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Reverend Normon Willhoite vs California (1989)

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sat 17 Jul 2010

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Related: See (former) Reverend Christopher Peterson's court win - 2002/06/03

* * * *

March 12, 1989

Saying that "The White Man's Bible" is racist, but not violently inflammatory, a federal judge in San Francisco ordered San Quentin authorities to return the book to the inmate from whom it was seized in 1986. Afraid that the book might provoke racial violence, a guard at San Quentin State Prison confiscated the book from the maximum-security cell of Norman Willhoite, an inmate serving a sentence for second-degree murder. Prison authorities describe Willhoite as a member of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang. U.S. District Judge Fern Smith said the state failed to prove that the book presented an imminent danger. "Although the book clearly advocates racial purity, it does not advocate direct acts of violence or any illegal activity," Smith said in a ruling.

San Francisco Chronicle
March 11, 1989

A book called "The White Man's Bible" is racist but is not violently inflammatory and must be returned to the prisoner from whom it was seized in 1986, a federal judge in San Francisco has said.

The book was confiscated from the maximum-security cell of inmate Norman Willhoite in November 1986 by T.V. Arzatee, a San Quintin guard. At the time, the guard said the book could provoke racial violence.

In a ruling released yesterday, U.S. District Judge Fern Smith said the state failed to prove that the book presented any imminent danger. The issue was before Smith on a petition by Willhoite for the book's return.

"Although the book clearly advocates racial purity, it does not advocate direct acts of violence or any illegal activity," Smith said. "Further, even though advocating racism, the book is not sufficiently racially inflammatory to be reasonably likely to cause violence at the prison."

Excerpts of the book in court files refer to blacks as "subhuman" and said of whites, "We must organize and expand until we embrace the planet Earth. Let the Jews and mud races take note." It also calls for hanging white "race traitors." The author is identified as Ben Klassen of the Church of the Creator.

Racial Loyalty, Issue 50, May 1989;sa=view;id=1014
Report From California

Dear Pontifex Maximus:


As you can see from the enclosed SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE (31 11 189) and LOS ANGELES TIMES (3112189) clippings, U.S. District Judge FERN' SMITH, in a ruling released on March 10, 1989 ordered that THE WHITE MAN'S BIBLE must be returned to prisoner ' NORMAN WILLHOITE from whom it was seized by the San Quentin prison guards in 1986. In the ruling, Federal Judge Fern Smith stated: "ALTHOUGH THE BOOK CLEARLY ADVOCATES RACIAL PURITY, IT DOES NOT ADVOCATE DIRECT ACTS OF VIOLENCE OR ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY". Several other enclosed newspaper clippings show the disgusting anti-White position of the dominant "White" Christian churches in South Africa (such a position is, of course, characteristic of all Christian churches anywhere in the world). In an official declaration, released on March 10, 1989, the special conference of the "White" Dutch Reformed Churches said that Apartheid (White Racial Loyalty) was a "sin" and "irreconcilable with the.Goepeln. The conference leaders pledged themselves to making "the Christian church family one, united, non-racial". I hope that the South African branch of the Church of the Creator will take full advantage of this so-called Testimony of Vereeniging" (or more appropriately-Testimony of Racial Treason) in exposing the treacherous, inherently anti-White nature of all Christian churches and thereby winning new converts for the truly White Racial Religion-CREATIVITY.

All of us are glad that our beloved newspaper, RACIAL LOYALTY, is again being published regularly and Ls getting stronger with every issue. But I miss at least a small regular section which could lbe entitled "BLACK/MUD/JEW CRIMINAL TERROR AGAINST WHITES". You see, there is nothing better to shock the White people out of their self-paralyzing Christian/Uberal fairness" complex than a mug shot of a brutal black criminal and a photo of a White victim (usually a beautiful young woman) side by side with a graphic description of the crime. Just remember how effective was the Willie Horton mug shot during the presidential campaign! Republican party chairman, Lee Atwater, even to this day has to, at every turn, apologize to ever black/mud/jew gathering for using the mug shot of convicted black criminal Willie Horton to "scare" Whites and to "inflame" White racial fears. The jewsmedia is fully aware of the tremendous psychological implications of showing photos of brutal black criminals and their innocent (usually young and beautiful) White victims; therefore, most of the crime reports in the big jewsmedia papers are without photos and without any reference about criminals' or victims' race. However, local newspapers are often more open in publishing graphic descriptions and photos of black/mud/jew criminal and their White victims. Therefore, it would be a good idea for all Creators to monitor their local newspapers and send clippings about the black/mud/jew-on-White crimes to the "BLACK/MUD/ JEW CRIMINAL TERROR AGAINST WHITES" section of RACIAL LOYALTY. Let's remember that the black/mud/jew-on-White crimes are never an isolated, local went; they are part of the worldwide racial war which will eventually (and very soon) impact every one of us White people. So let us be prepared! WHITE PEOPLE AWAKE! JOIN CREATIVITY! IT IS OUR ONLY SALVATION!

