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National Socialist Network Members Punished for Self-Defence Against REDS

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Fri 27 Oct 2023

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Aboriginal domestic terrorists have combined with Palestinians in an attempt to seize control of Australian Parliament in Canberra, resulting in a parliamentary lock down. There are no reported arrests.

Meanwhile, Whites across Australia going about their business celebrating Australia Day have been threatened and physically attacked by police. Families that appeared to be too Patriotic while celebrating in parks and on beaches were ordered to pack up and go home. In Manly in Sydney, more than a hundred police with riot gear attacked a large number of White youths whom had gathered in order to have a good time, rather than participate in the government approved Anti-White Australia Rallies.

A group of White Patriots gathered to protect a statue in Sydney. The police moved them on after approximately seven minutes, with threats of arrest and imprisonment. Their names have been taken and added to the database as potential domestic terrorists.

While elsewhere in Sydney, a group of White Nationalists celebrating Australia day singing patriotic Australian songs had their train diverted and their leaders arrested for being Patriotic. Police have boasted that they confiscated Australian flags, which are now considered to be offensive weapons.

Police in Adelaide have in the past been known to set up Australia Day sting operations targeting White Patriots. It is as yet unknown if such operations have taken place this year.

NSW Premier Chris Minns has condemned a balaclava-clad neo-Nazi group who were kicked off a train in shocking Australia Day, scenes saying their actions do not represent how Australia Day should be celebrated

More than 70 members of extremist group the Nationalist Socialist Network were pulled off a train at North Sydney station after the hooded men got on at Artarmon station on Friday around 11.30am.

The group, led by Melbourne-based white supremacist leader Thomas Sewell, were seen wearing balaclavas and black sunglasses while others were seen brandishing Australian flags and one carried a riot shield.

They swarmed the platform as horrified passengers and families watched on before they boarded the last carriage of the train.

The train driver stopped the train at North Sydney station, four stops down the T1 North Sydney line just before midday when more than 20 police officers intercepted the train

All passengers were safely evacuated before officers detained the group of men on the train for three hours.

Six members of the group were arrested while 55 others were handed infringement notices for offensive behaviour on public transport.

Mr Minns slammed the group's actions and said it is not the way Australia Day is celebrated.

'Normal people don't celebrate Australia Day with a balaclava on,' he told The Daily Telegraph.'

'There is absolutely no tolerance for this behaviour.'

The group were understood to be attempting to stage a pro-white rally as thousands gathered across the CBD to take part in 'Invasion Day' protests. 

The group were later involved in a tense standoff with armed officers from the Public Order and Riot Squad after the group dressed in all-black clothing were led to St Peters Park near North Sydney station just before 3pm

Police read out a move-on order to the group before Sewell, a convicted criminal, went on a bizarre racist rant after he addressed the heavily armed officers about what the extremist group stood for.

'What we represent is white Australians that will not be brow beaten by homosexuals, and communists, and Jews...' he said.

'We stand tall as white Australians and celebrate our national day.'

Sewell, who was imprisoned for attacking a group of hikers in Victoria in 2021, told the newspaper that his white supremacist group should not have been arrested.

He said they were planning to stage a protest as they believed Australia Day was 'being destroyed' by 'anti-white communists'.

Sewell then went onto to insult police during his rant by telling them to go and get a 'trade' instead of being part of an oppressive state that he claimed was designed to 'serve anti-white [and] anti-Australian terrorists

:D  :ok

Investigations into yesterday's incident are ongoing and charges are expected to be laid.

Police will continue to have a strong presence over the long weekend as thousands braved close to 40 degree temperatures on Friday to mark the public holiday.

Millions of people across the nation celebrated, commemorated or protested on January 26, a day that marks the First Fleet arrival and raising of the Union Jack flag at Sydney Cove by Captain Arthur Phillip in 1788.

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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I left the following comment on YouTube:

Peacefully singing songs of Australiana and carrying an Australian flag on Australia Day? How dare they! If they'd been calling for the destruction of White Australia, vandalising statues, violently attacking innocent bystanders and attempting to smash their way into Parliament House in Canberra they would have been celebrated by mainstream media and politicians alike as heroic activists.

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Bans on Nazi symbolism will extend to white power salutes in NSW after a group of "ridiculous" racists mounted a series of demonstrations in Sydney.

Police broke up a series of neo-Nazi demonstrations on Sydney's north shore over the Australia Day weekend and thwarted plans for about 60 men to rally in the city centre

Premier Chris Minns on Monday credited police for a great job but flagged the law might need to be strengthened.

The Nazi salute is explicitly banned in some states, but the law is less clear in NSW.

A test case before the courts involving football fans is set to determine in April whether a law against Nazi symbolism extends to public salutes.

