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Flyering New Zealand - Tauranga Labour Party Offices

Started by Ryan-NZ, Mon 18 Apr 2022

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Looks like she is really butt hurt about flyers. This anti-White B made a vague threat oh we can check CCTV footage if we want.

Who you lying to? You already checked it and got nothing, but you're still trying to make out you have some control over the situation. LOL! You have none.

This commie trash said I want the person to come down and have a chat with her. LOL! As if! What so you can get a picture of that person and have your antifatard buddy's dox them? No thanks.

They definitely think they are dealing with the Right-Wing. Ha Ha Ha! They expect the person to go there, argue with her, cause a scene and leave - but will also get doxed later on, and her hands are clean. Not happening Jan.

I know you're panties are in a bunch but you'll have to get over it.

If you had CCTV footage of the persons, the cops would of knocked on their doors but alas this is not the case. Those people were covered head to toe - and you know it!

It's not because you are women either. So stop with the misogynist BS. There's a niggers face on your windows as well as two women so stop the pity party. You received the flyers because your anti-White scumbags.

Many more are on there way. 23 R

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