Creatively yours,
A White American

P.S. Enclosed is a donation of $200 and the above-mentioned newspaper clippings.

ED. NOTE - Welcome back White American. We appreciate your astute reports and your generous support. So  generous in fact, (several thousand $$ now) that we are dedicating a fruit tree in your name, THE WHITE AMERICAN, in perpetuity, alongside Leadership Lane here at the World Headquarters. Other contributions of $1,000 or more to our Church have plaques by their trees, but you, will be the first anonymous honoree. We, of course, hope to meet you and know your real identity some day, but your tree will always be to our Movement what the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is to the VFW. Thank you!

We beat you to the punch on your BLACK/MUD/JEW CRIMINAL TERROR AGAINST WHITES suggestion. See CREATORS VIEW THE NEWS in this issue and last and know you didn't pick the C.O.T.C. as your church for nothing.

As for Rev. Willhoite, he is a courageous young man who has been fighting our battle, virtually unassisted, for over 3 years. As some of our readers know, he killed a savage nigger who had molested a 3 year old White girl and has been in prison since he was 18 ( over 8 years now) as a result. To our minds he should have been awarded the Medal of Honor such a deed, but we have gone one better and given him the Creativity Award of Honor that goes with being named Creator of the Month for April (1989). The JOG dogs being the bastards that they are, disallowed the certificate, the personal note and the WHITE MAN'S BIBLE which we sent to Rev. Willhoite upon being notified of his momentous landmark decision for the 1st Amendment, Creativity and the White Race. We suspect that Rev. Willhoite has been moved from San Quintin, but we will soon find him and give our readers his address to congratulate him. The door is open now to get our WMB in to White prisoners and we have a 7 page decision by a U.S. District Court Judge to back it up, whether JOG's Gulag Masters want to admit it or not. Rev. Stanko told us last night by phone that prison officials (90 percent White 'cause the muds are incompetent) are scared spineless of the decision that Whites may be able to organize now behind the walls. The restless nigger will revolt of course and there will be a lot of dead "white" JOG guards. What a beautiful scenario and impetus for segregation of prisons by race.

Salman Rushdie, move over -
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


"...Willhoite has been moved from San Quintin, but we will soon find him and give our readers his address to congratulate him. The door is open now to get our WMB in to White prisoners and we have a 7 page decision by a U.S. District Court Judge to back it up."

I don't know if we ever located Rev. Willhoite after this appeared in Racial Loyalty.

I seem to remember finding that 7-page decision by judge Fern Smith, however. Let's find it again.

In trying a couple of prisoner locator sites found at the link provided, it appears that they all want $$$.
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


Norman Willhoite
RELATIVES: Virginia L Willhoite (age 80)

1582 N Pacific Ave
Fresno, CA 93728
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Quote from: Rev.Cambeul.PM on Sun 18 Jul 2010...As for Rev. Willhoite, he is a courageous young man who has been fighting our battle, virtually unassisted, for over 3 years. As some of our readers know, he killed a savage nigger who had molested a 3 year old White girl and has been in prison since he was 18 ( over 8 years now) as a result. To our minds he should have been awarded the Medal of Honor such a deed, but we have gone one better and given him the Creativity Award of Honor that goes with being named Creator of the Month for April (1989). The JOG dogs being the bastards that they are, disallowed the certificate, the personal note and the WHITE MAN'S BIBLE which we sent to Rev. Willhoite upon being notified of his momentous landmark decision for the 1st Amendment, Creativity and the White Race.

