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Rev.JohnBarletta - "Let the Beast Out"

Started by Rev.JohnBarletta, Thu 22 Sep 2022

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Quote from: Rev.CambeulWe just had Australia Day here. Abos call it Invasion Day. Creators call it South Victory Day. The cops now stop anyone waving Australian flags and send them home or make them pack them away. Abuse and violence against Whites is OK. A combined Abo & Muslim mob stormed Parliament House forcing it into lockdown. Apparently Federal Police/Parliament Security fought them out and secured the building. No arrests, one report in MSM that has since vanished .......!

MSM/Mainstream Media DOES report that statues have been sawn off, toppled and graffitied. Usually Captain Cook that was eaten in Hawaii. Politicians say, "That's wrong." About the statues. But there are never any arrests. The politicians never mention it again. However, what they do mention are arrests of White Australians carrying flags. And they talk of changing laws to prevent such hatred. Two men were arrested in Sydney for guarding a statue. The statue was later desecrated - with no arrests.

Things are certainly heating up. They keep going as they are, and it'll one day be Bastille Day for you, brother! You'll be the only true Millennial out on the street.

To: Cailen Cambeul
30 Jan 24

"R" @Rev.Cambeul

I needed to write to you. Wow! Funny subject matter. Wanted to tell you about a statue here in America.

Yesterday in Kansas, someone (unknown) cut down a bronze statue of a negro baseball player Jackie Robinson that was at a little league park and stole it. Cut it down at the ankles. Only the shoes are left. Took the whole statue so they can't repair it.


Good, I think its funny,  don't really know what happened yet. No one has been caught. No reason or motive is known yet. But first thing I thought of was it was hoping it was some pissed off Whites. Dudes are angry about all the statues of White people getting taken down, and destroyed by the coloreds. Getting a li'll pay back. Destroy one of theirs for tearing down all the European statues of Whites, everything to do with White history and cultural... Probably some guys  who are sick of this negro indoctrination by holding these coloreds up on a pedestal as hero's for kids for nothing more then being black.

Jackie Robinson is nothing more then a token negro, famous for being a black trouble maker.

Kansas is predominantly White. Why have a negro hero for the kids to look up to forcing White kids to worship a colored baseball player? Why not have a famous White player?

Hopefully it was some White parents that feel the same way. I'm surprised it ain't happened sooner, and more often all across the country. Every time these niggers complain and take down one of our statues, we need to destroy 10 of theirs!!!

I'd love to take a sledge hammer to every statue of that evil ape, Martin Lucifer Koon. Disgusting creature that it is. Smash him right in his ugly repulsive face. Knock his lips n' nose off.

Needless to say, Feds are involved trying to find out what happened to their negro statue, checking cameras, offering a huge reward, crying about the cost.

Yea but same ol' B/S when the black savages destroy statues of White explorer's, Presidents, doctors, or generals ... they're on camera or video doing it and never held accountable or tracked down. When they do it its called  "Social Justice", we do it its a Hate Crime. Guarantee when they catch these guys their gonna get slammed with every charge possible including Hate Crime, and restitution.

Yea of course, they hold our correspondence. The liberal censors and their Zionist filters do all they can to infringe on free speech when its not enforcing their leftist agenda, or speaking out on their Woolie headed pets, and their hook nosed odious masters.

Whenever I speak to my friend's mother, anytime she writes anything about the Jews, she refers to them as "the evil ones". They hold and delay our mail.

Did I ever tell you kicked me off the tablet once for o few weeks when I first got it because I made jokes about blacks, and their music? I complained that they discriminated against Eurocentric music, by catering to the coloreds jungle thump thump noise. Because they have no punk rock, heavy metal or very little rock.

They kicked me off the tablet. I was gonna sue them. The media review officer told me I was a sarcastic smart ass, "but" I did nothing wrong. Got me back on.

I didn't do it to be a jerk. They (Securus) asked me about their service. They asked me to comment. I was truthful. All they got is jig-a-boo  bongo thump thump noise.  No music for real Whites. They didn't like my truthful comments.

You know what they say, "the truth hurts".  Don't wanna here the truth? Don't ask!

They still got me partially blocked. Won't let friends and family put money on my tablet. I have to go through D.O.C, and do it my self off my account. Really, that screws them. That's money they'd be getting...

Well, I just wanted to tell you about the statue incident. You'll probably be able to find more online.

