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Why Are People Afraid Of Facts About Jews?

Started by Ryan-NZ, Sun 10 Apr 2022

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The other day I talked to a familiar face around our neighborhood.  I simply mentioned 'Rothschild' in a conversation.  He just replied "well, I don't won't to get into that" and giggled.  He was obviously uncomfortable with the subject.  Believe in the Bible or not, it was written a very long time ago by people influenced no doubt by events and people around them.  The sad part is that nothing has changed and the Jew has been pardoned and in fact simply expelled over 1,000 times.  Not charged with child ritual murder say, but simply ostracized over and over again.  The Jew is cunning and smart and learned he can get away with anything (Did Epstein really commit suicide while two guards slept and two cameras failed?  After all, Israel welcomes pedophiles, murderers and perverts).

Admin Edit: "No one would speak favourably of White people for fear of the Jews."
-John 43AC

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Know there's a better thread somewhere to post this to, but it's always the same news when it comes to Jews.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


I couldn't resist this one...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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