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National Anti-Gang/Anti-White Taskforce

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sun 03 Mar 2013

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SOUTH Australian bikie gang members are meeting interstate to plan their illegal activities without fear of prosecution because of inconsistent laws.

The conflicting laws, which allow them to associate in some states but not others, are hampering the battle against bikies, according to the head of the key national taskforce spearheading the fight.
The glaring anomaly has prompted Attorney-General John Rau SC to move to raise the "concerning'' issue with his counterparts and investigate mutual recognition of SA's bikie laws in all states.
The Advertiser can reveal senior Mongols members from South Australia regularly meet in Melbourne — with the latest meeting occurring just over a month ago.
It occurred just three days before an Adelaide Mongols member — who attended the Melbourne meeting — was shot in the leg at his St Clair home.The man, Pero Mileusnic, suffered a gunshot wound when three shots were fired at him by two men armed with handguns — believed to be rival Hells Angels — as he slept.
The Melbourne meeting was also attended by high-profile Mongols president Andrew Majchrak — whose northern suburbs house was the target of a drive-by shooting several days after Mileusnic was shot.
Similar gatherings have been held in Mildura by Hells Angels members and in Canberra by Rebels members — under the watch of SA detectives who also travelled there.
If the gatherings of members of gangs that have been "declared'' criminal organisations were held in SA, those involved would likely breach SA's consorting laws and sections of new anti-bikie legislation.
The differing legislative regimes across the states — ranging from harsh anti-association provisions and declarations in Queensland, NSW and SA to softer laws in Victoria and virtually none in the ACT — is causing concern among senior police, with some believing national anti-bikie laws are needed to further disrupt the gangs and reduce their drug trafficking activities.
Police intelligence has discovered the regular interstate meetings in jurisdictions with inadequate legislation are one of many tactics now being used by local gangs to circumvent the tough SA laws — including using encrypted communications, riding in pairs only and using tightly-controlled "puppets'' to front businesses they were formerly involved in to launder cash.
Mr Rau on Friday said the situation was concerning and he planned to raise it at the next STAG — State and Territory Attorney-General's — meeting.
"I think this is sufficiently important for me to put it on the agenda,'' he said.
"The concern is the developing of these safe havens for these groups to coalesce in places where the laws are more favourable to them than they are here in SA.
"I don't think it is appropriate for me to go around telling governments in other jurisdictions how they should manage their domestic affairs, although I would be happy to share with them the experience we have had in SA since we put our laws through.
"But I do think it would be helpful perhaps to talk with them about whether we could have some form of mutual recognition across state and territory borders of orders made in one jurisdiction being operable in another.''
Such a move would not be difficult, but would require legislative change in each state to facilitate such action and construct an administrative framework for police to work within.
Detective Superintendent Peter De Santo, commander of VICPOL's anti-gangs division and chair of the successful national anti-bikie Taskforce Morpheus, on Friday revealed moves had been made to tackle the inconsistent gang laws, but it was a "challenge.'
The Price is Reich!

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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
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DRUG squads have now been formed in every state in Australia, including the Northern Territory, to tackle the epidemic use of 'ice' as new figures show a staggering 300 per cent increase of the drug on our streets in the past three years.

Police will join forces with schools, sporting clubs and associations, local councils, service providers and non-government welfare agencies in the unique united offensive against the use of ice.

Across Australia, 40 Local Drug Action Teams are to be formed, with one to be based in Alice Springs NT News has learned Victoria is to have the lion's share with 15 of the first 40 LDATs, followed by NSW with 11 teams, then Queensland six, Western Australia three, two squads each for South Australia and Tasmania and the one in the NT making up the remainder.

These first 40 LDATs, many of which will be in regional Australia where the scourge is hitting hardest, are to be operational within months with 220 squads created over the next three years.

The move comes with new figures obtained exclusively by NT News showing police nationally have seized more than 12 tonnes of the methamphetamine drug since 2013 – a dramatic increase from just the two tonnes seized nationally in that year.

