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2024-04-03, 05:06:35


2024-04-03, 04:31:45
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2024-01-30, 22:01:22
RaHoWa!!! Good to be back! 🤚🏻


2023-07-29, 02:08:13
Edit: WE BEAT 'EM! F.T.V!


2023-07-24, 01:07:37
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2023-03-01, 14:21:52
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2023-02-21, 15:17:30
Are you reading NER? You should be. It's Founding Day. ;D RaHoWa!!! Hail Ben Klassen!!!


2023-02-21, 15:01:39


2023-02-20, 18:48:05
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2023-02-11, 05:32:36
25 flyers a week is all it takes, my fellow Prospects. Show your dedication and march forth with pride. RaHoWa!!!


2023-01-28, 23:22:16


2022-08-19, 22:07:58
Call out the Jewish menace daily.


2022-03-10, 09:28:45
March 10 RaHoWa Day
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2022-02-27, 01:49:13
The Church of Creativity thanks Sister Kerry's generous donation to PM Joe. RaHoWa!


2022-02-21, 06:44:59
Happy Holy Days! RaHoWa!


2022-02-21, 01:06:40
Feb 21 Founding Day
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2022-02-20, 09:59:17
Feb 20 Klassen Day
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2022-02-07, 05:53:00
The Church of Creativity thanks Sister Kerry's generous donation to PM Joe. RaHoWa!


2022-01-20, 03:38:36
Happy Ray Day!


2022-01-18, 02:34:01
PM Joe just called and wishes everyone a

James Earl Ray Day



2022-01-16, 15:26:24
Happy to help. :ok


2022-01-09, 05:14:12
P.M. Joe thanks @Br.FelixRex for his latest donation. R! :ok


2022-01-01, 07:28:40
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2021-12-28, 03:24:54
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2021-12-27, 21:12:59
We need more nigger free holidays! Happy Festum Album >:D


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2021-10-16, 02:25:32
Notice from PM Joe: The Zionist Swine are now rejecting mail with "Rahowa" included in it. Advises to use alt-:
R! 18! 23/23 31/23 W23


2021-10-07, 12:33:10
Check out our new Shortened Web LinkIt also works for all email addresses.


2021-09-28, 15:02:24
I agree with you Rev Cambeul. Fags must be killed using pneumatic cattle stunners and thrown into the trash compactors of garbage trucks before being thrown into the furnaces of waste-to-electricity power plants to be used as fuel for electric power generation and the production of ash fertilizer and fly ash concrete strengthener. RaHoWa! White Power!


2021-09-28, 15:00:09
It is great news to know that high testosterone badass Rev Joe Esposito is being released in 2023. He is a great asset to the White Power Movement! RaHoWa! White Power!


2021-09-07, 09:10:12
Kiddy fuckers are the worst kind of Faggotry. Gassing is too good for them. They need to be crucified.


2021-07-31, 07:34:02


2021-07-30, 06:37:18
R! Rev. Joe free in 23!


2021-07-29, 13:18:16
P.M. Joe sends @Br.FelixRex his thanks for his latest donation. RaHoWa!

Time To Open Pandora’s Apartheid Box

Started by Maritz, Thu 19 Apr 2012

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Part 17 – The Banking Conspiracy

By Mike Smith

I was going to jump to the UN and show how SA became a skunk amongst Nations, but in the light of new evidence in the form of admission and confirmation from none other than ex Foreign minister Roelof Frederik (Pik) Botha about the role of international banks ganging up against South Africa during the National Party government, I thought it appropriate to explain in more detail how huge international banks manipulate countries. I have also received some requests to explain the methods used by bankers. Kindly note that I am not anti Capitalism in exposing these bankers. Quite the contrary, I am in full favour of laissez faire capitalism, but one has to distinguish between genuine free market capitalism and that of manipulative high finance Mega-banking monopolies.

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
(James Paul Warburg Appearing before the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on 7th February 1950. He was an international banker, a member of the CFR and financial advisor to F.D. Roosevelt)

I must admit that when I started this series, I knew I would sooner or later end up at a point where I had to address the influence of powerful international think tanks such as the RIIA, the CFR and the Trilateral Commission in bringing down South Africa and handing it over to a black Marxist terrorist regime. I knew the time would come that I would have to address the role of Mega Bankers and how they financed the communist revolution in South Africa. I knew the time would come where I would be slammed with the epithet of "Conspiracy Theorist". I thought hard about how to address this issue. It is like being labeled a "Racist" when you speak the truth. In this case it is the same. There is however only one way to counter the lies and propaganda of these communists and that is with hard facts and the truth.
So along came Mr. Pik Botha who was the minister for foreign affairs as well as Information during the last years of Apartheid (1977-1994) and affirms everything I and so many other writers have discovered. Last Sunday (6th of June 2010) he wrote an article in Rapport, the Afrikaans Sunday paper, titled "Die land wás op pad na ekonomiese verwoesting" (The country wás on its way to economic ruin). In this article he affirms how the Chase Manhattan Bank of David Rockefeller wanted to call in all loans to the SA government. He further affirms his year's long friendship with Dr Henry Kissinger, that still continues to this day, and how he asked Kissinger to intervene with the Bank. Kissinger phoned him back 04h00 in the morning and told him that it was too late, there is nothing he could do and in fact the other banks were going to do the same thing. They were going to overnight ruin the economy of South Africa. It was only due to a rescue package from a Swiss Banker called Dr. Fritz Leutwiler that saved the country. Every person who has done an in-depth study of how Apartheid was brought down comes to the same conclusions, the same discoveries, the same organizations, the same banks and the same names.

The internationally acclaimed journalist Aida Parker back in the Seventies published a series of articles in "The Citizen" called, "Secret War on South Africa". This was a revolutionary move on her side. These well researched articles were so hot that she was forced to resign shortly after that and start her own edition called "The Aida Parker Newsletter". She came to exactly the same conclusions about the CFR, the RIIA, the TC and gigantic oil, industrial and banking concerns as well as international media corporation who wants to introduce "a world government or "Super state". The German author Klaus Vaqué in his book "Verrat an Südafrika" dedicates an entire chapter (Ch. 5) to the conspiracy of the Bankers against South Africa. Eustace Mullins in his book Secrets of the Federal Reserve (1952) tells the story of a few New York bankers who met on the evening of 22 November 1910 at the Hoboken train station, New Jersey. They were to board the train and their destination was the exclusive Jekyl Island Hunt Club on Jekyl Island, Georgia that belonged to the J.P. Morgan bankers. This group of bankers are known as the "Aldrich group" after Republican senator Nelson Aldrich who would lead the commission. With him was three bankers, Frank Vanderlip of the then mightiest bank, "National City Bank of NY", to whom the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Company also belonged. The other two were Henry P. Davidson of J.P. Morgan Company and Charles D. Norton, the president of "First National Bank of New York". One other person who was part of this group was Paul Moritz Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb and Company. He was the principal representative of the European banking family, The Rothschilds. These men left for Jekyl Island, not to go and hunt, but to work out a law that would be treason to America and would give these bankers control over the money of the USA. This law is called "The Federal Reserve act" of 1913. They waited until 23 December 1913 when most congress representatives would already be on Christmas holiday before they passed this bill (signed by Woodrow Wilson) through congress and got it approved. On this day ended the American constitution and the freedom of Americans were handed over to a handful of bankers.