Quote from: Rev.Cambeul.PM on Sat 17 Jul 2010
Norman Willhoite
RELATIVES: Virginia L Willhoite (age 80)

1582 N Pacific Ave
Fresno, CA 93728

The math tells me that Rev Willhoite would have been 26-years old in 1989 (and his mom, Virginia, 59) when Racial Loyalty published that letter and clipping from "White American" (WA began using the name "Victor Wolf" when he succeeded me as editor of RL). That would make Willhoite around 48 today.

Do we have any Creators in the Fresno area?
We used to have plenty of California Creators back in those pre-Internet days who could follow up on such a lead as this, on the ground, if requested to by COTC headquarters. "Victor" was from Thousand Oaks, CA, just a couple of hundred miles away. I remember Victor donated several thousand dollars to COTC while I was there, and donated the first computer the Church ever had (valued @ $5,000 in '89) when he moved to Otto, NC, to become editor of RL.

Ben Klassen was a wealthy man and financed the building of Creativity from his own pocket for the most part for Church'e first fifteen years. But COTC started attracting supporters/donors like Victor once we got on track publishing RL each month and had distributors for our tabloid all over the country (and Europe and S. Africa) trumpeting RAHOWA! COTC was near the top of the heap of serious, viable racial organizations in the U.S. then.

PM Klassen was grooming imprisoned Rev Rudy STANKO to be his replacement at the time. When STANKO was released and declined the offer a couple of years later, COTC fell into chaos. There's a good, 30-page objective history of those years prior to the Founder's death by Rev. James Finckbone. Is that account already in CA's archive somewhere? If not, I'll try to dig it up and post it.

Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


From Re: Rev. Dr Joe Esposito: Letter Campaign to Defend Creativity in Prisons,4744.msg11177.html#msg11177

Quote from: Rev.Cambeul.PM on Sat 17 Jul 2010
To Warden Mark Redd,

Regarding Reverend Esposito's Request for Administrative Remedy or Appeal, Grievance Log Number 1006-230-014. Part B - Response:

"The world church of the creator is no longer recognized in the Florida Department of Corrections as a bona fide religion.

Based on the foregoing your grievance has been denied."

I wish to point out that while neither the World Church of the Creator or the Church of the Creator before it were recognised as stand alone religions, both congregations have however been recognised at different times as aspects of the religion known as Creativity in the US District Court;

(Church of the Creator) Reverend Norman Willhoite (1989),
(World Church of the Creator) Christopher Lee Peterson (2009).

Although they no longer exist, neither congregation was considered a gang during its lifetime and should not be treated as such now. In fact, many Creators still use the names Church of the Creator and World Church of the Creator interchangeably with the Church of Creativity or Creativity Alliance. Whether those Creators using such antediluvian terms are unaware of the legal issues that surround the separation of the different names or are just plain stubborn, matters not. If Reverend Esposito who has been a Creator for nearly forty years chooses to use such terminology, he should not be punished for it.

As such I believe that Reverend Esposito's grievance was poorly handled without reference to all the facts. In light of the above, I request that Reverend Esposito's grievance be reexamined by persons other than those responsible for the previous decision.

I also request your assurance that no adherent of Creativity will be punished for use of the terms Church of the Creator (COTC), World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) and their modern equivalent the Creativity Alliance (CA) incorporating the Church of Creativity (CoC).

I thank you for your attention and await your response.

Yours Faithfully,
Reverend Cailen Cambeul P.M.

The Church of Creativity
P.O. Box 420
Oaklands Park
S.A. Australia 5046

Quote from: Rev.Cambeul.PM on Thu 16 Aug 2012
To Ms Michelle Jordan

My name is Reverend Cailen Cambeul, and I am the current Pontifex Maximus of the Church of Creativity. As part of my responsibility as Pontifex Maximus, I recently issued two Religious Medallions to Joseph Esposito, who has been a member of our Church since 1974 and is an ordained minister currently incarcerated in Century Correctional Institution. The first Religious Medallion appears to have disappeared without a trace, and the second was returned to me with an attached form describing it as gang material. (See images of the Religious Medallions enclosed below.)

I have contacted you about this matter, because I have been told that you have taken it upon yourself to declare the emblem of our religion, the emblem of our Church - the Church of Creativity - a gang related security risk, thereby banning our Church Emblem within the Florida prison system.

