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Rev.JohnBarletta - "Let the Beast Out"

Started by Rev.JohnBarletta, Thu 22 Sep 2022

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To: Cailen Cambeul
Re: "R!" @Rev.Cambeul

Yes, time has just sort of gotten away from me. I've been neglecting social contact with everyone for the past 4-5 weeks. I've just been so isolated from everyone and everything, with absolutely nothing going on.

It's the same old story here. I just stay to myself. There's no one really to socialize with here. A few Whites around avoid me like I've got the COVID cootie.

So, I've just been staying to myself. Nothing is happening or going on of any noteworthy importance to comment on.

I've been watching BBC World News almost every night, following the public display of Israel's actions on the world stage in Palestine.

Ha ha, we used to have this Palestinian CO a few years back. I'd discuss Middle Eastern politics with him. I'm sure you know his opinion of Israel, which we agreed on.

Ha, I'd love to talk to him now. He had no problems voicing his opinion or speaking out on that state, Israel... One thing we agreed on. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't return back to help defend his country.

Yes, even with the fellow Creator in England, @JamesCostello, misguided as he may be with divisional fractured politics. The illegal treatment is solely an attack on Creativity and our religion.

The law, by American standards, is clear... Religious teaching can only be banned "IF it advocates violence to achieve its goals." Europe, England have much more restricted speech laws, biased against White Europeans, favoring non-whites, illegals, and queer degenerates of society.

Yes, it's the same old hypocrisy to discriminate against Creativity to favor African and Semitic religions... In fact, I can, and easily have done by scanning the Quran (Islamic holy book), and Bible show hundreds of verses that promote violence to achieve its goals and spread its religious teaching, such as, "Forced Conversion By The Sword."

THOSE BOOKS SHOULD BE BANNED!!! They're clearly violating the law. Nowhere in Creativity does founder Klassen ever advocate violence. He teaches separatism, love, respect, kindness, compassion for one's own race, which of course you're familiar with.

It's the same old debate against the corruption of the illegal Zionist government here in America, as well as England, Australia, The World.

Have you seen Haiti?? Riots, their entire economic system collapsed, (not that it was ever stable) the entire country government police, military, social, economical commerce, educational all failing... They're talking about sending in Africa's Rwanda military to quell violence, to try to stabilize that country...

Yes, ha ha, how's that gonna work?? Send in another group of incompetent ignorant thugs that can't govern their own country, to govern another group of incompetent ignorant savages... They're just gonna fight each other. Haitians are gonna hate, and have animosity to the Africans coming in taking over...

Good, at least it won't be a fraternal war, Whites fighting Whites, but good ol' Uncle Sam will step in to protect poor little Woolie head.

On a funny note, here's a good one, true too, get this. No joke. The Jewish rabbi actually had the audacity to try and shake my hand.

I held back my thoughts, didn't say what I wanted, or was thinking. If I did, I'd be in the box (seg.) He reached out to shake my hand, and said God bless was doing it to everyone, came to me, I just looked at him said, "Yeah, whatever", and ignored him. He's standing there with his hand out, he's like, "Oh OK, I'm sorry." Others around are laughing, he's got to know who I am. My tattoos alone plain view for all to see, what would make him think I'd wanna shake his hand??

If I would have said what I was thinking, they would have thrown me in seg. for offending him.

That was probably the most noteworthy thing that happened to me this month.

Yours In This Struggle, Viscount Barletta
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


To: Cailen Cambeul
Re: "R!" Rev.Cambeul

I received your racial birthday greeting. Thanks! I appreciate it, although I didn't even know it was the 30th today. Halloween came and went, and I didn't even realize it. There were no Halloween movies on TV, so I didn't even realize it was the end of October.

I just don't pay attention to dates. It's better that way. Not to be a grouch, but I don't celebrate that. It's just a reminder of another wasted year. You know, there are no friends or family here, so there's nothing to celebrate or associate with fun times.

