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Loony Rants: Technophobia and the Mandela Effect

Started by HardyLloyd, Tue 27 Nov 2018

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This is just one more reason every Creator must consider uber technology a sin! Uber tech goes against our creed. Period!

If the jews have a time machine it would explain why we lost WW2, and how Sally Fields became Sally Field. Because I FUKKKING REMEMBER HER AS FIELDS!! Check this theory out. I think there's an ounce of truth in it...

Ignore his name and just focus on the content. This, if true, is one of the many reasons I view uber tech and science as sins that need to be physically attacked. Maybe the catholic-insaners were correct to halt progress for 1000 years? Uber tech leads to the destruction of Nature and the instincts that make us who we are. All must shun and attack uber tech! Now then, uber tech is technology and science taken to the extreme. Particle physics, Cern, black hole research, smart-appliances and so on are all examples of uber tech. And it is my belief that as followers of instinct and Nature that we have a holy duty to retard these things by violence if necessary. And believe me, folks, it is necessary!

Admin Note: Hardy Caroll Lloyd is a self-declared enemy of the Church of Creativity and as such has been dismissed from the Creativity Alliance. Lloyd no longer has any further right to the use of titles and paraphernalia as used by the Church of Creativity or to speak for or as a Creator.

Lloyd's threat of a Jihad on the Church and it's Members and Supporters means that any Creators or Supporters meeting Lloyd in person are entitled to subdue him on site.

Signed: Church Administrator, Reverend Cambeul.


Uber Technology a Sin?

Get real!

I just bought an air conditioner with Wi-Fi access  :-\

What's the JOG going to do? Turn the heating on in the summer and cook me to death in my sleep?

The Mandela Effect

Quote from: Hardy Caroll Lloyd on Wed 28 Nov 2018how Sally Fields became Sally Field. Because I FUKKKING REMEMBER HER AS FIELDS!!

The Mandela Effect is real, but it's used as a psychological memory trick. I do not remember Sally Field as any other than Sally Field.

Firstly, consider how memory works: Each time you remember an event from your lifetime, it's much like a Text File from Windows Notepad. That is, the remembrance of the memory is a rewrite over the previous remembrance or Save. Basically, the first time you've opened that memory file in your head to relive it, you have saved that file at the end of the day. Over time, errors creep in and, being a Text File, words begin to alter, like Field becoming Fields.

You do not remember the actual event. You remember the last Save - you remember the last time you thought about that memory. There may have been slight differences to how you last viewed that memory, and so over time, memory error creeps in until you cease to accurately remember the actual event.

Now, memory error is a natural occurrence; given enough time, everybody does it to some extent. Some more than others.

Memory error is used in psychotherapy. Shrinks manipulate the memories of the weak minded, having them jabber on endlessly about their most traumatic experiences. They will have you talking in circles until they know your memories as well as you do. The trick of the head-shrink is to then insert new events into the memory or even remove portions of events from the memory. The shrink does this deliberately and by manipulating your trust and naivety.

The goal of the head-shrink is that after years of jabbering on relentlessly, with your trusted shrink throwing new words in here and there, and denying you said such and such before while presenting a new scenario so familiar but just so slightly different, that it becomes part of your new memory. Hence, the head-shrink has deliberately altered your memory.

A traumatic event that was once totally debilitating is now just an unpleasant memory you have learned to live with. In other words, you have been BRAIN WASHED.

Ever heard of Recovered Memories? Especially of traumatic experiences? While it can be true, unscrupulous head-shrinks take advantage of the gullible to implant memories that they can then spend decades psychoanalysing, when the fact of the matter is that unscrupulous head-shrinks are little better than con-men profiting from Fake Memories that they have implanted in your head.

The trick of the Mandela Effect videos is to insert a new memory by having people watch something that they do remember but don't give a toss about. First, they give you the new details they want you to remember: Remember little Sally Fields as Gidget? Remember that time the news announced that Mandela had died in prison and the world mourned his death? Remember when Trapper John died in MASH? Remember that time Fonzie broke both legs while jumping over 18 ash cans on his bike to set a world record?

Next, after successfully dragging up memories everybody has but nobody gives a toss about, they hit you with the real event. The thing is, for many people, that memory has just altered because a trusted source - TV has trained you to trust YouTube as a source of information - has manipulated your memories just as any head-shrink would do.

