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U.N Nigger Law Implemented In NZ - We Didn't Vote For It

Started by Ryan-NZ, Sat 23 Apr 2022

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The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

 * Superseding the Rights of All New Zealanders
 * Annulling Rights for Whites

MSM: Indigenous peoples rights declaration moves to next stage

NZ Herald | 22 April 2022
Excerpt: Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson is urging like-minded New Zealanders to embrace - and not let scaremongering political rhetoric get in the way of - adopting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples blueprint.

Jackson said this was a special moment in our nationhood. The declaration adopted by John Key's government in 2010 but implemented only now by Labour sets out a broad range of rights and freedoms, including improving Māori outcomes.

The draft plan moved a step closer this week after completing consultation with Māori.

Jackson said 70 engagement workshops - mainly via video conferencing - included iwi, hapū, tāngata whaikaha Māori (disability community), rangatahi, and Maori health, education, and environmental interest groups.

The declaration draft will be written in partnership with the National Iwi Chairs Forum's Pou Tikanga and the Human Rights Commission over the next couple of months. That document will then be shared for public consultation later this year.

"Working in partnership on a declaration plan that strives for a more equitable reality for all whānau and communities is an important kaupapa, which I believe New Zealanders will be proud to be a part of.

"All my life, I have sought to work with anyone and everyone to advance the interests of all Māori and all working-class people because when Māori and working-class people succeed in New Zealand, then New Zealand succeeds."

What do Maori mean when they refer to White New Zealanders as Pakeha?

Most Maori words are descriptive, and made up of smaller words to create a 'full description'
Pa - death, afterlife
Ke - foreign, different
Ha - taste
So one could not be faulted for believing that the word Pakeha refers to dead strangers that can be eaten....
This is where the derogatory nature comes in. White people are just a food source for the Maori; just like the White Pigs also called Pakeha.

What? No Rights for Whites?

The intent of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is for it to supersede all current Human Rights Laws in nations consisting of White and Indigenous peoples. White people - that is people Indigenous to Europe - are excluded from this treaty, and their lands and lives are forfeit.

Don't like that? Well, what are you going to do about, Whitey?

Join the Church of Creativity for a Whiter & Brighter World

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