How the Bankers make money out of War
Every government spends more money than they get in taxes. They use this for big projects such as dams, roads or simply for free handouts. This money is then borrowed from these big banks and the taxpayers pay the money and interest back. It is thus in the interest of these bankers to drive up the debt of a country, because more debt means more interest. Nothing drives a country deeper in debt than a war. So if the banks want to make money, they just support the enemies of the state to initiate war, whereupon the state then borrows money from the bankers to fight this war. It is quite common for these bankers to finance both sides of the war. How many people dies in these conflicts means nothing to them. The first harvest for these bankers came three years after passing the Federal Reserve Act at the end of the First World War, and because it worked so well, they built in the start of another World War into the Treaty of Versailles. The Vietnam War could have been won within months if the generals were allowed to do their job. Ten years and 58,156 dead American soldiers later the only ones who won were the bankers. Today many people believe that Communism is a movement of suppressed masses who are fighting against the exploitation from their employers. Nothing is further from the truth. Most people know that the Bolshevik revolution in Russia came in (Oct) November 1917, but few knows that the Tsar already abdicated in March, seven months before that. At that time there was an interim, provisional government run by prince Lvov, moulded on the American model. Unfortunately Alexander Kerensky a Socialist revolutionary succeeded prince Lvov. He then lifted a ban on all communists that were previously banned under the Tsar and so allowed 250,000 communist revolutionaries to re-enter the country.

When the Tsar abdicated, Lenin and Trotsky were in exile in Switzerland and the US respectively. At that time the Bolsheviks were no real power in Russia. Lenin was sent all across Europe in his sealed train and had about $5-6 million of gold with him. It was arranged by the German High Command, Max Warburg and Alexander Helphand. The father-in-law of Max Warburg's brother, Felix, namely Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb & Co also helped finance the Bolshevik Revolution. According to the newspaper "Journal American" of 3 February 1949, Jacob Schiff donated $20 million dollars to the Bolsheviks. Mr. Bakhmetiev, the last Russian Imperial ambassador in the USA said that the Bolsheviks transferred more than 600 million rubles to Kuhn Loeb & Co between the years of 1918-1922. As we can see, the revolution never comes from the oppressed masses it comes from the top down or from the outside in. It is financed from high power and finance institutions. No war just breaks out spontaneously, it is carefully orchestrated. Not only did these bankers support the Communist, but they also kept them alive for decades. It is all documented in the work, "Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development", by Dr Anthony Sutton. Everything the Soviets ever had has been acquired from the USA. One can say the Soviet Union was "Made in the USA". It does not matter whether a hundred million people died under Communism and 2 Billion are still enslaved under the Communist yoke today, it was a small price to pay for a future world government. The methods used by these bankers are one of power play. They tell governments to toe the line or they will send the communists. They do this in Thailand, in Greece and they did the same in South Africa. There is a way to defeat these communists and bankers, but more on that in a later edition.

In South Africa these bankers supported the communists, because they knew that when the natives would start getting agitated and started revolting, the White people would try to appease the aggressors, by building them free houses, schools, hospitals, play parks etc. The more the Whites built the more money they needed, so they borrowed it from the international banks. The more the blacks were stirred, the more they demanded and the deeper the country got into debt. At the same time South Africa was fighting a prolonged war on the Angola Namibia border, had sanctions and embargoes against her and was losing a propaganda war at the United Nations and world media. This tactic eventually becomes a vicious spiral until the point where these banks can literally bankrupt a country or a currency as we have seen recently in Greece and with the Euro. Such is the strategy of appeasement and why it will never work. The Beast is insatiable and there is only one way to stop its appetite for destruction; cut off its head. Another technique they use is the one of "Angst". The German word "Angst" is also in the English language, but it is hard to explain. It is something German people are very aware of, because their entire lives are based on it. Nobody is as "ängstlich" as Germans. It is a condition of constant worrying and fear combined with anticipation and finding solutions. It is a technique used very well in the insurance industry. The more they can make you think and worry and fear, the more money they can make out of you. Inventing risks and fears where none exists is their game and we pay them just so we can sleep better at night. One of these fears was the threat of nuclear war with the USSR during the Cold War that never existed. As Henry Kissinger once said, "The world's superpowers will never make war on another; The European Socialists are too dumb to understand that. The Soviet Union is too badly prepared for it..."

This Soviet incompetence and bad preparedness was so well illustrated when a West German teenager named Mathias Rust flew a light aircraft from Finland through a supposedly impregnable air defence system, all along a railway track in Russia and landed on the Red Square in Moscow. It led to the firing of several senior Russian officers including the Defence Minister Sergei Sokolov. Today the Russians maintain that Rust was tracked several times, but they never received an order to shoot him down. Nonsense ! They will never admit that they were outsmarted by a 17 year old boy. Another example was the Russian aeroplane in which the Mozambiquen president Samora Machell died. An independent international investigation pointed out that bad maintenance of the aircraft and the incompetence of the pilots who got lost and did not stick to the flight plan (probably drunk from too much Vodka) were the reasons for the crash over South African territory, but hey, you can always count on a communist to blame everything on big, bad, South Africa, as they did. This technique of using angst is playing on our worst fears and used to great effect by the communist and international banking elite to get us to pay. Even our fear of the dark is being exploited as with ESKOM shutting down and blacking the country out. Eskom proposed a 35% increase in electricity tariffs and got from Nersa (National Energy Regulator) 25% in 2010 on top of a 30% increase in 2009 and a 28% increase in 2008. And the sheep just accepts it all without as much as a bleat, because they are scared of the dark.