But should the prosecution case fail, the premier promised an explicit ban.

"I'll be looking at that case really closely," he told reporters on Monday.

"If that legal barrier isn't cleared, ...

we will move legislation to outlaw racist Nazi ideology and white power symbols"
That means any "symbols" deemed to represent WHITE PEOPLE!

Minns also ridiculed neo-Nazis who gathered in Sydney over the weekend as "morons" and "idiots" espousing a demented ideology, warning those who travelled from interstate that the police could unmask people.

Opposition Leader Mark Speakman said the images of neo-Nazis on Sydney's streets were "incredibly confronting" and had no place in modern Australia

But the former attorney-general was unsure if police powers for unmasking, used for driving and serious offences, extended to these gatherings.

"It's not clear here what the powers of the police are," he told Sydney radio 2GB.

"But I think in principle, if someone turns up in public dressed in a balaclava, they're looking for trouble and police should have the power to rip them off."
But not people wearing face coverings like Palestinian face scarves?

It comes as the federal government looks to introduce new religious discrimination laws in coming months.

The proposal would seek to protect people from hate speech and vilification based on their faith

Laws banning people from performing the Nazi salute in public or displaying symbols such as the swastika came into effect earlier in January.

The federal laws banning Nazi salutes came after similar state prohibition on the gesture in Tasmania and Victoria.

Passage of the legislation came following a rise in reports of anti-Semitism and the use of Nazi symbols by far-right groups.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Mon 29 Jan 2024

It comes as the federal government looks to introduce new religious discrimination laws in coming months.

The proposal would seek to protect people from hate speech and vilification based on their faith.

Passage of the legislation came following a rise in reports of anti-Semitism and the use of Nazi symbols by far-right groups.

They bring in religious vilification laws and I've already got a thousand complaints up my sleeve to use to protect CREATORS and CREATIVITY. You want to be a WHITE ACTIVIST in Australia? Be a CREATOR!
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Premier Chris Minns labelled the group as 'pathetic' and their behaviour as 'fascist' and 'ridiculous'.

'Those who are attempting to menace people in an anonymous way in NSW, the police have the ability to unmask you,' he said

'So, in front of your family, your friends, your employers, your co-workers, you will be exposed as a massive racist.'

The Premier has said he would be open to strengthening laws against 'White Power salutes'.

'We are looking at the laws and examining them to make sure that overt Nazi gestures and symbols are outlawed in New South Wales, and we'll make sure that the people of New South Wales are safe and we protect the tenants of our multicultural, harmonious community,' he said.

Yes! Don't scare Chindia away we need more petrol stations and convenience stores!

It is the third day in a row that a group of masked men wearing all back have gathered in Sydney.

At North Turramurra on Sydney's upper north shore on Saturday evening, the group's leader Thomas Sewell was given a public safety order extension, banning him from several parts of Sydney until midnight on Sunday.

'Police have served a 31-year-old man with a Public Safety Order extension, prohibiting him from entering a number of local government areas in Sydney until midnight (on Sunday),' NSW Police said in a statement.

'The order extension was served (on Saturday) evening at North Turramurra

If you wore an all black costume that makes you a racist?! If you celebrate Australia Day that looking like that you'll be exposed as a racist?!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


A federal senator is furious after a self-proclaimed neo-Nazi allegedly conned him into taking a selfie while he performed a deplorable gesture

Victorian senator Ralph Babet stood smiling and giving a thumbs-up next to Nathan Bull on Saturday, apparently oblivious to the man's partial salute below shoulder height

The 'highly active NSN (National Socialist Network) member' then posted the image to X with the caption 'Heil Ralph Babet, Heil our people'.

The United Australia Party senator, 40, has since distanced himself from the prominent neo-Nazi, claiming he had no knowledge of who Mr Bull was or was aware of the illegal gesture being made out of sight.

Senator Babet has since labelled all extremists as 'idiots'.

'They can all go get stuffed,' he told the Herald Sun.

'The far left and the far right are all a bunch of losers.

'I don't know who he is. I don't care who he is.'

'He told the Age: 'Hundreds of people per month ask for a photo with me everywhere I go.'

'Are you Ralph Babet?' 'Yes I am.' 'Can I have a photo?' 'OK, yeah sure.' That's the extent of it. 'See you later, bye.' '

Senator Babet added that Victoria Police can investigate Mr Bull's post 'if they want to'.

Victoria Police confirmed that it would review the new Mr Bull's post remained online early Monday morning.

The Nazi salute was banned across Victoria in November after a number of self-proclaimed neo-Nazi's performed the salute at rallies.

Anyone caught performing the in salute in public can face an up to $23,000 fine or a stint in jail as long as 12 months.

What a witch hunt the cops are going to perform here now!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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