As I said, I find it funny,  and I hope I'm right, that it's Whites making a stand retaliating. You take ours, we take yours.

Yours in this struggle,
Viscount Barletta.
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


To: Cailen Cambeul
23 Feb 24

"R" @Rev.Cambeul

Wow! That's great news about the audio recordings of the Holybooks of Creativity. Extra cool that it was actually done in Founder Klassen's voice. Guess that AI crap is good for something. It's all how it's used, for positive, or negative.

Good it'll be easier to convince lazy people to listen to a audio book then drop a 400 + page book in their lap.

Was wondering, can you upload those audiobooks onto the e-book service we use here? I don't know how that works, if anyone can upload a book into a free library. Remember I told you we get/have this free site here we can download books to our tablets. It's {Note: no longer allows uploads from the public. ~ @Cailen.}

Can you put the audio recordings of the Holybooks of Creativity on that?

If yes, you'll have to put the W.M.B. on their as something more generic such as, The Creator's Bible, or Bible of Creativity, so not to draw unnecessary attention to it by the liberal elite.

If it let's you post the audio book gotta let me know as soon as you do, and the titles so I can download them.

I can try to ask permission if I can have religious CDs' sent in. If you'd be willing to send them, I'd love to have them. I'll tell them a church in Australia is sending them. Have you send them directly to my counsellor. Let me know if you'd be willing to send them, and  I'll ask for permission, and approval.

All the pictures you sent me on my MP3 when I was in Oregon, the swine here deleted them. They said no one else has e photos so I can't. Just a excuse! Either I let them delete them or I couldn't get my player. Could you resend photos, or  paper copies?

I actually saw something on P.B.S  on that  Abo (what passes for) "Art" ???  that's equal to a chimp throwing it's own faeces, and the splatter is now art. But the thing that got me is the stupid White people who unearthed, protected and preserved it are not allowed to view it. I saw they have a special Abo museum, where ONLY Abo people are allowed, no non-Aboriginal are allowed. How is this not discrimination?

Didn't even hear about the Jacki Robinson statue being found, they should have thrown it off a bridge underwater, never to be found sunk into the mud, (know what they say, "ashes to ashes", well mud to mud right where he belongs). {Update: It was found burning and cannot be repaired.}

Well just wanted to comment on the news of the new audio books see if you could put them on that site

Respectfully, Yours In This Struggle,
Viscount Barletta.
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


To: Cailen Cambeul
RE: "R". Rev Cambeul
12:06 PM

"R".  @Rev.Cambeul,

You asked about pictures, the limit on how many we can get here? There is no limit here, as I've gotten 20-30 pictures at a time from my ex. Yea Oregon had a limit of 10 photos per envelope.

I don't know how the PDF, works (or what it is). What exactly is the audiobook MP3? Is it a thumb drive stick thing ???  I couldn't play those. If it's something else I'll ask about it. Is it a regular MP3, just with the audio books on it? Sadly I'm a techno idiot,  (-: I don't know much of that electronic gadgets ...  33 years, the world passed me by.

I did ask about getting religious CD's sent in. The counselor said he'd ask the deputy warden to see if he would just approve them to come in.

The 2 religious DVDs would be great. I could play them, but they're not allowed. Don't want to mess around. If they were marked as CD's, mixed in with CDs I might get them, but if they catch it won't get it, and  that'll burn that bridge.  They'll see it as a betrayal of trust after offering to help me.

If you want to try, after I get the final approval, the worse they can do is reject them, and send them back.

The only e-book app we have access to is the one I told you about. This is a closed secure system, can't just type in what we want to search.  We can just open the app that appears and search what they have on file. They have over 30 thousand book titles.

Don't know much about that technology, but if you put the books on the other self publishing gutenberg site, would they be picked up by the other site, as an offshoot parent company sharing information?

Yeah, I thought of audio books back in the mid 90's  (-:

I always wanted to ask my mother to record herself reading NER, and  all other books to make recordings. Just read, record a chapter a day. Be a way to get her to read all the books, and to have it done in a female voice would more alluring. Truth be told, this is a predominantly male movement. A female voice would be more appealing.

My brother played in an amateur band, but we had access to a recording studio because of that. The dude who owned/ran the recording studio was an addict, so give him some of that junk so he could get high, we could use the studio, and he'd work the sound board.

