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French Politician Who Demanded Mass Migration Beaten by ‘North African’ Men

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sun 24 Dec 2023

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France: Left-wing, pro-mass migration deputy mayor attacked by North Africans outside of her home

On Wednesday evening, Oriane Filhol, the deputy mayor to Mathieu Hanotin of the Socialist Party (PS) in Saint-Denis, France, was brutally attacked just meters from her home.

Filhol, a vocal critic of the government's proposed immigration bill, labeled the bill "shameful" and "disgusting." Returning from a work meeting, she was assaulted by a gang of North African men on her driveway around 9:30 p.m.

The attackers, described as having "North African" appearance with faces hidden behind surgical masks and hoods, violently punched Filhol in the face and body. Despite managing to escape temporarily and seek refuge at a friend's house, the assailants pursued her, delivering further blows before fleeing in a getaway vehicle, French media reported.

Filhol was subsequently taken to Saint-Denis Hospital for treatment and has since filed a police complaint. The Bobigny public prosecutor's office is leading the investigation, considering charges related to violence against a person entrusted with a public service mission.

No arrests have been made at the time of writing. The motives for the attack appear connected to Filhol's role as an elected official, according to a press release from Saint-Denis town hall. Various politicians, including Filhol's superior Mathieu Hanotin, expressed solidarity, organizing a rally in the town square to condemn the "unspeakable violence" on Friday at 6:30 p.m.
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Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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