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'THAT'S RACIST!' The Incessant Scream from MSM ...

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 13 Nov 2015

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Sam Newman has unleashed in an extraordinary rant against the man whose death inspired the Black Lives Matter movement - labelling George Floyd a 'piece of sh@t"!

Newman came out in defence of an earlier tweet that criticised AFL footballers for kneeling before last week's Collingwood versus Richmond clash

The controversial personality, who recently returned to television on the Sunday Footy Show, claimed the players had not knelt in a stance against racism, but against police brutality

Taking to his podcast 'You Cannot Be Serious', alongside former AFL great Don Scott and footy reporter Mike Sheahan,  Newman teed off on Floyd.

'George Floyd, who is a piece of sh*t incidentally,' he began before his co-hosts attempted to intervene.

'You know who George Floyd is? He has been in jail five times, he held up a pregnant black woman with a knife, he's a drug addict, he's a crack head and he's a porn star.'

To which Sheahan responded: 'And he's dead'.

'Because of the police brutality,' Newman responded. 'And it should never have happened, but I'm just telling you who George Floyd is and they've made a monument to him and he's a piece of sh*t.'

George Floyd died after an arrest on May 25 in which a police officer knelt on his neck for eight minutes, during which Floyd was complaining that he could not breathe.

Records showed Floyd had been arrested nine times for mostly drug and theft offences, and served several short prison sentences.

His most serious offence was aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon, in which he and other suspects forced themselves into a woman's home and Floyd held a pistol to her abdomen. He served four years in prison for the crime.

His autopsy found high levels of fentanyl in his system and evidence of recent use of methamphetamine which the initial examiners said 'contributed to his death'.

Newman's 'porn star' comment referred to content circulating online that showed a man purported to be George Floyd performing in an adult video

Scott, who was a 300-game veteran for Hawthorn in the 60s and 70s, backed Newman.

'He should not have been handled in the way he was, but I can understand - to a degree - why the police were doing it,' he said

Scott's response appeared to shock even Newman.

'No Don, you can't understand that,' Newman said.

'It's inexcusable ... the whole of the American nation ... was absolutely at one saying this is a disgrace and it was. No matter what his reputation or who he is.

'So that's why they got on a knee  - they were protesting against police brutality and it morphed into Black Lives Matter and it morphed into defund the police, then it got onto racism ... when you see people kneeling in our game for God's sake make it apparent about what they're kneeling (for).'

Newman's blast followed criticism aimed at him by prominent sports reporter Caroline Wilson, who attacked him over his previous tweets.

Before last week's match, Newman had hit social media condemning the players for the stance.

'How long before we stop being intimidated into nodding in agreement and question the REAL motives. The game maybe incidental,' he tweeted

An additional tweet read: 'Before the AFL morph themselves completely into a political body, research some FACTS.

'McLachlan has turned himself into the Goodell of the NFL. IF you're going to kneel, know WHY you're kneeling. Stop the preening. It's bulls***.'

On Monday night's episode of Footy Classified, journalist Caroline Wilson unleashed on Newman's 'bitterness'.

'Sam Newman said that AFL footballers taking a knee to say that Black Lives Matter were preening and divisive,' she said.

'He said most players didn't understand why they were kneeling and had been intimidated into it.

'For what it's worth, I didn't think it was political, I thought it was social and a united move and it was one that united all the players, black and white, and represented a brotherhood that Newman did not understand and therefore tried to belittle

Wilson continued her criticism by seemingly hinting at Newman's blackface scandal.

'Sam, you've got a terrible history in the area of race relations, and you've done it again, unleashing a series of bitter and divisive rants,' she said.

'What an unfortunate piece of timing that the Sunday Footy Show decided to bring you back this week and portray you as the venerable football bead after you had unleashed so much bitterness

In 1999, Newman appeared in blackface on the Footy Show impersonating indigenous footballer Nicky Winmar.

Newman fired back at Wilson on his podcast, accusing her of previously ridiculing disabled athletes.

This is a woman who belittled (journalist) Beverley O'Connor in the name of sexism,' he said.

'She decried and made fun of disabled athletes in an event. (She) said that people are just waiting for them to fall over. You know she said that.'

Newman admitted his feud with Wilson had become personal.

'My word it is,' he said. 'Because she gets away with (it) and she is a charlatan,' he said.

The bad blood between Newman and Wilson had been longstanding - in 2008 he used a lingerie-clad mannequin with Wilson's face attached during a skit on The Footy Show. It was later found to be a breach of television's code of conduct.

