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Messages - Rev.Cambeul

Another pavement ape telling us that White Lives Don't Matter ...
This one is a UK  Labour Party MP (Member of Parliament)
Believes Whites envy the colour of its Shitskin?
Calls itself a "Chosen One"?
Black & Privileged!

If Europe is held back by anything, it's Anti-Whiteness ...

Europe Being Held Back by 'Whiteness', Claims Soros-Backed Think Tank

Excerpt: The European Union (EU) is being hindered by "whiteness", according to a report by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).

Despite young people in many European countries, including Germany and France, opting for the populist right in recent elections, the Jewish led think tank alleged that the preponderance of native European politicians in the EU Parliament could undermine backing from "young people" in the bloc for the globalist anti-White political project.

Young voters will be put off supporting the bloc unless the demographics of its Parliament is largely comprised of African descent, according to a report from the think tank, which is funded by cosmopolitan billionaire George Soros.

Rather than pointing to policies causing anger in much of Europe, such as lax external border controls and programmes to disperse third-world migrants throughout the bloc, or the perception of Brussels as too bureaucratic and elitist, the ECFR claims that more ethnic diversity among the continent's elected representatives is the way to restore trust and build confidence in the EU.

As well as praising the heavy diversity in European football tournaments, the report also commended EU nations which sent non-white singers to represent them at the most recent Eurovision Song Contest, and hailed the demographics of the 2024 Paris Olympics in which native Europeans made up a small proportion of athletes overall.
General Jabber / Nut Allergies?
Fri 04 Oct 2024
I have some questions about nut allergies

Observed Changes to Society

Back in the 70's and 80's, talk about nut allergies was almost unheard of. Then in the 90's, we began to hear of nut allergies, epee pens to save the lives of the allergic .... Beyond 2000 nut allergies became something for MSM to have occasional panic attacks about. Since 2010, nuts have been treated as a form of poison, and are often banned in places like schools.

In that same period, non-white immigration and interspecies breeding/miscegenation have become all the more prevalent.

The Questions

* Are nut allergies a White issue?

* Are nut allergies a non-white issue?

* If nut allergies are not a specifically White/non-white issue
  - And provided that nut allergies are extremely rare in both Whites and non-whites
  - Are nut allergies the common result of interspecies breeding/mixed race offspring?

If the above is true, would it then not be correct to assume that non-white immigration into the formerly all-White nations is leading to the advancement of a deficient form of humanity? A subhuman incapable of survival on the most basic of nature's plentiful bounty without interference from science?

Nut allergies, lactose intolerance, intolerances to wheat and more .... You tell me.


The article that raised the question ...

Quote from: MSMThe 'sliding doors moment' doctors missed that could have saved James - who tragically died aged 17

 * James Tsindos bought food from Deliveroo app
 * A burrito bowl included a sauce made with cashews

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Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
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