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Why isn't Creativity huge?

Started by Axelsson, Sun 22 Feb 2009

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Quote from: White Will on Sun 22 Feb 2009
What's the WP Movement?  ??? I think I read something about that from the Anti-Defamation League of Bad Breath. Who cares what those Jewboys have to say.

The White Pride/Power social construct invented by our enemies so we appear as a monolithic bogeyman ready to leap out from underneath beds and eat the children.

If there really was a "Movement," we wouldn't have to put up with the innumerable Weird Harolds out there defaming everything not part of their surrealistic world.

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Quote from: WeißerWolf on Sun 22 Feb 2009
Tnkas for the answers.

But I think another problem is that most people want to belive they are going somewhere when they die.
Wether it be heaven or valhalla.
I don't believe in either of those but some people still do.

No Creator believes in heaven, or if he says he does, he should be sent packing to spread his version of Jewish Gospel among deluded Xians. They're poison to Creativity-building. But wish the Odinists, Wotanists, Asatru, etc. well because for the most part they live White lives and are not hostile. They rebuke Christinsanity, celebrate Nature, and make decent comrades by keeping us in touch with our pre-Xian European religious character. Who we were is important in understanding who we are today.

Unfortunately, Odin ain't coming back to pull our chestnuts out of the fire anymore than the Pale Jew is...another no-show!  :o

Creators keep their feet planted firmly on Nature's ground, not in the clouds.
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


Quote from: White Will on Mon 23 Feb 2009
No Creator believes in heaven, or if he says he does, he should be sent packing to spread his version of Jewish Gospel among deluded Xians. They're poison to Creativity-building. But wish the Odinists, Wotanists, Asatru, etc. well because for the most part they live White lives and are not hostile. They rebuke Christinsanity, celebrate Nature, and make decent comrades by keeping us in touch with our pre-Xian European religious character. Who we were is important in understanding who we are today.

Unfortunately, Odin ain't coming back to pull our chestnuts out of the fire anymore than the Pale Jew is...another no-show!  :o

Creators keep their feet planted firmly on Nature's ground, not in the clouds.

Your right Will. I respect any decent White Man who follows a traditional White European Religion more than I respect a x-tian. Real Odinists, Heathens, Pagans, Wotanists (except Lloyd) and others for the most part are good people and the ones that are informed about Creativity understand that its preachings are in the same place as their own, and are therefore friendly to our cause. Therefore they have my friendship too. However true Creators come first in my books.

As far as the x-tians are concerned, I only have this to say: just as a wigger is a wannabe nigger, a christian is a wannabe jew. Both groups should be treated as such.


You prepare the soil, pick the right spot, then plant the Chinese Bamboo Tree. You water it and wait. But you wait an entire year and nothing appears. No bud, no twig, nothing. So you keep watering and protecting the area and taking care of the future plant, and you wait some more. You wait another year and nothing still happens. Okay, you are a persistent person not prone to giving up, so you keep on watering. You water, check the soil, start talking to the ground, maybe even click your heels in some kind of growing dance you read about in the National Geographic. Another year passes and still no sign of growth.

It has been three years. Should you give up? Someone told you that it might take a while to really see the fruits of your efforts, so you keep on keeping on. More water, more talk, more dancing. The neighbors are wondering. And another year passes. No tree.

You now make a decision. If there is no tree on this date one year from now you will stop watering. Period. So you begin year number five with the same passion as day number one. You water, you wait. You keep watering and keep waiting. You water some more and then, could it be? Is it really? Yep, there it is, something sticking out of the dirt. You come back the next day and WOW it has really grown! In fact you come back each day for about six weeks and finally the Chinese Bamboo tree stops growing—but it is over 80 feet tall! Yes, 80 feet in six weeks! Well, not really. It is 80 feet in five years.  For those five years the chinese bamboo was developing a root structure capable of supporting an 80/90 foot plant and securing it's foundation. 

The point is simple. If you had given up for even the shortest period of time, there would be no tree. It took almost impossible persistence. The Chinese Bamboo tree is there for one reason and one reason only—because you never gave up on it.

It took us six thousand years to decide to plant this seed.. Here we are, 36 AC growing something unique, something organic. This isn't some cross pollinated hybrid like mormonism. I think it's doing good for what it is, but every plant has to either adapt or die in it's surrounding... and apparently we are going up against a religious version of the Evergreen... and just like thse wonderful christmas trees we all remember, evergreen trees make the soil around it acidic so it is the only one that can survive in that environment and it doesn't have to compete for competition.

Exerp: "But watch out where you plant it, evergreen trees will kill any non-evergreen tree close to it by making the soil acidic and much more suitable for the type of evergreen tree that you plant."


Note: cucumbers love acidic soil and lime will sweeten it

My Avatar:UK TV's Poldark:- "I would need to be desperate"

The Survival Of The White Race Is Here!


Great analogy on the importance of patience, GF.

People generally do not get involved in radical politics until they have felt the sting personally, until they are made to feel so uncomfortable that they finally say, "ENOUGH!," and start looking around for others with pitchforks that they can join with. We are now fast approaching that time when folks are being made to feel very uncomfortable, their retirement accounts cut in half, their security threatened.

Example, this angry fellow:

WHAT IF????"
1)We let the banks that gave too many bad loans fail?
Well, the stupid motherfuckers who ran the bad banks would be fired, the customers would get their money from the FDIC and good banks that didn't make stupid loans
would be rewarded with new customers from the bad banks.

2)We let the auto manufacturers like GM and Chrysler fail?
Well, people that had even a little bit of money could get a hell of a deal on a new car sold at auction by a bank.  The laid off workers and execs would be on unemployment for 6 months, costing the taxpayer much less than they do now.
People like me, with gm bonds, would be fucked, but we should have known to get out a long time ago.  the remaining car manufacturers would hire the best gm and Chrysler empoyees and gain a bigger market share.

3)We sold the bad loans at a drasticly reduced rate?
Well china and India, etc. would sell our dollars driving down their value and making it once again cheaper to manufacture US goods in the US.  The fucking Chinese, who are too stupid to do anything but copy american Technology, would lose their plants, their money wouldn't be worth a shit, their people would starve like God intended.  The USA would soon be undisputed heavyweight champ of manufacturing again.  I would once again see the label "made in USA" if I ventured into Walmart.  Unemployment would end.

Why can't the damned government just leave things alone?

As for my GM bonds, instead of giving me 13 cents on the dollar, the likely outcome, why don't they redeem my bonds for a) common stock or preferred b) a $20,000 credit on any new GM car at any GM new car dealership.?  It's not like they are selling this stuff.  it's just sheet metal that they have to maintain. 13 cents on the dollar may just piss me off enough to hunt down Rick Wagoner ($8 Million in comp. last year) and pistol whip him until he either dies of coughs up my $20,000.

He ain't seen nothing yet.
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


I hate the word "movement", it always make me think of some limp wristed French idiot student , with a smoke in a long holder going on about " the revolution of the masses" so he can impress the girl and get his pecker wet. Creativity is Not a "movement", it is the first warning of a tidal wave of white racial awakening, that will sweep away the old order, and restore our children's birth-rite....The Entire Planet!!!
Died November 2010

Church of Creativity Queensland - Australia
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Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
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