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Death threats follow publication of cartoon in Israeli newspaper

Started by Uncle88, Mon 12 Jan 2015

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Publication of the cartoon gets lots of threatening comments including 'With God's help, the journalists at Haaretz will be murdered just like in France'

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris last week Haaretz published a daring cartoon juxtaposing journalists killed in Gaza by Israel during the brutal summer slaughter with the journalists killed at the office of the satirical magazine in Paris. This set off a chain reaction which ultimately led to calls for murdering Haaretz journalists after Ronen Shoval, founder of the neo-Zionist and proto-fascist ImTirtzu movement, called for an investigation of the newspaper's editors.

According to the Mondoweiss report, the offending cartoon by Noa Olchowski was published with a series of cartoons Haaretz ran in their Hebrew edition, a project by the site's graphic designers to pay tribute to Charlie Hebdo cartoonists gunned down at the magazine's Paris office. Including the hashtags #JeSuisCharlie and #JeSuisGaza it reads (original Hebrew):

10 journalists killed in attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris (top), about 13 journalists killed last summer in attack on Gaza (bottom).

Shoval, who is running in the primary election of the religious Zionist Habayit Hayehudi "Jewish Home" political party called for the investigation "on suspicion of 'defeatist propaganda' under Statute 103 of Israel's penal code" on his Facebook page. Users of the social media site weighed in, Haaretz reported several of the threats:

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