Today in the absence of The Soviet Union and Apartheid, new enemies should be created and fears exploited so that the bankers can make money and keep us enslaved. Our fear of suffocation is used to perpetuate lies about "Greenhouse gasses", our fear of drowning is exploited to lie about "melting ice caps" and "global warming". Our fear of terror lurking behind every bush (no pun intended) is used to fight "Al Qaida" for the control of the world Opium trade, our fear of prison or economic ruin is preventing us from speaking the truth and doing something about the killing of our people in South Africa, and so I can go on ... fear, fear, fear. These fears were used in South Africa to great effect. Apart from Black and White fearing being wiped out by another, we feared financial collapse as Pik Botha tried to tell us then and is telling us now. We feared the "Swartgevaar" (Black terror) and the "Rooigevaar" (Red Terror). We feared everything from world isolation to being caught out on camera by Leon Schuster. Nevertheless, fear is an acronym in the English language for "False Evidence Appearing Real". It makes the wolf appear bigger than he actually is. But it is through knowing the truth and exposing their methods that we will fear no more and laugh in the faces of these manipulators, because when we fear something we give it power, and that I refuse to do.
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


Quote from: Br.Mikey on Tue 21 Aug 2012I wish you all the best in South Africa, from what I hear the farm murders are becoming an epidemic and of course the outside world completely ignores it
Thanks; much appreciated. The farm murders are reaching the outside world in the last year or so, but the world wont react.

Quote from: Br.Mikey on Tue 21 Aug 2012What really makes me sick is Eastern European communists that think Mandela was a hero, they do not understand that African communism and it's bastard offspring American communism (although not nearly as far along, it is in the same vein) is of a completely different nature than the old Soviet bloc or Yugoslav style communism. African communism is blatantly kill whitey
American communism is picking up speed at an alarming rate - I am amazed how asleep the Whites are over there !

Quote from: Br.Mikey on Tue 21 Aug 2012I sincerely hope White South Africa survives
Oh we will, or die in the process - make no mistake about that. South Africa is not zimudwe; we have a different breed of Whites here - it`s always darkest before the dawn !

Quote from: Rev.Cambeul.PM on Tue 21 Aug 2012Like I said before, all of the information is contained here - in much more detail - in this topic. I am just a little more blunt at getting the same message across. Pontifex Cambeul.
A good book to read is "Verraad teen Suid Afrika" (Conspiracy Against South Africa) - this is where most of the info comes from. This book was a real eye opener to me when I read it some 17 years ago - geez, I`m getting old.
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


Part 18 – Hypocrisy At The United Nations

By Mike Smith

In an excellent article Citizen Kane, occasional contributor to the South Africa Sucks blog gave an accurate account of who and what the United Nations Organization actually is, namely a communist front. I will therefore not duplicate what he mentions in his article, but simply underline it. What I want to highlight in this article is the hypocrisy of nations uttered at this communist platform against South Africa and how South Africa was turned into "A skunk amongst Nations" as Les De Villiers mentions in his book by the same name. Les de Villiers who has a masters degree in linguistics was a journalist and diplomat in Canada and headed the South African Information Services in the USA for five years. What irked him the most was the double standards of nations represented at the UN general assembly and the hypocrisy with which they slagged off South Africa and its human rights situation. It was in 1960 that the Afrikaans Newspaper, "Die Burger" first took stock of South Africa's position in the world and called it, "Die Muishond van die wêreld" (The skunk of the world). It was Cicero who said, "When you have no basis for an argument, abuse the plaintiff". Judging from how SA was treated at the UN from 1946 to 1994 it is clear that the UN had many students of Cicero. At the end of WW2 Jan Smuts led the SA delegation at the San Francisco Conference where the UN was found. Like I have mentioned before, Smuts was one of the main writers of the UN charter. He also served as Chairman of the General Assembly. Smuts was well respected as a statesman during both war and peace. In Article 2, paragraph 7 of the UN Charter it is stated clearly that the UN shall not intervene in matters which were essentially within the jurisdiction of any member state. Great was Smut's surprise when at the very first UN General Assembly in 1946, India insisted that the condition of Indians in South Africa be discussed. This is the same India who has a caste system of discriminating against their own people and who have major issues with Pakistan over Kashmir. Smuts found himself up against a stonewall of prejudice at the very organization he helped to create. At first there was only 51 states and from Africa only four, South Africa, Liberia, Ethiopia and Egypt.

After WW2 Africa was still mainly colonial, but during the fifties and sixties, Britain, France, Portugal and Belgium left Africa and the Communists took over almost all of their former colonies. Today there are 53 African states out of 192 nations represented at the UN and they all have the same vote as western countries. Out of the world's 195 countries only three are today not members namely, Kosovo, Taiwan and The Vatican City. Basically the UN is run by the Africans. Even Henry Kissinger admitted it, because the blacks only have to open their mouths with a loud tribal howl and an automatic two-thirds majority occurs, thanks to the support from the Communists and the Asian bloc. With this two-thirds majority, the African states rammed through dozens of condemnatory resolutions against Apartheid and South Africa and got Apartheid declared as a "Crime against humanity" in1976. Up until today, the UN General Assembly has not made any findings, nor have apartheid-related trials for crimes against humanity ever been conducted. In 1971 Communist China was welcomed as a member of both the General Assembly and the Security Council at the expense of Taiwan (Nationalist China). Communist China with a record of killing 25 million of its own citizens and till this day guilty of gross human rights abuses with a string of gulag death camps, forced abortions and killing 3000 pro democracy demonstrators at Tiananmen Square, is one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council. In 1972 they joined the pharisaical choir to get South Africa expelled from the UN.

If Apartheid and South Africa did not exist, they would have invented some other "Whipping boy", because how else could they have ignored what was going on in Ireland, Vietnam, Nigeria, etc ? During these days at the UN it used to become customary for the African nations to stage mass walkouts every time a South African delegate mounted the podium. This is a testimony to the tolerance blacks have to viewpoints differing to their own. Their argument was that blacks in South Africa led a "subhuman existence". But then, in 1961, the then foreign minister of South Africa, Eric Louw presented a factual comparison of the living conditions of blacks in South Africa compared to other African states. He proved that Blacks in SA had a higher per capita income, better educational opportunities, far superior medical and social services and altogether a higher standard of living than anywhere in Africa.  How did the blacks respond to the truth ? The Black African states engineered a motion of censure against him (first of its kind) and his speech was struck from the record. Even "The Washington Post", who regularly criticized South Africa, noted : "Nothing that South Africa has done and nothing that its representatives said, justified the mob-like censure which the United Nations visited upon that country and its Foreign Minister, Mr Eric Louw." In 1973, The Mauritian ambassador, Radla Kirshna Ramphul piped up and said that South Africa could not be heard in the General Assembly until her credentials were approved and it became impossible for South Africa to fully participate in the UN. The next year, 1974, Bouteflika of Algeria took the presidential chair of the UN. Pik Botha, Foreign minister of South Africa who led a multiracial delegation mounted the rostrum to make a brief statement. Bouteflika's moustache twitched in disdain and he refused to recognize the presence of Botha. Botha responded by not congratulating him on his election to the presidency. It was clear, South Africa had no friends at the UN.

