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What is Creativity?

Started by Rev.JoelDufresne, Tue 23 Oct 2012

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When the "TCM" first formed, our flagship publication was called Solidarity.  The first thing I wrote about was my opinion that capitalism was not only wrong but evil.  In later issue's, I attacked animal cruelty and pollution. You'd think that these issues, being somewhat fresh to our public debate, would be analyzed and discussed.  Instead, much to my amusement, I was denounced and insulted for speaking of charity, stewardship and compassion.  Now, had I been involved in grand conspiracy theories, rumor, mongering or some form of ego-masturbation, everything I said would have been met with praise. And that praise, the praise of one who has not added anything to the blood and soul of Creativity, is the poison of stagnancy.  It is the shackles that bind our faith and keep it from the following it rightly deserves.  Creativity can't be creative if it is not kept fresh with new theories and ideas.  Creativity demands variety.  It demands experimentation and the free flow of ideas.  It demands these things because without it, it isn't Creativity.

Without those things our religion is but a hollow word absent of all meaning and uses.  Chaos breeds chaos.  Life breeds life and death breeds death.  If we seek to grow through turning the creed into a media circus, we will reap the benefits of a side show circus ...  Scott Belk, Tony Evola, John Fox, James Logsdon, Hardy Caroll Lloyd and that's just to name a few of the gifts we've received over the years because of such tactics.  Like I said before, chaos breeds chaos!  Now mass recruitment has never been my forte.  So I did the things I'm good at.  I beat the drums of the TCM, I consolidated supporters and ferreted out anything and anyone that stood in our way.  I plotted, planned and built a base that exists to this day.  Whatever shape it's in, I can't take credit for. I can say this, without thinking outside the box and without fighting every step of the way so much more of what we had would have been lost.  Two Creativity organizations existing, even competing is not a bad thing.  All of this slimeballism is insane.  If all the people, who sit around night and day, trying to "one up" and discredit the other guys actually sat up, tried to add to or refine what is Creativity we'd be unstoppable.  If all the people who complain of the lack of materials, gave Cailen or Jerald $10 a month until there was enough for publication there would be books etc. every damn where.  I lived in a house with 3 children and a psycho. At the end of the month, I still had something extra and so did everyone else.  Therefore, no one can tell me they don't have something to contribute.  Five cents is five more than there was before, if that's all you can spare.  Effort and sacrifice is necessary for any of our goals to bare any fruits.  After all, like I said, "Life breeds Life" and thus "Death breeds death." Treachery on behalf of James Logsdon caused a shift in Cailen's and my relationship.  Now I feel as if there has been a shift in the workings of the Creed.

He - James - now leaves treachery as an option to all who follow him.  That's just how things are ... cycles fulfill themselves and time marches on.  Just know this, I expect greatness and will give everything I have to see it.  James quoted that quasi-historical-semi-animated film 300 in his final betrayal, "May you live forever" ... Well that's been my plan all along, James.

For Blood & Soil
Joel Dufresne
Joel Dufresne #257173
Lakeland Correctional Facility
141 First St
Coldwater MI U.S.A. 49036

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Perhaps, to garner a maximize amount of responses I should have wrote an article about" American Idol" or perhaps" Sex In the City?"  The world may never know.
Joel Dufresne #257173
Lakeland Correctional Facility
141 First St
Coldwater MI U.S.A. 49036

Prison Portal:
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Wouldn't have worked - other than telling you that you were an idiot for posting Hollywood trash here.

Some forums are treated exactly as you describe. Others are treated as sewage farms, where the filth flows free - the more it stinks, the more it sticks. Creator Forum is treated more like Racial Loyalty Newspaper was and is: With respect.

Years of putting up with problems means that subjects such as this one are often treated with more delicacy than they sometimes should be, and silent or private agreement has become the norm. While good because it often prevents the petty bickering, filth slinging, denunciations and recriminations of other forums, it sometimes appears to halt the righteous momentum of rage that should occur against certain subjects that tear apart our world.

Or another way to put it Joel, is yours and my text become their cathartic moment. Many true Creators are satisfied to see that a problem has been dealt with by Church officers and leave it at that, relieved they don't have to wade into the cesspit themselves.

This is also an old and tiring subject for many of us. Many approach it along the lines of "here we go again ...." But we do understand that this is a current and ongoing, and extremely personal issue for some Creators such as yourself, so respect where respect is due.

