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Messages - Br.IanVonTurpie

Bandt is a Woke wierdo!

The son of a woman found dead at home along with her disabled teenage daughter has revealed his white supremacist tattoos as he faced court on Nazi graffiti charges.

Nazi tattoo shame of skinhead accused of vile graffiti - after his tragic mum died in suspected murder-suicide of her disabled daughter,
27 Aug 2024, updated 23:29 AEST 27 Aug 2024
By Candace Sutton for Daily Mail Australia

Son of woman found dead with body of daughter in court
Chris Carrig, 20 charged with Nazi graffiti and stalking
Fronted court openly displaying Nazi tattoos

The son of a woman found dead at home along with her disabled teenage daughter has revealed his white supremacist tattoos as he faced court on Nazi graffiti charges.

Christopher Carrig, 20, appeared briefly in Burwood Local Court on six charges including allegedly spray-painting a statue with a Nazi swastika symbol.

He faced a magistrate for a few minutes in a court room where tattoos numbers '88' behind his right ear and '14' behind his left ear could be clearly seen.

The numbers '88' - representing HH as the eighth letter of the alphabet - are notorious white supremacist code for' Heil Hitler'.

The number '14' represents a 14-word supremacist slogan about white power securing the future of 'white children'.

The graffiti charges stem from an alleged incident at Macquarie University in February.

He is also accused of of stalking a man at a Woolworths in May, both of which pre-date the family tragedy which befell his mother and sister.

Jennifer Carrig, 53, and Ella, 13, were found dead in two separate bedrooms of their home on Menzies Road in Marsfield in Sydney's north-west in early July.

The reason for their deaths publicly remain a mystery with no arrests made. It is not suggested Christopher Carrig had any involvement.

However, the Menzies Road home was visited by police just eight days earlier when Counter Terrorism and Special Tactics Command officers arrived at 6am to arrest Christopher and his girlfriend Taylor Bayly, 20.

The couple were taken to separate police stations to be charged with offences relating to the spray painting of 'extreme right-wing ideology' at Macquarie University in Sydney's north.

Police allege Mr Carrig and Ms Bayly blackened their faces and then entered Macquarie Park - which has around 130 statues, inside Macquarie University - at around 12.17am on February 25.

The reason for their deaths publicly remain a mystery with no arrests made. It is not suggested Christopher Carrig had any involvement.

However, the Menzies Road home was visited by police just eight days earlier when Counter Terrorism and Special Tactics Command officers arrived at 6am to arrest Christopher and his girlfriend Taylor Bayly, 20.

The couple were taken to separate police stations to be charged with offences relating to the spray painting of 'extreme right-wing ideology' at Macquarie University in Sydney's north.

Police allege Mr Carrig and Ms Bayly blackened their faces and then entered Macquarie Park - which has around 130 statues, inside Macquarie University - at around 12.17am on February 25

Court documents allege they used a can of spray paint to mark objects on the campus with a swastika and with the tag of the National Socialist Network, an Australian neo-Nazi political organisation.

The couple were charged with intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging property, blacken or disguise face with intention to commit an indictable offence, possess graffiti implement and unlawful entry on enclosed lands.

Mr Carrig was also charged with offences dating from May at a Woolworths in north-west Sydney, while police took out an Apprehended Violence Order against him on behalf of another man.

Chris Carrig was already banned from the Woolworths when he allegedly unlawfully entered the premises on the afternoon May 25, and is alleged to have stalked or intimidated the man.

On Tuesday, he appeared in court with a lawyer to have his bail conditions varied, so that he could report to police three times a week.

When approached on the street, Mr Carrig flicked his fingers dismissively and said: 'Go get a real job'.

It remains unclear how Either Jennifer Carrig or her daughter Ella died, with neither having obvious injuries. Locals believe it was a tragic was a murder-suicide.
Dead kangaroo dumped outside mosque
The act has shocked the Adelaide muslim community.

Tie me Kangaroo down sport!

Traditionally a pig is used but around Here this was probably free and they are damn smelly too!

Note: There are at least two factions of Muslims constantly fighting at that place with sticks, knives and swords. It's probably them doing it to themselves and taking the opportunity play the victim and to BLAME WHITEY!

The change in Territory government did nothing to stop rogue youths in Alice Springs leaving locals fearing for their lives, with dozens of vehicles smashed, businesses ransacked and Aboriginal Police Liaison Officers outnumbered when weapons were brandished during a dispute at a community footy game over the weekend.

Chief minister elect Lia Finocchiaro has vowed to tackle the issues of youth crime and 'reset the agenda' for law and order after meeting with the NT police commissioner on Sunday.

The Australian has obtained dozens of photographs and video footage of the weekend carnage in the red centre, where roaming youth vandals damaged more than 60 cars, with many of the vehicles dedicated to helping improve the lives of young Indigenous Australians.

One young woman, named Clarin, on Sunday evening had her car approached by a group of children – some whom look as young as eight – fearing she would be hijacked.

Extraordinary footage of the encounter shows the children approaching the vehicle from the Todd River at 8pm before the 28-year-old chef and student from Indonesia slowly reversed her car to get away, when the children started pelting rocks at her vehicle.

"The kids tried to approach the car and then (I) try to reverse the car and then the kids started to throw the stones on my car and I drove away," said Clarin, who was still shaken by the incident on Monday.

Clarin, who requested her surname be withheld, said that before her vehicle was attacked the children had tried following and throwing stones at the friend she had just dropped off.

"I was so panicked, she was panicked, my other friend panicked as well," she said.

"I was worried if they threatened me and asked me to leave the car and then they can hijack my car," she said.

At least eight businesses were attacked on Saturday night, with photos obtained by The Australian showing hundreds of vehicle and business windows smashed.

 &:(  :-\
Like... just what is next?!
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