In 1974 came the call to have SA expelled from the UN. They voted 93 to 23 (14 abstaining) that SA was not fit for membership. "Voor in die koor" (in the front of the choir) was the Ugandan Foreign minister Elizabeth Bagaya, representing a country run by a cannibalistic dictator Idi Amin who became synonomous with oppression of blacks (the Lango and Acholi people) and the indiscriminate execution of dissidents. Between 100,000 and 500,000 people were brutally murdered in Uganda at the time. She hardly batted an eyelid in listing the alleged "Crimes" of South Africa. In that very same assembly, sat the Indians who gave Smuts such a hard time in 1946, seemingly unaware that Amin expelled all the Indians from Uganda. Nobody had the guts to object to this macabre performance. That nobody burst out laughing is beyond me. When India, Pakistan and Ceylon(Sri Lanka) were taking on Jan Smuts over their brethren in SA, he offered to pay for their repatriation to their home countries. A small group from SA took him on on his offer as an advance party, but soon returned telling their fellow Indians in SA to stay where they were, because conditions in their motherland were unbearable. Indians in South Africa at the time enjoyed a per capita income six times higher than that in India and towards the end of Apartheid on par with and sometimes higher than that of whites. These same Indians and the rest of the world who were slagging South Africa off about Apartheid at the UN seemed to be unconcerned about the 900,000 refugees who were fleeing religious persecution in India and Pakistan during the 1960's. They cared little for the 500,000 Indians thrown out of Burma, tens of thousands expelled from Uganda, or the thousands victimized in Kenya and Tanzania. Ten years before that Indonesia slaughtered tens of thousand of women, men and children of Chinese background, Many African countries have done worse, yet China and Russia, operators of their own Gulag Archipelagos voted to expel South Africa. Only the United States, Britain and France prevented the expulsion of South Africa in 1974, mainly because they realized that similarly Arab countries could gang up against Israel and expel the Jewish state. But the General assembly eventually had the final word, before the year was out they voted 91 to 22 (19 abstentions) to suspend SA from its deliberations. The Arabs supported the Africans in exchange to hold back on the Palestine issue. Barely days after the suspension of SA, the terrorist leader of the PLO, Yassar Arafat rocked up at the UN. He was welcomed by the Africans and the Arabs as a hero and Israel's freedom to speak at the UN was restricted.

In 1967 the UN Human Rights Commission decided to establish a special unit to investigate "allegations" of cruelty against prisoners in SA jails, while in Saudi Arabia according to the Anti-Slavery Society's report to the UN, slaves were still sold. The Society estimated that King Feisal and wealthy members held thousands of slaves. Gerald L'Ange of the "Johannesburg Star" was their when the resolution was adopted to throw SA out of the UN, but he said the Commission was thrown into discord when they had to deal with complaints of gross violations in eight countries. These complaints included mass tribal killings in Burundi, detention of 55,000 political prisoners in Indonesia, torture of hundreds of dissidents in Brazil, suppression of political rights in Iran, forged marriages in Tanzania, interrogation by torture of thirty people by the British Army in Northern Ireland and discrimination against Indians in Gyana. L'Ange pointed out that these eight cases were drawn from a list of 7,000 violations. When a proposal to investigate these cases more closely was made, it met stiff opposition from the Soviets, who obviously had a lot to fear about the treatment of their prisoners in the Gulags. In the same Burundi, who was mouthing off about racism in South Africa, the Tutsis were killing off thousand of Hutus. The retaliation in 1994 would lead to a genocide that the UN did not, could not and did not want to stop. The killings in the Sudan mounted to 100,000 a year. The Biafran war in Nigeria lasted 30 months and 2 million were killed and 5 million ended up in refugee camps. What did the UN do ? The UN chose to be observers. But when eleven rioting black mine workers were shot at a mine in Carletonville, South Africa, Kurt Waldheim immediately launched a full enquiry into it. But it was not only the Africa countries who were voting against South Africa. Prior to 1974 Portugal was always a friend of SA, but suddenly leftist post coup Mario Soares who capitulated Guinea Bissau and Mozambique to Communist forces rose in the General assembly and fiercely attacked South Africa in his "Volte-Face" (total change) speech under great applause of the Africans. At that stage, South Africa was handing blacks self rule (over a long term peaceful period) to full Black independence under democratic principles. Mozambique was plunged into a civil war that killed almost a million people and displaced 5 million.

At the General assembly of 1962 the Soviet Foreign minister, Gromyko, speaking from a home base littered with labour camps and harsh prisons, described South Africa as, "The veritable private domain of slave owners". The soviet minister's speech just happened about the same time of the erecting of the Berlin Wall, that trapped the East Germans under a Communist yoke, and South Africa giving full freedom and independence to the Xhosas in Transkei. In true Orwelian New-speak, freedom has become slavery and peace has become war. Israel for many years supported many of the black states and even donated money to the Organisation for Africa Unity (OAU). Then came the Yom Kippur War against the Arabs and overnight all of Black Africa severed ties with Israel. Her only real friends proved to be the USA, the Netherlands, Portugal and South Africa. For Israel it was a rude awakening. Yosef Lapide, who wrote for the Tel Aviv newspaper "Ma'Ariv" had this to say about Black African states : "Well, the so called liberated African states are, with a few exceptions, a bad joke and an insult to human dignity. They are run by a bunch of corrupt rulers, some of whom, Like Idi Amin of Uganda, are mad according to all the rules of psychiatry. I feel unburdened when I say this; I wanted to say this all these years, and all these years I had the feeling that we fool the public when, for reasons of diplomacy, we do not tell them that the majority of black African states are one nauseating mess". Lapide found that "The lowliest of Negroes in South Africa has more civil rights than the greatest Soviet author; The most oppressed negro in South Africa has more to eat than millions of Africans in "Liberated" countries." He further added that "The most rabid White extremist in South Africa will not treat Negroes in the way Negroes treated - and still treat - Whites in the Congo, in Uganda and in other African states." Lapide goes further, "The people advocating "progress", who were so worried about the rights of the majority in South Africa, have never raised their voices for the majority in Hungary or in Cuba, in Red China or in Egypt." "In half a dozen states - including Ethiopia - thousands of persons die every day of hunger, while the rulers travel by Cadillac and steal food that is being sent to aid their subjects." "Only in the sick minds of "progressives" do the babies die of starvation with a smile on their lips, because the ruler who starves them to death has a black skin." "For the life of me, if I must choose between friendship with Black Africa, as it is today, and friendship with a White state that is orderly and successful, and contains a blossoming Jewish community, then I prefer South Africa. The only pity is that we waited until the Blacks threw us out." – end of quote. Yes, such was the disillusionment of Israel.