Police in NSW alone seized more than two tonnes of the drug in 2016 with Victoria showing the second highest rate of seizures with 731kgs, followed by WA, 293kgs and 110kgs of ice seized in Queensland. An Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission led study last week into providing a real-time national snapshot of drug use in Australia from sampled wastewater found ice was the highest drug used nationally"Australians are proportionally using more methamphetamine, including ice, than almost any other country, conservative estimates suggest there are more than 200,000 ice users in Australia," Health Minister Greg Hunt said.

He said investment had and would continue to be made in Australian Border Force (ABF) and the Australian Federal Police's fight on the supply now it was time to fight demand."We cannot simply arrest our way out of the ice problem – we must also work to reduce the demand for this drug," he said.

From the 40 squads already formed, more than 160 partnerships between agencies have been formed to develop locally focused and responsive action plans to reduce the impact of all drugs but particularly ice.This includes community-led education and mentoring programs and early intervention and support. Including sporting bodies was seen as essential since people aged between 20 and 30 years were among the highest users of illicit substances and were deemed to be just as likely to also be associated with local sports clubs.Mr Hunt said the LDAT rollout was backed by a new web-based information tool kit, particularly for families and teachers, about ice and its harms as well as how to access support .
The creation of the teams was a key recommendation from the government's National Ice Taskforce established in 2015, to increase community engagement and action to reduce the harm of drugs.

...This is the whole reason why Bikie gangs are being targeted in any way they can!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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What happens if you look like a bikie in QLD now. Who is the gang here? I get the feeling it's the cops.

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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THE tide has turned in the war on bikies, with more than 60 per cent of South Australia's outlaw gang members now behind bars.

A combination of unrelenting police pressure and new anti-gang laws has put 156 members in jail, an increase of 66 from five years ago.

Correctional Services figures released for the first time reveal that as of July 1 this year, 62 per cent of the 251 patched gang members in South Australia are behind bars.

These 156 gang members are serving sentences ranging from a few months for minor offences such as assault, while others are serving significant sentences of up to 15

Police believe there are now fewer than a dozen members in the community.

Recent police operations have also smashed the Nomads in SA. Eight members are now in prison — the entire South Australian contingent.

The number of Hells Angels members in custody has more than doubled from 13 in 2012 to 31 members in jail this year — a 138 per cent increase.

Police Minister Peter Malinauskas said he made "no apology'' for the fact SA's anti-gang laws were the most stringent in the nation.

Police Minister Peter Malinauskas.
"SAPOL has made great progress in disabling gangs and reducing the damage they cause to the community,'' he said. "This has included keeping drugs off the streets, and seizing firearms to prevent violent crimes.'' While police activity has been intense, legislative tools such as the Serious and Organised Crime Act that came into effect in 2015 have had a significant impact.

It resulted in 10 bikie gangs being declared criminal organisations, with a string of measures — such as anti-association for gang members — flowing from it.

Since the legislation was introduced, gang membership has dropped considerably. In August 2015 there were 306 members, in March last year there were 275 and there are now around 250 members spread across a dozen gangs.

Police believe the largest benefit has been the increase in public safety through the elimination of patched gang members in public places, considerably reducing violence and confrontation between rival members.

High-profile bikies now serving lengthy prison sentences include Nomads president Honar Pishdari, who was convicted this year of participating in a criminal organisation, aggravated kidnapping and blackmail, and Corey Dettmann and Mostyn Neimann, convicted of the brutal bashing of then fellow Finks member Charlie Bonnici in 2013.

Crime Gangs operations Inspector Scott Fitzgerald said the violent confrontations and incidents that were relatively common five years ago were "no longer prevalent". "People with an affiliation with gangs and that lifestyle have shown a propensity for extreme violence,'' he said.

He said policing gang members was "a constant'' despite the significant number who were now incarcerated.

"Like all organised crime, they adapt and as they change, we need to constantly adapt to meet that challenge,'' he said.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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A houseboat.

The terrifying, law-breaking Hells Angels have hired a houseboat. For their biggest annual party. Because it makes them feel safe.

