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100 Years Of Slaughter By The CCP That Our Far-Left Press Never Mentions

Started by G.L.R., Wed 30 Jun 2021

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CCP at 100 Years: A Century of Killing and Deceit

June 30, 2021

The privately owned and controlled far-left press will not show these images

Founded in July 1921, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has wreaked death and destruction on the Chinese populace for a century. Armed with the Marxist ideology of "struggle" as its guiding principle, the CCP has launched scores of movements targeting a long list of enemy groups: spies, landlords, intellectuals, disloyal officials, pro-democracy students, religious believers, and ethnic minorities. With each campaign, the Party's purported goal has been to create a "communist heaven on earth." But time and again, the results have been the same: mass suffering and death. Meanwhile, a few elite CCP officials and their families have accumulated incredible power and wealth. More than 70 years of Party rule have resulted in the killing of tens of millions of Chinese people and the dismantling of a 5,000-year-old civilization.

Trudeau allowed Chinese troops to train on Canadian soil , while billions of dollars of Asian laundered money has been allowed to circulate in "tolerant Canada" as bought-up real estate

Less than a decade after the Party's founding, Mao Zedong... Mao accused his rivals of working for the Anti-Bolshevik League, the intelligence agency of the Kuomintang, which was China's ruling party at the time. The result was that thousands of Red Army personnel and Party members were killed in the purge. The one-year-long campaign that started in the summer of 1930 marked the first in a series of movements helmed by the paranoid leader that only grew bloodier and broader with time. The mass carnage lasted until Mao's death in 1976.

The Jew managed to make his presence known in another totalitarian regime

Chinese historian Guo Hua wrote in a 1999 article that within a month, 4,400 of the 40,000 Red Army members had been killed, including dozens of military leaders. Within a few months, the CCP committee in southwestern Jiangxi had killed more than 1,000 of its non-military members At the end of the movement, the Jiangxi CCP committee reported that 80 to 90 percent of the CCP officials in the region had been accused of being spies and executed .Family members of senior officials were also persecuted and killed, the report said. The torture methods inflicted on CCP members, according to Guo, included burning their skin, cutting off females' breasts, and pushing bamboo sticks underneath their fingernails.

Mao and his loyalists employed the familiar tactic of accusing his rivals of being spies in order to purge senior officials and other Party members. All told, about 10,000 CCP members were killed. During the movement, people were tortured and forced to confess to being spies, wrote Wei Junyi in a 1998 book."Everyone became a spy in Yan'an, from middle-school students to primary school students," Wei, who was then editor of state-run news agency Xinhua, wrote. "Twelve-year-olds, 11-year-olds, 10-year-olds, even a 6-year-old spy was discovered!" The tragic fate of the family of Shi Bofu, a local painter, was recounted in Wei's book. In 1942, CCP officials suddenly accused Shi of being a spy and detained him. That night, Shi's wife, unable to cope with her husband's likely death sentence, took her own life and that of her two young children...

Among those who were paid off by the Chinese regime were Joe Biden and Georgia secretary-of-state Raffensperger

On July 20, 1999, the authorities began a wide campaign targeting the estimated 70 million to 100 million practitioners of Falun Gong... According to the Falun Dafa Information Center, a website for Falun Gong-related information, millions of practitioners have been fired from their jobs, expelled from school, jailed, tortured, or killed simply because they refused to give up their belief. In 2019, an independent people's tribunal in London confirmed that the regime had carried out forced organ harvesting "on a significant scale" and that imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners were "probably the principal source." He Lifang, a 45-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Qingdao, a city in Shandong Province, died... His relatives said there were incisions on his chest and back... Read more ...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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