However, no mention of the UN attack on SA would be complete without mentioning the Nordic Countries who also stepped to the front of this holy Black crusade against South Africa. The Whites in the South African government thought that they had an opportunity to present some facts to reasonable white people. How wrong they were. The South African government extended an invitation to the Nordic countries to visit South Africa at a time convenient to them, with every facility to go where they pleased and to meet whomever they wished. It was declined rather curtly. The African Nations were obviously not the only ones who lived in fear of hard facts about the South African situation. In 1973 Black African terrorist gathered in Oslo, Norway under UN auspices to plan strategy. A year later the "Special Committee on Apartheid" went on an expensive junket to publicize its efforts and to meet with anti-apartheid elements in churches, schools, universities and labour unions throughout Europe. Nevertheless, the Latin American countries, dubbed the African countries in the UN the "Aplandora" (the Steamroller). The UN is only a platform for black communist propaganda. In 1974 West Germany also applied for admission to the UN. She soon found out who exactly runs the show at the UN. West Germany was told to toughen her stance against South Africa if it was serious about being allowed in on the first vote. Chancellor Willy Brand obliged in his maiden address of the UN general assembly. He promised to support the UN resolutions aimed at getting rid of "The anachronistic remnants of Colonialism". In countries like Australia, New Zealand and Canada it became fashionable for politicians to slag South Africa off just so they could win votes. At the UN every man and his dog was against us. We have to remember these lessons learned in those days when we are serious about having a country of our own one day. The UN will never allow a strong independent nation state to exist, let alone a white one, despite what the Charter says. Let us look at the Katanga episode as a Case study in point. The story is told in the book, "The Fearful Master : A Second Look at the United Nations" by Edward Griffin.

When The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) received independence from Belgium on 30 June 1960 Patrice Lumumba, a Gin drinking, dagga-smoking piece of communist scum became the prime minister and he told the King of Belgium at the official handover, "Nous ne sommes plus vos singes (We are no longer your monkeys)". Six days later black soldiers mutinied against their white officers and attacked numerous European targets. Armed bands of mutineers roamed the capital looting and terrorizing the white population, raping and killing as far as they went. This caused the flight of thousands of European refugees to Brazzaville and Stanleyville. Belgian troops had to intervene. Another six days later on 11 July 1960, with the support of Belgian business interests and over 6000 Belgian troops, the province of Katanga in the southeast declared independence as the State of Katanga under the leadership of Moise Tshombe. Tshombe was an educated accountant and successful businessman. He was pro-Western, pro Capitalist and a Christian and hated Communism. Now comes the interesting part. Tshombe asked the Americans for help to restrain the communist forces. The communist Lumumba, went crying at the UN and the UN took his side, passed a resolution (143) with the support of America and Russia, and the UN troops were sent in to chase out all the Belgian and mercenary troops and to use force to prevent the secession of Katanga. Katanga was loaded with minerals and the richest part of the DRC. Within a few weeks, thousands of UN troops arrived in the DRC. Belgium pulled its troops back and left the DRC to the mercy of the communist Lumumba and the UN troops. The UN troops did almost nothing to stop the carnage against whites and the people of Katanga. They did not bring peace or control, they mostly stood by and watched as the country was being destroyed and how it came more and more under Communist control. Tshombe restored calm and peace in Katanga. His foreign affairs minister said they wanted Katanga to be a bastion of Anti-communism in Africa. Tshombe himself said that he abhors Communism and that he would never change.

It infuriated the UN Security council so much that shortly afterwards they attacked Katanga. Initially the UN had a few successes, but then the Katanga forces hit back and drove the UN back. Clearly frustrated the UN used mercenaries to start a terror campaign against Katanga civilians. Murder, arson, torture, rape and plunder was used to subdue the Katangese. 90% of the houses destroyed by the UN were civilian buildings. Children and adults were indiscriminately bayoneted and entire hospitals destroyed. Amazingly, Katanga held out two years against the UN barbarians and prevented the capitulation of their country to Communists. The UN troops regrouped and were kitted out with new equipment, airplanes, helicopters. American dollars paid for everything and all the military hardware were American. 29 December 1962, the UN launched a second assault on the freedom and independence loving country of Katanga. A month later as the UN invasion reached its peak, Moise Tshombe told his brave soldiers, "Men, in the last two and a half years you fought three times like heroes against the enemy, but now the enemy masses are just too much. Shortly after that the last flame of hope, freedom and independence died in the Congo. And so we can mention many instances in Cuba, Nicaragua, Hungary, Angola, Mozambique, Namibia and Rhodesia where the UN handed power over to communist regimes. In the 65 years of existence of the UN, it has never once acted against the communists. Terrorist organisations like SWAPO were given observer status in the UN even before they became the government of Namibia. Not only that, SWAPO, the ANC, ZANU-PF and many other terrorist organisations are directly sponsored by the UN. South Africa was the last domino to fall, before the rest of the West would be tackled directly. "Day X", the day of a one world totalitarian government is fast approaching. When we were under a total onslaught in South Africa, friends were few. Today many who were against Apartheid are laughing and dancing on the graves of 3000+ white farmers, they are ignoring our plight for help all over the world, but those same people should realize that their day will come, when they will feel how it feels like to lose your country, being powerless and watching helplessly how your country is being destroyed.

