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Messages - Chuck

I have been meticulously going through each chapter, and going by the following errors found in a single chapter, there is a lot of work to be done.

Chapter 17: A Closer look at the Judeo-Christian Hoax

Page 180, lines 3/4, says 'one lay parlayed upon another'; should read 'one lie parlayed upon another'

Page 180, line 5, says 'and endless chain'; should read 'an endless chain'.

Page 180, line 5, says 'average person is confused'; should say 'average person is *so* confused'. Compare with First & Second Edition.

Page 180, line 6, says 'that his is psychologically browbeaten'; should say 'that *he* is psychologically browbeaten'.

Page 180, line 22, says 'more that 100,000 changes'; should say 'more *than* 100,000 changes'.

Page 180, fourth line from bottom, it says 'teen-ager' with hyphen. This seeming error appears in both First and Second Edition.

Page 181, line one, says 'were these people'; should say '*why* were these people'.

Page 181, line 6, it has 'who wrote it: In the beginning'. In the First Edition there is a full stop after 'who wrote it' and a new paragraph begins. In the Second Edition it has a colon, but again a new paragraph begins. Worth considering.

Page 181, line 22, says 'more sense to be taken in'; should say 'more sense *than* to be taken in'.

Page 181, line 25, says 'Lord's whole place'; should say 'Lord's whole *plan*'.

182, line 11, says '2,348 B.C.' with a comma after the 2, which doesn't appear in original.

182, line 19, says '2,348 B.C.' with a comma after the 2, which doesn't appear in original.

182, line 27, says 'far beyond *the* 2,348'; should say 'far beyond 2348', again, minus the comma after 2.

183, line 3, says 'a *s* group of perfidious cutthroats,' with superfluous 's'; should say 'a group of perfidious cutthroats,'.

183, lines 18/19, says 'and the milky way'; First Edition says 'and the constellations'.

183, line 29, says 'he died for own sins'; should say 'he died for *our* sins'.

183, line 30, says 'It is something as if for an instance', with superfluous 'an'; should say 'It is something as if for instance'.

183, 2nd line from bottom, says '2,000' with a comma after the 2, which doesn't appear in original.

184, line 1, says 'to save mankind"' without the double inverted comma before 'to'. Should read '"to save mankind"'.

184, line 9, says 'in conflict with each other,' with a comma instead of full stop. Should say 'in conflict with each other.'

184, line 10, it says 'not the laws of light'; should say '*nor* the laws of light'.

184, line 11, says 'or he laws of magnetism'; First Edition says '*nor the* laws of magnetism'.

184, line 21, says 'never did believe in Christ'; whereas the First Edition reads: 'never did believe this story and they never did believe in Christ.' Words in bold missing from PDF.

184, line 25, says 'why would the Jew's be God's chosen people' with apostrophe in the highlighted word; should read 'why would the Jews be God's chosen people'.

184, last line, says 'overwhelming about Jews'; should say 'overwhelmingly about Jews'.

185, line 1, says 'of God's impregnating'; First Edition says 'of God impregnating'.

185, line 18, says 'on average'; First Edition says 'on *the* average'.

185, line 25, after 'praising the Lord?' the paragraph ends. Whereas in the First Edition it continues all the way to 'Jewish network of lies' (line 32).

185, lines 27/28, says 'with the bible telling us most of us are going to go to hell anyway'; First Edition reads 'with the bible telling us most of us are going to hell anyway'.

(I notice that in the PDF we see 'per cent' spelled both 'per cent' (British English) and 'percent' (US English). In the First Edition, Klassen consistently opts for the British 'per cent'. Whatever is decided upon, it must be consistent throughout.)

185, seventh line from bottom, says 'terrorizing the minds of his victims'; should say 'terrorizing the minds of *its* victims'.

186, line 30, say 'take it all as "the Gospel truth.' without double inverted commas after 'truth'. Should read: 'take it all as "the Gospel truth".

186, line 32, says 'would mean between going to heaven'; should say, according to First Edition, 'would mean the difference between going to heaven'.

186, 4th line from bottom, says 'then the least thing I could do' with superfluous 'thing' that does not appear in First Edition. Should read: 'then the least I could do'.

187, line 8, after 'breaks down miserably.' it immediately goes to a new paragraph, which isn't the case in the First Edition.

