from television; I'm talking about the Gentile politicians and businessmen and teachers and preachers and publicists who know better, but who for one reason or another went along and still are going along with the Jewish campaign to multiculturalize America. Despite these collaborators and co-conspirators, however, it is clear that it has been Jewish Hollywood and Jewish Madison Avenue that have pushed the poison from the beginning and without which the campaign never would have been able to do the damage that it has done.

In the VH1 program about Resistance Records I saw yesterday, Mr. Redstone was taking a poll of viewers. "Should White resistance music be outlawed?" he asked. "Should the government prohibit the production and sale and performance of 'hate rock' music?"

Do you think that's a joke? I'll tell you, it certainly isn't. That's the standard way that Redstone and his fellow tribesmen deal with opposition or exposure. Once they have corrupted a country, they get their bought politicians to enact legislation making it illegal to criticize or contradict them. They've already done that in Canada and in most countries in Europe. They've made what they call "hate speech"--and that includes "hate music"--illegal. Black gangsta' rap, with its lyrics about killing Whites, is all right--in fact, some of Redstone's Jewish friends in the music business produce and distribute gangsta' rap--but in Canada or Germany you can go to jail for playing White resistance music, or for contradicting any of their "Holocaust" stories about the nasty Germans converting innocent, blameless Jews into lampshades or soap. They're pushing hard for the same sort of legislation here. They really would like to make it illegal for me to produce and distribute White resistance music and for you to listen to it.

Speaking of the "Holocaust"--as you know, that's another of my pet subjects. Although Redstone and his pals like to label me a "Holocaust denier," I'm really not. I don't deny that there was a campaign by the Germans before and during the Second World War to get the Jews out of their country and off their backs, and that during the war many Jews perished in the concentration camps and labor camps into which they were herded. What I deny is many of the details, such as Jewish lampshades and soap.

The Jews, as they do with everything where they see the possibility for a good swindle, spun a myth about what had happened to them, and they sold that myth to the Gentiles. They took the basic fact that the Germans wanted the Jews out of their society and to that end put many Jews in concentration camps, and they embellished that fact with a great many lies about lampshades and soap and gas chambers and medical experiments, and that myth became the "Holocaust."

They used their grip on our news and entertainment media, which was very strong even before the Second World War, to sell to the American people their myth about the terrible mistreatment of innocent and inoffensive Jews by beastly Germans. And as is nearly always the case they had plenty of corrupt Gentile politicians willing to collaborate with them. The result was that they got us to go to war to save them from Hitler. We made an alliance with the communists, with the Soviet Union, for that purpose, and we killed millions of our own people, millions of our fellow Europeans, but we saved the Jews.

And look at what the Jews have done to us since the war to express their gratitude for being saved from Hitler! They have deliberately and with malice aforethought multiculturalized us. They have opened our borders to the Third World. They have given us feminism and Affirmative Action and gangsta' rap. They have promoted homosexuality as a "normal" lifestyle. With their advertising and their television they have persuaded millions of young, White women that it's OK to have a Black boyfriend, that it's fashionable. And Sumner Redstone, with his VH1 and his CBS network and his MTV, has been at the forefront of that particular campaign of genocide against us. And they have descended on us like a swarm of locusts with every sort of scam and swindle imaginable, fleecing us of hundreds of billions of dollars, a la Milken and Weiss and Fastow and Winnick.

The damage the Jews have done to America since 1945 far, far outweighs the damage done to the Jews by the Germans between 1933 and 1945. And the eventual death toll among our own people before we have cleaned up the mess the Jews have made of America will far exceed their losses during the so-called "Holocaust." We Americans have made some big mistakes, but really, going to war against our own kinsmen in Europe in order to save the Jews from Hitler was our biggest mistake.
I'm on an email list of subscribers to a small local paper that also distributes an online edition. Each week those on this list are asked a question and the anonymous replies are posted in that week's edition of the paper. Last week's question: "What is your pet peeve?"