Anybody who has dreams of an independent white homeland in Africa, should bear in mind that the UN had a full scale Battle-plan of ground, air and sea invasions worked out to attack White South Africa. The "Chicago Tribune" wrote on 24th of July 1965 that a 170 page Battle Plan with the title, " Apartheid and United Nations Collective measures" was compiled by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. It detailed a ground invasion with 93,000 troops with air and sea support after which the country would be handed over to a Black government and be under an international trustee control. It would be a 30 day Blitzkrieg and would cost US$ 94,537 000. They even worked out the casualties on both sides and the amount of wounded. On the hand of this evidence it is clear that the United Nations is not, nor has ever been a friend of Whites in South Africa and in the event of a future racial war or war for independence we will not only be up against the Blacks, but we will have to reckon with the UN supporting them as well.
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


Katanga and the problems of South Africa are the very reason why settling for a North-West corner of a former White Nation will never work. We must take back all former White Nations and drive out the inferior mud races once and for all. Only then will we be on an equal footing. If the mud wishes war, the mud will lose.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Part 19 - The Role Of The Commonwealth

By Mike Smith

As we have seen most of the hatred of South Africa came from hypocritical nations at the communist platform known as the UN, but the UN was only one such an assembly for the hypocrites of the world where they could spew their Nelson-eyed poison against South Africa. The British Commonwealth was another. Today there are many who claim victory over Apartheid. The former Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) is one of them. They also claimed that one of their biggest achievements was to get South Africa kicked out of the Commonwealth. Their role was important but if we have to single out a person to be credited for this, then it has to be John Diefenbaker of Canada. Separating myths and truths, we have to get a few things strait first. South Africa was not kicked out of the Commonwealth, she forcibly withdrew, but let us look at the historical events that led to it. On October 5, 1960, South Africa's white voters decided to make the country a republic and replace the British monarchial constitution with a Republican one. It was expected of Commonwealth members to re-apply for membership whenever they changed their form of government. Many people feared that the Afro-Asian countries in the Commonwealth would vote against South Africa and vote for her expulsion. There is nothing wrong with rejecting the British Monarchial system and adopting a Republican constitution. India did it as well and was admitted again into the Commonwealth despite the discriminatory caste system of the country, but as could be expected, nobody ever lets a chance go by without taking a few swipes at South Africa. The Commonwealth is suppose to be a family of nations, where the focus should be on points of agreement rather than disagreement.

The history of the Commonwealth goes back to about 1880 when the South African statesman John X. Merriman first used the term "Commonwealth" to refer to a future group of former colonies of the British Empire in their relationship with Britain. In 1905 He wrote to Jan Smuts describing his idea of a "Commonwealth of Nations" of which South Africa would be a member along with countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Smuts with his personal philosophy of "Holism" immediately liked the idea. Ultimately Smuts would have many pet projects such as the unification of the two Boer Republics and the British colonies of Natal and the Cape into a unified South Africa, the Commonwealth, the charter and formation of the League of Nations and ultimately the charter for the United Nations that the Boer general and later Prime minister of South Africa almost single handedly wrote himself. The only alterations were basically the removal of "God" from his original draft. I have no doubt that Smuts meant well and that he had sincere and good intentions, unfortunately he was what Vladimir Lenin called, a "Useful Idiot". He found out quickly in 1946 at the very first UN assembly how his baby would be used against him and his country, South Africa. Nevertheless, the Balfour declaration of 1926 as well as the Statute of Westminster in 1934 ensured equality for South Africa at the Commonwealth along with Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Before, during and for some time after WW2, the Commonwealth functioned well. These founding members and independent nations retained deep seated family ties with Britain and mutual interests with each other. Then came along, Pakistan, India, and Jamaica (and all the ex British Caribbean islands), Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Malaysia, Singapore, Uganda, Gambia, etc, and a new club of hypocrites, intolerant to views differing with their own emerged.

At about this time, the conservative Prime minister of Canada, John Diefenbaker was quite adamant against any ousting of South Africa from the Commonwealth until the largely anti-Apartheid Canadian press started working him into a tight corner and intimidating him. In his book, "A skunk amongst Nations", Les de Villiers describe what happened on page 47,48. It was going to be the tenth Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference in London - "On the day of Diefenbaker`s departure from Ottawa to attend that fateful Commonwealth meeting in March 1961 a three column photograph of the doyen of the press corps in Canada, Charles Lynch, appeared in the local press. In his hand he held a black ball. The caption read : "Black Ball ends Crystal Balling". Students planned to hand the black ball to Diefenbaker at Ottawa airport, it was stated, so that he could drop it in the lap of the South African delegation at the Commonwealth conference. They were prevented from doing so by Royal Canadian Air Force guards, and Charles Lynch took over the mission." – Les de Villiers, "A skunk amongst nations". At the Prime Ministers' Conference in 1961, Verwoerd formally applied for South Africa to remain in the Commonwealth. The prime ministers were divided. Diefenbaker broke the deadlock by proposing that the conference not reject South Africa's application, but instead states in a communiqué that racial equality was a principle of the Commonwealth. This was adopted, although Britain and New Zealand disagreed with Diefenbaker's proposal. South Africa could not accept the communiqué. At that conference, the Afro Asians commanded six of the eleven votes, but it was not necessary for Nigeria, Malaya, Ceylon, India and Pakistan to cast their votes. South Africa withdrew its application and exits the Commonwealth. According to Peter Newman, this was "Diefenbaker's most important contribution to international politics. Diefenbaker flew home, a hero." The "Vancouver Sun" praised Diefenbaker, "The Telegram" exclaimed, "The Commonwealth has been saved".

This is the same Diefenbaker who a few months before steadfastly refused to be a party to South Africa's expulsion. At this same time hypocritical Canada had severe restrictions on immigrants of colour other than "White" and treated their Indian and Eskimo (Inuit) people as second class citizens worse than South Africa ever treated her indigenous blacks. But it did not stop this hypocrite Diefenbaker to issue a Declaration of Human rights and distribute it freely to schools. As so many true believers and so called experts in this field, Diefenbaker's, doctrine of human rights was, however, an abstract one, the condition of underprivileged Eskimos and Indians in Canada remained unchanged. The same can be said for the way Australia treated their Aborigines and New Zealand treated their Maoris. Any of these nations could equally have been vilified and kicked out of the Commonwealth for the very same reasons they had against South Africa, but it was just South Africa's time. The time of the other nations will still come. And what about those nations that opposed South Africa ? How did they fare ? India had millions of "Untouchables" in her rigid caste system. Ceylon had the stateless Tamils, Ghana was a dictatorship and Nigeria was on the verge of a bloody clash between her major tribes called the Biafran war. Dr Vervoerd said to the Indian Prime Minister during the deliberations, "Within ten years we will stamp out illiteracy on the part of our blacks, but you won't do so in fifty years". Verwoerd was obviously speaking about the now hated "Bantu Education" system that saw the blacks of Africa propelled to the highest literacy standards on the entire African continent. But Karma is a bitch and she came to visit the ones who ganged up on the pious Boers of South Africa. Two years later, Diefenbaker lost the general election in Canada and was reduced to an opposition back bencher. In a night of terror, the Nigerian Prime Minister Tafewa Balewa, and his trusted aides ended up in shallow graves near Lagos. The Biafran war followed in Nigeria and claimed more than two million lives. Kenya and Uganda expelled tens of thousands of Indians. India and Pakistan fought over borders and in Bangladesh another few hundred thousand victims were claimed.