Boo, no chocolate cake! I like vanilla, not just because it's white. Seriously, I've always preferred vanilla.

Here's a funny story. I may have told you before, but I can't remember.

One time, I was making brownies in Maryland, in the day room. I was in the back, and the blacks could easily see us. One of the coloreds asked me what I was making and how I knew to do that.

So, I told him they're just brownies, but these are special brownies. These are Aryan brownies!

When I told him they were Aryan brownies, half the block looked at me like, "Oh, what is John doing now?"

He asked if they were just for Whites.

I told him what makes them Aryan brownies is that they're made from the smoothest, freshest white milk, the sweetest refined white sugar, the biggest white eggs, the creamiest white chocolate, and the most important ingredient of all, WHITE FLOUR!

All the Whites were chanting "WHITE FLOUR! WHITE FLOUR!" laughing.

The guy looked at us, said, "You Whites are crazy," and walked away.

But still, I do appreciate the thought. It's funny, my ex emailed me today too. I haven't heard from her in over 2 years. She sent the same birthday greeting.

After I texted you last time, my email was down for 2 days. Only mine, I asked others in the block, theirs was working. Most likely, it was Z.O.G. corporate stooges reviewing my text to see if they could kick me off the tablet for not kowtowing to Israel, daring to be critical of the Jewish state, what they falsely call anti-Semitic, if you don't kiss Israel's ass and weep for the Jew.

Well, I just wanted to reach out and say thanks for the birthday greeting. It surprised me. I really didn't expect anyone to know. I don't tell anyone. I laugh at guys in here who walk around talking about their birthday like little kids, like they've got something to celebrate.

Yours in this Struggle, Viscount Barletta.
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


To: Cailen Cambeul
Re: "R!" Rev.Cambeul

Quote from: Rev.Cambeul
There's a picture on the internet that I used to use on websites as a shit stir. Black background, a Michelin Man type supposedly made of white flour and wearing a tall white chef's hat and apron. He has a red armband on his arm with his arm raised. The caption is what you'd expect: WHITE FLOUR! So that's two of us making use of the same term - me from an image I found online that's supposed to mock our type of people, and you making use of a situation.

Blacks are always carrying on about Black Chocolate as if it's seriously important, so why can't we have some fun? We both know the answer to that, the higher the IQ, the more ironic the sense of humour. And the low IQ types don't have any understanding of irony or self deprecation.

Ha, now we sound like old biddies sharing recipes.  :lol:  Not good for our (so called) evil white supremacy persona...

Believe it or not, I always get ignorant people with this one... Vanilla is actually black. Have you ever seen a vanilla bean in its natural form? When you split the pod, scrape the inside, it's black goo and seeds.

So whenever some a-hole tries to use the term "vanilla" to try to shame whites as "plain", I point out vanilla IS NOT WHITE, it's actually black. Duh!

They confuse cream, milk as vanilla, I guess vanilla ice cream is their only standard to associate the word with.

It just shows the power of propaganda, just because something is commonly accepted by all as TRUE, does not make it true.

Perfect example, like founder Klassen pointed out, 200+ years ago, general consensus was everyone believed the world was flat, everyone believed that, if you said otherwise you were laughed at as a fool... Shockingly the one "fool" was right, no matter how many believed it was flat did not make it so.

It was Copernicus who, through observation of the world, stars, planets, nature, clearly saw the shape of other planets in the sky were round. Obviously if they're round planets, then the planet we're on should similarly be round...

Hale wants to be a scab and denounce creators who struggled in this movement, and supported our religion, done what they can to support and promote creativity, never gave up throughout the struggle.

Denouncing prisoners, I gotta dig through my boxes, doubt I have them still, but I had letters Hale wrote me, very positive. I had a folder I used to keep correspondence from creators in.

But over the years, as wannabe creators dropped out, fell by the wayside, I'd trash their correspondence... If I still have them I'll send em' to you to expose the hypocrite online.

This struggle is not for the swift, but for those who can endure!  ...
I've never broke or even bent away from Creativity.