Ha! Ha! Annoying my colored neighbor. Got a little SLAYER concert going on over here. Ain't that jungle thump thump noise.

Slayer - Repentless

Oh, yea music topic: That transexual gorilla Beyonce, it recorded what they're calling a country song ???

Disgusting !!! Put aside the song SUCKS! Set to repetitive thumping bass drum, common to negro rap. NOT COUNTRY !!!

What really pissed me off, oh how I wish I could call this radio station. This race traitor, leftist scum bitch DJ shaming everyone into praising this crap (jungle thumping noise) song.

People are calling in complaining. She won't put them on air, stating she won't give public air to debate what is country, and what isn't. Instead she's saying, "if you don't like the song, your a racists, who need to evaluate your reasons why you don't like the song."

Claiming people don't like the song because she's black. Using their left handed liberal guilt club to beat White Americans into submission. Disgusting!

This bitch needs to evaluate her thought pattern. Only reason she won't speak up and  tell the truth is nigger worship combined with self hating liberal White shame, and guilty because Beyonce is black !

Simply, country music has always been twangy guitar type music. NOT rhythmic thumping bass drum. Wrong style, it doesn't fit or match up. Leave it to a nigger to fuck everything up!

I'll go on, and on, and on about this sad state of affairs.

Well, just wanted to respond.

Respectfully, Yours In This Struggle
Viscount Barletta.
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


To: Cailen Cambeul
RE: "R" Rev. Cambeul
28 Feb 24

"R" @Rev.Cambeul

That would be perfect, the two data DVD disc to hold the mp3 file.
Only they'd have to be marked as CDs. I can only get CDs.

You know, they'll have to have World Church of Creator Church of Creativity markings, return address etc . all religious markings to show it came from a religious organization.

The Counsellor told me yesterday still waiting on approval from Deputy Warden, so as soon as they approve it I'll contact you.

Quote from: Rev.CambeulSent email explaining about Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes and Terabytes. Also MP3's, MP4's, CD and DVD Data Discs, Audio CD's, Audio DVD's, Video DVD's, PDF's ....

Well now I'm less technology illiterate now, :ok I knew some of that stuff , we have  and  use MP3's,  and  MP4. My MP3 player is a 8G and could hold all books. I just never heard of a PDF before.

Well just wanted to responded to your text.

Let @P.M.JoeEsposito know. Send my L and R. Tell that mean ol' bastard I think of him often . :D

Respectfully yours in this struggle

Viscount Barletta.
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


To: Cailen Cambeul
12 Mar 24

"R".  @Rev.Cambeul

Will get on to counsellor tomorrow about religious CD's.
Gonna keep pushing the issue, rather then wait around till they forget.
Gonna see if I can have them sent directly in to him or deputy warden.

News about @P.M.JoeEsposito if he's in FL.
His Florida  ID #894750 
He should be at, Santa Rosa Correctional Institution
5850 East Milton Rd.
Milton, FL. 32583

Try contacting him there.
Quote from: Rev.CambeulThat's an old address and number of his. I've dealt with the warden and the Gang Lt. there before. They know and hate me as much as they do Rev.DrJoe.

Rev.Dr brother Joe would not want to come to this state.
This system is so fucked up, it's barely recognisable as a prison system.
That't be great though, if he did show up, we'd get in trouble here.

Told you once before, I ran into a brother in New Mexico from Maryland, after 7 years, and 3 states.

Brother in Minnesota, they tried to send me to Minnesota a few years back when they announced they were closing down northern. Minnesota refused to take me. I just wanted to go their , because that's a state that'll let me keep my property , they have the same type of radio ,  and  game systems their that I have.

Been meaning to ask, the only reason I never sent them didn't think you'd be able to use them in Australia. If I sent you a bunch of stamped envelopes, would you be able to use them ???  They're pre-stamped envelopes with first class forever stamps on them. Obviously Australia a different country with their own post, and  stamps. Could you use them to ease your postage cost? Let me know if you can use them, I can send you a bunch.

Yeah Mr. Tracy used to send me chapters of N.E.R one or two at a time, before he took up a life of alcoholism and dropped out. I got all of book 1 NER, he fell off before he could send book 2.

Balaam  and  his talking ass, :lol: Great stuff.
Reminded me of one of my favorite stories (if I remember correctly):
Founder Klassen told a story, two really.