My long-winded response to that question, as published:

28) Latest peeve? What else but watching the parade of big
[word deleted] banksters bailing one another out with
impunity, leaving hapless U.S. taxpayers strapped with
the resulting astronomical six trillion dollar liability.
That's six million x one million, sort of like an economic
"holocaust." Too bad we victims all don't have this same
peeve to rally around and say ENOUGH! to these globalist
thieves and their collaborators.

Note! - The paper's editor put "[word deleted]" where I had written the word Jew.

This week's question: "If you and your family are experiencing a
cash shortage because of the economy, what are you doing
to cut down on your bills, or to earn extra money?"

My response: 32) Dropped cable package on the Electronic [word removed].

This week deleted the word "Jew" myself from the popular term Electronic Jew, substituting "[word removed]."

My plan in responding to future poll questions from this local paper, no matter what the subject, is to work the word Jew into each of my replies, but write "[word deleted]" instead of the word Jew.

How many weeks will I be able to get away with this before my neighbors start asking/guessing what these words are that must be removed from some respondent's reply each week?

My point: there are a thousand ways each of us can raise racial consciousness among our kinsmen CREATIVELY and alert them to their eternal enemy, the perfidious Jew, and have fun doing so.
General Jabber / WCOTC Soap Operas
Tue 25 Nov 2008
Quote from: Guest
I've always been a fan of the insurgent strategy, having no membership lists and keeping to the five words. This is the only way we will find success, especially as Creators. Welcome to the forum, I trust you'll find many like minded folk that are sick and tired of the old and failed membership organisation dramas.


"Organisation [sic] dramas?" You're joking, right? The White race, though still outnumbering HIGHLY organized Jewry by at least 30:1, will only find success against Jewry by rejecting PM Klassen's "fight fire with fire" Creativity approach to White renewal. The Church of the Lone Wolf, with no members, is the only answer, "especially for Creators."

I bet Big Jew hopes your approach catches on. Izzy ain't 'fraid o' no "organisation drams."

Klassen would have told you to either get with the COTC program to relentlessly organize our people around our exclusively Eurocentric creed or go start your own church and become another Leader of the Leaderless. It's not called a struggle for nothing. Undertaking to organize our long-suffering race to fight for our living space and to protect our precious gene pool is not easy and is not for the weak or fearful or easily defunctionalized. It's not done behind closed doors, "for fear of the Jew," or for fear of "organisation dramas."

Guest, you are a self-described fan (short for fanatic, BTW) of Leaderless Resistance, or "insurgent strategy," as you name it. Should you not instead be a fanatic for Creativity rather than for this anti-organizational approach which counters and clearly compromises the express purpose of the Creativity religion's Founder?

Sure, as with any successful religion, reading and rereading the White Man's Sacred Books of Creativity is important, as is the assertive distribution of these books, but that is all for naught if the aspiring Creator does not purposefully take things to the next level, as PM Klassen put it over and over in the WMB:

  • rganize a small church group and start recruiting members. Hold regular meetings. Don't worry about legalities [or about 'organisational dramas' either, for that matter], organizational structure, incorporation, charters or whatever. First, get started. Then we will get to the charter and legalities. Grow and expand. help to build a worldwide organization." [/i]

    You don't believe we can nip the goddamned drama that comes with attempting to organize our people around their exclusive best interests, but we can. You have to believe that. We have to recognize defeatism when it raises its ugly head, too. If you can't deal with the drama, stand aside for those who can.

    Klassen continues (WMB p.480):

    "Get Started. We are powerful. This, in short, is the starter. Once you get started, the sky is the limit. Remember, the Jews don't have it all their way by any means. For one thing we are better fighters than they are. We are more intelligent. We are creative, productive and self-sufficient in our own right. We don't need the Jews, the niggers or any other mud people to survive and prosper...And last but not least, we the White race outnumber the Jew at least thirty to one. How many more advantages do you need?"

    Promote, Distribute, Organize. Liberius, in a nutshell, that sums up Creative Credo No. 72 -- Our Organizational Goals. As a Creator, why would you want to condradict that and confuse people by promoting your 'insurgent strategy" instead?

    What is "tcm" and what does it have to do with Creativity?
General Jabber / What is Semitism?
Mon 24 Nov 2008
One of my favorite questions to some unthinking paleface who decides to introduce the word "antiSemitism" into a discussion with me.