These swine , at the hands of their Jew masters harass,  and  torment creators behind these walls , that's how burdi broke weak in prison.

One ZOG tactic in prison, if your a known separatist they'll intentionally try to put you in a cell with a big anti-White nig to start a problem, hoping the stupid coon will serve their purpose and assault us.

And the nigger is too dumb to realize it's being used. Or they'll, spread rumors about Creators being racists to turn everyone against us.

I could go on, and on about the b/s these swine do to try to break us.

Ha! Yea I've seen those delusional coloureds rant about that is funny how they go on about white sugar, White rice, White flour etc.

like a grand conspiracy.

Ho! I saw this last year. They'll have their way. It'll be done sometime in the next 5 years...  Blacks in America are complaining about the American flag.

They want to change it, claiming the white stripes in the flag are a symbol of White Supremacy and are racist. They want the stripes in the flag to be all different shades of black, brown, yellow, etc to symbolize all the different shades/colors of the races...

Santa clause beard is racist, its white. :lol:

What's next ???

Well, just wanted to share my vanilla commentary/conspiracy theory and let you know I received your text.

My e-mail will probably be shut down or delayed a day or two again. Come on, they gotta know what to expect by now.

You tell me that the AI auto correct doesn't automatically capitalize the "W" in White. Yea this digital electronic Jew box automatically capitalizes the "J" in Jew every time...  go figure. Why? Because their the ones that program these things.

Yours in this Struggle,
Viscount Barletta.
"R" !!!
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


Quote from: Rev.CambeulJust before xmas, I was in Aldi's supermarket and bought my first icecream in decades. I'm allergic to chocolate - the caffeine gives me migraines due to high blood pressure - so I don't have the usual cravings that the rest of the world has. I just want vanilla. And so, Aldi supermarket was selling a product called Black Bean Vanilla. Remembering our conversation on the subject, it was a FUCK YEAH! LOL! moment.

What are they going to do? Call it Barack's Black Beans Means Paint It Black House Vanilla? Obiden is so dumb, he'll probably make it an order when he fairly and above board wins the next election - even though he's not on the ballot. "I want the WHITE HOUSE painted Vanilla Bean Black ... you know the thing! Because Whites are the biggest threat to democracy since ... since Corn Pop was a bad dude and ran a bunch of bad guys."

To: Cailen Cambeul
RE: " R " rev. Cambeul
22 Jan 24

"R"  @Rev.Cambeul,

Got your text today. Ha ha, see the vanilla is black. The power of FALSE Propaganda and all the sheeple believe.

Aw' the "Corn Pop" story.  I did hear something about it long ago. Possibly when Bidumb was first was running. I thought it was the one in the 50's where (Alabama I think) they drained the pool because the negro contaminated the water with their nappy dirty greasy hair by swimming in the Whites Only pool as a protest. So the governor drained the pool and filled it in with cement.

As you said, true Trump is not much better, but he is the lesser of the 2 evils. True he will not reverse these anti-White policies, or openly help the poor of the White Race like he will Blacks. He was good with trying to close the border, build a wall to slow the tidal wave of mud flooding across the boarder, but everything Trump tried to do was vetoed by the House Congress, sued by liberal left Dumbocrats.

Saw the news tonight, Trump is front runner leading polls in double digit numbers. I don't see how he can possibly win, when like 3-4 states are refusing to put him on ballot, so he can't possibly get those electoral votes. Plus if/when he gets the Republican nomination, more states will push to remove him from the ballot, as the liberal left panic.

This one will be an uncontested STOLEN election. Defiantly not fair, or even can't be considered democratic if voters are denied of the opportunity to vote for their candidate, or votes go uncounted.

I hope he wins, (don't see how) but if he does the leftist scum will riot!

Hopefully he'll pardon all the Jan. 6 protesters. Most likely he'll be more aggressive in policies, because he don't have to play the political game towing the line. Ain't gotta worried about being re-elected.