The trick is making you believe that your memory was always different to the actual event, therefore CONvincing you that somebody is maliciously editing videos and books to change history.

It's false of course, because the YouTube Mandela Effect videos are just video party tricks. However, rather than being informing, those videos leave most people that watch them frightened by how easily they were fooled.

How many lies have been said in the MSM about CREATIVITY over the years? Notice how the lies continue to grow? Notice that proof in MSM is reference to other deliberately false MSM? Remember the lie about Ben Klassen having a "painted on Hitler moustache?" I do.

And that's how propaganda works. That's how history becomes altered - one video documentary, one passage in a history book, one Hate-Crime Holocaust Law at a time. Remember that time that Hitler gassed 6 million Jews? Remember that time that Himmler went to Auschwitz to view the gassings? Remember that time that Fonzie jumped 18 ash cans filled with the remains from the crematorium at Auschwitz?

Yeah, I bet you do  >:D

Here's one that global junk food company Nestlé denies: Anyone that refers to their company or products as Nestlé's is considered to be a retard. However, we have the proof that the Nestlé company is playing about with historical revisionism / memory manipulation / brain washing for profiteering purposes.

Nestlé's was pronounced Nessles.
Nestlé is pronounced Nesslay.

It's not really important, but it is an example of memory manipulation.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Proof that I am from a different timeline.
All examples I put down here are things i myself remember and that i myself looked into. I checked my 160 IQ memories against what this Earth's history has. None of the following were taken solely from other people's own experiences. Just mine!

You all know me to be an open and honest man. A Reverend, a Doctor, a sane person who seeks out the evidence no matter what. At first I thought this was nuts. I hoped it was. For if not then what is life about? More on that in a minute. But after looking into the Kennedy assassination and Sally FIELDS and Ed McMann I realized the Mandela Affect was a truth. A painful truth that has me questioning whether or not I shall reside with my Ancestors? Is my blood now cut off from my birth DNA?

Of course, I find myself asking Nature what I should logically do with this information? And I realized that as a creature of Nature I am duty bound to follow Natures instinctual laws no matter what! And so I shall continue to fight against our peoples' enemies. Come what may. And if we can take CERN's machine and bring about our own utopia where we won the war, so much the better!

Let's get started...

Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood's theme song I know well since my parents knew him and his wife. I was even on set and was friends with Mr. McFeelys son in school. The theme song from my timeline is:
'Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood........'
This timeline its:
'Its a beautiful day in this neighborhood........'

Kennedy was killed by the CIA from the grassy knowl while riding with 3 passengers in a 4 door town car...
This Earth claims he was riding in a stretched limo with 5 other people, and was shot by his own wife...

That old Yuletide song 'The 12 days of Christmas':
'On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...'
Is now:
'On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me...'

Ed Mcmann (I might have mispelled that) used to give out those big Publisher's Clearinghouse checks.
But in this timeline it was some company I never heard of...?

Sally Fields (with an S) gave a goofy Oscars speech in 1984 or 1985 on my Earth:
'You like me. You really like me!'...
Now it's Sally FIELD saying:
'You like me. Right now, you like me.'...

I used to eat Tostinos Pizza Rolls.
Now its called Totinos Pizza Rolls.

My favourite candy to eat in the cinema was MIKE-N-IKE'S.
Now they are called MIKE AND IKES.

By the way, all the logo changes I am bringing up, the companies themselves claim these new names are the originals. So, its not a re-branding as some have asked...

Ever watch SNOW WHITE on my Earth?
The wicked witch asks the mirror:
'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?'.
Well, it's now:
'Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?'.

Star Wars. I am a huge nut on Star Wars. Loved the pre-Disney stuff! Memorized lots of it, too. Super Star Wars nerd.
Well, in my timeline C3PO is 100% GOLD! Now he apparently has a silver leg.
And Vader once said 'Luke, I am your father.'. But now its 'No, I am your father.'.

I remember a bad hot dog called OSCAR MEYER.

When i was a kid i read a book called 'The Barrenstien Bears'.
Now its called 'The Barrenstain Bears'.
And the son of the husband-wife team that wrote them claims its always been that way. Wrong, liar!

On HBO in the 90s there was this tacky show called 'Sex in the City'. Now its called 'Sex and the City'. Liars...