Can there be antiSemites without Semitism any more than there can be anti-communists without communism? That's a real stumper, one that the uncritical judeophile has trouble wrapping his mind around. So I define Semitism for him: Jewish supremacy, or, if he prefers, Judeofascists. If the one you are debating hasn't left the field by then, ask him to please try and explain away a few other glaring inconsistencies about his "antiSemite" buzz term -- and there are many, which should be on the tip of your tongue.

There is no reason our side should EVER lose a substantive debate with either a Xian herd animal or a Jew. Thus the Jewish maxim:

Never forgive, never forget, and NEVER debate the goyim!

So, in that context, digest the following statement from Dr. Wilson's article (below): "Nazis were antisemitic because of what Jews did to them," and put a Creator's spin on it for intellectual exercise.

PS. It would help if one will first read the works of Drs. Wilson (DS and EO, especially) and MacDonald in order to speak on a subject like evolutionary group theory from an informed point of view.


David Sloan Wilson Comments

    The Debates

    Two Comments by David Sloan Wilson

    Selfish Groups and Adaptive Fictions: Two Themes Addressed by Kevin
    MacDonald Worth Defending

    This is David Sloan Wilson, the "leading advocate of group selection
    theory" mentioned in Shulevitz's article on Kevin MacDonald. The
    reason I did not return her phone call (she only made one) is that I
    was out of the country. I think that Kevin is being unfairly
    criticized. In fact, it is shameful how quickly those who are
    sensitive to being demonized are willing to demonize others. Even
    evolutionary psychologists, who have experienced their share of
    persecution in academic circles, seem more concerned to protect
    their own reputations than to defend the work of their colleague.

    I have read Kevin's first book and will shortly read the other two.
    When I do, I won't be shy about commenting on them. I have also had
    numerous discussions with Kevin about his work. The reason I do not
    regard Kevin's work as anti-Semitic is because he is developing a
    general theory of human social groups, of which Judaism is an
    example. The theory includes two major themes that are well worth
    defending. The first is the theme of groups as corporate units that
    care about their own welfare much more than the welfare of
    outsiders. This theme has a long history in all branches of the
    social sciences. From psychology we know how easily individuals make
    Us vs. Them distinctions. From anthropology we know how many
    traditional societies draw a moral circle around themselves and
    regard outsiders as literally nonhuman. Evolutionary views on groups
    as corporate units are complicated. Group selection, the process
    that would explain the evolution of adaptive groups at face value,
    was largely rejected in the 1960's. I think that the rejection was
    unwarranted and that group selection has been a strong force in
    human evolution (see E. Sober and D.S. Wilson, Unto Others: The
    Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior. Harvard University
    Press 1998). However, even evolutionary biologists who remain
    skeptical about group selection, such as Richard Alexander, John
    Hartung, and John Tooby, manage to think about groups as corporate
    units in more individualistic terms. Thus, there is much more
    agreement about the concept of selfish human groups than about group

    The second theme concerns the adaptive value of human belief
    systems. A naïve brand of evolutionary epistemology claims that it
    is always adaptive to perceive the world the way the world really
    is. If so, then evolution would become a simple substitute for God
    as the agent that endows our species with the ability to know.
    Unfortunately, there are countless ways that even outrageously false
    beliefs can produce behaviors that are adaptive in the real world,
    which is the only criterion of success as far as evolution is
    concerned. Thus, a sophisticated evolutionary epistemology must deal
    with the problem of adaptive fictions, which makes knowing an
    unnatural act or natural only in certain contexts.

    I interpret Kevin's work as using Judaism as an exceptionally
    well-documented culture for which these two themes can be examined
    (along with a number of secondary themes). In my work I use other
    groups to study the same themes, including Christian faiths such as
    Anabaptism and Calvinism (No one has yet accused me of being
    anti-Anabaptist or anti-Calvinist). Sports teams, business
    corporations, and political movements provide other fine examples of
    selfish groups and adaptive fictions.