BTW: Note your Respect Points Joel. A Respect Level of 5 with only 4 posts and you've been with Creator Forum for under a month: That's doing pretty well. I have not added any, so you've definitely got supporters.  8)

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


It is a hard bridge to pass.  Some of us sit here in awe and wonderment.  Your past actions when in control of creativity was very adolescent. Then there is the choice to be made...  Are your charges and conviction a sham to punish you for being pro white,  or are they true.? It is a guess at best, though circumstances seem more likely that you were framed.

At one time you had villified all of us.  You ran TCM like a bunch of gangbangers. Now you speak with wisdom and respect.  It is hard to know what to think or say.  Then there is the part of us that has great pitty for you.  75 year sentence, betrayed by your own crew. I think our silence is not so much that we are preoccupied with television but at a loss of words . 

It will take time for some of us to get used to your presence.  At least myself anyways.  Be patient . 
Rev. Adam Hansen of the Church of Creativity
Cropseyville NY 12052

Formerly World Church of the Creator, White Crusaders of the RaHoWa (an early form of the Creativity Alliance), and Church of the RaHoWa


One additional thought... Forget about TCM and James. They have their ways.  Like it or not. What can any of us really do ? In my opinion (which is trivial, as I am not in your shoes) focus on the brothers you can make in prison. I think the "Essence of a Creator" from Credo 68 of the White Man's Bible could help a lot of people, including yourself. The only direction you have is up. They are positive and help one in every aspect of life. Even in prison you could uplift yourself and many others spiritually. I read them almost everyday, they help me be a better person and feel better about myself. They help me on those down days. They help me when the whole world is on my back. Keep writing inspirational thoughts, and honorable acts.

The best way to beat haters and critics is to just keep getting better. The higher you lift yourself emotionally the better your chances of getting a retrial, hardship status or whatever. I have made some terrible mistakes, I have huge issues with the same people who turned their backs on you. But only by changing and being something I respect can I stand victorious over all the obstacles.

Some people ask me how I keep so positive in such a bad situation (not as bad as yours I know), out of work, collecting scrap for money, going to school, and raising a child. Compounded by a worsening job market, extraordinary inflation, and being an old man in school. Screw those who want to bring you down, screw those who ignore you. Focusing on them only creates anger, anger creates confusion and negativity.  Angry thoughts seem clear until you realize the actions they cause only bury you deeper.
Maybe write us and tell us how Creativity has helped you through the horrible mess your in. Write about what keeps you going. Tells us how and why Joel Dufresne still stands tall !  Be the example your hates can not be!

The Essence of a CREATOR:
1. A CREATOR puts loyalty toward his own race above every other loyalty.
2. A CREATOR is responsible, productive and constructive.
3. A CREATOR places a high value on honor and self-respect, and will defend his own honor, the honor of his race and of his family at all costs.
4. A CREATOR recognizes both love and hate as the two most powerful driving forces in life: that both emotions are healthy and essential to life, and to possess only one and be deprived of the other is to be as crippled as a bird with only one wing.
5. A CREATOR realizes that both love and hate, in order to be constructive, they must be directed in the proper channels and to do otherwise is destructive and suicidal.
6. A CREATOR therefore makes a careful distinction between his loved ones and his enemies. He loves, aids and abets those of his own race and his own kind, and he hates his enemies, namely Jews, niggers and the mud races.
7. A CREATOR is eager, optimistic, aggressive, energetic, and self-sacrificing for the best interests of his people.
8. A CREATOR strives to keep physically fit and keep his body in the best of health at all times.
9. A CREATOR is inquisitive, adventurous, and has a cheerful zest for living.
10. A CREATOR is tough, tenacious, resolute, persistent, persevering, indomitable and indefatigable as were the Ancient Romans.
11. A CREATOR is practical, down to earth and concentrates on those goals and activities that are meaningful and worthwhile.
12. A CREATOR is brave and courageous and always a proud credit to his people.
13. A CREATOR places a high value on ATTITUDE, strives continually to maintain a healthy, positive and dynamic attitude towards life.
15. A CREATOR is a Problem solver.

Rev. Adam Hansen of the Church of Creativity
Cropseyville NY 12052

Formerly World Church of the Creator, White Crusaders of the RaHoWa (an early form of the Creativity Alliance), and Church of the RaHoWa

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Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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