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12 Months Prison For Wearing Fancy Dress Outfit - Welcome to Anti-White Britain

Started by JamesCostello, Sat 11 Jan 2014

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This lad is obviously a bit of a (christinsane?) nut, out to make a spectacle out of himself. Certainly he cannot be counted as a true White Racial Loyalist. But here is a typical example of White people in Britain being severely punished by the injustice system - a year in prison no less - simply for wearing a silly fancy dress outfit and carrying around a dark complexioned doll. Meanwhile, violent criminals and drug pushers are let off with community service and a small fine, if they are unlucky. Welcome to the multicultural 'wonderland' that is modern day Britain. :-/ 

Racist thug who made white supremacist salute while leaving court

Salute: Philips appeared to perform a 'white power'salute outside court
My Avatar:UK TV's Poldark:- "I would need to be desperate"

The Survival Of The White Race Is Here!


'You later travelled to another event where you were photographed and filmed dressed in the outfit, and hanging a life-sized golliwog.' ;D

Know what? I dearly miss the 1970's Brittish humour that was just the best sense of humour anybody could ever have! I find myself always going back to old 1970's Brittish Tv shows! What the hell happened? :(

The Price is Reich!

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Phillips is also an admirer of kiddy murdering, Jew and fag loving Breivik, as well as being severely deficient in his own right ... by our standards as well as by society's standards - He has aspergers and should have pleaded diminished capacity. We would have either ripped him into line or dispensed with him, but he has no stomach for White Racial Activism, and instead immersed himself in the Jewish dominated, faux White hobbyist scene. A scene that encourages White idiocy. A scene where those whom are least capable of understanding, suffer the most at the hands of an anti-White media and judicial system. See,7472.0.html for Reverend Cochran's excellent article on the topic of the deficient hobbyist amongst White Racial Loyalists.

... But anyway, despite his obvious deficiencies, Phillips should not have been charged, much less sentenced to prison. After all, what if the races were reversed - as often happens?

Quote from: Judge Warner'In our democracy people are allowed to hold extreme, bizarre and offensive views.

'Parliament has passed laws like this one, under which you have offended, not to prevent or inhibit dissemination of those views but to prevent the dissemination of material which is threatening or offensive and likely to stir up racial hatred.

'By your guilty plea you admit that was your intention.

Compare the following two news articles published mere minutes apart by the same mainstream media outlet:

PUBLISHED: 16:16 GMT, 8 January 2014
Racist thug who made white supremacist salute while leaving court

Salute: Philips appeared to perform a 'white power'salute outside court

PUBLISHED: 16:09 GMT, 8 January 2014
Violence breaks out as jury rules Mark Duggan was LAWFULLY killed by police marksman - but DIDN'T have a gun

Anger: Mark Duggan's aunt Carol makes a defiant gesture after telling outside the court

The difference? That race traitor with her fist in the air - giving a communist salute - is pro-Black. The violence outside the court was committed by Blacks. It was threatening and offensive and likely to stir up racial hatred. Where's the charges for them? Tell me: What's the difference between a costumed clown playing with his dolly and actual violence? And why one needs to be treated as a heinous crime and the other needs to be placated?

There's your answer: Read it, understand it and know that you have in your hands the blueprint for the extermination of the White Race by order of the United Nations.

There is only one solution ... WHITE REVOLUTION!


At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Judge Warner said:

'Parliament has passed laws like this one, under which you have offended, not to prevent or inhibit dissemination of those views but to prevent the dissemination of material which is threatening or offensive and likely to stir up racial hatred.

'By your guilty plea you admit that was your intention. "

Does this imply that if his plea had been "not guilty" they couldn't have prosecuted him?
Formerly a Reverend with the Premier Church of Creativity under Ben Klassen, PM.


No, if the lad had pleaded not guilty, they would have had to prove his guilt (which I am sure they would have) and given him a year or so longer behind bars. So maybe two or three years in prison for wearing a frock and carrying around his dolly. :-/

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