It's Friday, February 17, 2017. 11am. Stinking hot day.

Jet-fuel shimmer coming off the roads. There are 40-odd gang members here, just standing around.

Lifers and fresh blood. Presidents. Sergeants-at-Arms. Treasurers. Lots of denim and leather.

Lots of bull-necks and gold chains. Life's good. The boat has red leather seating.

A spa. There's cold beer. Music's pumping. Another 60 guys are on the way.

This all on the Murray River in touristy Mildura, just over the NSW border.

Mildura because the cops are a bit softer, apparently. Plus a party on water is harder to raid. The Hells angels want privacy. They want peace.

Then a convoy pulls up.

Six cops step out wearing t-shirts and cargo shorts. They have guns at their hips.

They photograph the boat and the men onboard, writing down names. Someone cuts the music.

Soon, the dick-swinging turns to humiliation as the officers, polite as parking rangers, announce they're members of Strike Force Raptor, the militarised unit of the NSW Gangs Squad.

Bikies hate Raptor.

Its signature tactics have upended modern gang structures, shrunk membership, and leveraged so much pressure on leadership figures that, in one case, a bikie walked into a police station and tearfully handed in his colours, begging to be left alone.

You've seen them on TV — angle-grinding their way into clubhouses, knocking doors off their hinges, lining up gang members so their noses touch the pavement; all very high-octane, but just a glimpse of the job.

It's how the squad gets to these arrests, with novel tactics created just for the bikies, that makes Raptor unusual.
A houseboat.

The terrifying, law-breaking Hells Angels have hired a houseboat. For their biggest annual party. Because it makes them feel safe.

It's Friday, February 17, 2017. 11am. Stinking hot day.

Jet-fuel shimmer coming off the roads. There are 40-odd gang members here, just standing around.

Lifers and fresh blood. Presidents. Sergeants-at-Arms. Treasurers. Lots of denim and leather.

Lots of bull-necks and gold chains. Life's good. The boat has red leather seating.

A spa. There's cold beer. Music's pumping. Another 60 guys are on the way.

This all on the Murray River in touristy Mildura, just over the NSW border.

Mildura because the cops are a bit softer, apparently. Plus a party on water is harder to raid. The Hells angels want privacy. They want peace.

Then a convoy pulls up.

Six cops step out wearing t-shirts and cargo shorts. They have guns at their hips.

They photograph the boat and the men onboard, writing down names. Someone cuts the music.

Soon, the dick-swinging turns to humiliation as the officers, polite as parking rangers, announce they're members of Strike Force Raptor, the militarised unit of the NSW Gangs Squad.

Strike Force Raptor has brought bikie gangs to their knees
Backed up by their Victorian counterparts, the Raptor officers order the bikies off the houseboat.

"You can't touch us, you're from NSW," says one of the Hells Angels, pointing out that, yes, Mildura is in Victoria, just beyond Raptor's jurisdiction.

Detective Superintendent Deb Wallace with seized gang regalia from Strike Force Raptor's trophy room. Picture: Sam Ruttyn
Detective Superintendent Deb Wallace with seized gang regalia from Strike Force Raptor's trophy room. Picture: Sam Ruttyn
Except the bikies have it all wrong.

The Murray River on which their houseboat floats is technically in Raptor territory, courtesy of a dusty old piece of legislation about tidal boundaries and high-water marks that few people know about.

This is the essence of Raptor's work. Its officers have perfected the use of antique laws and fine print against their targets.

They've boarded up clubhouses using forgotten laws drafted in the '40s to police the sly-grog trade; they've taken laws intended for the 'Razor Gangs' of East Sydney nearly 100 years ago and tweaked them to stop gang members meeting in public; and they've resurrected obscure search powers from the '70s to make surprise raids incredibly easy, a fact that's made storing guns, if you're a criminal, incredibly hard.

It's all long-game policing, a throwback to Eliot Ness and the Untouchables, the famed agents of Prohibition-era Chicago who pioneered fresh angles and plays against their targets.

