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Re: NSW 'Nazi' Protest. Banned Swastika Actually Helps The Cause

Started by G.L.R., Sun 13 Oct 2024

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Nationalists chanting 'White man fight back' protest flooding of small town with foreign workers
"When they banned the brown shirt, the SA marched shirtless" - Adolf Hitler [the above picture was taken at Halls Gap, Victoria rally]
So my point being that you can't or shouldn't fight wars constantly on different fronts.  Like against the Jew-owned media.  And such as, against the Jew-led far left and their White supporters.  Against world Jewry and the UN, WEF, EU... The swastika is not what we are fighting for.  Our SURVIVAL is at stake.  The swastika is not what these young men came out for.  It proves my point.  Look at the picture below and ask yourself if the swastika is as important as the two White babies?  I have nothing against the symbol, except like the HOLOHOAX, the Jew has thoroughly brainwashed the public into believing anything they want, besides extracting $BILLIONS for Israel.  Let the symbol rest with the rest of history.  Look at the media description below they call an "uprising" and the gullible public responds.  The Jew actually loves the swastika for propaganda purposes, and when America's NSM for example, once changed the symbol, the media were dumbfounded and silenced.
"Neo-Nazi Uprising in NSW"

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


This guy and the careful language he used, may not be a member of anything, but many now believe that enough is enough.  I've noticed a lot of 'cautious' Whites are speaking out against ILLEGALS and their generous government handouts.  In the U.S. the plan is to import illegals and bribe them to vote for their far-left democrat benefactors.  Generous handouts even for criminals vs Trump's deportations?  It's 2020 cheating all over again.

A whole lot of places could use Californian deportation programs

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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