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You Cannot Make This Stuff Up: Klauss Schwab Is A Rothschild On Mother’s Side

Started by G.L.R., Sat 27 Aug 2022

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You Cannot Make This Stuff Up: Klauss Schwab Is A Rothschild On His Mother's Side

Fred Schwab was born in Frankfurt. In 1935, he managed to leave Germany. His wife, Marianne Rothschild, came from the town of Bad Homburg. After the 1938 Pogroms, she fled to the USA via Britain.

Quote from: The Web
Klaus Martin Schwab is a German engineer, economist and founder of the World Economic Forum. He has acted as the WEF's chairman since founding the organisation in 1971.

99% of the population don't know who they are; in media and education they are systematically kept silent. Remarkable, but conscious, because this man has more influence than any king or emperor ever had in this world. And that power does not want public attention that can bring nothing and can only work undermining. Working behind the scenes and letting politicians do the job is much more effective.

 Their daughter Madeleine was invited by the City of Bad Homburg in 2013. She attended the opening ceremony for a deportation memorial in her mother's home town. From here, her grandparents had been deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1942. Fred Schwab was born as Friedrich Ernst Schwab into a Jewish family with a centuries-old history in Germany and Frankfurt. Born into this metropolitan city in 1918, he grew up at Rheinstraße 7 in Frankfurt's Westend district and visited the nearby Goethe-Gymnasium. Fred's father owned a large business at Moselstraße 4 (Gebr. Feisenberger. Kurzwaren, Spielwaren, Strumpfwaren). The family was firmly established among Frankfurt's society. His parents married at the traditional Frankfurter Hof hotel, together with Christian and Jewish friends. The family was not very religious and attended the liberal Westend Synagogue. They celebrated "Weihnukka": Hanukkah as well as Christmas. The family thought more and more about emigrating. First they sent Fred, the youngest member, to the USA, because he had no prospects in Germany. His father and the older brother Hans (Hank) were arrested during the 1938 Pogroms and deported to Buchenwald.

Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild, in the USA in front of a photo of her deceased husband

 After about four weeks, both were allowed to leave the camp, because Fred's mother managed to get emigration papers, with the help of an uncle in the USA. In 1942, Fred was drafted into the US Army and sent to Germany, because he knew the language. Back then, he already worked for better communication. In 1995, the former Frankfurt resident got the Federal Cross of Merit (Bundesverdienstkreuz) in 1995 for his lifetime achievements and his reconciliation efforts. In 1992, 55 years after fleeing Germany, Fred Schwab came back to Frankfurt as an official guest. The Project Jewish Life in Frankfurt arranged for him to speak at his former school, Goethe-Gymnasium. Marianne Rothschild and Friedrich Schwab had known each other in Frankfurt and later reunited and married in the USA. Marianne was born in Frankfurt in 1919. She grew up in the town of Bad Homburg, where her father, Louis Rothschild, managed a bank. The family lived right downtown at Louisenstraße.

Louis and Melanie Rothschild at their wedding in Bad Homburg, private

 Unlike Fred Schwab's family, the Rothschilds, were very religious and active members of the Jewish congregation. Marianne first attended the girl's high school (Lyzeum) in Bad Homburg (today Humboldtschule). On 17 March 1939, Marianne left Germany together with her grandmother. Her brother, Eduard, called Edu, was sent to the Netherlands. From here, he tried desperately, but without success, to also reach the USA.

Red Cross letter from Melanie and Louis Rothschild to their daughter on the day before their deportation on 28 August 1942, private

 Marianne Schwab visited the town she grew up in several times throughout the 1990s. She met classmates and neighbors, spoke to students at her former school and at Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gymnasium, the school her brother Eduard had attended. "I always feel a little homesick for Bad Homburg,"

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