Which is what Raptor's attempting now in Mildura. As the Hells Angels stand their ground, refusing to get off the houseboat, an officer spies their motorbikes illegally parked on a nature strip.

He snaps 35 photographs and writes 35 parking tickets while the negotiations continue.

Small fry, maybe, but who likes a parking ticket?

{Picture} An iPhone photograph taken by police during the Mildura operation. The sign in the foreground shows the motorbikes are parked illegally, allowing fines to be issued.

{Picture} A Hells Angel cries foul and complains about the jurisdictional niggle, but it's no use.

"I'm also a sworn officer in Victoria," the Raptor cop says, pointing to a little-known fact about Raptor staff, which is that nearly all of them have been deputised as special constables in Queensland, Victoria and the ACT.

The reason goes back to an incident a few years ago where some bikies zipped across the Victorian border and spun a burnout on the other side, taunting their Raptor pursuers, who couldn't cross over and fine them.

The next time it happened, the bikies got a nasty surprise.

{Picture} The houseboat hired by the Hells Angels for their party in Mildura. This photograph was taken once police had boarded the vessel.

This back-and-forth goes on a while. The negotiations move into their second hour and the Hells Angels won't budge.

An officer gets creative. He calls the boat's hire company and learns it's licensed to hold only 12 people, making forcible ejection a legal option.

The Riot Squad's put on standby. "Walk off or be physically removed," the bikies are told, a threat that seems to resonate with gang elders, who know Raptor and have been dealing with its officers for years and want to avoid a big scene and more trouble later.

They relent and stand down their boys, ordering everyone off the boat, per the instructions.

But it's still just the start of their problems.

Over the next 12 hours the Hells Angels are rounded up around town, pulled over for speeding, or forgetting their P-plates, or refusing to wear a helmet.

Demerit points get slashed and fines pile up. A few pack up and leave town, fearing they might lose their licences, and by morning even more have followed.

The gang's 'National Run', the big mandatory event for which both the Hells Angels and Raptor had all come to Mildura in the first place, gets cancelled due to falling numbers.

"Most of these guys are in gangs but they drive trucks on the side and need their licences," a Raptor officer involved in the Mildura operation tells me.

Why all this effort to cancel a bike ride? Because Raptor is all about crushing the bikies' spirit, their reason for being, wherever they get the opportunity.

Not just for the fun of it, but because the showmanship is a powerful and insidious recruiting tool that can lead to allegations ranging from murder or attempted murder, to drug supply, drive-by shootings, kidnappings, standover and or home invasions.

Obviously not all bikies are involved in this level of criminality. For those who are - and but there have been a lot - Raptor's arrest figures tell the story.

Whatever glamour the bikies used to have, it's fading, and Raptor is taking it.

Today, being an outlaw is no longer romantic. It's just tedious.
Here's what the bikies are up against. Years ago a police officer was raiding a house in Bexley and happened upon 12 railway detonators, the kind that explode on impact to signal oncoming trains in thick fog.

The homeowner was arrested and taken to the station for processing. The only problem was the officer, still a bit new, hadn't seen a railway detonator before and didn't know which law had been broken.

Did they count as explosives? It was 3am and he wasn't sure. No one at the station knew the answer.

Suddenly his computer screen locked and the document was taken over remotely. When the screen unfroze a minute later there were characters on the page that weren't there before.

The blank spaces were full, all typed out by his commander, David Adney, awake and somehow solving the problem from home in the middle of the night.

This is standard for Adney. He once turned up unannounced at Windsor Police Station at 2am to pass around caffeinated energy drinks to his team—they'd just made big arrests in a multi-tentacled drug investigation and had a long night of paperwork ahead.

Then there was the time in Bankstown where an undercover cop was trying to buy $50 worth of cannabis, but the dealer turned up with 50 ecstasy pills by mistake, worth about $2000, which the officer couldn't afford.

Hearing this back at the office, Adney raced to an ATM, pulled out some cash, then raced back to the office, marked down each bill, then rushed out to Bankstown to deliver the money.

