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Inbreeding Into Darkness

Started by Grimm, Fri 21 Sep 2012

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Commentary:  Is it possible that Whites evolved in Africa first and immediatly started leaving while some stayed, eventually inbreeding to create the Blacks? 

( Will Humans Eventually All Look Like Brazilians? )
( By Natalie Wolchover | – Wed, Sep 19, 2012 )

It really happened: Six generations of inbreeding spanning the years 1800 to 1960 caused an isolated population of humans living in the hills of Kentucky to become blue-skinned.
The startlingly blue people, all descendants of a French immigrant named Martin Fugate and still living near his original settlement on the banks of Troublesome Creek when hematologists studied them in the 1960s, turned out to have a rare blood condition called methemoglobinemia. A recessive gene was pairing with itself to change the molecular composition of their blood, making it brown as opposed to red, which tinted their skin blue.

The hematologists' attempt to trace the history of the mutant gene revealed a gnarly Fugate family tree, contorted by many an intermarriage between first cousins, aunts and nephews, and the like over the generations. Dennis Stacy, whose great-great-grandfather on both his mother's and father's sides was the same person — Henley Fugate — offered a simple explanation for the rampant interbreeding: In the old days in eastern Kentucky, Stacy said, "There was no roads."

It sounds sordid at worst and lazy at best, but in fact, the Fugates' tale is a miniature version of the story of human coupling since time immemorial. Local populations interbreed, causing a sharing of genes, a resulting in-group physical resemblance and, eventually, identification as a distinct race or ethnic group.

According to Stephen Stearns, a Yale professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, before the invention of the bicycle, the average distance between the birthplaces of spouses in England was 1 mile (1.6 kilometers). During the latter half of the 19th century, bikes upped the distance men went courting to 30 miles (48 km), on average. Scholars have identified similar patterns in other European countries. Widespread use of bicycles stimulated the grading and paving of roads, lending credence to the Fugate clan's excuse and making way for the introduction of automobiles. Love's horizons have kept expanding ever since.

"The distance between the birthplaces of parents has continued to increase since the invention of the bicycle, making it now easy, if not standard, for parents to have been born on different continents," Stearns told Life's Little Mysteries.

Stearns says globalization, immigration, cultural diffusion and the ease of modern travel will gradually homogenize the human population, averaging out more and more people's traits. Because recessive traits depend on two copies of the same gene pairing up in order to get expressed, these traits will express themselves more rarely, and dominant traits will become the norm. In short, blue skin is out. Brown skin is in.

Already in the United States, another recessive trait, blue eyes, has grown far less common. A 2002 study by the epidemiologists Mark Grant and Diane Lauderdale found that only 1 in 6 non-Hispanic white Americans has blue eyes, down from more than half of the U.S. white population being blue-eyed just 100 years ago. [One Common Ancestor Behind Blue Eyes]

"The only explanation for the observed pattern that was consistent with the data (that we could think of) was that assortative mating had changed," Lauderdale told Life's Little Mysteries. Assortative mating is the tendency of people to mate with members of their same ancestral group — a tendency that has seemingly lessened over time. "This was consistent with a birth year-related increase in the proportions of individuals who listed more than one ancestry in the 1980 census."

Lauderdale says blue eyes won't die out completely; they'll simply stabilize at a low level that reflects the chance of mating between two individuals possessing recessive blue-eye genes.
Other recessive traits will drop to low levels too, according to University of Delaware evolutionary biologist John McDonald. "Because most immigrants to the U.S. are from Asia, Africa or Latin America, any trait that is more common in northern Europeans than in the rest of the world will get less common over the near future in the U.S. due to immigration," McDonald wrote in an email. "Examples would include red and blond hair, blue eyes, and freckles. Traits that are recessive and are more common in some groups than others will decrease due to blending; blue eyes, sickle cell anemia, and cystic fibrosis are examples of this."

Meanwhile, many other physical traits will simply blend together. "Most of the traits that we think of as distinguishing different groups (hair color, skin color, hair curliness, facial features, eye shape) are controlled by multiple genes, so they don't follow a simple dominant/recessive pattern," McDonald explained. "In those cases, blending will make people look more similar over time."