Always, all Presidents are different on 2nd term, doing unpopular stuff because they ain't concerned about re-election.

Saw on the news a Navy Seal Team is missing and presumed dead. The U.S. sent them (illegally) into Yemen, and their gone. Yeah let's see em' brag about that one, like they did with Osama. Yeah, this time it didn't work.

News here: They just had us on lockdown. Shook down the block, tore everything up. We had 4 overdoses in 3 days. Ha! Who cares the junkie coloreds are dropping like the li'll black cockroaches they are.

That's the big news here.

Well just wanted to acknowledge your text. Was thinking about writing yesterday. Just not much to say.

Yours in this Struggle,
Viscount Barletta.
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


To: Cailen Cambeul
24 Jan 24

"R"  @Rev.Cambeul,

Just watched a documentary on P.B.S. "The American Experience Series" called "Nazi Town U.S.A." all about the German American BUND party in the 1930s.

Ha ha, I was searching the tablet to see if I could find any of their old literature. Hey, never know 'till you try. Nothing there.

I still want to find Charles Lindbergh's wife's book. It was one of their top pieces of literature, considered to be the American Nazi Bible.

Quote from: Wikipedia

There exists evidence to support that Anne was an admirer of Hitler and shared many of her husband's anti-immigrant and antisemitic views. Anne Morrow's work was part of the literature event in the art competition at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin.

In 1940, Anne published a 41-page booklet, The Wave of the Future: A Confession of Faith, which "swiftly became the No. 1 nonfiction bestseller in the country." Writing in support of her husband's lobbying efforts for a U.S.-German peace treaty similar to Hitler's Non-Aggression Treaty with Joseph Stalin, Anne argued that the rise of fascism and communism in Germany, Italy, and Russia were manifestations of an inevitable historical "wave of the future".

She urged the futility of any ideological war against them.

The Roosevelt administration subsequently attacked The Wave of the Future as, "the bible of every American Nazi, Fascist, Bundist and Appeaser," and the booklet became one of the most despised writings of the period. She had also written in a letter that Hitler was "a very great man, like an inspired religious leader—and as such rather fanatical—but not scheming, not selfish, not greedy for power".

Amazing, I got to watch this again and  make some notes; but when they tried to outlaw the Bund  and prosecuted the members for offensive speech deemed hateful to specific persons - (((The Jews))) - it was the negro loving Jew run A.C.L.U that defended them, the American Nazis.  I Want To Find That Case Law from 1938.

Ha! The ones that are hell bent on violating Whites rights,  and  freedoms of speech today are the ones who defended it in the 1938 - 40 case.

I'd love to use that case Against the SNIVIL LIBERTIES UNION next time they try to sue, or infringe on Whites rights by calling free speech "Hate Speech", or ban any literature the liberal left consider offensive.

Well just wanted to share that with you. If you get a chance to see it, watch it. [I watched another documentary about the Bund on YouTube last night before I read this that I'll include below! ~ @Cailen.]

Of course all they do is interview Jews, and  anti-White leftist liberal race traitors who speak negatively about the Bund.

Ignore it, or just yell at the TV like I do, either way its entertaining.

I can't help but recognize it's the same old typical crap spouted off by the enemy.

I see it as a powerful, prideful era of White America.

It confuses and saddens me that we lost that pride, and love in our heritage, culture, and race.

Check it out if you get the chance.

Yours In This Struggle:
Viscount Barletta

The Wave of the Future: A Confession of Faith by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

National Library of Australia:

Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA


Quote from: Rev.CambeulWe just had Australia Day here. Abos call it Invasion Day. Creators call it South Victory Day. The cops now stop anyone waving Australian flags and send them home or make them pack them away. Abuse and violence against Whites is OK. A combined Abo & Muslim mob stormed Parliament House forcing it into lockdown. Apparently Federal Police/Parliament Security fought them out and secured the building. No arrests, one report in MSM that has since vanished .......!