187, line 16, says 'We have no evidence whatsoever that' and immediately skips to a new paragraph.

188, line 22, says 'incompatible worlds the world of reality', minus a necessary long hyphen. Should read 'incompatible worlds the world of reality'.

189, line 14, the number 2000 has a comma after the 2 ('2,000'), whereas the First Edition does not. This is a common occurrence throughout the PDF. As with 'per cent/percent', whatever is decided upon, whatever is most correct and appropriate, it must be consistent throughout.
Errors Found in 'The New Testament'

On page 139, line 22, a new sentence should begin after 'escaping it'. 'there are almost no means of escaping it*.* *That* is what the "Good Book" says. So'.

Also, it must be added that the sentence beginning 'So...' on the same line as above, line 22, should be the start of a new paragraph. This according to the Second Edition.

On page 141, line 1, a full stop is needed after 'New Testament'. 'dramatically portrayed and spotlighted as they are in the New Testament*.* The'.

On page 142, line 17, the word 'out' needs replacing with 'our': 'ignorant, dumb, submissive and meek, we should all, of course, try *OUR* utmost to'. I compared this with the Second Edition and the error is present there also.

On page 142, line 31, it has a hyphen in 'lay up' that doesn't appear in either the Second Edition or the KJV, where the quote is taken from, HERE.

On page 143, line 13, we again find 'lay up' hyphenated, which, again, does NOT appear in the Second Edition: 'point in trying to get ahead in this world, or trying to save anything, or *lay up* any'.

On page 144, line 4, it reads 'right ex wrong' when it should read 'right or wrong': 'It says in essence that no matter whether you are *right or wrong*, don't put'.

On page 144, line 19, it a comma separating two quotes that are from different verses of Matthew 5. In the Second Edition it has a set of dots indicating an 'ellipsis', which is correct: 'Sermon on the Mount, "if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out*...* if *thy* right hand

Also, a separate error on line 19 of page 144 is the word 'they' instead of 'thy', highlighted above.

On page 148, line 11, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'treasures in this world, surely it must be wrong to *lay up* treasures for the next'.

On page 148, line 12, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'world. If it's a good thing to *lay up* treasures in the next world, then it must be'.

On page 148, line 13, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'equally good to *lay up* treasures in this world. Of course, the big trick is that if you'.

On page 148, 4th line from the bottom, it says 'warned' when it should say 'earned'. 'Before anyone gives his hard *EARNED* money to anyone, he should'. Bizarrely, in the First Edition (FOUND HERE) it says 'earned' and the (supposedly 'improved') Second Edition has the same error as the PDF. Strange.

On page 149, seventh line from bottom, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'If it's such a crime to *lay up* treasures, in other words accumulate wealth in'.

On page 149, sixth line from bottom, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'this world, why is it such a virtue to *lay up* treasures in the next world?'

On page 150, line 21, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'Squirrels will *lay up* nuts for the winter'.

On page 152, third line from bottom, it says 'well-laid' when it appears as 'well laid' in both the First and Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'a *well laid* plan of propaganda and brain pollution can work if applied'.

On page 153, line 18, it capitalises the letter F in 'fine' when it should not. It should read: 'You are naturally born bad, we are told. All those *fine*'. 

On page 153, line 24, it says 'where' when it should say 'were'. It should read: 'good people of Rome *WERE* not aware that their souls were in jeopardy'.

I wouldn't be surprised if I have missed one or two errors in this chapter alone. :)
Welcome brother. France is a unique and beautiful nation. We hope our Founder's words can help keep it that way.
On pages 32 and 327 of NER it says 'modem' instead of 'modern'.

Page 32: 'Furthermore, the sculpture of the Old Kingdom exhibits the highest technical skill and compares favorably with the work of modem artists.'

Page 327: 'Whereas in Roman times, one Roman legionnaire, using his contemporary weapons, such as sword, shield, spear, etc., could perhaps outfight six (or maybe ten) times his number of black savages, today, with the modem technology that is the product of the While Man and the White Man alone, a few trained pilots armed with jet planes and atomic bombs could wipe out any and all opposition from the hostile blacks of Africa, for instance, in no time at all.'
Fair use has been upheld when texts are quoted for the purpose of parody, criticism, and demonstration. The only thing I can think is that fair use may only let you quote parts of an article, not the whole thing. Of course, I'm not a lawyer.
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