Back in Canada in 1966, the new Prime Minister Lester Pearson was already loading and setting up the guns against the latest problem namely Rhodesia and he wanted to "Crush White Supremacy" there. It is not often that a staunch liberal comes up for South Africa, but after the Ottowa summit an American liberal journal asked Professor John Hutchinson (John Hopkins University) to write an article about the 12 day Commonwealth parley, said he, "You asked for my observations on the proposal, made at the last Commonwealth summit, for a Commonwealth Force to be stationed in Rhodesia for ten years to keep the peace and, presumably, to usher in a democratic age. The mind expands at the idea. General Amin of Uganda could administer massacres. Prime Minister Forbes Burnham of Guyana might give a course on inter-racial affection. Prime Minister Errol Barrow of Barbados, who apparently is not afraid of bloodshed in Rhodesia, could advise on the maffia consessions, a major perk in the Carribean. I do not quite know what Prime Minister Gough Whitlam of Australia might do, since he is busy analyzing other governments, but perhaps he could squeeze in a lecture on "Apects of Aboriginal Freedom": it would not take long, since there are only aspects to deal with". Yes dear reader, this is what we call "Politics of the absurd" as we have seen at the UN and the Commonwealth as well with the Canadian press, but such is the power of the press and so called democracy of the UN and its Mini-Me, the Commonwealth. Today we hold "Democracy" as the highest value of the Western World, but thanks to "Democracy" we have Hamas, a Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorist organization in charge of the Palestinians. Thanks to democracy we have a Black Marxist terrorist government in South Africa. The will of the majority rules the world they say.
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


Part 20 - Dr. Verwoerd, Nationalist Visionary, "The Most Hated Man In South Africa" And The Success Of Nationalism

By Mike Smith

Most people today cringe when one mentions the name of Dr. Verwoerd. Even ardent right-wingers are careful to be associated with Dr. Verwoerd, normally denouncing this great visionary. People in general believe that Dr. Verwoerd was "The Architect of Apartheid". This is plain nonsense as I have proved in this series. Most of the Apartheid laws were already in place when the National Party came to power in 1948. These laws were drawn up under British rule when South Africa was still a colony and during the time of Jan Smuts who was a liberal puppet of the Crown. There is a technique in historical research to cross reference information about certain people. It works like this - most great historical figures are praised by their own people and loathed by their enemies. So in order to find out the true nature of an historical figure it is sometimes necessary to look at what the enemies of such people have to say. That is exactly what we will be doing in this post, but let us first have a look at Dr. Hendrik French Verwoerd. Dr Verwoerd was born to Dutch parents in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and moved to South Africa when he was two years old in 1903, shortly after the Anglo Boer War. The family moved to Rhodesia shortly after they arrived in South Africa. Most of his childhood he spent in Bulawayo in Rhodesia. In 1917 the family settled in Brandfort in the Orange Free State. Verwoerd studied at the prestigious Afrikaans University of Stellenbosch and as a brilliant student he obtained his BA and his MA degrees cum laude. He eventually obtained his Ph.D. in Philosophy that included Psychology. Verwoerd then won two bursaries and decided to take the one that would offer him the opportunity to study in Germany. In 1925 he arrived in Germany and studied at three German universities namely Leipzig, Hamburg and Berlin. He got married in Germany to Betsie Schoemann, toured Europe and then moved over to the USA where he did some more research. Upon his return to SA, at the tender age of 26, Verwoerd became professor in Sociology at Stellenbosch, his alma mater.

In 1937 he became editor of "Die Transvaler" (The Transvaler, an Afrikaans daily paper). In 1950 he became Minister of Native affairs in the National Party government of Dr. D.F. Malan. It is important to note that all these Nationalist Afrikaner leaders of the time were no idiots. Dr Malan had a Doctorate in Divinity (Theology) from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands as well as a Masters degree in Philosophy. Yet most people refer to them today as "Dumb Dutchmen". Verwoerd was thus a man who was highly educated, well travelled and could speak several languages including Afrikaans, Dutch, German, English as well as the black languages of Zulu and Shona. He was also a natural leader whose talents were recognized at student level already. Verwoerd was elected Prime Minister on 2 September 1958, promising to uphold with honour the democratic institutions of the country, and justice between white and non-white. Verwoerd reformulated the Apartheid policy calling it "separate development". He wanted to guide Africans to self-determination once they were considered to be ready. On the 3d of February 1960 British Prime Minister, Mr Harold Macmillan, delivered his famous "winds of change-speech" before the joint session of the Union Parliament. On the 5th of October 1960 a referendum regarding a Republic for SA was held. The Yes vote won with a majority of 74,580 votes - 90,73% votes were cast. Verwoerd led the nation to become a republic. On 15 May 1961 in London, at the meeting of the Commonwealth, Verwoerd announced that South Africa withdrew its membership. South Africa became a republic on 31 May 1961. Verwoerd's biggest critics were the English speaking press in South Africa, but let us look at what the "Rand Daily Mail" (a sworn enemy of Verwoerd) on 30th of July 1966 wrote about this great man.

"At the age of 65 Dr. Verwoerd has reached the peak of a remarkable career. No other South African Prime Minister has ever been in such a powerful position in the country. He is at the head of a massive majority after a resounding victory at the polls. The nation is suffering from a surfeit of prosperity and he can command almost unlimited funds for all that he needs at present in the way of military defence. He can claim that South Africa is a shining example of peace in a troubled continent, if only, because overwhelming domestic power can always command peace. Finally, as if that were not enough, he can face the session (of parliament) with the knowledge that, short of an unthinkable show of force by people whom South Africans are rapidly being taught to regard as their enemies, he can snap his fingers at the United Nations. Thanks to the recent judgement of the Hague Court (on the South West Africa issue) he can afford to condescend to the world body, graciously remaining a member as long as it suits him. Indeed, the Prime Minister has never had it so good." In his booklet, "Assassination and the tragedy of South Africa", Jaap Marais, deceased leader of the HNP speaks of the success of Apartheid and why Dr. Verwoerd was killed. Jaap Marais was another of these so called educated "Dumb Dutchmen". He was a politician, an attorney a devoted ornithologists as well as the man who translated William Shakespeare's "Julius Ceaser" into Afrikaans. Marais states that under Verwoerd and his policy of "Separate development ("Apartheid"), the living standards of Blacks were rising at 5,4% per year against that of the whites at 3,9% per year. In 1965 the economic growth of South Africa was the second highest in the world at 7,9%. The rate of inflation was a mere 2% per annum and the prime interest rate only 3% per annum. Domestic savings were so great that South Africa needed no foreign loans for normal economic expansion.

