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Salubrious Living radio show

Started by MichaelJeffrey, Wed 01 Jun 2016

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I run a site and did a radio program on the book Salubrious Living a few months ago.

Included below is the text of my review verbatim.

Salubrious Living by Arnold Devries and Ben Klassen

Salubrious Living is a book published in 1982 by Ben Klassen and is the third of the three main  'holy books' of the Creativity religion. The term "Salubrious" is derived from the Latin word "Salubris" meaning "healthy; wholesome; sound; useful; vigorous". The bulk of the text is taken from a public domain book entitled The Fountain of Youth by Arnold Devries presumably published in 1946, the remainder is written by the original Pontifex Maximus of the Church of the Creator: Ben Klassen which includes the introduction and the final chapter on eugenics.

The main author of this work, Arnold Devries was a writer, researcher, and hygienist. This book is all about Natural Hygiene and deals heavily with fasting, heliotherapy i.e. sunbathing,  and advocates a strict fruitarian diet. Ben Klassen introduced the idea of Salubrious Living in his second book The White man's Bible which was released a year prior to this book. Ben Klassen read The Fountain of Youth and considered it to be an invaluable work that could be crucial for the shaping of our race, he presents Creativity as a four-dimensional religion which encompasses a sound mind in a sound body in a sound society in a sound environment.

This book is very interesting although it is quite dated now and the copy I have is riddled with spelling errors. You will learn the nature of what disease really is and that being said that it is a way your body tries to correct itself when thrown off from toxemia. You will also learn why drugs are detrimental to your health and what the author perceived as the correct diet for humans. Most people think that there are only three classifications of diet for animals which are carnivorous, herbivorous, and omnivorous. However this book suggests that there are really five, the other two being, graminivorous(seeds) and frugivorous(fruit). This book suggests that we are closer to the higher primates and should be on a strict fruitarian diet of raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts with some surprising evidence.

This book also illustrates how important fasting can be to remedy a plethora of common ailments. This is a very interesting book that was well researched and I can see why Ben Klassen thought it would be of great help to our people, many of the ideas presented in this book coincide with our worldview. There was only one thing missing in the original text and that was a chapter on Racial Hygiene which Ben Klassen adds to his updated version by writing a chapter on eugenics. This is a very good book and I highly recommend it to our people, because we must always work on self-improvement and have our bodies and minds ready for the day we get our society and environment back.


An excellent show Brother. If you still wish to edit SL and put out a new version, then by all means you are welcome to do so. All we ask is that you link back to our Church and website and allow us to make use of the PDF.

If you need any assistance, I will be happy to help where I can.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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