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George David Loeb: Internet Messages For Publication

Started by Sinn, Thu 26 Feb 2009

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More Happy Headed Ho's

17th April 34 A.C.

For nearly a year, three White Duke University lacrosse players stood accused of raping a black stripper - unwisely hired to entertain them at a team beer bash.  The Jewish media was quick to condemn the Whites.  Meanwhile, they worked overtime to portray the 27 year old purported victim as a mother and part-time student, at North Carolina A & T or whatever - some black racist university where remedial reading poses as research.

All that aside, the facts soon emerged.  Semen of several men was found in her, on her and on her clothing.  None matched those she had accused.  Still, that's a busy beaver - a nappy headed ho, if there ever was one.

Don Imus can't bring you this kind of perspective.  We can and we will continue to do so but your help is needed.


All About Nappy Headed Ho's

17th April 34 A.C.

New York radio personality, Don Imus, was fired recently for referring to the predominantly black Rutgers University Women's basketball team as "a bunch of nappy headed ho's".  We here think Imus was very wrong to apologize for those comments - and here's why.

"Nappy" means : 'coarse in texture, tufted, fibrous' - like a towel.  Thus, the truth of the matter on point 1 is that "nappy" accurately describes the hair of negroes.  [Unlike the hair of human beings, the hair of negroes is readily plaitable; many of us refer to it as "nigger wool"]

As for the term "ho" being putatively objectionable, we note that it is a term of negro origin, used by most negro males to describe all females, particularly negro females.

And so, being black and female, the women of the Rutgers University Women's basketball team ARE a bunch of nappy headed ho's.

Meanwhile, those who have professed outrage and spurred the firing of Imus would have us presume that the Rutgers ball-bouncers are ladies of virtue and paragons of academic excellence.  Frankly, we have our doubts.  We suggest that Mr Imus is soft if he fails to fully investigate and expose the truth of their backgrounds.

Are they marginal students, admitted to a university in place of better qualified White students because, as simians, they jump high and run fast?  Were they slinging sex at age 14 like so many of their kind?  Have they smoked a little crack perhaps?  Perhaps even a few are lesbians, like their counterparts on other university's basketball teams.

Perhaps we will never know, because the relevant questions never asked and answered by Imus, like so many others, cowers in fear of the Jews media and the Jewish government.

Here, at the Church of the Creator, we have no fear.  We will continue to call a spade, a spade (and a kike, a kike) because we can.  Because the truth, though often racial, is never racist.  Because you, our supporter members and reverends, expect the truth from your Church and this web site.  AND we speak the truth because the truth - our truth - will set you free.  RaHoWa !!!  It's  great day to be White !!


Abortion: Ending the Debate

3rd September 34 A.C.

In every election cycle we see the Abortion debate renewed. It is time to break the pattern and end the debate. This is, and always has been a very private matter.

    Politicians and Demagogues began this debate, that much is clear. The flames are fanned by those hoping to build or maintain constituencies while lives are being lost.     

Clearly the debate should have never begun. Clearly it should not exist today: A real and permanent solution has always been and remains close at hand.

    In a word the solution is privacy, We need a law or laws requiring lengthy mandatory prison sentences for any person revealing medical information to any other person, any group, organization, business entity or governmental agency without the specific written authorization of the patient. Such a law or laws would also make it a felony (with mandatory sentences) to attempt to obtain, obtain or possess any unauthorized release of medical information with no person having immunity from criminal and civil liability.

    And so, that would be it. No bullets. No bombs. No pickets. No protests. Just privacy and peace.

    All that stands in the way are those that speak the longest and the loudest–the politicians and the demagogues. We must demand their silence. We must demand privacy and an end to a debate that should never have begun.
Want to talk to Rev. George about his comments ??  Please feel free to contact him: George David Loeb, Jr #292124, Tomoka Correctional Institution, 3950 Tiger Bay Road, Daytona Beach, Florida, 32124, USA.


The Word holocaust: A New Strategy for White Victory

15th November 34 A.C.

    We have, in many places, triumphed in the debate.  We have pointed out the many lies.  We have noted the total absence of proof.  Moreover, we have said "if any doubt remains, consider the source".  And yet, despite our best efforts, the lie remains; the hoax continues to be promoted by governments and media the world over - even to this day, nonsensical as it is.

Recently, here in our prison chapel, we had "inter-denominational services".  Of course, this too was nonsense.  It was all about Jewish-Christianity.  There was even a token kike among the so-called volunteers.  Stereotypical in all regards, his name was Sol Rabinowitz.

Like a talking frog, he told us that he was against intolerance - he said,'he knew about intolerance...'. He literally said "... all seven of my grandparents perished in the ovens of Auschwitz".

I alone spoke up.

"SEVEN?  Seven grandparents ?  How's that work, Sol ?"