It's not straightforward to predict how blending of genes affects physical appearances, but McDonald said the tendency is for such traits to average out. The average American skin and hair color will probably darken slightly, and there will be fewer people with very dark or very pale skin and hair.

The genetic mixing under way in the United States is also happening to a greater or lesser degree in other parts of the world, the researchers said. In some places, unique physical traits tailored to the habitat still confer an evolutionary advantage and thus might not bow out so easily; in other places, immigration happens much more slowly than it does elsewhere. According to Stearns, perfect homogenization of the human race will probably never occur, but in general, Earth is becoming more and more of a melting pot.

A population forged from the long-term mixing of Africans, Native Americans and Europeans serves as an archetype for the future of humanity, Stearns said: A few centuries from now, we're all going to look like Brazilians.
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Not a very nice idea degenerating into Brazilians. I call these individuals raceless muds. The natural slaves of the Jews.

Notice how a large swathe of the world from Mexico to Portugal to Libya, Sicily, Iraq, Pakistan all look the same but aren't.

On the whole they are nasty, low IQ, violent, selfish, lecherous and cruel. Why is this?
It can all be explained by increased genetic diversity. Humans did evolve in Africa , the genetic evidence seems generally sound. So it means by random mutation there is more biological variation in Africa than outside of Africa. Blacks are in effect raceless ancestral humanoids.

The genetics professors at Max Planck institute cite that two bushmen brothers in sub-saharan Africa ( with the same parents) are more biologically diverse than the difference between a China man and and an Englishman. It means that the bushman  in order for their  genes to survive they have to be more competitive. Ultimately they have to screw anything that moves, women, children and their own parents in effect – physically and metaphorically (they do actually do this ... ask any White South African).

They have to parasitise, take advantage, steal, rob and kill for food at every opportunity. The African black is a slight step above the bushman but essentially the same. It means they are incapable of even basic cooperation beyond a family group or tribe, never mind building a civilisation. It means their presence in any society outside of Africa is  also doomed to degenerate that society also  to the African condition. Witness Haiti or Detroit.

(Interestingly race traitors like Heidi Klum who produced 4 niglets are actually less related to their own children than she is to any random white person!)

Now Nature actually doesn't like this!

In places where this already happened, Where White civilisations once prospered...Persia, Egypt, Babylon, Assyria. ( The evidence is they had a 5-15% negroid admixture in antiquity) It is in these places where organically  Islam took root. Partly as an immune response to the Jewish poison and diversity.

Islam ultimately puts a break on the criminality stemming from diversity with its ruthlessness. It chains physically and mentally the degenerated and stupid mud population into an ordered tyranny in which a modicum of civilised behaviour and organisation can happen.

What Nature actually wants is speciation.

It does this via kladogenesis and adaptive radiation. It wants Races. It wants them to form and compete so the strongest survives. In fact nature wanted a White world by now. It only didn't happen because of Christianity and the Jews fomenting world wars. The planet is paying a heavy price for jewish conspiracy in which the earth may not survive.

The White Race is Natures Finest and is being degenerated against Natures will.

Notice how whilst brazilification occurs in areas with low population density such as the USA and Brazil.

In contrast in areas of high population density in Asia speciation occurs under the umbrella of a superficially Islamic civilisation putting the brake on brazilification.

There are over 100 hundred ethnic groups in Turkey who cooperate but stick to their own fiercely. Just as the ethnic groups in Syria also cooperate on the state level to maintain order but during times of stress, Shiites, sunnis, Christians, Kurds, druze all speciate and compete vis-a-vis..civil war.

My point is that brazilification will not happen but that societies increasing their diversity simply lay themselves open to civil war, internal strife, Islam, divison, tribal and ethnic conflict, crime, the decay of civilisation and the disappearance of White standards and norms of behaviour. Whites that don't like it will simply move away to remote areas, become more extreme, more fertile and inevitably move towards the only White Racial Religion.
Formerly with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.


Quote from: Br.Grimm on Fri 21 Sep 2012Commentary:  Is it possible that Whites evolved in Africa first and immediatly started leaving while some stayed, eventually inbreeding to create the Blacks?