The resulting buy helped seal the syndicate's fate—instead of small-time pot dealing, the dealer and his bosses went down for commercial ecstasy supply, an offence worth seven years in prison.

{Picture} Detective Chief Inspector David Adney (centre, wearing a tie) is the commander of Strike Force Raptor and has been since its inception in 2009. Picture: Sam Ruttyn

A workaholic, Detective Chief Inspector David Adney has for eight years been the commander of Strike Force Raptor, its architect and fine-tuner of tactics.

This is a man with absolute convictions about community safety; a man who believes women should feel safe walking home at night; a man who doesn't accept gangs should exist.

And so it seems only reasonable that he's a nemesis to his targets, gang leader's like Mark Buddle, the former boss of the Comanchero, or Shane 'Kiwi' Martin, the former southern region president of the Rebels.

Loathing of his unit runs high. The words "* Raptor" are often found spray painted on clubhouses once they've been raided.

A Rebels Sergeant-at-Arms even got an elaborate tattoo of a Raptor cop on his knees, styled as a pig, with a gun jammed in his mouth.

Adney's not fussed by this acrimony. You'll never hear him ridicule or disrespect a bikie, but he takes a dim view of their ethos – the outlaw lifestyle, the "one percenters" as they call themselves; the self-aggrandising notion that society's basic laws don't apply to them.

His solution has been to throw every piece of legislation he can at the bikies, literally any law available, even the Fisheries Act if he has to — whatever it takes to correct their behaviour.

And if this sounds like punishment or payback, it's not. It's more like helicopter parenting.

Small examples: if a bikie owns a restaurant with extra tables on the footpath, Raptor will organise hefty fines to clean up their act; if they're not paying tax, Raptor will turn up with a garnishee notice; and if their clubhouse is missing a fire extinguisher, or the stairways are blocked, or the building isn't up to code in some way, it'll be shut down using the black-letter laws of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Quote from: MSM on Sun 24 Sep 2017Detective Chief Inspector David Adney is the commander of Strike Force Raptor. ... His solution has been to throw every piece of legislation he can at the bikies, literally any law available, even the Fisheries Act if he has to — whatever it takes to correct their behaviour.

Note: The tactics used by New South Wales Police anti-gang taskforce Raptor are the same tactics that police and government agencies have been using against us for over fifty years. Heavily armed police raids and arrests of Creators and other White Racial Loyalists, White Activists and White Political Dissidents for everything from simple harassment for the sake of harassment and possible intelligence gathering, to breach of copyright, running a children's charity and false accusations of possession of bomb-making materials such as petrol/gasoline, a lawn mower, bag of nails and fertiliser.

If the so-called outlaw motorcycle clubs had any sense, they'd eradicate the sand-niggers in their midst and join our cause to take back our towns and cities, and save White Civilisation from the plague of the mud-races that has already done so much damage to the Aussie Biker Culture.

It's either that or they hand their colours into the police and then go home and do nothing while their daughters and granddaughters are raped by rampaging niggers.

The Raptor Chronicles In Pictures

Quote from: MSMThe democratisation of the gangs and their membership brought with it an influx of Middle Eastern and Islander criminals. By the mid-2000s, bikies began carefully grooming themselves, frequenting gyms, injecting steroids, and shopping for designer clothes.

Old style Australian motorcycle club, Fourth Reich (Founded 1960's)

A look inside the Fourth Reich's Wollongong clubhouse. Raptor officers raided the venu as part of a 2015 operation. At the time, the gang had opened their doors for a bike show, to raise money for a local shark patrol service.

Notorious: Muslim street gang/bike gang

The patch, or colours, of bikie gang Notorious, which has now considered defunct following significant targeting by Strike Force Raptor.

Farhad Qaumi of Muslim gang, Brothers for Life

Brothers For Life Blacktown chapter leader Farhad Qaumi. He considered joining a bikie gang while inside Supermax prison. Instead he got out and formed his own crew.

View the gallery for more images showing the Muslim takeover of Australia's outlaw motorcycle clubs
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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