What followed was a drowning series of remarks about his "extended family" in which aunts and uncles are apparently counted as grandparents.

Then, perhaps unwisely, I said, "OK, what about the ovens, Sol?" [It was at this point, I was asked to leave]

Later, I was accused by fellow inmates of having been insensitive.  It was hopeless to point out that "ovens" were not seriously proposed as a means of execution by anyone [with the exception of Sol Rabinowitz].

As I explained to my fellow Whites that cremation (that is, use of "ovens") is common place even today, as an alternative to burial.  I could feel my audience slipping away.

Such is the inexplicable desire to believe anyone and believe anything when it comes to this so-called holocaust.

And, realizing this, I was angry, not for hours, but for days ....


As my anger subsided, I thought deeply - "How can we fight this ?".  Subsequent events provided an answer.


Just  a few days ago, inmates here were found to have spit in supposedly clean drink cups.  Later, some servings of food were found to have been literally poisoned with a chemical disinfectant.

In the aftermath, I noted that many inmates were "writing it up".  I termed it "a Holocaust of grievances".

Of course, staff bitching and reprisals were expected.  But, surprisingly, in this instance, there were no reprisals and the only real bitching was by an inmate.

Apparently a stealth kike, the inmate loudly objected to my use of the word holocaust, as an ordinary (lower case) noun.

Continuing, strident and unexpected, the complaint regarding usage quickly became a real eye-opener.  An "ah-hah" moment.

I had never before realized how desperately Jews covet exclusive use of this word; how central the word itself is in promoting their lies - in furtherance of the 60 year old scheme to turn undeserved sympathy into unearned income.

But, now, the weakness is known and thus a new strategy has emerged.


To us here at Church of the Creator, it seems obvious that we should use the word holocaust as often as possible, to diminish and ultimately extinguish its shock value and its supposed link to WWII era events.

Yes, holocaust [with a lower case "h"] is just a word.  Meaning "numerous", but of relatively minor significance, it's a word we must begin to use daily.  Perhaps, particularly the word should be used to describe current events in a creative way.


I have described the convictions of White House insiders, Jack Abramoff and Irving Libby, as .... "A holocaust of Jewish corruption".

I have described the claim of Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction"and denials of "torture" as .... "A holocaust of lies".

It rained yesterday; today, I proclaimed it .... "A holocaust of gnats!".

I'm just getting used to this myself.  But I see the Jew wince every time I do it.  I foresee widespread usage, leading to long term success.  I see future generations of White children, disputing use of the word in the fact of weakened propaganda.  Yes, I see VICTORY RAHOWA  !! 

With or without any holocaust ....

Want to talk to Rev. George about his comments ??  Please feel free to contact him: George David Loeb, Jr #292124, Tomoka Correctional Institution, 3950 Tiger Bay Road, Daytona Beach, Florida, 32124, USA.


Jew Control of America Exposed : Following the Money

12th January 35 A.C.

We begin by stating the obvious. It is the U.S. government that helped create and continues to support the largely segregated Jewish nation of Israel. The support in question now exceeds 8 BILLION dollars annually and no nation receives more. Yet Israel is a tiny nation and not at all impoverished as any other nations are. More importantly Israel is a nation whose racist policies make apartheid-era South Africa appear benevolent. By comparison, to be blunt, U.S. aid to Israel is unneeded and entirely undeserved (by rights, the nation should probably be under UN sanction).

Further analysis shows that support of Israel is actually counter to U.S. political, economic and strategic interests. One obvious point is that support of Israel, a nation with no oil to speak of, angers the many Islamic nations whose oil America depends on. As the old saw goes, it seems obvious that the U.S. is cutting off its nose to spite its face.

Not surprisingly, every survey of the U.S. voting public shows that citizens are overwhelmingly opposed to U.S. aid to Israel, regardless of the amount.

And yet, not a single U.S. Senator, Member of the House or President, has ever mounted a serious effort to discontinue Israeli aid - and none ever will. The fact is this - Jews have purchased the silence of every U.S. politician and both major political parties as well - all bought and paid for by and through a secretive and slimy billion dollar lobbying organization called AIPAC - the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee.

Here at the Church of the Creator, we call Jewish lobbying bribery. We call it extortion when those who hesitate to take Jew bribes are threatened with financial ruin. Finally, we call acceptance of Jew-Israeli money corruption. We call it cowardice and we call it treason. By and through this treason, wrong as it is, Jews control America. Always have, always will, so long as Jews remain.

We at COTC are proud to say that we are working towards a solution - a final solution.


USA Politics and Race - All About Osama Obama

6th March 35 A.C.

Primaries, caucuses, conventions, nominations, the general election and inauguration.  One thing is certain : In early 2009, the George W. Bush era will finally come to an end, for better or for worse.