One was about some wild hogs that no one could capture or tame.
Everyone who tried failed, and were run off by the hogs.
So one day, a little city guy proclaimed he'd capture the hogs.
He walks off into the woods with a sack of corn some boards, and a hammer.

Weeks pass, everyone forgot about him ....
When he came down the road with the hogs, everyone was amazed!
Then everyone gathered around and asked how he did it?

He said simply, he just put out some corn, a little each day.
They got used to it, and him, and every day they returned for the free corn.
Little by little, he built up a pen around the corn ....
Until the hogs walked in to get the corn, and he slammed the gate shut!
The end message was, "My Fellow Hogs, We've Been Penned!"

It's a lesson in complacency.

I know I did the story NO justice, just to paraphrase to give you an idea.
I'm sure you know exactly what I'm mentioning.

The other was the one about the country folk hitting the mule in the head with the 2×4, while the liberal city folk can't understand why.

The lesson was, one can't always be gentle to make a point. :D
Gotta wack em right between the eyes!

The arthritis, the fluid sac building up. I saw something similar to that where a guy layed his hand on a counter top,  and  hit his hand with a phone book to disburse the fluid sac. Just one good hard wack!

It's a similar idea ... plier's thou ??? Sure you ain't from the South?
Sounds like a Redneck thing to me. I thought Redneck was just an American thing? You're Southern Australia?
(Parodying Jeff Foxworthy) "If you use plier's to fix your arthritis, you might be a Redneck." :P

Quote from: Rev.CambeulMy car is painted matt black on black and does have Redneck Edition badges on it.

Good. The J.O.G. finally recognised your military service. Too little, too late.
The damage was done. Still, vindication is always best.
Now sue them again for 20 years defamation.
The Filthy Swine!!!

As always
Yours In This Struggle,
Respectfully Viscount Barletta.
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


Quote from: Rev.JohnBarletta on Tue 19 Mar 2024The arthritis, the fluid sac building up. I saw something similar to that where a guy layed his hand on a counter top,  and  hit his hand with a phone book to disburse the fluid sac. Just one good hard wack!

It's a similar idea ... plier's thou ??? Sure you ain't from the South?
Sounds like a Redneck thing to me. I thought Redneck was just an American thing? You're Southern Australia?
(Parodying Jeff Foxworthy) "If you use plier's to fix your arthritis, you might be a Redneck." :P

In reply to @Rev.JohnBarletta

I know of Jeff Foxworthy. He was on TV here in the 90's before there was any internet. I don't remember anything that he said, but I know the style, so, using myself as the example:

As you said ...
If you use pliers to cure your arthritis, you may be a Redneck.

If you do your own dentistry at home with a nail file, you may be a Redneck. (That was this morning.)

If you shave your head each morning to hide your bald spot, you may be a Redneck. (I grew my hair long after I got out of the army.)

If you make your own alcohol, you may be a Redneck. (I turn water into beer.)

If you ever had a dog named N., you may be a Redneck.

If you ever go outside to call your current dog and shout "STELLA!" while wearing a wife-beater, you may be Marlon Brando, or a Redneck.

If you use the word N. in common parlance and do not see why it should be deemed a racist taboo word, you may be a Redneck.

If you have 23 thousand tunes ready to play at random in a playlist, and you did not pay for a single tune, you may be a Redneck.

If you only recently discovered that Kid Rock's music isn't that cRap shit and you like it, you may be a Redneck. (That was last week for me.)

If a lot of your friends are in prison, you may be a Redneck.

If you tendency to repair or customise junk for a new use instead of wasting money buying new, you may be a Redneck.

If your black motorcycle with a black painted everything is sitting out the back waiting years for you to work on it when you have the money to spare, you may be a Redneck.

If you don't have money to do anything else because you pump all your money into finishing your car, you may be a Redneck. (I'm finishing it this year!!!)

If your car is matt black on black, you may be a Redneck.

If your car has a loud exhaust, you may be a Redneck.

If you are thinking of adding a horn that plays Dixie to your car, you may be a Redneck.

If your car has solid steel black iron cross badges, you may be a Redneck.

And finally, if your car has door badges that say Redneck Edition, you may be a Redneck.

I think that's about enough there to maybe fill in some gaps and give you a chance to judge whether or not I meet Redneck standards. LOL! So, I'll finish up with a chapter from the Holybooks.

R! 23/23

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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