I seem to remember one of my favourite actors dying TWO WHOLE YEARS BEFORE HE DIED, AGAIN! George C. Scott played PATTON in the movie PATTON. One of my favs! Well, he died twice.

The film 'Interview with A Vampire' became 'Interview with THE Vampire'.

The cat from ALICE IN WONDERLAND. He says 'We're all mad here.'. Now he claims different...

James Bond: Moonraker:
Remember how Jaws' girlfriend smiled at him and was seen to have braces? Well, braces be-gone... Watch a copy now if you don't believe me.

More to come as I recall.
I left  a few things out that I wasn't 100% sure of. I wanted to make certain I wasn't *ing with myself?

Admin Note: Hardy Caroll Lloyd is a self-declared enemy of the Church of Creativity and as such has been dismissed from the Creativity Alliance. Lloyd no longer has any further right to the use of titles and paraphernalia as used by the Church of Creativity or to speak for or as a Creator.

Lloyd's threat of a Jihad on the Church and it's Members and Supporters means that any Creators or Supporters meeting Lloyd in person are entitled to subdue him on site.

Signed: Church Administrator, Reverend Cambeul.


The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018'Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood........'

Never seen Mr Rogers, but have an recording of Robin Williams in the late 70's doing Mr Rogers on acid and begins by singing "It's a beautiful day today in the neighbourhood ... damn someone stole my sneakers."

Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018'On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...'

That's how it was sung when I was five years old in school back in 1975.

Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?'.

That's how the story was told and retold.

Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018Star Wars. I am a huge nut on Star Wars. Loved the pre-Disney stuff! Memorized lots of it, too. Super Star Wars nerd.
Well, in my timeline C3PO is 100% GOLD! Now he apparently has a silver leg.
And Vader once said 'Luke, I am your father.'. But now its 'No, I am your father.'.
Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018On HBO in the 90s there was this tacky show called 'Sex in the City'. Now its called 'Sex and the City'. Liars...

Lucas altered the movie.

Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018The film 'Interview with A Vampire' became 'Interview with THE Vampire'.

Standard misconception based on the fact that we grew up in a time before the internet, before we could see repeated trailers for any movie, before being blanketed with advertising, before we could rip it off two days after it was first released at the pictures. We heard something once, kids at school, people at work would then talk about it unsure exactly what it was ... and get it wrong. The Anne Rice novel has always been Interview With The Vampire.

Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018The cat from ALICE IN WONDERLAND. He says 'We're all mad here.'. Now he claims different...

Political correctness. Just ask Huck's friend Nigger Jim from Mark Twain's famous children's books.

Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018James Bond: Moonraker:
Remember how Jaws' girlfriend smiled at him and was seen to have braces? Well, braces be-gone... Watch a copy now if you don't believe me.

When they meet, the girl smiles at Jaws showing her braces, and he smiles back and it's love at first site. Edited out. An artist named Ian Stuart once sung a love song dedicated to her: Boots and Braces.

Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018On HBO in the 90s there was this tacky show called 'Sex in the City'. Now its called 'Sex and the City'. Liars...

Pronunciation: Sex 'n the City sounds like Sex in the City. Again before the net, announces said it how they thought it should be said. And perhaps back then the producers wanted it said that way but these days they want emphasis on the AND. The young say Rock AND Roll; the old say Rock 'n Roll.

Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018I remember a bad hot dog called OSCAR MEYER.

Pronunciation changes with time.

Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018By the way, all the logo changes I am bringing up, the companies themselves claim these new names are the originals. So, its not a re-branding as some have asked...

That's what I proved with Nestle's Quik in an above post. Whether a company name is pronounced differently in different countries doesn't matter. As the company gains more dominance internationally, it puts its foot down and demands changes to suit itself and denies anything different. Local companies do the same as they gain national dominance and can override the desires of the ad men.

Quote from: HardyLloyd on Thu 29 Nov 2018Kennedy was killed by the CIA from the grassy knowl while riding with 3 passengers in a 4 door town car...
This Earth claims he was riding in a stretched limo with 5 other people, and was shot by his own wife...

Shot by his own wife? That's batshit crazy! Everybody knows that Kennedy shot himself after time travelling back and shooting himself from the grassy knoll as can be seen in a documentary I've included below. Changes as to the amount of people in the car with Kennedy is often done for dramatism. Hollywood can be blamed for that.

Cut this Hardy. You're a Loony.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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