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CIA Has Been Creating Mass Shooters For Decades Now, Author Warned Us In 1991

Started by G.L.R., Fri 27 May 2022

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CIA Has Been Creating Mass Shooters For Decades Now & Bill Cooper Warned Us in 1991!
May 27th, 2022

 An 18-year-old Mexican named Salvador Ramos reportedly just did a mass  shooting at a Texas elementary school near the US-Mexico border. The  media is saying he shot 19 kids dead. I guess some adults were killed  also. Some people are saying that it is a hoax like Sandy Hook... The government and the media have been  caught lying about everything imaginable so it is perfectly reasonable  for people to think this is a hoax. With Sandy Hook, the police never  showed any dead bodies and they went so far as to destroy the school  after the event took place.  It is also not impossible to believe that a mentally ill Mexican went  crazy and shot a bunch of kids for inexplicable reasons. I mean,  America is basically an open air insane asylum and mass shootings are  just a regular occurrence now. Just one week ago, we had the Buffalo mass shooting in that grocery  store. There's also been numerous mass shootings by blacks that get no national media attention because they happen so often and they are not  politically useful for the Jews.

 There have been various photos being shared indicating that Ramos was a tranny. Some have said that we shouldn't share these photos because it could get an innocent person hurt. If it turns out that Ramos was a tranny, a sane society would call  for common sense tranny controls. But we do not have a sane society, so  that will not happen. The only people who will call for such things are  conspiracy theorists and racist homophobic Internet users. It's also been reported that Ramos was an illegal alien... All the way back in 1991, former US Navy Intelligence Briefing Team member Milton William Cooper wrote a book titled "Behold A Pale Horse" within  which he reveals a wealth of great information long hidden from the  public eye, some dating all the way back to the 1940's. Elaborating upon  the assassination of John F. Kennedy, UFO's and 'the secret  government', on page 225:

Quote from: Rev.CambeulHas anyone considered what Bill Cooper said about this very situation, decades ago in his book Behold a Pale Horse?


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
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Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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