You're halfway there, but need to go one step further. Anthropologists of all disciplines tell us that human kind began in Africa. Progressive evolution and migrations followed by further evolution once arriving at their destination and living in solitude brought about the evolution of the races. Only the nigger in Africa remained in close proximity with our evolutionary brother, the chimpanzee. Having evolved from a common ancestor, it's a safe bet that after the Eurasian races migrated away from Africa, the remaining hominids interbred with the proto-chimps and in effect eradicating links from the evolutionary chain as they devolved (and creating a missing link of a totally different kind). As we know, nature never stands still, so the proto-chimp continued to evolve into its modern form as did the African hominids cursed with proto-chimp DNA evolve into the modern nigger. The remaining hominids were either driven out or exterminated by the more violent hybrids - the proto-niggers.

Quote from: Rev.Albert on Sat 22 Sep 2012They have to parasitise, take advantage, steal, rob and kill for food at every opportunity. The African black is a slight step above the bushman but essentially the same. It means they are incapable of even basic cooperation beyond a family group or tribe, never mind building a civilisation. It means their presence in any society outside of Africa is  also doomed to degenerate that society also  to the African condition. Witness Haiti or Detroit.

It's the melanin. The more melanin a person has, the more they are fuelled by aggression, a lack of empathy even for their own kind and a total disdain for the world outside the fulfilment of their immediate needs. In short, where there is a superabundance of melanin, destruction reigns supreme.

By contrast, our lack of - or rather, having the required balance of melanin means we Whites are fuelled by a sense of discovery and wonder. Empathy combined with our inherent creative spirit guarantees that where White people go, civilisation follows. Our downfall is that the empathy and intelligence that enable us to create that civilisation, leaves us prone to bouts of unnecessary introspection and guilt. In an all White world, this is a good thing and leads to improvement. In a multiracial world, it leads to manipulation of White people by the inferior mud races.

Take Asians as an example. We tend to think of them as a homogeneous racial group, when in fact, the differences in melanin content are what determine whether their nation is successful, or a subhuman sewage pit. Japanese, who are as close to white as one can get in the Asian world, do not possess the creative spirit of the White man, but are nevertheless able to emulate our civilised traits and build their own civilisation and all that goes along with that in concordance with our own. Basically put, because he has a higher melanin content than us, the Jap needs a nudge from the White man before he can follow suit and keep up with the White man. Japs also have empathy for their own kind, but  don't allow their empathy to be used as a weapon against them. The Javanese however, are as swarthy, mean spirited, violent, and destructive as any Mestizo/brown Brazilian in the Americas or an Arab from Mecca. The Java man like his brown brothers is not even capable of sustaining civilisation when it has been given to him. He requires ongoing sustenance from the gullible White man and always has his hand out for more.

Quote from: Rev.Albert on Sat 22 Sep 2012Islam ultimately puts a break on the criminality stemming from diversity with its ruthlessness. It chains physically and mentally the degenerated and stupid mud population into an ordered tyranny in which a modicum of civilised behaviour and organisation can happen.

It's little wonder that the largest single population of Muslims in the world exists in Indonesia.

Now don't get me wrong. A little DNA alteration in the womb to remove the superabundance of melanin from the browns and blacks will never give birth to the equal of the White man, just as a little pre-natal DNA tampering will never remove that vexatious nature so prevalent in the Jew. The superabundance of melanin (and perhaps a little monkey lovin') has effected their evolution and created the various forms of niggers, to the same extent that our finely tuned melanin dosage has created Nature's Finest - the White man.

So, while a little extra melanin breeds the selfishness required of the racial loyalist, it also breeds out that Creative Spirit required for the advancement of our world. Thankfully though, the White man does have the intelligence to see reality for himself. All our people need to do is remove their blinders - i.e. eradicate all Jewish influences - and the White Race will rise and take vengeance upon the black, the Jew and the New Brazilian alike for their transgressions against the White Race. Bring on the Racial Holy War today, so that our descendants can live in peace and harmony tomorrow.


At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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