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Salubrious Living: Fasting Works!

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sat 02 Mar 2024

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Fasting DOES have major benefits... but there's one major caveat that will be a deal-breaker for most people
New findings reveal that prolonged fasting sheds unhealthy fat in the body

* Researchers at Queen Mary University in London revealed the findings

Excerpt: Fasting may have multiple health benefits, scientists say — but only if you do it for at least three days straight.

A new study in the UK revealed that prolonged fasting not only sheds unhealthy fat, it gives multiple organs, including the brain, a 'significant' boost.

But researchers at Queen Mary University in London found the benefits only kick in after at least 72 hours without food.

The study, published in the journal Nature Metabolism, found that protein levels in several organs change after about three days of fasting, indicating that the whole body is responding to the fast.

These proteins, including ones that make up the supportive structure for neurons in the brain, help organs operate more effectively.

This can help to maintain the function of organs and improve their ability to cope with pressures, such as fasting.

The body also changes its source and type of energy, switching from glucose calories that come from food to its own fat stores.

The study's test subjects, who fasted for seven days straight, lost an average of 12.5lbs. The weight stayed off even three days after fasting ended.

The paper involved 12 volunteers — five women and seven men — who were in their 20s and 30s and weighed 171lbs on average at the start of the study.

Scientists sampled blood every morning and evening during the seven-day fast and for a week afterward and two days beforehand.

Fat mass had dropped by 5lbs by the end of the seven-day fast and then stayed at this level a week later.

Muscle mass had fallen by 7lbs by the end of the fast, but then rebounded by 5lbs in the week that followed. There were also shifts in other measures such as bone mass.

* * * *

Losing weight by intermittent fasting can 'drastically change' the way your brain works - both positively AND negatively

Intermittent Fasting means skipping meals regularly through each day: Skip breakfast and/or lunch each day. Or only eat every second day. Any variation on those themes.

Excerpt: Researchers studied the effects of intermittent fasting on overweight and obese participants and found the regime led to a decrease in brain activity that plays a role in appetite and addiction, as well as an increase in the gut bacteria linked to attention, emotion and learning.

The results could point to how intermittent fasting could do more for people than just help them lose weight.

Researchers studied 25 overweight and obese participants from China who followed two different regimens of intermittent fasting diet for two months.

The researchers noticed decreases after both fasting phases in the activity of brain regions implicated in the regulation of appetite and addiction. This may mean that people are less hungry.

Researchers saw increased activity in brain regions for attention, emotion and learning, meaning people may be better at carrying out tasks requiring those skills.

In the gut microbiome, researchers saw the bacteria Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Parabacteroides distasonis and Bacterokles uniformis increase sharply.

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii increases the immune system's capacity to fight inflammatory interactions, while P. distasonis is thought to help alleviate obesity and Bacterokles uniformis enhances the gut barrier.

Meanwhile, E. coli bacteria decreased. The bacteria can help with appetite control by releasing hormones that tell the brain the body is full. With less E. coli bacteria, people may have less control over their appetite.

Participants also lost an average of 16.7 pounds during the study.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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