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Nietzsche: The Christian & The Negro

Started by Rev.JohnBarletta, Fri 07 Oct 2022

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Nietzsche Wrote : "The Christian  and  Anarchist".
I changed one word.  I changed that word, Anarchist with Negro.
You'll see it fits perfectly.

Not to be a smart ass, or sarcastic, it's just when I was reading it, that's the word I saw in my mind's eye. The feeling it evoked when I was reading it reminds of the those  people - their mentally ....


When the negro, as that mouthpiece of declining strata of society, demands with righteous indignation "his rights, justice, equal rights", he is only acting under the influence of his want of culture, which prevents his understanding why he is really suffering - in what respect he is impoverished in life ....

A cause-creating  drive is powerful within him : " someone must be to blame for his feeling vile ....

His "righteous indignation" itself already does him good; every poor devil finds pleasure in scolding, it gives him a little of the intoxication of power.

Even the complaining and wailing can give life a charm for the sake of which one endures it : there is a small dose of revenge in every complaint, one reproaches those who are different for one's  feeling, vile, sometimes even with one's being vile, as if they had perpetrated an injustice or possessed an impermissible privilege' ....

"If I am canaille, you ought to be so too": On the basis of this logic one makes revolutions ....

Complaining is never of any use: It comes from weakness.
Whether one attributes one's feeling vile to others or to oneself.
The negro does the former, the Christian for example the later - makes no essential difference. What is common to both and unworthy in both, is that someone has to be to blame for the fact that one suffers - in short, that the sufferer prescribes for himself the honey of revenge as a medicine for his suffering.

The objectives of this thirst for revenge as a thirst for pleasure vary according to circumstances: The sufferer finds occasion everywhere for cooling his petty revengefulness - If he is a Christian, to say it again, he finds them in himself ....

The Christian and negro - both are decadents.

Next installment, Nietzsche condemns Christinsanity

Yours in this Struggle,  Rev. John Barletta.
Reverend with the WCOTC then Creativity Alliance
Church Title: Viscount Barletta
Reverend John Barletta - Lord Connecticut
Send a Letter:
John Barletta 219324 Cheshire CI
900 Highland Ave Cheshire CT 06410 USA

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