    Shortly after I finished Kevin's first book I happened to read The
    Slave, a novel by Isaac Bashevis Singer, and I was impressed by the
    correspondence between the two books. The Slave is about a devout
    young Jewish man who, during a period as a slave, falls in love with
    and marries a gentile woman. When he is freed and returns to his
    Jewish community, the only way he can bring his wife with him is for
    her to pretend that she is deaf and dumb.

    This love story takes place against the background of a Jewish
    community that springs up on the estate of an inept Polish nobleman
    who has hired Jews to manage his affairs. In no time, the Jewish
    community is churning out goods at unbeatable prices, even Catholic
    artifacts which strictly speaking is against the law. At the same
    time, there is always the threat of violence from the resentful
    Poles. The main difference between Singer's wonderful novel and
    Kevin's scholarly book is that Singer portrays the Jewish community
    as less cooperative than does MacDonald. According to Singer, Jewish
    communities, like other communities, have their share of individuals
    who are dedicated to feathering their own nests, even at the expense
    of their group.

    I would like those who regard Kevin's work as anti-Semitic to read
    The Slave and tell me how the two books differ from each other in
    their essential messages (alternatively, they can explain to me why
    Singer is anti-Semitic). Until then, I will continue to regard Kevin
    as a valued colleague who is addressing fundamental questions about
    human groups from an evolutionary perspective. There is a great need
    to understand both the bright side and the dark side of our groupish
    nature, to expand our moral circles as widely as possible and to
    suppress the Us vs. Them mentality that is so easily triggered in
    our species.

    David Wilson's Second Fray Comment

    It is frustrating for me to read so much nonsense on the subject of
    group selection, especially in a dialogue on fringe science. It is
    also instructive that the graduate student who informed Judith of
    group selection's respectability asked to remain anonymous. I can
    clear the air on the subject of group selection but it will require
    a bit more than a Fray posting. I hope that the editors of Slate
    will provide me the opportunity.

    The purpose of this post is to comment on the MacDonald quote that
    ended Judith's article. She found it antisemitic but I see symmetry.
    To rephrase the passage in abstract terms: Group A is threatened by
    group B and exaggerates the threat to its own members. Group B is
    threatened by group A and exaggerates the threat to its own members.
    As long as we stick to a general theory of what I called selfish
    groups and adaptive fictions in my earlier post, we are on safe and
    very important scientific ground.

    Judith's rendering of the passage was "those scheming Jews, the
    evolutionary justification for anti-Semitism." Consider the
    following two statements:

    1) Individual A is justified in destroying individual B because
    individual B behaved selfishly toward individual A.

    2) Group A is justified in destroying group B because group B
    behaved selfishly toward group A.

    The first statement is not morally acceptable at the level of
    individual interactions and the second statement is no more
    acceptable at the level of group interactions. Furthermore, truly
    selfish individuals/groups don't require justification to prey on
    other individuals/groups, any more than a lion requires
    justification to prey on gazelles. If Nazi Germany acted as a
    selfish group, the most exemplary behavior in the world would not
    have protected the Jews. I would therefore challenge a statement of
    the form "Nazis were antisemitic because of what Jews did to them."
    If only groups were so morally principled!

    This brings us to the general concept of morality: What unites
    individuals or groups into a single moral community that rewards
    good conduct and punishes selfishness? Hint: multilevel selection
    has something to do with it.

    David Sloan Wilson
    Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
    Binghamton University
    Binghamton, New York 13902-6000
    tel: 607-777-4393 fax: 607-777-6521
General Jabber / ZOG vs JOG?
Tue 18 Nov 2008
by Eric Thomson

Dr. Goebbels taught that good propaganda is able to sum up a major concept in a few words. Red groups never seemed to learn this lesson, and they usually called their groups things like: 'Ad Hoc Committee for the Suppression of Rightwing Deviationism', etc. Then they'd call their enemies such names as "running-dog lackeys of Yankee paper-tiger imperialism", etc. In the blightwing we saw such memorable terms as "La Cesspool Grande", used in reference to The District of Corruption. The blightwing loves to use terms which can only be understood by the unconverted with difficulty. This is one more reason why the blightwing has failed to move the existing masses of White people, which stems from basic blightwing confusion and inability to communicate very well, if at all, to those whom we would like to see on the pro-White side. The blightwing slogan of "For God, Race and Nation" would have disgusted the good doctor, as it did me, for it split our loyalties 3 ways. Strong propaganda unites; it does not divide. Hence, I coined the slogan, OUR RACE IS OUR NATION!