Newman went on to propose that instead of players falling to their knees, they ought be made to wear a patch that reads: 'Say No To Racism

It is an initiative he said all sports should be made to embrace from juniors all the way up to international players that come to our shores

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Amazon warehouse workers slam Jeff Bezos' company for offering staff 'an authentic meal' of chicken and waffles as part of their Juneteenth celebration

* The workers took to Facebook to express their outrage over the 'racist' meal
* Amazon said the restaurant was selected because it is a favorite among workers
* The restaurant is a local, black-owned business that serves soul food and is called Chicago's Home of Chicken and Waffles


* Trump on Thursday posted video on Twitter showing edited version of 2019 clip
* Twitter flagged the tweet because it was 'manipulated media'

He was making a 'satirical point that was quite funny': White House defends Donald Trump after Twitter puts 'manipulated media' warning on president's tweet of fake CNN footage that shows 'terrified' black toddler running from 'racist baby'

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


*Winona Ryder has accused Mel Gibson of making anti-Semitic and homophobic comments to her at a 1995 party during an interview with the Sunday Times

*The Heathers actress, 48, remembered the Braveheart star, 64, asking her if she was an 'oven-dodger', an apparent reference to her Jewish faith
Ryder also claimed that at the same party, Gibson asked her friend, who was gay, 'Oh, wait, am I gonna get AIDS?'

*Gibson's reps refuted the claims, saying 'This is 100% untrue. She lied about it over a decade ago, when she talked to the press, and she's lying about it now'

*The Oscar-winning star famously declared 'The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world' in 2006 during a traffic stop

*In 2010, Gibson was heard hurling racial abuse at his former girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva in a recording made by the Russian singer 
In 1991, the Mad Max star made comments to Spanish newspaper El Pais that many construed as homophobic in nature

*Meanwhile on Tuesday it was reported by The Wrap that Gibson will not reprise the role of Rocky in Chicken Run 2

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Aussie classic lollies Redskins and Chicos lollies to be RENAMED to avoid 'marginalising' consumers

Two of Allen's classic lolly varieties are to get new names, with owner Nestle declaring the old names "out of step" with the 21st century.

Nestle, which owns Allen's, announced on Tuesday it would rename Red Skins and Chicos.

Nestle said the decision "acknowledges the need to ensure that nothing we do marginalises our friends, neighbours and colleagues

"These names have overtones which are out of step with Nestle's values, which are rooted in respect," the statement said.

The company said it was yet to decide on the new names but "we will move quickly" to make the change.

A redskin is a slang term for Native Americans that is widely considered to be offensive.

Milkos? How dare they insult White People
(Insert Fake Rage Icon Here)

Chico is the Spanish translation for "boy" and can be offensive to people of Latin-American descent.

The sweets are the latest in a string of brand names to fall from favour amid a widening awareness of racially charged logos and marketing.

Earlier this week, the owner of ice-cream Eskimo Pies said the brand's name would also change.

"We are committed to being a part of the solution on racial equality, and recognise the term is derogatory," Elizabell Marquez, head of marketing for Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream, said.

Quaker Oats said last week it would retire its Aunt Jemima brand, saying the company recognised the character's origins were "based on a racial stereotype".

Elsewhere, Mars Inc is also reviewing its Uncle Ben's rice brand.

What else is bloody wrong?
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Chicos & Redskins soon to be banned. So why not profit from eBay?

Quote from: MSM on Thu 25 Jun 2020Aussie classic lollies Redskins and Chicos lollies to be RENAMED to avoid 'marginalising' consumers

Two of Allen's classic lolly varieties are to get new names, with owner Nestle declaring the old names "out of step" with the 21st century.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


The Simpsons stops using white actors to voice non-white characters
Move comes amid widespread reckoning for American pop culture following mass protests after George Floyd's death

The Simpsons is ending the use of white actors to voice characters of colour, the show's producers have said.
"Moving forward, 'The Simpsons' will no longer have white actors voice non-white characters," they said in a statement on Friday

The statement did not elaborate, but the move follows years of public pressure about the Fox television show's Indian convenience store character Apu, who has been voiced by Hank Azaria.

Simpsons actor Hank Azaria says he'll no longer voice Apu: 'We all agreed on it'
Azaria said earlier this year that he would no longer play the character, which has been criticised as a negative portrayal of Indian-Americans.

Azaria has also voiced the Simpsons characters of Black police officer Lou and the Mexican-American Bumblebee Man. The white actor Harry Shearer has played Dr Hibbert, who is Black

Friday's statement did not say whether Apu or the other characters would remain on the series.
Bumbling Homer Simpson, housewife Marge, troublemaker Bart, prodigy Lisa and baby Maggie, have captured the changing face of America for more than 30 years in the longest-running scripted show on US television.
The Simpsons is syndicated in more than 100 countries.
Friday's announcement comes amid a widespread reckoning for US pop culture about racism following mass protests this month over the killings of Black Americans by police that began following the death of George Floyd.
Other white actors, including Mike Henry of animated series Family Guy and Kristen Bell of Central Park, have also said they will no longer voice characters of colour

"It's been an honour to play Cleveland on 'Family Guy' for 20 years. I love this character, but persons of colour should play characters of colour. Therefore, I will be stepping down from the role," Henry said on Twitter on Friday.
In The Simpsons, Apu's first appearance came on a season one episode called The Telltale Head, uses the catchphrase: "Thank you, come again."
Criticism of the character heightened in 2017 with the release of a documentary by the comedian Hari Kondabolu, The Problem With Apu. Kondabolu argued that Apu's character presented a negative stereotype of people from South Asia.
While The Simpsons' first response to the controversy was widely criticised, Azaria swiftly expressed willingness to step down from the controversial role.
"I think the most important thing is to listen to Indian people and their experience with it," he told Stephen Colbert on The Late Show

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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