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Messages - Rev.Cambeul

This is what happens when White people "seek forgiveness" for the crime of being White:

QuoteFive people had to be admitted to hospital after one brawl. The Caucasian men were attacked by a group of 10 Aboriginal men, who demanded that their victims "say sorry".

A 28-year-old Territory woman watched helplessly as her friend was king-hit and kicked to the ground outside a Darwin 24-hour eatery on Sunday morning. She said three men ran at them from across the road, when they looked at the group yelling at two women.

"They just started king-hitting him. They got him on the ground and then two others came over and started kicking him," she said.

"They kept screaming that we were not sorry at all - 'Say sorry to us'. You just couldn't stop them."

More at:

Quote from: Br.Axelsson on Tue 22 Dec 2009This could be a bad thing for us, or it could be good..  We are harmless wen we are on the net, but when we start meeting in person because there is no other way that is when we put things into action. So we might be better off. Instead of being all talk we would be more actions.

No, that's when people start adopting Creativity as an excuse to plan and commit illegal acts. Just as those that types that currently adorn their homes in NS paraphernalia, build pipe bombs to blow up the darkies, they will become secretive, paranoiac, refuse to associate with other people - nevermind other Creators - and they will eventually ensure that Creativity reaches the status of and remains a neo-Nazi cult of wackos and fetishists.

We have successfully extricated ourselves from the wackos and fetishists. Our next step is religious legitimisation. And for that, we need the internet.

BTW, The JOG claim that the trial was a success, but even Australian media are giving examples of why it was a failure. If they UK is lauding it as a triumphant success, it is because the "free" world is watching Australia and also plan to implement politically correct filters to keep the kiddies safe.

The story is actually about six months old. Jews have been screaming that it's anti-semitic for a court to find that a Jewish school or organisation is racist. As much as I laugh about this one, I wonder about the future for us if they had won? Better or worse, the case would set a precedent.

Quote from: Senator Hatch"Anything I can do for the Jewish people, I will do," Mr. Hatch said in an interview before heading to the Senate floor to debate an abortion amendment. "Mormons believe the Jewish people are the chosen people, just like the Old Testament says."

Set against a bouncy synthesizer beat, the song begins:

"Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah,

The festival of Lucifer/

In Jerusalem,

The gas burned bright."

The song's nefarious refrain goes:

"Eight days of Hanukkah,

Come let's blood-let a Goy.

Eight days of Hanukkah,

Let's sacrifice tonight, Oy Vey!"

Quote from: Senator HatchAt one point, Mr. Hatch unbuttons his white dress shirt to expose the golden mezuzah necklace he wears every day. Mezuzahs also adorn the doorways of his homes in Washington and Utah. Mr. Hatch keeps a Torah in his Senate office.

"Not a real Torah, but sort of a mock Torah," he said. "I feel sorry I'm not Jewish sometimes."
Quote from: Br.James on Mon 21 Dec 2009I am convinced that episode has something to do with the holocaust.

That is why I like Star Trek. Even when they try to use it as an example of why this is wrong or that is bad, we can take the moral of the story and use it for ourselves. Take the Star Trek Primary Directive as an example. Primitive cultures are not to be contaminated or interfered with. The reason they wrote it into the show was as an example of how White colonial policies destroyed the indigenous people of Earth. However, it also fits perfectly with Creativity, in that the primitive cultures of Earth were and still are too primitive for pre-industrial White society, never mind modern White civilisation. Following Star Trek ideology, we should make every effort to extricate ourselves from the primitives, put them back in their natural environment/ship them back to Africa, and let them live or die to the beat of their own drum.

Another example in Star Trek is the blending of cultures through multiculturalism is often seen as good. Yet, on rare occasions they will point out that the end result of the blending of cultures ends multiculturalism to replace it with an amalgam style dominant culture, which is of course illogical as it destroys the very cultures that multiculturalism is supposed to cherish. Logic that works perfectly for us.  ;)

I'm convinced this episode (Star Trek - Voyager 091 - Living witness) is at least worthy of being placed on the shelf of every historian that investigates the Holohoax. Use it as a tool to relax someone who wants to argue that the Holohoax is real because continued use of WWII propaganda says it is and ANY research into the truth is an insult to six-million imagined dead.

Quote from: Google Cache
happosai27  (
seems like the typical holocaust museum to me. any everyone who got a different version of history would be a vayager denier lol
the official story of that is same fraud like the official 9/11 story if you look into it ^^

Of course the above quote was removed from YouTube. You can guess by whom and why.

BTW Anyone who thinks like half of those idiots on YouTube that the episode is about the Star Trek Mirror Universe where everyone is evil, is dead wrong.

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