To achieve any objective, one must concentrate one's forces and pursue the goal without dithering and deviating. Imagine the results if the Blitzkriegers had been confused about their routes and had paused along the way to pick posies. Rather than blow my own horn in regard to political correctness, I quote from an enemy publication, AMERICAN HERITAGE, of September 1995. In an article entitled "Home-Grown Terror", the author who writes under the pen-name, "Philip Jenkins", states: "The acronym ZOG has entered the vocabulary of the far right ... and has helped shape extremists' concepts of their enemy. Though the term ZOG was unknown to the Coughlinites, it exactly catches their world-view."

"JOG" is not only confusing. It is erroneous. Here's why: one blightwinger said that "Zionist" is a political term, not a racial term; therefore racists should not use it. He then defines "jew" as "a physical member of any race", so "jew" becomes a political term, also. So much for blightwing confusion. "Jew" is a racial term. Anyone who doubts this needs to do some research. I suggest "The Genetics of the Jews" by A.E. Mourant et al. This is a series of articles prepared by jew hematologists, which appeared in the official British medical magazine, The Lancet, and was published by Oxford University Press in 1978. Anyone can change his religion and his politics, but no one can change his race. "Jew" is not a political term, and we should not be sloppy in using it, just when we dislike someone.

Not all jews are Zionists. I have known anti-Zionist jews such as Josef Ginsburg, Rabbi Elmer Berger, Benjamin Freedman, Jack Bernstein (author of "An American Jew in Racist-Marxist Israel) and a group of religious jews in New York City who publish newspaper ads comparing the tenets of Zionism with those of Judaism. I object to Zionism because it aims at the destruction of my race and the enslavement of all races. Any White person who supports Zionism is a race-traitor and therefore is my enemy. Any non-White who resists Zionism is a potential ally, but he is not and can never be my kinsman. Zionism is the political and the religious expression of jews who intend to destroy the White Race, using White frontmen, just as the evil aliens of THEY LIVE used sold-out Earth people to destroy humanity. Non-Whites can also serve the ZOG against the interests of their own people . In fact, anti-Zionist jews believe that Zionism is a satanic reincarnation of The Golden Calf, which captured the allegiance of Old Testament jews.

To act straight, one must think straight. Down with the ZOG!


I no longer capitalize the word, "jew", which merely means "mongrel" at the high end of the scale. On the low end of the scale of value, "jew" means mongrel-parasite.

Eric Thompson is an excellent writer for the Cause, and his archived articles at the above linked Web site make for some great, thought provoking reading. But Mr. Thompson is not necessarily right nor consistent in some of his views on things. He's good at introducing acronyms like JOG and ORION into the WN lexicon, and then promoting their acceptance and usage, as can be deduced from this article. The above commentary was no doubt in reaction to PM Klassen's introduction of the much more militant, Jew-specific acronym, JOG, which had taken hold within the more radical elements of WNism who see "anti-Zionism" as too encompassing -- hell, the sitting POTUS and all four gentile candidates vying for his and Cheney's jobs openly declared that they are dedicated Zionists. They are collaborating Shabbos goyim seeking political favors of Jewry, is what they are, whether they openly declare their fealty to Jewry, or not.

Perhaps someone with access to the Racial Loyalty archive can find the little box (which was featured in several issues of RL from 1988-89) entitled "JOG vs ZOG." It's the best, most concise argument for the use of JOG, especially by all who claim to be Creators.

BTW, I capitalize the word Jew, giving the parasitic mongrel race its due as the primary enemy of my race. Both Ben Klassen and William Pierce always capitalized both Jew and White. That's good enough for me. Thompson didn't care much for either Klassen or Pierce, but found concord with their shared anti-Xian, Nature-based, biological racist world views. That's what counts. That's why I enjoy reading Thompson, while disagreeing with him on a few things.



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