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Rev. Dr Joe Esposito P.M.

Started by P.M.JoeEsposito, Fri 06 May 2011

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Good to hear from you!

As for me I am doing okay. Still don't know when they are going to let me out of IMU but the captain is still trying to get me out....

I have been given my new release date: June 2025. That is my max out date.

I believe they hope I die before my release but this White man will make it. Me being a Creator and my past affiliations ... the cowards fear me.

I'm glad to hear your getting your car and house done, also your bike.

I'll let you know when I receive the calendar.

You are a loyal friend and brother.

Stay strong and true to our Church and Alliance


Rev.Dr.Joe P.M.
Max Release Date June 2025

PM Elect Reverend Dr Joe Esposito should have been released in 2018. They hit him with a bogus charge in order to keep him inside & now refuse to grant him parole - FREE PM JOE!

Address: #20315402 Snake River Correctional Institution 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario Oregon U.S.A. 97914
Donations: - Or via @Rev.Cambeul


Quote from: Rev.CambeulI just added your latest to the forum.

They should have given you that date when they sentenced you in 2018. Those bogus charging bastards don't know their arseholes from breakfast time!

My Brother,

Greetings from the Oregon gulags!

Received your text. And you are right, the JOG agents should of done that from the beginning, but they still think that I can be broken! But of course that is untrue.

I hope all is well with you and your mom. I still have not received the calendar. I'll keep you updated.

Send a big R-23 to @Rev.JohnBarletta Brother Adam B. Also @Rev.JoelDufresne's mom has contacted me.

Well I close for now. Take care and stay strong.

Rev.Dr.Joe P.M.
Max Release Date June 2025

PM Elect Reverend Dr Joe Esposito should have been released in 2018. They hit him with a bogus charge in order to keep him inside & now refuse to grant him parole - FREE PM JOE!

Address: #20315402 Snake River Correctional Institution 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario Oregon U.S.A. 97914
Donations: - Or via @Rev.Cambeul



R-Greetings. Just a note to let you know I received the car & bike calendar.

Thank you.... :ok


Max Release Date June 2025

PM Elect Reverend Dr Joe Esposito should have been released in 2018. They hit him with a bogus charge in order to keep him inside & now refuse to grant him parole - FREE PM JOE!

Address: #20315402 Snake River Correctional Institution 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario Oregon U.S.A. 97914
Donations: - Or via @Rev.Cambeul


My Brother,


I believe that Rick is big Rick from San Jose, Cali. When I was in Cali I met him, with Boomer from Hayward, and Kenny Owens. Good people. Yes save the 81 movies and videos for me

Yes one bike in the calendar.

I hope all is well for you and your mom! As for me I'm good. I received a letter from Brother Anthony S.

Well, stay safe my brother ...

Rev.Dr.Joe P.M.
Max Release Date June 2025

PM Elect Reverend Dr Joe Esposito should have been released in 2018. They hit him with a bogus charge in order to keep him inside & now refuse to grant him parole - FREE PM JOE!

Address: #20315402 Snake River Correctional Institution 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario Oregon U.S.A. 97914
Donations: - Or via @Rev.Cambeul


My Brother,


Send mine to Brother Adam and @Lord Connecticut

You can send the photos when you get the chance.

Great news about the AI of Ben and the books.

The Church and Alliance is building great, and White people are waking up again.

Well I hope you and your mom are okay, and send a big **R** to all creators world wide.

My captors are trying to send me back to Florida. They wish me harm and don't want to see me get out of prison.

Well I close.

***R***23*** My Brother!!!

Rev.Dr.Joe P.M.
Max Release Date June 2025

PM Elect Reverend Dr Joe Esposito should have been released in 2018. They hit him with a bogus charge in order to keep him inside & now refuse to grant him parole - FREE PM JOE!

Address: #20315402 Snake River Correctional Institution 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario Oregon U.S.A. 97914
Donations: - Or via @Rev.Cambeul


NOTE: The JOG shipped @P.M.JoeEsposito from Florida to Oregon because he had too much influence over prisoners in Florida. Now they wont allow him into general population in Oregon because he has too much influence over prisoners, and the Oregon Parole Board claims that they wont let him because he has too much influence over CREATORS. And so ... they want to send him back to Florida. ~ @Cailen.

My Brother,


As for me I am doing good. The JOG agents will never break me!!

As for Florida, MY PEOPLE ARE AWAITING THE RETURN OF THE BIG DOG. They know I teach ONLY WHITE LIVES MATTER!!! And Oregon is saving me money. I'll be closer to New York, Texas and wherever!!

Well, I'll keep you updated on what's up be sure to post the return to Florida for all to see!

I close now,
Rev.Dr.Joe P.M.
Max Release Date June 2025

PM Elect Reverend Dr Joe Esposito should have been released in 2018. They hit him with a bogus charge in order to keep him inside & now refuse to grant him parole - FREE PM JOE!

Address: #20315402 Snake River Correctional Institution 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario Oregon U.S.A. 97914
Donations: - Or via @Rev.Cambeul

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