I would like to inform you that Creativity is not a gang. Creativity is a religion, and your actions are a blatant violation of the 1989 finding and order by Judge Fern Smith  and the 2002 finding and order by Judge Adelman (United States District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin - Christopher Lee Peterson vs Wilmur Communications Inc.) that Creativity is a religion and adherents of Creativity, known as Creators, are to be duly granted the same religious rights and freedoms as those adherents of any other religious body. As such, and assuming that the first sent Religious Medallion is currently held by Florida Department of Corrections, I expect that our Church Member, Joseph Esposito, promptly be issued with his Religious Medallion as is his right. Furthermore, I expect that future mail bearing the Emblem of our Religion – Creativity - be treated with the same courtesy as would any mail bearing the religious symbols of other religious groups such as the Southern Baptists, Hebraic faiths or Nation of Islam, and not be withheld from Joseph Esposito because of any discriminatory beliefs on your or any other prison staff member's behalf.

I also take this opportunity to remind you that it is not up to you to decide what is and what is not a valid religious belief. Religious belief is an extremely personal matter, that can only be decided by the individual in question and the fellow adherents of his or her religion of choice. Joseph Esposito made his choice more than three decades ago when he embraced Creativity, and nobody - both morally and legally - has the right to take that away from him.

Thank you, I await your response. 

Yours Faithfully,
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.

Quote from: Rev.Cambeul.PM on Thu 16 Aug 2012
In response to,6924.msg15422.html#msg15422

From: Jordan, Michelle jordan.michelle@MAIL.DC.STATE.FL.US
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 5:28 AM
To: 'Reverend Cailen Cambeul, PM'
Subject: RE: Joseph Esposito #894750

An item such as a medallion can be denied  when it presents a definable risk to the safe and secure operation of the institution.   The symbolism of the religious medallions of the Church of Creativity may be appropriate in size and value but may have an immediate and obvious effect on other inmates that intimidates, offends  and provokes  other inmates.   

The medallion's symbolism is well known in prison and could have a disruptive and dangerous impact on the inmate population as well as the staff.

Our main priority is to ensure all facilities maintain a safe and secure atmosphere.

Florida Department of Corrections
Michelle Jordan/Correctional Programs Administrator
Office of the Inspector General/Security Threat Group Unit
Office - 850-410-4582/Fax - 850-410-4137/Cell - 850-228-9355

To Ms Jordan,

I bring to your attention the March 19, 1989 issue of the San Francisco Chronicle, which reported that Federal Judge Fern Smith ruled that The White Man's Bible is racist, but not violently inflammatory and had to be returned to the Church of the Creator minister from whom it was seized in 1986.

Have you the right to overturn any decision by a Federal Court Judge?

Your refusal to accept the symbol of a person's religious faith because it may offend others is both preposterous and insulting, but your willingness to accept some symbols of faith while refusing to accept others is pure discrimination. I can assure you madam, that I am deeply offended each day as I am forced to view the symbols of  religions that casually promote the ostracism, discrimination, enslavement and murder of non-believers or that consider both its adherents and non-adherent racial kin as the so-called Chosen People of this world, but I have neither the moral, nor the legal right to forcibly remove the symbols of these offending religious faiths from my presence. And neither do you, madam. There are no grounds on which you can legally or morally justify your refusal to allow Reverend Esposito to receive a Religious Medallion as he has rightfully requested. I thereby demand that you authorise the issue of Reverend Esposito's Religious Medallion, along with a written apology and assurances to both Reverend Esposito and myself, that you will do your utmost to prevent any recurrence of such discriminatory behaviour aimed at adherents of Creativity, and in particular, members of the Church of Creativity.

Yours Faithfully,
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.
The Church of Creativity

I will be out of the office beginning Friday August 17 through Thursday August 23. I will return on Friday August 24 at 8am.

If you need assistance, please contact Carter Hickman at 85-717-3405 or via email at



Michelle Jordan
Florida Department of Corrections
Office of Inspector General
Security Threat Intelligence Unit
Correctional Programs Administrator
Work 850-410-4582
Cell 850-228-9355

Email forwarded to Carter Hickman at

To Ms Jordan (care of Mr Carter Hickman),

Your refusal to accept the symbol of a person's religious faith because it may offend others is ....
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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