We note that many say that with a new president, Americans can do no worse.  We are not so sure.  For we also note that half-breed negro Barack Obama is still among the candidates. His race and his reputation lead us to fear the worst.

* * * * *

Lest we be accused of being racist we note that Obama's bi-racial background and other matters that we will raise here have been covered extensively both in the campaign itself and in the media.  Yet, we think all have missed the key points, perhaps intentionally.

In the 28th January, 2008 issue of "Time", for example, black Harvard University professor, Randall Kennedy, asked - as many others have - whether Obama is "black enough" to appeal to black voters.

This "black enough" phrase is like some sort of dirty masonic code.

When decoded it is an admission by blacks and even by liberal race traitors - they know what all of us should know - black voters are racists that intend to vote for Obama (or anyone) they deem to be "black enough.

But how can Obama ever be "black enough" ?  Perhaps he will be viewed as "black enough" because he isn't clearly white, as are his opponents Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and others.

But let us be clear on this :

Obama's father is a black [Islamic] African; his mother is white - a race traitor perhaps, but white.  Not mulatto, not quadroon, octaroon dusky caste or even high yellow.  She is White.

But as a matter of political expediency that we call PURE SLIME Obama has chosen to portray himself as black

* * * * *

Again, let us be clear on this:

Obama's black African father came to America, mated with a White woman, and returned to Africa, leaving the White woman to raise the half-breed offspring alone.

This is a typical black racial conduct - genetic in root cause, it is true the world over as it is in America.  Male parental neglect and abandonment. - Our View - A man not responsible enough to raise his own children is irresponsible to the very core.

This is the type of man Obama is
This is the type of man Obama wants to be. Black and irresponsible - like his father.

* * * * *

Yes, adopting the race of his father in an attempt to corner the black vote is slimyAnd yet, slimy as it is, there is an aspect 100 times more slimy! Slimy enough to make you sick.  We come to that next.

As we noted earlier, Barack Obama was abandoned by his black father.  Obama was, in fact, raised entirely by Whites - his white mother (with notable involvement of his White grandparents)

Thus, Obama's decision to portray himself as black (to be "black enough" for the black voters) is a slimy slap in the face to his mother and his grandparents who bore the burden of raising him.

There is no greater dishonor - period

* * * * *

Despite having lived in diverse locales in his youth (including Indonesia and Hawaii), Obama's background is most like that of the White upper middle class children of that era.  Throughout his high school years that is a notion that Obama steadily sought to reinforce.  It's all there in a nutshell and plain to see in his oft published high school year book photo - he called himself "Barry".  Barry Obama - the Almost White Kid.

* * * * *

Then it was off to college for "Barry".  He didn't go to Howard University or any other of the historically black universities.  Oh no, for Barry Obama, it was Columbia, then Harvard law !  Ivy League all the way.  The ultimate bastions of White snobbery where Barry again sought to fit in, admittedly by "doing a little blow" (illegal and reckless, perhaps this was Barry being a little too black, like his father, a heavy drinker who died young in a fiery auto crash).

Regardless, it was still "Barry", the Almost White Kid, throughout his college years.

* * * * *

Well, we mock Obama for calling himself Barry, it's true.  But what's in a name ?  Actually, quite a lot.

* * * * *

Barry's real full name is Barack Hussein Obama.  Consider how closely the name resembles that of America's most hated enemies :

Saddam Hussein + Osama bin Laden = Barack Hussein Obama. To make our feelings clear on this, we call him Osama Obama.

* * * * *

Finally we note that to overcome the implicit Islamic ties and his former "white enough" stance Obama now has Oprah Winfrey by his side, on the campaign trail.

Funny in a way.

Consider the name "Oprah".

Her mother intended to name her Orpah, after a character from the Old Testament.  Q. What kind of person gets the name of her own child wrong ?  A. The mother of the endorser chosen by Obama.

* * * * *

The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, they say.

Will Barack Hussein Obama , the man who has lately chosen to be black like his father, someday also choose to be Islamic like his father ?  Will he turn his back on the USA, the nation he seeks to lead, the way he has turned his back on the White Family that raised him ?  We cannot know but his reputation leads us to fear the worst.

Of course, to us, his election as US President would be the darkest day in recent world history - perhaps the beginning of the end.

But, in a way, it doesn't matter: if he is not elected this time, he will continue in politics - Osama Obama is not going away.

Let us make this last point most clear : Osama Obama is not going away unless or until we recognize that this slimy shape-shifter is not white enough, not black enough and not man enough to be worthy of our respect - or the vote of anyone white or black.
  Want to talk to Rev. George about his comments ??  Please feel free to contact him: George David Loeb, Jr #292124, Tomoka Correctional Institution, 3950 Tiger Bay Road, Daytona Beach, Florida, 32124, USA.

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