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The Problem With God & Pope Today

Started by G.L.R., Sat 11 Jun 2022

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I searched and couldn't find a suitable spot for posting this.  The meme appeared on Gab today and I couldn't wait to share it, cause sometimes we need a little help in understanding a problem or deviation from the 'path'. Since I am not 'welcome' on the Christian or even pagan forums (here I'am not referring to Creativity Forum),  it will have to be posted here.  Most pious are conservatives.  Others such as Nancy Pelosi are phony as hell.  She only serves herself and has a huge bank account to prove it.  There are only two sides to these people - you're either for us or against us. In otherwords, if you were even near the capital on Jan 6th, you deserve to rot in hell.  And rotting they are today, without a trial or compassion.

The American people are expected to serve these demagogues, meaning they are hypocrites who prey on the public's fears and suspicions.  They invented the "Russian collusion" hoax of which they themselves were guilty of.  Christ would have turned in his grave. Today the 'modern Jesus' exemplified by the pope have joined forces with the far-left globalists.  They serve their own interests.  They have created a swamp of lies and anti-religion around the globe. They are loved by the world and take no risk whatsoever in opposing what Christ would have.  They are the anti-Christ.

They worship power alone, and will lie and cheat to achieve it.  They force their will upon us, using their billions in wealth to achieve it. And they preach and peddle hate by constantly accusing others of it. If Christ were to return today, he would be crucified again.  I have never had any doubts about that.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Well done. That's a post that the Babylon Bee would be proud of. Perfectly suited to Parody News.

3 Thumbs Up for you.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
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Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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