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America Falling Apart, Collapse Engineered By Barbarians Inside the Gate

Started by G.L.R., Fri 26 Aug 2022

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USA Collapse Is Being Engineered By The Barbarians Inside The Gate

August 26th, 2022

America Is Falling Apart. Black Criminal Gangs Loot California Stores

The Los Angeles Police Department is warning people in the city not  to create a new looting trend where suspects form a "flash mob" and  ransack a store. "We really want to prevent this from becoming a new  trend where they think they can show up and take over a street or a  freeway or any part of the city that they're just going to be able to do  what they want," LAPD Det. Ryan Moreno said last week... His comments came in response to a looting incident at a  7-Eleven last Monday where about 100 people stormed the convenience  store. The suspects quickly dispersed across the store... Los Angeles flash mob loots, vandalizes 7-Eleven following street takeover, police say Police unions blame ACLU for rash of recent smash-and-grab robberies: 'Voters were lied to'

The ACLU's position is that "smash and grab" is just non-legislated restitution. Police union leaders are blaming the ACLU for the recent smash-and-grab robberies. "When society removes accountability for bad behavior, criminals get  emboldened to commit more crimes," the president of the Los Angeles  Police Protective League, Craig Lally, told Fox. Smash-and-grab thieves attack stores around the country, California security guard shot dead as crime rages. A former police officer was shot and killed while protecting a news crew reporting on a smash-and-grab incident. In one of the most high-profile cases last year, roughly 80 suspects departed from about 25 cars outside a Nordstrom location in Walnut Creek, which is about 25 miles from San Francisco, looted the store and made off with more than $100,000 in stolen merchandise. Employees of Nordstrom were left injured by the incident, including by pepper spray, and assaulted with a knife. If white people did such things, Homeland Security, the Department of  Justice, the New York Times, NPR, CNN, the rest of the presstitutes,  and the FBI would declare them "domestic terrorists" and round them up.

The Jew-owned media have even denied that billionaire Jew Soros stated this, but he has two hundred organizations to prove it

The Democrat Nazis are even rounding up peaceful white supporters who exercised their Constitutional rights by attending a rally for President  Trump. Nothing happens to blacks for looting stores, but "privileged  whites" are imprisoned for exercising rights once protected, but no  more, by the US Constitution. In San Francisco it is not a felony for a  black to steal from a store as long as the value of the stolen item does  not exceed $950 per person. This is what they call "white privilege." Retail executives and police officers emphasize the role of organized  crime in the mass looting of stores. The New York Times, amazingly,  reports that mass robberies in California are escalating and are  becoming much more bold and violent. They blame the liberal Democrats'  Proposition 47 that reclassified thefts as misdemeanors... Apparently, the permission to steal is  only given to blacks. I am yet to hear of mass store robberies by white  people.

I am sure the FBI Gestapo will soon organize one and that Homeland Security will make us all totally insecure by cracking down on white Americans redefined as "domestic terrorists." White Americans are amazingly stupid not to realize that they are  already more demonized than Jews in Nazi Germany. Instead of realizing  their own danger, they accept, support, and cover up for black criminal  elements. Such insouciant hapless people have no possibility of survival.  But it seems they must suffer grievously before they do.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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