A few months before Dr. Verwoerd was assassinated, the editor of the British periodical, "Statist", Paul Bareau, wrote, "At the rate at which South Africa is now expanding the term ,,miracle" is likely to be appropriate to its development over the next few years". In other words, South Africa was an emerging economic and military threat to the Anglo American establishment. Nevertheless, all of this, South Africa under Nationalism, achieved despite of worldwide arms embargoes, economic sanctions and the entire world supporting the enemies of South Africa. It has to be remembered that after the Anglo Boer War where the British destroyed all the economic power of the Boers by a "Scorched Earth Policy" of burning their farms to the ground, killing their livestock and interning their women and children in horrific concentration camps where 27,000 white women and children died; there was no "Bailout" or "Marshal Plan" to rebuild South Africa. The Boers rebuilt South Africa and created their own wealth singlehandedly with absolutely no foreign support. "Time magazine", eleven days before Dr. Verwoerd's assassination, wrote, "South Africa is in the midst of a massive boom. Attracted by cheap labour, a gold backed currency and high profits, investors from all over the world have ploughed money into the country, and the new industries that they have started have sent production, consumption – and the demand for labour – soaring. Such are the proportions of prosperity". Quotes like these are numerous and a testimony to the success of Dr. Verwoerd's policy of "Separate development". These quotes come from sources that were normally extremely hostile to Dr. Verwoerd and South Africa. We will deal with sanctions in a later edition, but for now I just have to explain that the object was to bring South Africa economically to its knees, to impoverish the people (all the people and especially the blacks) so that they would start a revolution against their government. It totally backfired, because South Africa just became more and more self sufficient.

Nobody ever took the personal philosophy of the Boers into concideration. In South Africa we have a common saying, " A Boer makes a plan". It is a saying, a philosophy that we grow up with, that was forged over hundreds of years on the African continent. No matter how hard it gets, no matter how tough life gets for us, we can always make a plan. When the world imposed oil embargoes against us to bring us to our knees, we simply invented a method of making fuel from coal, known as SASOL. When the world cut of weapons, we simply started ARMSCOR and in no time we were not only self sufficient, we were exporting top of the range weapons to the very countries who imposed those sanctions against us. Such is the will of the whites of South Africa to survive. The more the world tried to isolate us the more selfsufficient we became. Our scientists, medical doctors and engineers were some of the best in the world and leading at the forefront of technology. Our observatory at Sutherland was fully booked out by international astronomers years in advance. Karl Marx predicted that the more Capitalism grows the poorer the common man will become and the more he will be and feel exploited. Nationalism in South Africa proved Marx wrong. The more industries were created, the more jobs were available and the living standard of blacks in South Africa was the highest on the continent of Africa. Not only that, Nationalism ensured the survival of all the nations of South Africa, it ensured the survival of their languages and their cultures. It was obviously a massive blow to the Anglo America establishment who wanted to destroy South Africa and get their hands on the riches of the country. The spite and envy came out in the word of Lord Deedes who said that, "The Afrikaans speakers made two big mistakes. One was to leave the Commonwealth - and the other was to survive."

So they did not reckon with the tenacity of the Afrikaners and their will to survive, not only to survive, but to prosper ! But even Lord Deedes admitted, "White South Africa grew to become the economic giant of the continent, the other members of the Commonwealth virtually sank into poverty." The British Foreign Office and the US State Department were disappointed to say the least. South Africa turned out to be a major success under Nationalism and every other country in Africa opposing the system of Apartheid was sinking into poverty. What was happening at the time was that Dr. Verwoerd was winning the Cold War all by himself. He was showing the world how successful Nationalism is and he was showing up the failure that Communism is. Verwoerd also initiated an investigation into power monopolies known today as the "Hoek" report (1965). Verwoerd delegated the job to Professor Piet Hoek and asked him to investigate the stranglehold that economic monopolies such as Anglo American (the Oppenheimers, mining), Rembrandt, (Anton Rupert, liquor and cigarettes), Trust Bank (Jan Marais), Sanlam (A.D. Wasenaar, insurance), etc were holding. In addition, Verwoerd destroyed the Marxist terrorist onslaught against South Africa by nipping arch Communists (including Mandela) in the bud by arresting them in Rivonia and destroying all their cells in South Africa. By 1965 the ANC and the SA Communist Party was defeated.

In her book, "People's War", Dr Andrea Jeffrey on page 7 quotes Oliver Tambo the leader of the ANC saying in 1964, "it appears as if the guns of MK (uMkhonto we Sizwe, Spear of the Nation, armed wing of the ANC) have been silenced for all time." There is no doubt that Dr. H. F. Verwoerd was a remarkable man. The best Nationalist leader and politician who ever lived and the best Prime Minister South Africa ever had. Dr. Hendrik French Verwoerd loved South Africa with all his heart. He loved all the nations and all the cultures of South Africa. He wanted to protect and secure the future of all the rich cultures that make up the country of South Africa. "Seperate Development" was his vehicle, he was a true patriot who turned South Africa into a first world country and the envy of the world. He laid the foundation that turned South Africa into the only nuclear power on the continent. He was "The man of Granite" who stood up against the entire world who wanted to destroy South Africa and the last vestiges of White success on the continent of Africa. He wanted to protect the culture and survival of his own people as much as he wanted to protect the culture and the survival of all the black tribes of South Africa. Today he is despised as a "Racist" when he should be praised as a visionary. Whilst Premier of Free State, Terror Lekota removed the statue of Hendrik Verwoerd, which had been mounted in front of the building that housed the provincial administration. Lekota apparently found the mere sight of Verwoerd, to which he was subjected every time he showed up for work, quite offensive. Today that statue stands in an honorary position in the Afrikaner enclave known as "Orania". But Dr Verwoerd does not need any statue of himself. By the time he died he built his own monument which is there for all to see : The Republic of South Africa
Status: Currently On Leave

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