MSM/Mainstream Media DOES report that statues have been sawn off, toppled and graffitied. Usually Captain Cook that was eaten in Hawaii. Politicians say, "That's wrong." About the statues. But there are never any arrests. The politicians never mention it again. However, what they do mention are arrests of White Australians carrying flags. And they talk of changing laws to prevent such hatred. Two men were arrested in Sydney for guarding a statue. The statue was later desecrated - with no arrests.

Things are certainly heating up. They keep going as they are, and it'll one day be Bastille Day for you, brother! You'll be the only true Millennial out on the street.

To: Cailen Cambeul
30 Jan 24

"R" @Rev.Cambeul

I needed to write to you. Wow! Funny subject matter. Wanted to tell you about a statue here in America.

Yesterday in Kansas, someone (unknown) cut down a bronze statue of a negro baseball player Jackie Robinson that was at a little league park and stole it. Cut it down at the ankles. Only the shoes are left. Took the whole statue so they can't repair it.


Good, I think its funny,  don't really know what happened yet. No one has been caught. No reason or motive is known yet. But first thing I thought of was it was hoping it was some pissed off Whites. Dudes are angry about all the statues of White people getting taken down, and destroyed by the coloreds. Getting a li'll pay back. Destroy one of theirs for tearing down all the European statues of Whites, everything to do with White history and cultural... Probably some guys  who are sick of this negro indoctrination by holding these coloreds up on a pedestal as hero's for kids for nothing more then being black.

Jackie Robinson is nothing more then a token negro, famous for being a black trouble maker.

Kansas is predominantly White. Why have a negro hero for the kids to look up to forcing White kids to worship a colored baseball player? Why not have a famous White player?

Hopefully it was some White parents that feel the same way. I'm surprised it ain't happened sooner, and more often all across the country. Every time these niggers complain and take down one of our statues, we need to destroy 10 of theirs!!!

I'd love to take a sledge hammer to every statue of that evil ape, Martin Lucifer Koon. Disgusting creature that it is. Smash him right in his ugly repulsive face. Knock his lips n' nose off.

Needless to say, Feds are involved trying to find out what happened to their negro statue, checking cameras, offering a huge reward, crying about the cost.

Yea but same ol' B/S when the black savages destroy statues of White explorer's, Presidents, doctors, or generals ... they're on camera or video doing it and never held accountable or tracked down. When they do it its called  "Social Justice", we do it its a Hate Crime. Guarantee when they catch these guys their gonna get slammed with every charge possible including Hate Crime, and restitution.

Yea of course, they hold our correspondence. The liberal censors and their Zionist filters do all they can to infringe on free speech when its not enforcing their leftist agenda, or speaking out on their Woolie headed pets, and their hook nosed odious masters.

Whenever I speak to my friend's mother, anytime she writes anything about the Jews, she refers to them as "the evil ones". They hold and delay our mail.

Did I ever tell you kicked me off the tablet once for o few weeks when I first got it because I made jokes about blacks, and their music? I complained that they discriminated against Eurocentric music, by catering to the coloreds jungle thump thump noise. Because they have no punk rock, heavy metal or very little rock.

They kicked me off the tablet. I was gonna sue them. The media review officer told me I was a sarcastic smart ass, "but" I did nothing wrong. Got me back on.

I didn't do it to be a jerk. They (Securus) asked me about their service. They asked me to comment. I was truthful. All they got is jig-a-boo  bongo thump thump noise.  No music for real Whites. They didn't like my truthful comments.

You know what they say, "the truth hurts".  Don't wanna here the truth? Don't ask!

They still got me partially blocked. Won't let friends and family put money on my tablet. I have to go through D.O.C, and do it my self off my account. Really, that screws them. That's money they'd be getting...

Well, I just wanted to tell you about the statue incident. You'll probably be able to find more online.

As I said, I find it funny,  and I hope I'm right, that it's Whites making a stand retaliating. You take ours, we take yours.

Yours in this struggle,
Viscount Barletta.
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA

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